This was a bad idea
He had been out for a late-night walk to clear his head when he first heard her crying out
Picking up his pace, he jogged up to the corner, then peaked around the edge of the building there
a dozen or so feet ahead of him, he saw three men, one of whom was pinning a woman up against a wall
At first, Anon didn’t know if he should step in, but when she screamed for help again, he acted
Running around the corner, he dashed forwards, the sound of his shoes slapping on the ground drawing the attention of the group
The closest guy got a haymaker to the face, knocking him on his ass
Keeping his momentum up, he spun around, driving a kick into the second guy, sending him stumbling back
The one holding the girl, as well as said victim, stared at him, dumbfounded by the sudden assault on the previously thought-unassailable trio
Using that moment of confusion, Anon grabbed the third and final mugger-to-be, shoving him away from the girl
She looked at Anon for a moment, emotions welling up inside her, before he told her to run
She decided to take his advice
The third guy, who he’d shoved, came back with a wild swing
Ducking under it, Anon tripped him, knocking him on his ass, which gave Anon just enough time to spin around and block a punch that the second guy, the one he'd kicked, threw
He wasn't able to block or dodge the punch to the back of his head though, staggering Anon long enough for them to shove him over
He got his arms up, but with three guys stomping on him, it was only a matter of time before one of them got a lucky kick in
As the world turned to darkness and pain, he comforted himself with the fact that the girl had gotten away
Then, everything went dark, and he was falling

And then there was light.

>Gods damn them, how long had these Brigands been waiting?
>Could they have mistaken her carriage for a merchant's? No, it bore her noble crest
>An assassination attempt? Or perhaps this was simply meant to intimidate her and her already dwindling military force
>It hardly mattered now, thought the woman inside the carriage, watching as her guards attempted to fight the larger men off
>Drawing her ornate sword from it's scabbard, she waited, weapon held at the ready
>She only cried out when she saw one of her guards get slashed across the back, blood seeping through his armor quickly

The light grew brighter and brighter, a single drop growing rapidly into a pool
And he fell further, light and warmth wrapping around him, encompassing his battered form
He wondered how long he'd have to fall before he came to a stop, or was this what his life was to be from here on out?
He got his answer as he slowed to a stop, then dropped a few inches, landing on what felt like damp grass and dirt.
Groaning, he slowly shifted, gently rolling on to his side to avoid hurting himself any more than he already was
Pushing his body up, he steadied, and looked around, one eye squinting in the bright sunlight, his other eye swollen shut, and turning a deep purple
Wait, sunlight? It had been night time only a moment ago before he'd started falling
How long had he been out for?
Not only that, but what was with all the greenery? Had they dumped him in the park?
Ugh, his, well, everything, hurt
He staggered along for a few minutes, and with each minute and tree that passed, he grew more confused
The park had never been this large and overgrown
Where were the paths? The Flowerbeds? Hell, where was anyone walking their dogs?
It seemed so...empty
When he found the dirt road, he could have lept for joy
Then again, it just raised more questions, like why was this here?
He didn't get long to ponder it, though, his head throbbing again
Fuck his head hurt
That was when he heard a woman cry out
Jerking his head up, he looked to one side, and then the other, his blurry vision not letting him focus, but he could see...something
Was that a carriage?
Whatever, it doesn't matter
His staggering walk soon turned into a stumbling jog, then into a wavering dash as he closed the distance between himself and the blurry figures assaulting the carriage
In the back of his head he registed someone on the ground, covered in red, and he could see one of the dark figures reaching into the carriage
There was another cry
Gritting his teeth, he turned, slamming into one of the dark figures' side, knocking them both two the ground
He was getting up when he was forcibly reaquainted with an old friend
The underside of a boot
Vision swirling, he fell back again
The last thing he saw before darkness stole him from the light again was a feminine figure in colorful, but deep, clothing, moving from inside the carriage towards him
Trying to focus on what she was saying, a glint of light off her sword made him squint, and when he opened his eye one last time, he saw large ears on her head, and rustling wings on her arms

What the hell...

Then the light was gone.

>The next time he opened his eyes, he was laying somewhere soft, warm, and dim
>After his last two times being awake, he strongly considered going back to bed
>Still, he was hardly going to figure out where he was by dozing, and on top of that, it would make him feel better to be moving
>And so, the process repeated itself
>This time, however, he was greeted with a 'familiar' face
>It took his head half a second to register the fact that there was a face right in front of him, and not a human one either, before he flailed
Holy shit what the fuck?!
>Falling backwards out of the bed, he landed on the floor, pain flaring in his back
>He ignored it, though, pushing himself back, and up, on to his feet when he had put a wall behind him
>What the absolute fuck was going on here?
>Across the room, standing on the other side of the bed, was a woman, but not like any he'd ever known before
>The shared features were the figure, mostly. Decidedly feminine, soft and smooth, looking almost toned, from what Anon could make out
>Her arms had a little mass to them, and her legs looked perfect for sleeping on, or getting wrapped around your head
>Her hands were where the similarities between women as he knew them, and this...thing began
>Firstly, of what he could see of her, she was furry, warm-looking hair coating her wherever her clothes did not
>Her hands were attached to wings that connected between them her arms, and her body, thin membrane folding and spreading when she spoke
>She had an...oddly cute face, a rounded nose atop her muzzle wiggling while her tall, semi-pointed ears did the same
>Her clothing was a mixture of soft fabrics, some areas looking more padded than others, deep purples and crimsons adorning her
>Still, now was hardly the time or the place to be checking out some bizarre...bat person, even if she w𝘢s pretty cute. He had to find out what had happened to him!
>As such, he decided to just be forwards
What's going on here, who are you?

He could talk
By the Gods above, he could talk!
She looked back over at him, dumbfounded
She had nearly been certain he'd muttered something back during the attack right after his tackle had given her guards enough time to drive the Brigands off
But now she knew it was true
...'How' was he talking?

"What 'are' you?"

She asked

I'm...a human. What the hell are you?

He threw it back at her, and it was her turn to look at the bizarre creature across the room with confusion

"I'm Lady Bryce. This is my land."

Another confused look from the human, though she could hardly blame them. She'd never known, or even heard, of humans being able to speak, much less think as she or most others could
The thought of his being a demon of some sort ran through her mind, but she pushed it away. She'd believe him, for now

"I have...questions for you. May we?"

She watched him slowly nod, looking no less confused and worried, but at least he seemed receptive to the idea

Alright, 'cause I do too.
"That seems acceptable to me. Firstly, how are you able to speak our language, or speak at all?"
I learned it as I grew up. How did you?
"The same, though, I have to wonder where you grew up. Are there other intelligent Humans out there?"
Yeah, about seven billion of us.
"Seven...Billion? I don't even know...that's impossible. Even if that were true, you would have been discovered before now with such size."
Discovered? What the hell are you going on about?
"Here, take a look at this."

She said, gesturing to him to follow her over to a large window overlooking some of her property
He took his time before he moved closer, still wary of her
Eventually he did make it to the window, and was startled by the sight on the other side

>There was no way this was real
>This was...impossible, to say the least
>Looking out over the garden, he saw at least five people who resembled Bryce in a way, each one sporting fur and wings and long ears and more
>Not only that, but the side of the building he was in, as well as the outfits every one of these...people were wearing, it was all highly medieval
>Was he dreaming? Had he gotten brain damage during the fight?
>Well, with how much it hurt to move, he tossed the dream option in the mental trashcan
>Fuck it, he was going back to bed. Maybe the world would make more sense when he woke up
>With that in mind, he staggered away from the window and collapsed down onto his back
>Soon enough, he was slipping back to sleep
>Before his eye shut again, he saw her leaning over the bed, looking down at him with a small smile on her face
"Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you~"

The next few days continued along this trend
Wake up, eat, talk, and then sleep
Bit by bit, anon learned more about this world, and the more he learned, the harder it came to believe he was actually here
A world where humans had never evolved past being bright animals, and not only that, but a world set in medieval times
That explained the sword and the padded cloth-looking armor, as well as the armed guards he'd seen patrolling from out the window.
On top of all that, it seemed Like most of the intelligent races here had evolved from animals like wolves, cats, bears, and, of course, bats
The bad part of all this, though, was the fact that two of the things Bryce didn't know was how he had gotten here, and how to get back
For the moment, until he learned more from Bryce as well as from others, he was stuck here
That was when she'd made him the offer

