Jasmine smirked as she adjusted our sons clothing. I glared, "you had to make me agree to this. This is a lot of work and most is nonsense."

She gave me a curtsy, "yes your grace."

I growled as Melody and Ash giggled and Jewel patted my shoulder. I sighed and bent to finish the court papers from my new duchy. I looked up when Tami knocked and opened the door. She grinned, "morning your grace."

Jasmine laughed as she pulled and pushed the children towards the front of the house and her waiting mother. I looked at Tami, "what do you want?"

Daniel had recently married a lovely merchant woman so Tami was on her own. She smiled as she crossed to look at what I was doing, "I have a job and thought you might want to help."

I sat back, "why me?"

She grinned, "it is that crooked merchant ship captain."

I smiled, "now you have my attention. He just sold plague clothes to one of the king’s shelters."

She nodded, "and does not have a warehouse or office."

I nodded, "he stays on one of his ships so he does not have to pay the custom tax."

She leaned against the table, "I heard he only has a few deck hands on the ship he is living on."

I glanced out the kitchen window, "you thinking of trying to steal his money while he is aboard and asleep?"

She grinned, "I got a pound of sleeping maggies and ground them into a fine powder."

I grinned and looked at the papers on the table before pushing back and standing, "lets go take a look."

I glanced at the drakes as they flew into the room and Tami grinned and caught one. The rest went out the kitchen window and up into the air. I walked around the house and nodded to all the neighbors as the children splashed and played in the basins. Just a couple of days before a strange summer storm had appeared to only rain on the statues and filled the basins.

Tami kept looking at me and petting the drake she held while walking. I sighed, "ask."

She grinned, "when are you moving out to your duchy?"

I growled, "I like my house."

She laughed and bumped my shoulder, "you know the city thieves have began to come by? They drop a coin in each basin before asking your blessing on whatever job they are planning."

I looked at her and snorted, "that is silly."

She smiled and lifted the drake to her shoulder, "but true. They are saying you are our patron saint."

I shook my head and snorted again and she laughed. When we reached the docks I leaned against a building and looked out onto the pier. At the end was the ship with merchant Dickings. I grinned and glanced around before looking at Tami, "go to the left and out to the end of the other pier. Take the skiff to the back of the merchant’s ship."

She looked at me with wide eyes and I grinned and nodded to his ship, "he is on deck with his guards and a few merchants. Slip in and sprinkle the sleeping maggie powder on his pillow and bed and leave."

She grinned and turned to slip into a crowd of sailors and vanished. I did not see her until she was almost to the end of the other pier and the skiff. The drakes shadowed her and hid while she took the skiff and quietly rowed across to the back of the large ship. I watched the group on deck while she slipped in and then she was back and rowing away.

She grinned as she swagger towards me and I chuckled, "lets go eat and find someplace to wait."

I sent one of the drakes home with a note for Jasmine and grinned when I got it back with another note that only said, "I am pregnant."

Tami laughed and bumped my shoulder as I tucked the note away, "it will be another girl."

I stuck my tongue out, "careful or you will be cursed to only have girls."

She grinned and we walked back to the docks. Once it grew dark we slipped out onto the pier with the skiff. We sat and watched the ship with a lantern lighting the merchant’s room. Finally the lantern went out and we waited another half hour before rowing to the back of the ship. Tami stood and peeked in the window before silently slipping in.

She appeared a few moments later and whispered, "the chest is to heavy."

I sighed, "find something to use as bags or pouches."

She nodded and disappeared while I looked at the railing for the deck. She was back a couple of minutes later and handed out two silk bags. I set the bags in the bottom of the skiff and she was back a moment later with more. After a couple of dozen she climbed out and we rowed away and back to the other pier.

I helped her carry the bags away as we went to the Grinning Cat. She set the bags on the table and grinned, "want your share?"

I smiled as I opened a bag and looked at the silver coins, "what are you going to do with the rest. She laughed as she gestured to Teresa, "I have a few people coming."

I looked at her before sitting to wait, "what people?"

She grinned and pet the drake as it landed on her and chirped. I looked at the hand and mine snapped out and grabbed her wrist. She hissed as I turned her hand and pulled it closer to look at it. I let it go and gestured, "let me see the other one."

She held it out and I growled as I stood, "time to go visit doctor Malcom."

He was a new doctor in the city but everyone said he was very good."

