Looking outside

The lights go out
"Ah... dammit... At least I saved my work"
You curse the weather
It was a thunderstorm, it managed to cause a power outage
"Well... since you're free now, why don't you join me?"
Kronii was sitting in front of the window, drinking tea
You get up and walk to her
"Oh, I made some jasmine tea. I left the kettle downstairs... Could you bring that here?"
You go down and bring the kettle and a cup, she pours you some
Smelling it took your mind off of work
"Pretty calming, right?", Kronii tells you
"Yeah, thanks"
You look outside together
The sound of the rain is soothing but the thunder keeps you awake
"You like storms, huh"
"Eh... beats staring at nothing", she shrugs
"You see anything interesting?"
"Mmm... Over there"
She points at the park
"The storm caught some kids by surprise, they ran like hell. Their faces looked so funny"
She giggles to herself
"And... there"
She points to some trees near the park
You see crows grouped up
"I'm pretty sure Crownii is over there..." she says
She's still very attached to the crow she took care of
"Hmmm... I think I see a necklace"
"Yeah, I thought so too"
She sounds a bit worried
"Crownii's a trooper, he'll be fine", you reassure her
She smiles
"Aaaaannd that way"
She points to a road
"I think I saw a couple dancing in the rain"
Just as she says that, lightning strikes near there
"Wanna go dance?"
"Absolutely not, babe"
Kronii spends more time telling you what she's seen, you listen intently
Rain and thunder keep falling down, guess the power won't be up for another while
"Oooh, wanna play a game?"
Kronii sounds excited
"Sure, hit me"
She lightly punches you in the shoulder and laughs
"...I mean tell me the game"
"Heh heh... We have to guess where the lightning will strike next"
"Just pointing to a general area?" you ask
"Yeah, or saying it"
"Anything for winning?"
"Hmmmm... The loser has to do one thing the winner says"
"Alright, I'll play... then it's gonna hit way over there"
You point to some hills, you saw lightning strike over there
"Then, I pick the park"
She sounds confident
You wait for a little while, continuing your chat
It hit the park
"Woooo! That's one for me"
"Okay that's just luck.... Uhhh it'll hit that road"
You choose the street you drive to get to work
"I'll pick... the church"
It does have a lightning rod for some reason
And sure enough, it hits exactly that
"Heheheheh... I might as well start thinking of your punishment"
"We'll see... I'm picking near the lake"
You start getting suspicious, what's she doing?
"This time... It's gonna stay in the sky"
A cloud flash appears
"That's three for three!"
She's really happy, she's probably planning on torturing you with something
That's when it hits you
"What's up, loser?"
"Have you been looking into the future...?"
Her smile goes away
She starts pouting
She bumps into you
"...Don't ruin the magic, dummy"
You almost scold her but she's being way too cute right now
"Okay putting aside the game, I did have a good time thanks to you... So I'll take the punishment"
The pout turns back into a smile
"You suuuuuure?"
She pauses to look at you
"Even if the power comes back on, can you stay with me?"
"Of course"
Just as you reply, the power comes back
Guess she also knew that
"But since it's getting chilly, gimme a sec"
You get up to find a blanket
When you come back, Kronii has already poured you another cup of tea
You move your seat closer to hers and sit back down
You lay the blanket over the both of you
Kronii takes the chance and snuggles up to you
You were planning on continuing your work as soon as the power came back
But spending the rest of the day with her is a million times better

t. Nameronii
Source for the art

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Pub: 24 Nov 2021 05:47 UTC
Views: 788