"Be my pet."
What the hell are you talking about?
"Please, hear me out. You're a stranger in this world, and you're in need of a guide to help show, and explain, it to you."
Sure, but what does that have to do with me being your pet?
"Humans in my world typically have two purposes. The first, and I think crueler, is manual labor. They can grow very strong, and given their cleverness and similarity to us, they can complete many tasks we set out for them. The second use, is as pets."
>She fidgeted as she spoke about this next part, clearly a little embarrassed to explain it to, as she saw it, a pet that could speak
"Many people find humans to be quite friendly and loving, and I know some find them quite, well, comforting, to hold. On top of that, given how quick they are, they can often aid in small tasks. That is partially why I would like you to be mine."
Alright, I think I follow, to a degree. So you, basically, want me to be your pet since it's the, what, expected thing to do here?
"To a degree, yes. You can leave, but I will warn you that you may be seen as a demon or trickster of sorts. Many people already hold we Bats in low regard due to their misguided beliefs, and so I fear that a talking human emerging from our midst might draw people to hurt, if not kill, you."
>She looked into his eyes, and smiled at him
"You helped to save my men and me, and I'd hate for someone as kind as you to be hurt when I could have helped you. I know it may seem slightly demeaning, but I promise I'll try and help you."
>With that said, she reached one small, delicate-looking hand out towards Anon, still smiling at him from her seat
"Do we have an accord?"
>He considered it, looking down at her hand, clearly puzzling over the idea of losing his freedom to a degree, but gaining the support she'd give. Eventually though
Feels more than a bit like I'm being Shanghaied here, but alright.
>He said, his hand wrapping around hers, giving it a squeeze as he shook it
Don't worry about it. So then, Bryce, what do we do now?
>She blushed just a smidge when he asked, his hand still holding hers, but she didn't pull away, even though her response only made her cheeks flush further
"Well, first, we'll..."
>His head tilted as her voice trailed off
"We'll need to get you a collar."


>Anon and Bryce down the corridors of what he was quickly coming to realize was a small castle
>Or was it a fort?
>Who'd have known that distinction would have been handy to have remembered from history classes
>Still, one thing he was sure about
This place seems pretty small for a castle
"Ah, yes, I suppose it must seem that way, even to an outsider such as yourself. You see, while I, and what's left of my immediate family, are members of the King's nobility, we do not truly occupy a high rank. As such, our land, and forces, are quite humble."
So what you're saying is that you're all the lowest on the totem pole, then?
"While I'm not quite certain I know what a 'Totem Pole' is, being on the lowest rung of anything is a feeling we know all too well here. Still, try as we might, it's not easy to climb while maintaining our good graces. Often times it is quite the balancing act."
>An awkward silence rose into the air, and they turned a corner, coming to some stairs.
>There was a soft, cloth-like sound as the two of them descended
>Looking down, he realized that it was her wings, brushing up against the thick stone walls
>As they reached a large, wooden door, she paused and looked back at him
>He was standing a few steps up, so she had to look up over him to reach his eyes
"Still, while we may have little, we have what we need for now. Despite what some might say, we're quite prideful."
>Looking down at her while she stared up at him with that determination in her eyes, he felt an odd, faint tug
>It wasn't a physical one though, that much was certain
>Still, he didn't have long to focus on it, as Bryce was opening the door, light streaming in to the dark stairwell
"And remember, no talking!"

Well, the first part had gone well, at least.
Now to get him to the leather worker
The moment she stepped into the courtyard she was, as was usual, the center of attention
Bats bowing and curtsying, some doffing their hats, their large ears wiggling as they did
Gossip traveled fast with ears like theirs, and she could hear that at least four Bats were talking about the attack on her carriage
She did, however, get a moment's respite from the eyes and mouths of her people when Anon
HER Human stepped outside, following after her
He was already large by human standards, bulky and muscular, yet visibly toned, obviously not just some Human who lifted random heavy thing in his spare time
Clearly, to those staring, he had been trained, or perhaps bred, to some degree
Considering that, alongside the fact that most Bats were on the smaller side, he struck quite the imposing figure as he strode into the courtyard, raising a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun
The next odd factor was the clothing he'd arrived here in
It was strong, yet bizarrely soft and thin, segmented into what he described as "shorts, a tee-shirt, socks, and running shoes"
A hole that had been torn in his shirt she'd had repaired by a seamstress
When she got it back, one of her servants told her that the woman fixing it had made a fuss of the stitching in his clothing, and how, compared to it, hers looked almost amateur
For a moment, Bryce looked down to her own outfit, wondering if she looked shabby to her Human

>Alright, this was going to take some getting used to
>Anon had gotten to know Bryce at least a little, and he'd stared out the windows at times and watched other Bats move around, tending to their tasks
>But this? This was a whole new world to him
>All around the courtyard, Bats of various shapes and sizes ogled him
>Some wore armor, others, more cloth-like clothing, and others even more
>A part of him wondered if he should pose, but he decided against it
>If he was going to play the part of the dumb animal for Bryce, he'd play it
>For now, at least
>Thankfully, soon the attention turned back to Bryce, and a proper chittering rose up from the area around them
>While he couldn't make out words, he could hear them...speaking? Sonar-ing?
>Whatever, they were speaking, and from what Anon could tell, it seemed to be about her.
>Bryce quickly started heading off, so he decided to leave the people of the courtyard to their own devices
>Following after her, the two of them quickly arrived at the leatherworker's area
>The other thing that 'quickly arrived' was a thick stench
>Scrunching up her muzzle, Bryce pulled out a clean cloth and held it up to her face, attempting to block some of the smell
>Anon was quite grateful when she offered him one as well
>Bryce didn't step inside, but soon enough a lanky bat appeared, striding towards them from within the sweltering building
>Following her eyes, she smiled up at Bryce before giving her a small bow
>It seemed odd, given she was a girl, and most of the others had curtsied, but who was Anon to judge what was weird in this world?
>Instead, he decided to look around while he waited to hear from either of them

"So, you finally decided to get a human, huh Lady Bryce~?"

Teased the leatherworker, grinning over to Lady Bryce who blushed, a hint of pink under her furry cheeks

"It isn't like that, Gizel. I'm not one of the sort to keep a human around as some kind of...plaything."

She replied, frowning back at the apron-wearing Bat
Gizel was clearly trying to keep from laughing

"I mean that sincerely. He helped to save me, even when quite wounded himself. How could I not keep such a brave Human like him around with me?"

Gizel settled on giggling instead, mock-flexing, mostly with her back facing Lady Bryce

"And you're sure it's not because of those big, strong muscles~? Even with what he's wearing, it's pretty simple to look him ove-"
"H-Hush! He'll hear you!"

Bryce said, her blush rising a to a rosy red now, the Bat shifting, looking over to where Anon was standing, two young Bats running in circles around him
Gizel tilted her head at that, though, looking over at Bryce

"So? It's not like he has any clue what we're talking about, Lady Bryce. Heck, we could be talking about pushing him down on a bed, tugging his clothes off and riding hi-"

Gizel didn't get any more words out as Bryce ha quickly rushed forwards, pressing her hands to the Bat's muzzle

"E-Enough! Let us talk about something more proper. That is, if your lascivious mind will allow such things."
"MMhm, whmm dm ymm wnnm tlm mbmm?"

Bryce said, drawing her hands back to her sides, freeing Gizel
Gods above, talking to her could be so tiring

"I was just saying, what do you wanna talk about?"

Bryce sighed, adjusted her clothing and wings, and then gestured over to Anon

"As you can plainly see, An- my human, due to his previous lack of owner, also lacks a collar. I want you to make one for him, and in the meantime, we'll use one of your other pre-made ones."
"Sure, that'll be easy enough. You want me to fetch him so I can measure him?"
"Yes, please."

Bryce said, before an idea came to mind, one she hoped Anon would enjoy as well
As Gizel approached, Bryce called out


While it made sense that he'd be alerted to his name, Bryce felt an odd warmth in her chest seeing his head turn to look at her when she called his name

"Keep away~!"