Tami stood, "why?"

I began collecting the silk bags, "because the coins were coated with a poison."

By the time we reached the doctor’s house her hands were blistered and she was shaking. He pulled her to a basin and used a clear alcohol to wash her hands and arms before stripping her and putting her in a bed. It was not long before she was constantly shaking and had a high fever. I set the pouches beside the bed and walked out.

I headed back to the dock and used the skiff to cross to the merchant’s ship. He was still asleep when I climbed in the window. I had covered my mouth and nose and looked in the chest the silver coins had been in. I began a careful search and looked above the bed when I found the jars labeled with plagues.

I unlocked his door and slipped out to search the ship. I only found two guards and both were asleep. I sprinkled sleeping maggie powder on both before returning to Dickings. I lit a lantern and tied his feet and then his hands before I pulled him out of bed. I used his wash basin and dunked his face several times before he woke.
I slapped his face as I squatted beside him, "what are you doing with poisons and plagues?"

He cursed me and I pulled my dagger and caught his hands. I put them flat on the floor and used the pommel to strike the fingers and break the bones. I stopped and let him go, "what are you doing with the plagues?"

He was crying and shook his head so I reached for his hands. He struggled, "the Ashgar paid me to start a plague here!"

I looked at him, "you would not unless you had the cure. Where is it?"

He shook his head and I flipped the dagger and brought it down and into his leg. He screamed and twisted, "under the bed!"

I yanked the dagger out and moved to the bed and checked it carefully. I saw the needle trap and glanced at him before picking the lock and bypassing it trap. I shifted and moved to one end of the bed before lifting it. The viper inside hissed as it coiled and I smiled before flipping my dagger and then throwing.

It pinned the serpent to the bottom and I held the bed up. Besides several vials of a clear liquid there were a half dozen small pouches. I opened one to see large cut rubies, another had large cut emeralds and I looked at the rest before taking them. I checked the cures and moved back to Dickings, "which is for the poison on the silver coins?"

He glared and I smiled and pulled another dagger and sliced open his shoulder. He screamed and jerked back before telling me what I wanted to know. I struck before he knew it was coming and twisted the blade before I yanked the dagger out of his heart. I walked out and to the hold before using an lamp oil and starting the ship on fire.

I went on deck and removed the mooring ropes before returning to the cabin and smashing the lantern. I grabbed the jars of powder and pulled the dagger out of the viper before leaving and using the skiff to cross to the other pier. I moved quickly as I trotted through the streets and back to doctor Malcom’s.

I looked at Tami and gave the small vial to the doctor. After he gave her what he considered a dose I continue to wait and put the small pouches of gems with the bags of silver. He finally shook me and sent me away. I was thinking of the Ashgar as I headed towards the nobles estates. They were a belligerent people to the south of the empire.

The emissary’s estate was not even guarded and the few magic strands only covered windows. The drakes flew around as Jewel chirped and pointed towards the servants entrance. I walked to the gate and checked the latch and pulled a dagger. In the faint light from the moon I saw a smear on the edge of the blade when I scraped the latch.

I used the blade to open the latch and pushed the gate open. I closed it silently before heading across to the side door. I checked it before picking the lock and opening the door. As I moved through the building I heard men snoring in the entrance hall. I climbed the servant stairs to the second floor and glanced down the hall at the two guards.

They were both sitting in chairs on each side of the master suite door but asleep. I walked down the hall and sprinkled the last of the sleeping maggie powder on each. I waited before checking the door and then picking the lock. I started to open the door and stopped at the tiny hint of something against the door.

I looked at Jewel as she dropped to the floor and went to squeeze through and into the room. A couple of moments and she peeked out and nodded. I pushed again and the door opened quietly and when I looked behind it I found the tiny bells against the wall. I grinned and looked towards the bed and the sleeping emissary.

A woman was asleep beside him but she had bruises and did not look to good. I moved to the bed and looked at the man before pulling out the jars of powder. I checked the bed before taking his dagger and reaching for the man’s jaw. I grabbed him and he jerked but I had his mouth open and began pouring the powder into his mouth.

I kept it up while he struggled and gagged and tried to yell. When the jar was empty I opened another and started pouring it. After the last one I slapped him and ignored the woman sitting up and clutching the blankets, "I hate cowards."