She called out again, smiling and pointing over at Gizel
After a moment, Anon grinned
Gizel did the opposite
Still, she had her task
The game was on

>So he was supposed to avoid the Leather worker Bat, huh?
>He wasn't sure why, but Bryce had looked quite mischevious when she'd said it, so he figured it had something to do with what they were talking about earlier
>Either way, it was a good chance for some exercise, as well as an interesting opportunity to see how these Bats moved around
>Other than just walking, of course
"Heeeere Human~"
>The apron-wearing Bat sang, slowly approaching Anon
>He didn't know if he'd ever quite get used to this kind of treatment
>Still, if there was one part of this that was good, it was that he had an advantage
>He had done the same thing with dogs plenty of times back home
>He leaned back, waiting until she was nearly upon him
>The moment before she tried to nab him, he sprung away, deftly dodging away from her grasping hands
>He didn't run though
>Instead, he bounced a few feet backwards, and then stopped, waiting for her again
"Quick guy, huh? Come on boy, heeeere boy~"
>She tried singing again, but it wouldn't work nearly so well on him as she might have thought it would
>He played along, though, starting to slowly walk towards her, only to spring away at the last second yet again
>After Gizel's third failed attempt to get her hands on him, she started to run, and they began to draw a crowd
>To her credit, Gizel kept up quite well for the first while
>But soon it became rather obvious who would be the winner here
>He could see her frustration rising, and a frustrated person...well, Bat person, was likely to make a dumb choice
>Luckily, this line of thinking paid off as she leaped at him
>Anon was pretty surprised by the fact that she flapped her wings, shooting herself right at him with a startling amount of speed
>Thanks to his expecting something, he managed to narrowly dodge her grasping hands
>He wasn't done though, and as she flew towards the ground, he wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her from falling
>He couldn't help but chuckle when she let out a squeak as he grabbed her and hoisted her up, raising her feet up and off the ground
"Wha- H-Hey, are you laughing at me?!"
>She squeaked in a far-more high-pitched, and breathy, voice than before, her flat, little chest rising and falling
>And jeez, she sure was soft and warm
>Was Bryce like this too?
>Speaking of which
>Ignoring her protests, he carried the huffing and squirming Gizel back over to Bryce


>He'd caught her
>He'd actually managed to dodge Gizel's leap, and then catch her afterwards!
>How fast was he?
>Well, that was a question for another time, especially since he was carrying her back over like a father carrying his unruly child
"I never said fetch, you know!"
>Bryce said, keeping the cloth near her face
>It, of course, wasn't to hide the fact that she was biting her lip to avoid laughing
>It was just because of the smell in the air
>Yes, just the smell
>She watched Anon set Gizel down, and the Bat took a moment to properly catch her breath, before she grabbed one of his arms
"Got...holy ones help me...I got him..."
"Yes you did indeed. Well done, Gizel~"
"Tha-Thank you...oh my legs...L-Lady Bryce..."
>Bryce could see Anon trying to hold back a laugh as Gizel leaned on him, slowly pulling herself together enough to start examining his neck, measuring him for later
>When she was done, she walked back to her work place, with only a bit of a wobble in her step
>A minute or so later,  she reappeared, holding a fairly plain, light-brown collar in one hand, and a rope in the other
"Now, do you want to put it on him, or am I gonna have to do it again?"
"Well now, after all that talk earlier you're suddenly not fond of the idea of touching him~?"
"You didn't really let me know before hand that I was gonna have to chase him all over the courtyard, 'Lady' Bryce"
"My, and here I thought you enjoyed the seemingly ever-present vitality Humans contain!"
>While the two of them talked, Anon casually stepped over, picked up the collar, and started to put it on

Well shit
What was wrong this time?
Why were they gawking at him?
All he'd done was put the collar on
Was there a ritual or something he was supposed to do before that?
Pretty much all it was was a leather loop with a buckle and a metal ring
Should he take it off, or would that make things worse?

"Wow, he knows how to do buckles up? And he even set it right too! You sure he doesn't already have an owner?"
>Gizel said, looking over at Bryce, who nodded back
"Yes, I'm quite certain of that fact at the very least. He might have been raised, shall we say, uniquely, for a Human, but I am his only owner."
>Gizel was a little surprised by the serious tone to Bryce's statement, and even Anon quirked a brow, but he remained silent
"So, how long until this collar will be ready?"
>Bryce asked, looking into Gizel's eyes.
"A few days to a week or so. I'll dye it so it matches your colors too, Lady Bryce."
"That sounds delightful to me, thank you, Gizel."
>With that she started to leave, though Gizel called out to her
"Lady Bryce, what about the rope to keep him from running off?"
>The former paused, turning to look back at Gizel
"I don't think that will be necessary~"
>Bryce started to walk off, and true to her word, her Human followed
>His long legs let him quickly catch up to her, the two of them walking side by side

Bryce seemed happy
Genuinely happy
It had been a while since Gizel had seen her smiling like that
Maybe a Human was just what she needed right now
With that thought in her head, Gizel stepped back inside her workplace
She was going to make Bryce one hell of a collar


A little later, the two of them were walking through the gardens
Anon was looking around at everything
It seems this world truly was interesting to him
Occasionally he'd stop and crouch down, examining the flowers and fauna they were passing
Bryce watched as he examined plants like an inquisitive child who was discovering things for their first time
Thinking about it, in a way, that was true
She still needed to get used to thinking of Anon as an otherworldly being
Though, looking at him now...
Her eyes drifted over his large frame, before running up to the collar around his neck marking him as hers
Of course, it was merely a formal matter
But to the rest of the world
Now was hardly the time to be thinking such thoughts
She had something to show him, after all
She couldn't waste time wondering about how the world saw her
Saw them
He must have felt her eyes on him, as he turned where he crouched, staring up at her
He started to open his mouth, only to stop
She glanced to the side where he had begun looking, noticing two guards watching them
While they, thankfully, gave her her space on the grounds, they were still attentive
And especially so around this strange, new Human who had entered their midst
She supposed she should have expected some apprehension at first
Anon was, technically, a stray of sorts in these lands
Still, over time, they'd come to accept him
If not for him, then for her

>For the Pre-Electronics Age, Anon felt like he was under more surveillance now than he had ever been before
>With Bryce's guards hanging around, it was going to be hard for him to get a word in outside of her room
>At least the Bat seemed to typically be on a similar wavelength as him
>He moved when she did, following along, despite his interest in the unique flowers and fauna he saw all around
>Sure, he recognized some, but there were many which were quite unique in nature
>Oh well, he'd have plenty of time to examine things later on
>Bryce seemed focused on...
>A wall?
>No, wait, he could see what looked like tree tops poking up from behind it
>Did they have a grove connected to this place?
>Following after her, they soon arrived at a large, metal gate
>With a nod, the guards began to open it, letting them through
>Beyond it lay the woods, dark and imposing, with massive trees sticking up from the ground
>They must have been ancient with how high they rose
>He was more than a little surprised that a forest like this was allowed to be maintained so close to the fort
>Ah screw it, he could ask her which it was later
"Don't be afraid, I'm here~"
>Came Bryce's voice, and he raised a brow, looking at her
>She gave him a light laugh in return before she began to stride into the woods
>Not seeing many other options, he followed after her, the two disappearing into the shadows

Holy hell it was dark in here!
Just how thick was the canopy?
He looked up, trying to see if he could spot sunlight streaming through
Pretty damn dark
Following after Bryce, he stepped over a log
Or maybe it was a branch?
He couldn't see-
Then he was falling
He really hoped there wasn't a hole or anything ahead of him
Nope, just another tree

Ow, shit!

He said, slowly getting back to his feet, still barely able to see anything more than faint outlines here and there

"Are you alright?"

Came Bryce's voice, startling him due to how close she was

Y-Yeah, I'm fine mostly, I just can't see a thing in here, even with my eyes adjusting.
"Really? I do apologize if that is the case. Here, allow me to help you."

Came her voice again, before something soft and warm brushed against Anon's shoulder
Reaching out, his hand met hers
He tightened his grip around it, and she did the same

"Hold on tight, it won't be long~"

>She was holding his hand!
>Ooh, he was so cute!
>Sure, he stood a good head and a few inches above her in height
>Above most Bats, actually
>But even so
>The way he'd tripped and fallen
>And then how he took her hand without a moment's hesitation afterwards
>That big, strong hand holding hers...
>She was so distracted, she nearly walked straight into a tree before she got back to the present
"Don't worry, it won't be long now, we're nearly there."
>With a firm, "Okay" from behind her, she went back to sounding out
>Her ears swivelled, and she guided them easily through the underbrush

True to her word, they came to a stop a few minutes later
She quietened her already-soft chittering, silence surrounding them
For a moment, she felt how Anon felt
Then, the faint sounds of others filtered into the air
She listened for a moment or two before speaking
She hoped it wouldn't startle Anon too much

"Lights up, please, I've brought company."

She shivered as she felt Anon's warm breath roll over her
Giving his hand a squeeze, she was thankful it silenced him
Now was most definitely not the time to speak
Slowly, light after light fickered into existance
Flame contained in glass illuminating the woods
Soon enough, the forest was awash with light
It was as if it was being bathed in sunset
Anon flinched, raising an arm up to keep from being blinded, the light especially bright after walking in the dark for so long

>His eyes adjusting, he slowly looked around, marveling at what he saw
>Crafted into, and around, the trees, were buildings and walkways
>His eyes getting further used to the sights around him, he started noticing dark shapes perched all around in these houses and on the platforms surrounding them
>Soon they took shape, and Anon realized just how many Bats there were living in these woods
>He had to stifle himself before he spoke
>Thankfully the garbled word that escaped seemed to have been brushed off as some kind of startled noise
>In a way, he supposed that was the truth
"Is that a Human?"
"Lady Bryce got a Human?"
"He's so large! Has she had someone train him?"
"Look, he's looking this way! Hiya Human~!"
"Elsabelle, shhh, Lady Bryce prob'ly wants to give a 'nouncement!"
>A stream of voices poured out from all around them
>It was overwhelming, leaving Anon unable to tell one voice from another, having a hard time even making out words
>Looking at Bryce, though, she seemed unfazed, her ears swivelling and shifting atop her head
LB: "Everyone, please, quieten down. While it may be easy enough for us to speak, it is undoubtedly quite cacophonous for Anon here. He will be staying with me, and so I would like for him to get to know our home, and the people that live in it."
>A moment or two passed with, thankfully, the voices dying down to a low murmur
>Then, an older figure stepped forwards, a long, leathery cloak wrapped around him
OB: "My, Lady Bryce, surely such formality is not required when speaking with pets and family~"
LB: "Elder! It is good to see you looking so well~"
OB: "The same for you. I had wondered what had kept us from our usual talks, but I can see you had something important to do."
>He said with a smile, nodding down towards Anon
OB: "Come, we have much to discuss. I'm certain some of the children can keep your Human occupied."
LB: "A wise plan yet again, Elder."
>Bryce replied, before turning to Anon, smiling up at him
LB: "Now be a good boy and let the children play with you, alright?"
>Considering how good the hearing on these Bats seemed to be, Anon simply nodded in response
>He watched her smile and then step away, one flap of her wings lifting her up and onto the raised platform
>Then, with a wave, she turned around and walked off with the Elder
>Anon didn't have long to be lonely, though, as a trio of Bats flitted down and rushed over to him
CB1: "Hiya there Anon~!
>Said the first of the three
>Unlike with the adults, it was harder to tell what these Bats were exactly
>They didn't have fur so much as they were little puffballs with over-sized wings and tiny feet sticking out
>Their voices were all so soft and light, there wasn't much distinction to be had there either
>Well, they were cute, at least
>Not wanting to dissapoint, Anon smiled and gave the talking, fluffy orb a smile and a wave
>It seemed he'd picked another strange (for his role now) action to do, as the child who'd just spoke to him gasped and looked back to their friends

CB1: "Oh my gosh, he understood me! Hey! Come on!
CB2: "Calm down, Tybbie, he's probably just been trained to do that when he sees someone coming towards him."
T: "Oh yeah? Then why didn't he do anything to you, huh? Huh?"

'Tybbie', apparently, said, looking surprisingly cocky for a person with barely any visible face, body, or otherwise

CB2: "Well maybe he does it when you say something, huh? Here, lemme try. "Hi..uh...oh, right, Anon!"

Figuring it'd be best to just stick to 'routine', Anon once again smiled and waved
It was the second Bat's turn to puff themselves up proudly

CB1: "See? I was right~!"
T: "Whatever Sy, I still think he's smart!"
S: "Yeah yeah. Hey Gabby, come on over, he's fine!"

Looking over at 'Gabby', Anon noticed she (he assumed, given the name) was a bit smaller than the other two, a few twigs sticking out of her fluff
Step by step she drew closer, looking up and up at him
When she was close enough, he crouched down, and with a fluid motion, plucked one of the larger sticks out of her hair
Or was it fur?
Either way, she seemed to freak out when he drew closer to her, flapping her wings and stumbling back
He resisted the urge to catch her as she wobbled away from him
When she had stabilized herself, she looked back at him, and he held up the twig he'd pulled free, and smiled
That seemed to calm her down a little, and soon enough she was back with Tybbie and, apparently, Sy
She didn't get to hang around for very long though, as Sy took charge right away

S: "Alright, come on, we're gonna show you around!"

With that, they headed out, The authoritative little Bat marching away
Anon felt something soft slip into his hand, and he looked down, discovering that Tybbie had taken hold of it
Anon paused for a moment, before extending his other hand down to Gabby
He couldn't help but smile again when she decided to take his hand, the three of them walking off after their 'leader'


Bryce followed after the Elder, walking behind him as he led the way to his home
He held the door open for her, though, allowing her to enter before him
Once inside, he shut the door and walked over to a large table set in the center of the main room of the building
Slowly, he opened a cabinet, and withdrew a large, cloth-like scroll that he began to unfurl over top of the table
As he moved, it was easy to see that his large cloak was actually his wings, which he kept wrapped around himself
Bryce stood to the side, examining what new treasures and items the old Bat might have added to his collections
He'd always had a fondness for sparkly things

"So, Bryce, you finally got yourself a Human, hmm?"

He asked, a certain inquisitive tone to his voice

"Yes, I did indeed. I'm glad he has not seemed overwhelmed by our home."
"A worry worth contemplating, but it seems you have indeed found yourself quite the beast!"
"Apologies, apologies, I was merely commenting on how large he appears! It is not often you find a Human of that height, and even moreso, of that build!"
"Yes, he certainly is...remarkable."

When she spoke, the Elder turned his head to look at her, thumbs and wings smoothing out the cloth before he stepped to the side to go fetch something, calling out to her to speak

"Hm? Is their something affecting your admiration, my dear?"
"What? No, no, he's most definitely a fine Human. I was mostly thinking of the...unique circumstances that brought him to me."
"Aren't those typically known as trappers or breeders, Bryce?"
"Nothing of the sort. He appeared out of nowhere when I was in danger, covered in injuries. Still, despite them, he fought to help protect me, a stranger."
"You speak like he's one of the noble Humans from your stories, my dear~"

He replied, a soft, warm tone in his voice, the Elder walking back into the room
He smiled at Bryce, and she returned it, soon following him to the table

"I'm not quite sure what he is, Elder. What I DO know is that fate, it seems, has seen fit to bring us together for the time being. I have no way of knowing what the future holds, but I do know that it feels just a tiny bit more secure than it did the day before."

He laughed, placing down a few crudely-cut wooden figures, setting them up at different locations on what turned out to be a large map

"You talk of him with riddles and respect! Well, whatever he is to you, however he has come to be with you, if it makes you smile such as you have been, then I am happy that you found him~"

They shared smiles once again before beginning to mull over the map in front of them

>As the little Bats led him through their...uh...base?
>Hidden Village of the Leaf Clan?
>As they led Anon along, showing him one interesting sight after another, he couldn't help but think back to Bryce and the Bat she'd called 'Elder'
>They talked pretty casually, something that seemed especially odd to Anon, given his, admittedly small, knowledge of the past
>Typically, he recalled nobility getting respect from all those who talked to them
>Unless you were a Noble yourself, you couldn't usually just call a Noble by their first name, or offer them advice
>Then again, maybe it had something to do with how they raised their young?
>He really wished Bryce were here so she could talk to him and answer his questions
>And it wasn't like it was worth blowing his cover to talk to these children
>They might be smart enough to walk him around, but he doubted they'd know enough about these matters
>Speaking of which, what about-

"So, you say the attack happened over here, then?"
"Yes, they attacked when we were slowly moving through the area. I am less worried about the fact that there was an attack and more so how close it was to the castle, and therefor, the Forest."
"And there was no official way to tell whose soldiers they were?"
"Well, yes and no."
"I recognized one of them, but I don't really have any way to prove it was him."

The old Bat frowned at that, taking a seat in one of the chairs ringing the large table and map

"Who was he?"
"Williams. I'd recognize his eyes anywhere."

A silence grew in the room like a bubble, getting bigger and bigger until it finally popped

"Well, at the moment, I see two major points you can attempt to use. The first is you can go to see the King and ask him to place more guards on patrol on the roads. While it might not do much, especially if Williams is one of those that are attacking people, it WILL curb some violence, to a degree."

She nodded examining the map, before her eyes wandered back to him

"The second point is the festival that's happening within a month, is it not?"
"Indeed it is. This will be an excellent chance to gain some favor with the King. Of course, we may wind up aggravating more of the nobility should we do too well."

He said, looking back to Bryce
She was staring at the map attentively
Hand at her chin and finger pressed to her lips while she thought

"I suppose we have no choice but to upset them. Should it come back to harm us, do not worry, I will claim the consequences."

A scoff drew her out of her thoughts and over to him

"You may be nobility, but don't look down upon the rest of us. We're a family, and we will all band together as one should the worst come to pass."

She nodded, a certain pinkness to her cheeks
She always felt embarrassed when he pulled rank on her
She didn't really FEEL 'better' than any other Bat, but such was the way with stature

"Now, shall we go over strategies? We have much to discuss for the festival."
"Yes, let's."

>His train of thought was derailed by a stick as it was waved in his face
>Well, it was closer to his chest, as well as bouncing up and down
>Tybbie wasn't a tall Bat, after all
>Still, he was trying to best to get Anon's attention
>Had he really been that out of it?
"Aaaaaanoooooon! come on, Anon, get the stick! Do you want the stick, boy? Do you?"
>Well, he didn't dislike sticks, he supposed
"Go get it, Anon~!"
>Watching the branch fly into the bushes, Anon made a decision
>He'd try and keep his mind off of inquisitive questions and rambling ideas that took up space in his head
>For now, he'd try and enjoy a relaxing, fun, hour or two

Had it really already been a few hours?
The time she spent with the Elder just flew past
Then again, they WERE talking about important matters
She hoped Anon wasn't too bored
They'd mostly figured out a strategy, though they both knew that a large part of it would rely on a gamble or three
While the Festival might be discussed as a display of skill and aptitude from the houses of the various Nobles, deep down it was anything but
The world wasn't so kind as to make things even
That's just the way things were
While such a defeated attitude might have sounded sad to some, Bryce, and most of her people, had accepted this simple truth of the world
That didn't mean she couldn't fight to change it

"I think that should suffice, Elder."
"Yes, anything more and I fear we might begin to overthink things, even for us."
"Like usual, the outcome of this Festival is up to the strength of our people, and the favor of the Gods."