I pulled his dagger and plunged it into his chest. I walked around the bed as he spasmed and pulled the women off. I wrapped the blanket around her and she kept looking at me as if I were going to kill her. I lifted her to my shoulder and went to open the window. I spilled the lamp oil on the bed before using a match to light it.

I carried the woman out with me the way I had come in. The sun was just beginning to rise when I reached the doctor. He took one look at the woman before directing me to another room and bed. I made sure he had the cures before going to check Tami. She smiled at me weakly when I sat beside the bed, "if it is not saint Sinclair."

I growled, "I was not such good luck for you."

She glanced at the door, "I do not know, the doctor looks real cute."

I glanced back and grinned before I stood, "boil the bags and pouches before you try to touch your loot."

She nodded, "twice."

Chapter Twenty Six

Stealing for the king

It was late summer and I had just finished the new budget for the duchy. I think the people living and working on it were going to be very happy with what I had come up with. I was in the garden fair helping move the god statues. They seemed very satisfied with the new location since there were a lot more people and they were under the protection of roofs.

Even most of the phoenixes had moved to the large special nest boxes I had made. They were happy here and tended to sing which made the people stop to watch and listen. I had added more basins of water for people to wade in and cool off. Silver and Jasmine had also managed to create fountains that sprinkled water out and onto people or the animate plants.

Tami and doctor Malcom were walking around holding hands. I was sitting on a bench watching Jasmine in a basin with our sons. Melody and Ash were with Gloria and Silver a few basins away. They had a small crowd of other girls they were playing with. I glanced at the king when he sat, "playing hooky?"

He grinned and nodded to his wife and son crossing to an area where a few dozen animated stuffed animals played, "Edmond assured me you had placed safeguards to keep the children safe."

I nodded, "beside all the stuffed animals watching there are the statues walking around and a few hundred mage creatures. The gargoyle also brought another dozen from somewhere and they all are extremely protective of the children."

I gestured to one of the god statues which had became a lot more animated since being here, "plus the god statues who tend to be very good at protecting children."

I looked at him, "harming a child here would be a very bad idea."

He grinned and then chuckled and relaxed. It was a minute before he looked at me, "I wanted to speak to you."

He was blushing and I raised an eyebrow, "about?"

He looked around before leaning closer, "beside your duchy is the lands of earl McBannon. He has two barons, Kestrel and Shannon. For the last few years he has claimed poverty and has not been able to pay my taxes. His books have been checked and support his story."

I looked at him, "but you think he has altered the books."

He sighed, "I just found out that the three of them with two mages have been buying and selling merchandise out of the kingdom in the imperial capital. From the few things I have heard they have been using what they heard at court."

He looked at me, "they are once more taking a trip to the imperial capital."

I snorted and then grinned, "you want me to remove their funds."

He nodded, "and find any evidence he has lied to me about the taxes."

I was looking at Tami who had caught one of the drakes and was petting it. I grinned, "if I find what you want what are you going to do?"

He snorted, "take their patients and put them in debtors prison."

I smiled and looked at him, "if I do it I want payment."

He sighed, "how much?"

I nodded to Tami and the doctor who was playing with a dozen children, "see the girl?"

He looked and nodded, "one of your apprentices?"

I looked at him, "if I succeed you give her the earl’s lands and his patient."

He grinned and then laughed and stood, "deal."

I watched him join his wife and stood and went to kneel beside the basin Jasmine was splashing around in, "I need to go."

She grinned and splashed me, "you finished all your work remember?"

I caught Michael and turned him to crawl back to his mother, "this is for someone else."

She sighed, "one of theses days someone will catch you."

I grinned, "but not today and I plan to retire before they do."

She smiled, "tomorrow is your day with the children."

I laughed as I stood, "I will make sure I wear protection."

I left and headed to see a man that had become the new fence for most of the thieves in the city. I glanced at Jewel when she landed on my shoulder, "not staying with the children?"

She rubbed against my neck and I reached up to give her a caress. I walked into the shop and a man glanced at me from behind a counter and gestured another away as he smiled, "I was wondering if I would ever meet you."

I smiled and crossed to the counter and pulled out a gold coin and held it up. I set it on the counter, "what can you tell me about earl McBannon or barons Kestrel and Shannon?"

He frowned and looked up as he thought before grinning, "earl McBannon is headed to the imperial capital. The two barons are bullies and tend to hung around as if waiting for his scraps. The earl also has two mages that seem a little to cruel not to be dark."