She gave him a confused look when he chuckled

"Ahh, I like that one."
"Did I say something funny, Elder?"
"No no, not at all my dear. Quite the opposite really."

He explained, though it really didn't make her feel any less confused
While she sat, he slowly started to clear the dishes they had left
He was quite fascinating to watch work
He had been born with arms and hands made more for flight
Unlike Bryce herself, for instance, who had hands and minor wings mostly attached to her arms
The Elder had proper wings, a thumb sticking up, while his fingers extended down, longer and longer, resulting in huge wings he could use to fly with
Though, she couldn't really recall the last time she'd seen him use them for that purpose
Well, he was pretty old, after all

"By the way, there was one aspect of the Festival we have yet to talk about."
"Oh? Which spot is that, Elder?"
"Lord Rammstein's additional 'tournament'. If we're planning on trying our hardest to win favor, submitting Anon could be-"
"Elder! Do you really think I'd submit Anon to such...barbarity? Lord Rammstein may hold his little 'tournament' and it may be a good 'in' with him, but I will not submit my pet to such an event!"
"I apologize, Bryce, but you must see the benefit of placing him in it, yes? He's larger and stronger than most other Humans we know, and you yourself have said about how he fought to defend you. Does he not seem like the right Human for the task?"
"I have no way of knowing what might take place there, Elder, and I will not risk my pet's life for it! Speaking of which, I believe I shall collect him and go."
"Allow me to once more offer my apologies Bryce. I do not wish to offend you, I merely think of our people and the benefit this could have for us all. Still, if you'd wish me not to speak of it again, I shall remain silent."
"Yes, I think that would be for the best. Thank you for the talk, Elder."

Bryce said, getting up without another word before the Elder could react
She marched over to the door, opened it, lamp light streaming in, and then headed outside

"Anon! Where are you?"

She called out, not even bothering to look back, the Elder standing in the doorway of his home, watching her
Not too long after she'd called, Sy emerged from the bushes, soon followed by Anon
He had Tybbie on his shoulders, the little Bat laughing, while he also held on to a smaller bat's (Gabby, was it?) hand
Spreading her arms, Bryce drifted to the ground easily, touching down with practiced grace
Walking over, Sy stood to attention, and bowed, with only a hint of flourish
Okay, the spinning hand and large, sweeping arm gestures might have been a bit much, but still, a commendable effort

"I..We, showed your Human around, Lady Bryce, and now we've brought him back!"

Said the little Bat proudly, Sy clearly puffing his chest out to try and impress her
Of course, one serious gesture deserves another, and so she reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder

"Thank you very much, Sy~ I truly appreciate your, and your friends', effort to help not only my Human, but myself as well."

From the way his wings flapped, she could tell that had made him very happy to hear
Of course, Tybbie and Gabby got their turns as well, Bryce making sure to thank each of them individually for their work
Eventually though, it was done, and she wanted to go
Looking back around, she noticed that the above-ground homes had once again become heavily populated
Turning, she looked up at the many smiling faces looking down at her
Then, in the middle, was Elder's face
Still smiling, but it was smaller than before
Had she been too harsh with him?
She felt in her heart that she had made the right choice
But was it also the wrong one?
Whatever it was, she was stuck with it now
And speaking of now, she had her people to address
Calm down, Bryce, clear your head
Remember, calm and reassuring, this is just another visit, one like any other
Just feel the ground beneath your feet, the wind flowing through your fur and wings and

"Thank you all for yet another wonderful visit! It brings me much joy to see you all yet again. Not only that, but thank you Sy, Tybil, and Gabriella, for taking care of my pet while I spoke with our Elder. It can be difficult to handle a responsibility placed upon you all of a sudden, but it shows a strength of character to rise to the occasion. Thank you all yet again! I look forward to our next visit."

She gestured to Anon on that last part, inspiring a cheer to go up from the two Bats currently holding on to Anon
Still, as her speech came to a close, Anon lifted Tybbie up off his shoulders and down onto the ground
Before the little Bats left, though, he crouched down, letting them pat him
With that, they fluttered back up onto the raised platforms and to their families, joining in the waving as Bryce and Anon Began to head out
Once they were past the last building, the lights in the forest dimmed, a wave of darkness swallowing up the world behind them
Before it swallowed them too, Anon reached out, taking hold of Bryce's hand


it was late when they stepped out of the woods
Though, it was odd how the night sky was brighter than the forest at daytime
The guards greeted them in their usual manner, though Anon noticed Bryce only gave them a small nod
He had wondered why she was still holding his hand, despite their being back on the grounds, but he got his answer when he walked up beside her
She looked exhausted
Trying his best to act like a concerned pet, he let out, what he hoped sounded like, an inquisitive whimper, attempting to catch her eyes with his
It wasn't too hard, her eyes widening in surprise at his whine
Still, he saw her crack a faint smile, though she raised her spare hand to cover her mouth
They kept walking, with Anon standing closer, letting Bryce lean on him

"Sorry about this, Anon, days like this just..hahhh..leave me feeling so drained."

She kept smiling at him, but her ears flopped down on the sides of her head
Well, as adorable as that was, Anon wondered what the etiquette was here
Did he just let her walk along like this and maintain some dignity, while tiring herself out further
Or did he do something about it, and risk getting her in trouble or something?
He thought about it for a little longer, until she stumbled on her way through the court yard
Sure, she'd probably have been fine, but that was the last straw for him
What were they going to do to him, after all
Give him a bath?
Reaching down, he slipped one arm behind Bryce's legs, the other moving to her back and then, with a quick movement, he scooped her up off the ground
She was surprisingly easy to lift, lighter still than even he had thought she'd be
Maybe it had something to do with her needing to be light enough to fly?
That seemed fairly, wait, what's that sound?
Well shit, that's the guards

>Bryce didn't really like Anon seeing her like this, but, well, it was a sight he'd probably need to get used to
>Despite all the time she'd put into her schedule and keeping to daylight hours, days that dragged on like this got to her
>Well, at least he was sweet enough to let her lean against him
>What an wonderful Huma-
>Goodness, she'd nearly fallen there!
>She really needed to not let herself get distra-
>Wait, what was he
>And then she was up and in his arms
>Pressed against him as he held her in the air
>While she did appreciate the thought behind the gesture, this was simply too much!
"Anon, put- What? What are you staring at?"
>Twisting around in his arms, she saw that four of her guards had quickly started approaching the two of them
"Stand down, men. Do you really think my pet wishes to harm me? He is merely trying to help me to my bed."
>They looked from one to the other before nodding at her, backing off to their original posts
>She felt a warm hand squeeze her side, so she turned her attention back to Anon
>He looked...not worried but, unsure?
>That seemed like the right word for it
>Looking into her eyes, he tilted his head from her to where he was holding her, and then he looked to her, and then at the ground, before coming back to her
>She wasn't exactly sure what he was getting at, but honestly, there was no one around, and she was too tired to really care
>Reaching her arms up, she looped them around the back of Anon's neck, her wings draping over him
"Carry me to our room, please, Anon."
>She had been quiet, but she knew from the way he nodded that he had heard her, and then they were off again
>Some of the guards held the doors in their way open so Anon could carry Bryce along, managing to get to, and inside, her room
>slipping her down onto the bed before he slumped down beside her, his arms flopped at his sides, he sighed
I never thought I'd be so happy to be able to talk...
"I'm sorry about the long day, Anon. I hope you didn't mind spending time with the children while the Elder and I talked."
Nah, it's alright, they were pretty cute, and I know you've got your royal duties and all that. How did things go with them?
>How did they go?
>Not that great at the end, really
>Still, she couldn't tell him about it, right?
>He might not know about it, but it was a big deal, and she didn't need him worried about something that she'd decided against
"They were fine. We discussed ideas and plans for the upcoming festival, as well as an meeting I'll soon be having with some, as you might say, 'higher ups'."
See, you say you're fine, but that pause doesn't seem like it was for effect. What's on your mind, Bryce?
"Nothing, Anon, nothing, I'm simply tired, is all, and I lost track of my thoughts. How about we get some sleep, and then talk more tomorrow morning over breakfast?"
>She looked over at the lounging Human, laying there sprawled over her bed
>What a sight
>It certainly wasn't one she'd planned on seeing any time soon
>Still, it was nice, in it's own way
"Is that alright?"
Alright. Still, you can't blame me for wanting to talk, right? I don't get the chance to do it much these days, after all.
"I know. Don't worry, we can have a long talk tomorrow, I promise~"
Good enough for me. See you in a few hours, Bryce.
>Anon said, slowly getting up and walking over to his bed in the corner
>She'd made sure to get him a proper one, even if it had seemed odd to those involved
>Other than her, of course
>He pulled his curtain shut, and Bryce tried not to imagine what it looked like as Anon stripped himself of his clothes
>Now that he was up and about, she could get him some new clothes too
>It might help him feel like he fits in to her world better
>Speaking of soft fabrics and fitting in, had her bed always been this comfy?
>It felt like she could just...

Oh, he was going to need to get Bryce to get him to a bathtub, or whatever they did here, in the morning
He hadn't lied when he said he enjoyed hanging out with the kids and keeping them company, and vice versa
But traipsing through that forest? Now that had left him pretty dirty
Still, Bryce seemed beat, and it was definitely late
He supposed he'd just have to rub as much as he could off before he climbed into bed
Pulling his shirt up and off, he used a cloth by his bed to brush himself mostly clean, before repeating the process with his lower half
Thank you whoever was up there for these curtains being heavy
He really didn't need a breeze to roll in and blow them to the side while he was changing like he was in an anime or something
Pulling on some thin, cloth pajamas, he dragged the curtain back, looking over to Bryce
She was all curled up in bed, arms wrapped around her, causing her minimal wings to encompass her, while she tucked her legs in as best she could
Sighing, Anon got up and walked over, gently removing what bits and pieces he could, leaving her in most of her clothes, her belts and shoes on the side of her bed
Then, he pulled the blankets up over her before he crawled under his own, drifting off to sleep as well


Anon blinked as light hit his face
Morning already? He'd really hoped to snooze for longer
What happened to the benefits of being a pet?
He should be allowed to lounge in bed if he wanted to!
He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and went to joke to Bryce about it
Before he said anything though, he found himself looking at something black in front of him
He reached out, touching it, and was surprised by the warmth radiating through it
Then, a soft hand firmly grasped his wrist, pulling his own hand away
...That's a big hand
Anon looked up
And then he kept looking up
...That's a big person
As his eyes rose towards the top of this mysterious being, his mind started wondering just what was going on here
Was this an assassin?
Had the castle-fort been overrun by some other kind of animal?
What was-
That's a Bat
That's a BIG Bat

"Come along now, Anon."

Came a low voice, yet it was obviously feminine, much like the rest of this...Bat's figure
Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he took a better look at the large woman, and he recognized a few things
Number one, this Bat was huge compared to most of the others he'd seen!
Hell, if he was right, they were nearly the same height, if not for those ears of course
Second, she was definitely female
Despite her rather drab outfit, Anon could clearly see the swell of her chest, the broadness of her hips, and the softness of her face
The third, which he only just realized, was that she seemed to be wearing some kind of maid's uniform
All three things were fine, but he still had to wonder, what the hell had this Bat been eating to be more than a foot taller than the rest!
Not only that, she didn't look all that tired, despite how early it was
Even Bryce was normally a little sleepy in the morning

"Up you go."

Came her voice again, two fuzzy hands finding Anon's armpits, hooking her hands under him to haul him up and out of bed
This was definitely taking effort on her part, but from what Anon could tell, she was a whole lot stronger than the usual Bat

"Good boy, now, time for your leash."

It was odd, the firm way she said that
It wasn't so much a statement as it was a simple fact to her
It was leash time
Now surely he could convince her that it wasn't necessary, right?

>The maid led Anon down the stone corridor, rope occasionally tugging him forwards if he dawdled
>He was glad Bryce was still asleep, as that had been embarrassing
>He'd gotten a little too used to the Bats around here being shorties
>Not only that, but her grabbing his collar and using it to maneuver him down so she could tie on the 'leash' was a smart idea
>Thinking about it, she'd probably had to wrangle other Human pets before
>Arriving at a large, wooden door, the maid ushered Anon inside, then sealed them in
>It was already bright inside the room, and off to the side was a large metal tub, steam rising up from it in the cool air
>He heard the door lock, and then the leash was tugged on again, pulling Anon in close
"Alright, first the leash, then the bath."
>Did she just grimace?
>Well, considering his position, if Humans liked baths as much as dogs and cats do, it must be a nightmare to wash them
>Well, wash them in what passed for a bathtub around here
>Another aspect of Nobility he should thank Bryce for later
>Once he was untied, he walked over to the tub, dipping a finger in
>Warm, but not too hot, probably ideal for
>Anon felt a sudden breeze
>Had she really just
>Into the tub!
>He quickly climbed in, letting the water rise up around him, somewhat hiding his now-naked body from view
>Looking over at the maid, he noticed she was somewhat surprised, standing there, holding his pajama shorts up
"Well aren't you the well-trained Human, huh? If you're a good boy for all of this, I'll get you a treat~"
>He hadn't thought of that line coming out of her
>She was going to clean him
>Well, that wasn't too bad
>The maid walked over with some kind of bar of soap and a cloth, worked up a lather, then got started

He had to adjust now and then when she was washing him, but for the most part?
Fuck, this felt good
After a week and a day or two spent in this crazy world, a warm bath to get clean had never felt so good
Throw in a...well, quite frankly, an attractive Bat-woman, and you had a great time on your hands
He let her do most of the work, aside from the aforementioned adjustments, relishing in the moment
When her hands roamed lower though, he grasped them
Pulling them away, he stole some of her lather, and used it to clean himself
She seemed surprised about his sudden insistence, but she also didn't seem to mind letting it slide for now

>Eventually he was done, but now he faced a dilemma
>He had to wash the last of the soap from himself, but the clean water was in a bucket on the side, out of his reach
>Which meant he'd have to get out to rinse off
>Which meant getting even more naked than he already was
>The Maid was waiting with the water, his pajama shorts, and a towel, watching him
"Come on, Anon, it's time to get out now. Don't you want your treat?"
>He gestured for her to come over
"Uh uh, I don't need to start the day out wet, thank you very much."
>He gestured for his pajamas
"No, Anon, rinsing and drying first, now come here."
>She snapped her fingers twice, before pointing to a spot on the ground
>This was like playing Charades, but even harder, as he wasn't supposed to understand what he was doing
>After a few more unsuccessful tries to motion her over, it seemed like he just had to take the plunge
>Getting out of the tub slowly, Anon left his hands on his junk, covering up his crotch from sight
>She raised a brow at his reluctance to just go commando, but to Anon, he was playing the long game
>If people somehow found out about his being able to speak, well
>He didn't want everyone to then think back to all the times he'd strolled around nude in front of them
>Alright, the water was getting cold too
>He walked over, coming to a stop in front of the Maid, looking into her eyes
>She stared back into his, but she had a big smile on her face
>He could only imagine how much of a relief this whole process had been for her
>Soon enough he had water pouring over him, colder now that he'd spent all that time trying to get out of getting up
>At least it was refreshing, the chill quickly stirring him from any hints of sleep he might still have had in him
>After that, she towelled him down, rubbing the surprisingly soft blanket over him, drying as best she could
>He snagged the towel, like he had with the soap earlier, and finished up by himself
>She let him put on clean pajamas, though she still watched him, looking quite impressed
>The last part involved her dripping a few drops of sticky, pink liquid from a vial into his hair
>She followed it up by working her paws through his through it, gently scratching at his scalp
>He wasn't entirely certain what it was, but it definitely left him smelling nice, even he could tell that
>Sort of fruity, actually
>With bath time seeming to be done, she reached into a pocket hidden away on her outfit, pulling back out a biscuit that had some jam spread along the inside
>He was going to take it from her, but she brought it to his lips instead
>Mentally shrugging, he opened his mouth up, letting her feed him
>It was a weirdly vulnerable, and yet powerful, feeling
>Also, it tasted pretty good too!
>Ah, that home-cooked taste
>Home-cooked everything these days, thinking about it
>Silver linings and all that
"Alright, come on now, let's see if we can sneak you in before Bryce wakes up."
>She murmured to him softly, before holding out the leash
>He shook his head, 'No', and then held out his hand for her to hold instead
>She looked apprehensive at first but, when he didn't pull away or squirm when she took hold, she seemed to warm to the position
>Then, she, and soon he as well, left, back on their way to Bryce's room


>Bryce was already stirring when they got back, the maid slipping Anon inside before shutting the door behind him
>The former slowly sat up, stretching her arms up above her head, yawning, which ended with a squeak
>Then, she sniffed the air, and turned her head to look at her Human
"Oh, good morning Anon. Have you been up for very long?"
>She half-mumbled, smiling at him, then sniffing again
"Mm, come over here, okay?"
>Waving him over, he obliged, walking to her bed and, guessing by her  gestures, knealed down
>She reached out, and gently took hold of the back of his head, leaning in and pressing her snout against it, taking in another breath
"Mmm, lavender? That's nice~"
>She mumbled more, leaning her head down and resting it against his
>Bryce really was out of it, but Anon was nice enough to not move away and just let her relax and enjoy herself