I nodded, "how is the earl traveling and from where?"

He glanced at the other man before sweeping the gold coin off the counter, "you thinking of robbing him?"

I looked at him and he blushed before gesturing me to the side as the other man closed the door, "he leased a warehouse for a month. He brought in three wagons that were very heavy and two fancy carriages."

He looked back and leaned over the counter, "he has two dozen armed guards that are traveling with him. They leave the day after tomorrow."

I nodded, "any idea what is in the wagons?"

He shook his head and I pulled out another gold coin, "thanks."

He smiled as I started for the door. I headed to a apothecary and bought a few things before going home. I left after grabbing my pack and crossed the city which seemed a lot more crowded. I was very careful when I reached the warehouse and slowly made my way around it. The guards were outside the main doors with all the horses on a picket line.

I watched them before moving through the shadows as I moved closer. It was growing dark when I pulled a tiny leaf pouch. I untied it before holding it up and whispering, "drop this in the supper pot."

Jewel grabbed the pouch and seemed to weight it before leaping into the air. I knelt and picked up a rock and tossed it away and to the side. When it struck the guards turned to look and Jewel dove and let the pouch go before flying away. I held still until the guards relaxed and moved back into the shadows.

Every few minutes two men would stand and begin to walk around the building. It was an hour after they had eaten before they each nodded off. I moved into their camp and checked them before moving them to the side. I picked the lock on the large warehouse doors and pulled them open.

I stopped when I saw the magic strands crisscrossing the floor and moving through the air. The strands blocked this end and the door and I began moving them aside and pushing them up a wall. When I finished and went to check the wagons and smiled at the magic strands on the wheels.

It took several minutes to move the strands and finish checking the wagons before going out to get the horses. I harnessed one wagon and took it out and down the street and into an alley before returning. When I was done I had all three wagons and tied them together before returning to the warehouse.

One glance in the carriages and I knew one belonged to the mages. I opened the door into the other and glanced at everything including a small chest hidden under the back seat. I lifted it out and checked it before disarming a poison needle trap. I picked the lock and opened the chest to see a thick ledger on top and fancy jewelry below it.

I opened the ledger and began reading before closing it and carrying everything out. I walked the three wagons through the streets in short relays until I reached the shop of the fence. The guard peeked out door and turned to speak to someone before the fence walked out. I set the small chest down and slipped the ledger into my shirt.

I climbed into the first wagon and pulled the tarp back and looked at the four large chests. I picked the lock on the first as the fence climbed up and I lifted the lid. I stared at the chest full of copper coins and frowned as I reached in and shifted some around. The fence snorted, "what the hell was he going to do with worthless coppers?"

I smiled, "he was being very smart."

He looked at me and I grinned, "how many coppers do you think are in this chest?"

He shrugged, "thousands."

I nodded, "and how many coppers make a silver or gold piece?"

The fence looked at the chest and I pointed to the others in the wagon, "three wagons with four large chests filled with coppers in each?"

He grinned and I shook my head, "what makes it more valuable in the imperial capital is the numbers. If he took them from there they will have a shortage and be worth more."

He looked at me and I went to each chest and picked the lock. I had been right, three wagon, each with four large chests of copper coins. I jumped down and lifted the small chest, "you can have the wagons taken to the capital and spilt it with me."

I handed him the small chest, "fence these and send my money to the garden fair."

He grinned, "want me to pay the taxes too?"
I laughed as I walked away, "yes."

I groaned as Ash jumped on me to wake me up and growled as I twisted and began tickling her. The cats moved off the bed and looked back as they walked out but the drakes and Jewel hopped and jumped around on the bed while watching. I looked at the door when Jasmine cleared her throat, "Melody is downstairs and the boys are in their walker."

I smiled and moved out of bed, "not even going to let me wash and dress before abandoning the children?"

She smiled, "you have a quarter of a candle mark before I leave."

I had Ash on my shoulders a bag in each hand and Melody directing the wagon that was the boys walker with Major pulling it. The garden fair vendors were just setting up as the stuffed animals came out of the manor. The plant creatures were slowly working their roots out of the soil as the animated statues began making their rounds.