It was a little awkward to stay in this position, but Bryce seemed like she needed it
Besides, it gave him time to think
Even if that was hard to do when you had a cute Bat girl nuzzling the top of your head
Something had been bugging him for the last few minutes, but he couldn't place what it was
So far as he could tell, nothing strange had happened that he could pinpoint as being the source of this feeling
After some time, though, he decided to try and just ignore it for now, and enjoy his morning

>Mmm, such a good Human~
>Wait, there was only one Human around here
>And the one that was here could talk
>Which meant
"Gah! A-Anon! I do apologize!"
Huh? Oh, it's fine, Bryce. You feeling a bit more awake?
"Yes, but not for a very good reason!"
>She said with a huff, her cheeks flushed
>How long had she been doing that?
>Ohh, that was embarrassing
>Wait, was she still wearing her clothes from the day before?
>She lifted the covers of her bed to take a peek, soon discovering that she was, in fact, dressed, sans accessories
>Accessories which she found placed beside the bed
>She couldn't remember taking them off last night, and she wasn't fully undressed, just easy-to-remove outlet layers had been set down to the sides
>The last part was the fact that she was under the blankets on the bed
>Had he stripped her last night?
>No, that hardly seemed likely, and it wasn't like she'd been left in a particularily sexual position, so
>Had he really just taken off what he could have, and then tucked her in?
>She knew he was a good Human
>No, a good PERSON.
>Still strange to think that way, even when she was talking to him
>Her stomach growling distracted her from her next thought
>She realized that they hadn't eaten anything since...well goodness, yesterday!
>Anon must have been starving!
"Anon, why don't we go get some breakfast, hm?"
Sure, I'm feeling pretty hungry myself. Do you all just eat fruit and stuff like that, because if so, I might be in trouble.
"Oh, don't worry, we do eat meat, if somewhat minimal amounts. Typically we keep it on-hand in case of visits or the like."
Great. Let me just go put a shirt on.
>He said, getting up and walking over towards his bed
>Bryce only just now realized that Anon had only been wearing shorts this entire time
>Goodness, he looked strong
>Though she found her eyes drawn to a couple of scars
>A part of her wanted to ask him about them, but she decided against it
>It wouldn't be proper, and besides, she was sure that if he wanted to, he'd tell her about them
>He shut his curtain, and then quickly reoppened it, one of the shirts she'd had made for him on, though he was wearing his own shoes
>She wondered what they felt like to wear. They certainly looked soft
>The world Anon was from must have been something special indeed
"Would you mind waiting outside while I change, Anon?"
Nah, that's alright. See you there.
>He said before heading out of the room
>When he was gone, Bryce went to change into something a little more comfortable than her current outfit
>She probably would have bathed before this, but she felt bad that Anon had had to wait so long already
>She didn't want to force him to wait much longer
>Glancing over to a small stand in her closet, she looked down at a collection of clothing options
>Today was going to be a fairly simple day, so something a bit more casual would be nice
>With that thought in mind, she started picking through outfits until she found one that was casual, yet still elegant to some degree
>She hoped Anon liked it

Anon left the shared bedroom, stepping into the corridor, and between two guards
They both seemed a little surprised to see him walking out, and shutting the doors behind him, but it soon passed

"Hey there, big guy, what's Lady Bryce doing letting you out of her sights?"

Said the first Bat, a small scar visible on his muzzle

"Hey, maybe he's gotta go."
"I don't know, you'd think he'd smell at least a little if he did, right?"
"Whatever, no commands mean nothing I have to do."
"Yeah yeah, anyways, so, I'm there fighting, right? Two Wolves are closing in and, right before they get to me, I throw my sword at one and-"
"Oh that's a load of guano, you did not."
"I did! I reached back and then threw my sword like a spear and it hit the first one and killed him and-"
"There's no way that happened, that's a whole CARTLOAD of guano right there. You can't shish-kabob a wolf on a sword that you THREW."

Anon just stood there, looking back and forth as they talked, and the more they did, the more he realized
They didn't care that he was there
To them, he's just another, dumb Human
That opened up some...interesting possibilities
For now, though, he seemed stuck here, listening to this Bat's story

"And so after I got the first one, I turned around just in time, stepping back enough to dodge a swing from his sword. I was lucky he just grazed me, ha!"
"Wow, I wonder why I don't believe you. Either way, are we done?"
"What? Don't you want to hear about the second Wolf?"
"Oh I'm sure you got him as well."
"You're damned right I did! So, there on the ground is a-"

Luckily, Lady Bryce opened the door to her room, stepping out, silencing both of them
She was wearing a loose robe that somewhat resembled a dress, thick fabric cascading down around her, a puffy, fur shawl on top
She looked surprisingly soft and elegant, her own fur picking up where that of her outfit stopped
She smiled at Anon before nodding to the guards, both of whom were now standing to attention
She nodded at them before starting to walk down the hallway
Anon followed closely behind her, glancing back at one point, noticing the guards staring at her ass
The former didn't say anything, but shifted behind Bryce, blocking her from their view
When it seemed clear he wasn't going to be moving, he saw them turn back to one another, the one with the scar starting his story over from the beginning again

>Bryce and Anon were soon waiting for their food, both of them sitting at the table
>It confused the servants at first when they figured he'd be eating from a spot on the floor prepared for him, but after a few words, Anon had a place at the table set for him
>Bryce was a little worried that he was acting too normal, well, for a furred being, but definitely not for a Human
>Still, knowing him and the debt she owed him, she hardly felt like she could force Anon to eat off the floor like-
>Either way, the matter was settled
>The other challenge had been telling them what the two of them wanted
>Anon's diet was rather different than hers, or what she knew of most of her people
>He'd talked a lot about 'proteins' and 'carbs' when asked about it before, though he had also been rather...unhinged at the time, so perhaps he was hallucinating?
>He'd mentioned some sort of 'pyramid' made of food, so clearly he wasn't all there at the time
>She got a selection of fruit, as well as a small amount of meat on the side just to be safe, while she kept her meal fairly light and refreshing
>Anon, on the other hand, ate a LOT
>When she told them what to make for him, she would watch his reactions to see if she was choosing the right things
>It gave the ordering process a slightly comedic feeling, but at least at the end it seemed like he was going to get what he wanted.

Note to self, write up a list of potential meals he could get Bryce to ask the staff to make for breakfast
When their food arrived, it smelled good, but boy was it odd to look at
So much of the food was unrecognizeable to him, and what he DID recognize was mostly just because he knew what to look for in his food to tell what family it was a part of
He really hadn't considered this being a problem until now
He glanced over to Bryce, noticing her slowly and elegantly plucking up her cutlery
She cut through her food precisely, not a single drop of spray hitting her as she went through her fruity meal
He hadn't even started eating, but he already felt like a slob compared to her
Though, that seemed like a given when spending time with a noble, high or low
As he watched, she appeared to notice the fact that he was staring at her, her ears and eyes shifting towards him
Swallowing down her latest bite, she looked down to his untouched food, and then back up to his face

"What's wrong, Anon? Do you not like it? I tried to get something you'd like. I can send it back if you'd prefer something else."

He'd really just gotten distracted from his strange meal by watching her eat, but when she spoke, she seemed almost a little deflated
Aw crap, did he hurt her feelings?
Looking back down at his food, he went to grab his cutlery only to discover that he 'couldn't' find it
It was, in fact, non-existant
He glanced back at Bryce, before deciding on a course of action
Well, if anyone suspected he was sapient, this would definitely throw them off
Reaching down, he picked up a few of what he assumed were vegetables, popping one into his mouth
It had a strong taste for a vegetable. A bit of an earthy tone to it, though the general flavour seemed richer than what he was used to back home
Biting down, it also felt somewhat stronger too, a little more effort to eat
Intrigued, he started eating more, taking them one by one, examining the flavours of each, trying to discern if he knew what they were
Or at least what they might have become in the future

>Alright, she knew he was a sapient being and all that, a creature with a mind much like her or most any other Bat
>Even so
>There was something so adorable about him eating!
>She couldn't help it, the way he handled his food, picking them up with his hands and popping his vegetables into his mouth one at a time, the way he savoured them
>It was all so cute!
>Despite being a friend and an equal, another part of her thought of him as a Human
>She could also tell the sentiment was shared by others who were watching, servants side-eyeing him, cooing near-silently
>A Human who thought they were people, what a heart-melting sight
>She certainly didn't share the first sentiment, but the second part was far sweeter
>Bryce did try not to stare, though, as it would be rather rude
>No, she'd simply occasionally glance over in his direction now and then
>So cute~