I set up and let Melody and Ash play beside the basin of the statue of Banster. Who tended to watch over any and all children with a tender eye. I set up the boys play area pen and lifted them out of their walker and set them down. I glanced at the three cats when they appeared and jumped over and into the pen.

It was barely an hour before families began to arrive and the fair became busy. I was watching intently as magic spun off Banster and created a colorful illusion for several young mage children who watched and tried to copy him. I shook my head as they laughed and giggled and turned to watch the boys.

I shifted and frowned as William began to lift and float before moving to bend over and reach into the pen. I shook him and he giggled as he seemed to lift higher, "you should not be able to do this yet."

A mage I did not know sat on the bench I had moved from, "charming children."

I glanced at him before looking around, another mage stood a little distance away. I reached into my shirt and touched the amulet, "Jasmine."

The mage shook his head, "I am afraid she will not hear you."

I let my son go as the three cats stood and turned, "oh?"

He smiled and began to gesture, "we did not..."

The dagger I pulled sliced across his throat as I pulled another while coming to my feet. I threw it as the other mage gestured and an explosion of flames spread out in front of him before he staggered. He clutched the dagger in his chest as flames erupted from it. I turned to the other who was holding his throat and shoved the dagger I held through his eye.
He stiffened and began jerking as he fell. Statues and guards were running towards me as my sons screamed and cried and Melody and Ash turned with huge eyes. I looked at the cats in the pen, "protect the boys."

I looked at the first statue to arrive, "call Silver and guard my children and get the bodies out of here."

I started walking towards the entrance as all the phoenixes and animated mage creatures swirled into the air. Jewel and the drakes flew ahead of me. When I reached the entrance the king and queen were just arriving. I slowed and pulled the ledger out and gave it to him, "you will not need the prison."

I continued to walk and headed across the city. I knew where earl McBannon would be just as I knew where he would have Jasmine. The men around the warehouse stared at me when I got there and one moved out to stop me. I shifted and sliced and he fell grasping his throat. I did not even slow, "get in my way and you are dead."

The men looked at each other as I shoved the doors open and stepped into the warehouse. The earl and two barons were beside one of the carriages and I started walking, "where is my wife?"

The earl sneered, "busy. Where is my money?"

I reached him and snapped a kick out and into his groin. I grabbed his hair as he folded and yanked him up before I shoved the dagger I still held through his eye. I pulled it out and started for the closer of the two barons as their faces went white. They were fumbling to pull daggers as I stabbed one in the gut and yanked the blade up.

I turned and caught the other’s hand as his dagger came out of the sheath and twisted it before I shoved it into him. I jabbed into his throat and turned to kick the baron on the ground screaming. The warehouse went silent and I heard Jewel chirp from the mages carriages. I glanced back as I crossed to it and looked in.

I hissed when I saw Jasmine wrapped in strands of magic and struggling. I followed the strands to a huge crystal and looked at it carefully. I moved to the door and followed the magic strands before I began to move them. I heard fighting outside as I slowly cleared the door and opened it.

I ignored Jasmine and her silent scream as I began moving strands. It took several minutes to reach the huge crystal. I cleared all but the strands going from the crystal to my wife. I pulled a silk kerchief and used it to lift the crystal and slowly move it closer to Jasmine. She struggled and fought harder as it came closer.

He face was pale as I reached between strands to touch the ring I had given her. Her eyes snapped to me as her red crystal staff appeared in her hand. I smiled and slowly moved the crystal I held to the staff. Time seemed to freeze when they touched and then the crystal I held shattered and Jasmine flung herself on me.

I held her and slowly backed out of the carriage. I glanced at the door and blinked at all the people, most still held naked swords. The statue of Banster bowed and gestured and I shifted before I lifted Jasmine into my arms, "we need to get back to the garden fair before the children decide everyone needs pink beards."

Jasmine giggled as she clung to me, "it is still your day to watch them."

I smiled, "only if you are with me."

She sighed, "you need to retire."

The crowd parted and let us through and I started walking back through the city, "this was the last time."

Several mages were with the children. Silver was in the play pen with the boys and Jasmine shook her head at his blue beard. Ash and Melody run to us out of the crowd of stuffed creatures. I glanced at the king and queen when they stood from where the girls had come from. He smiled before turning to Tami and her doctor, "I told you countess."

Tami nodded as she held doctor Malcom’s hand and then frowned and looked at the king, "what did you call me?"

The end

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