With their food done and the table cleared, Anon followed after Bryce
They went for a stroll first, walking through the gardens, soon finding themselves followed after by a tall, thin bat who asked Bryce about papers and signatures and statements
They were pretty light for the most part, and soon she was done with them
As she talked over the last of some document she needed to review with the unknown (to Anon at least) bat, another approached from the side
He was shorter, and most definitely younger than many of the bats Anon had seen here
A teenager, perhaps?
He came into the room and, noticing that Bryce was in the middle of a conversation, quickly hurried to stand on the side of the room
He didn't appear to be holding anything, though he was dressed in some odd clothes
Some kind of servant?
It wasn't until after Anon had started silently musing over the possibilities that his small guest noticed his presence
Given Anon's already large size, he loomed over the small 'man'
The Bat in question let out a squeak and fluttered back a foot or two
Coming to a stop, he raised a hand up while he almost whispered, "Goooood boy, niiice Human, just ignore me, okay? It's like I'm not even doing anything, I'm just a Bat here to deliver a message-"
Anon couldn't help but think it was a little funny, and he bent at the hip, lowering himself down closer and closer to the nervous delivery boy
The further he drew, the more worried the Bat become until, right before Anon bumped noses with the now-vibrating messenger, he reached his hand out and gently patted him on the head
Then he straightened back up, leaving the now-very confused Bat staring up at him

>Bryce glanced back over at the two of them, Human and Bat, playing some sort of odd game
>From the looks of things, Anon had won
>She recognized the smaller Bat beside him and after finishing up the last of the form, thanking Crowley for his work, and dismissing him, she walked over to her pet, and servant
"What is it, Julian?"
>She asked, standing in front of him
>He bowed quickly before righting himself, looking up at her as well, though not in her eyes
>Hard to blame him for that, though
"A-A message, my Lady! Ryland requests a chance to thank your pet for helping to save his life."
>Bryce raised a brow at the thought of that, though with a man like Ryland, it made sense
>Well, to a degree
>Glancing over to Anon, he looked quite surprised as well
>Though was that because he wasn't expecting such a response, or perhaps he didn't quite remember what had happened the first time he arrived here?
"I see."
>She replied, eyes shifting back to Julian's, following them as they darted about
"Thank you for informing me. Please let him know we'll be by soon."
>The Bat nodded and backed out, leaving the two of them alone and, after a momentary check by Bryce to make sure she didn't hear anyone listening in, she gestured to Anon that he was allowed to speak
So, when did I save this Ryland guy?
"During the original attack, on the first day you came here. I'll let him inform you more about it, as he does love to go on, even if he's talking to a pet that shouldn't be able to understand him."
Or are you just being a little lazy~?
"I just think you should avoid looking bored due to having heard everything he was going to say, especially since he'll be thanking you for saving his life."
>Anon chuckled and raised his hands hands up, shaking his head
Alright, I yield, I yield! So, when are we going?
"Right now."
>She said, striding out of the room, Anon quickly following behind her


>It didn't take too long for them to arrive at the room Ryland was staying in
>Bryce made it quite clear she was coming in now
>When they entered, Anon tried not to stare too much at the Bat laid out on the bed
>His head was faced towards the door and he was laying on his belly, his exposed back up, allowing the two other bats around him to carefully tend to his wound
"Ah, My Lady! Forgive me for not standing to greet you. As you can see, I'm somewhat tied-up at the moment"
>Said the bearded bat as he laid there
>Bryce didn't seem to mind it though, and she smiled and nodded at Ryland
"So, you said you wished to thank my pet?"
"Indeed I do! Bat, Human, beast or otherwise, a creature that puts their life on the line to save another's is worthy of praise!"
>He said, grinning up at her, and she smiled and nodded back in return
>She gestured to the door, and the Bat outside ushered Anon in, pointing him in the direction of the bed, giving him a little push
>Stepping inside, he walked over to the bed, stopping at the foot of it, looking down at the older bat who returned his gaze
"So you're Anon, huh? Gods above, my Lady, you certainly found yourself one hell of a Human! I bet he'd be almost as tall as I should I be standing!"
>He said, view shifting from Bat to Human
>Ryland reached a hand out, holding it up to Anon, and he obliged, crouching down, Anon's hand clasping his
>Despite being laid down, he shook Anon's hand with a surprising amount of vigor, the grin on his face not disappearing, even when Anon's grasp grew stronger, shaking Ryland back
"Hah! Not to mention his passion! I can tell you've got yourself quite the competitive one too, my Lady."
"Really? You can tell that just from a handshake?"
"Of course! What better way to test a man or beast than by challenging them? You can see the values a person holds best when they're up against a foe!"
>He laughed, settling back down
"You've got a Human right here who'll rise to the occasion. I like that in a man!"
>Bryce couldn't help but chuckle at that, looking between The two boys in the room
"With how you're praising him, my dear Ryland, you make it sound like you wish that he was 'your' pet~!"
"Hah! While I wouldn't mind having a Human like him by my side, I think he's better off with you. Still, it does lead into an idea I'd had earlier."
"Oh? What might that be?"
>She replied, interest evident in her voice. Anon knew he wasn't really supposed to understand this, so he kept standing there, listening
"I wish to train him."
"I wish to train him."
>Ryland repeated, as if it was the most normal thing he'd ever said
>Bryce and Anon were having two very different reactions to the news, though the former was the only one who could properly respond
"Ryland, I do hope you're talking about more mundane training and not combative."
>She said, a certain coolness to her tone that surprised Anon, shifting his attention to her while she spoke
"No, combat is exactly my desire. He's big and he's strong but with some proper training, he would make an excellent shield!"
"I will not have you training him as some sort of guard Human! He is my pet, first and foremost, not a soldier!"
>Bryce's fur had ruffled up from her outburst, all while the other three bats and one Human were left startled and staring
>She settled down, a soft paw smoothing herself out once more before she spoke, staring into Ryland's eyes
"He was not brought into my life only to be taken from me."

The silence was broken by Ryland, surprisingly enough, propping himself up on the bed despite the way his two caretakers fussed over him
Raising a paw up, he brought it to his chest, giving it a thump

"My Lady, I swear upon my life and my honour as a Bat, I will not train him to wield a sword, nor will I use him as a soldier. What I want is to train him to be an excellent shield."

She raised a brow at that, but allowed him to continue

"If what has happened lately is any proof, we need a closer defender for you, and what better than a faithful Human?"

Bryce tried not to stare at his wound

"While I don't like saying it, the ambush hurt us badly. Despite being there, my men and I were routed quickly in the confusion. Had your Human not been there, what might have happened to you? I could not bear the thought that you might have been hurt while under my watch."

Anon watched as Bryce maintained a neutral expression, but here and there he could see her fidget. Given her previous outburst, she wasn't liking where Ryland's logic was taking her
Still, she hadn't shut him down, so that much was good, right?

"On top of all that, while I was not able to see him, I was informed of what a brutal state he appeared in. Should we not teach him so he may avoid such a fate again?"

Said Bryce, cutting the bat off curtly. He lowered his head, eyes facing back down towards the bed

"I apologize, My Lady, I overstepped."
"No, no I was too quick to judge, an action for which I apologize. I know you have the best of intentions in your heart, Ryland, and that is why I'll allow you to train him."

The older bat looked up, a grin on his face, and Anon could have sworn he saw a twinkle in the Bat's eyes

"That's excellent news, my Lady! Thank you!"
"I will stop by each session to make sure he's being taught well."

The semi-serious tone to the room broke in a matter of moments as Ryland laughed

"And here you had me worried! The men and I will be honoured to have you!"

Bryce nodded, a faint smile on her face before she slipped back to business

"When would you like to begin?"
"Well, I've been told that I should be allowed to get up and stretch my legs in the next few days. Would, say, four days from now work?"
"I think that should be fine."

Bryce reached up, ruffling Anon's hair

"This sounds like it will be quite exciting, won't it, Anon?"

He smiled back at her, a sort of silent approval
To Anon, this sounded like a great idea! A way to get back in shape, as well as learn a shield-based fighting style? It was a lot better than having Bats stare at him when he tried to work out
Soon enough Bryce had turned her attention back to Ryland, smiling at him
It was odd, in that moment, despite the differences in their statures, they seemed like equals

"If there's nothing else then, Ryland, Anon and I shall take our leave."
"Nothing at all, my Lady. Thank you for giving me this chance."
"I trust you, Ryland, even if our last expedition went less than perfectly."

He chuckled at that, bowing his head

"Then I hope this will make for adequate payment, my Lady."
"I'm sure it will~"

With goodbyes said, Anon and Bryce left, Anon pausing to turn and wave at Ryland before he walked after Bryce, quickly catching up to her.

CHAPTER NINE - Coming at some point
Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:26 UTC
Views: 230