"Mrnmn," mumbled Shinji Ikari, as he stuffed a brownie into his mouth.

"Have some cake," said Kaworu Nagisa, forking a bite of chocolate cake towards him.

Mmrn," mumbled Shinji, greedily accepting the bite.

Shinji had requested a "chocolate feast" from Kaworu, and Kaworu had obliged. He had already eaten a pan of brownies, one chocolate cake, and five chocolate doughnuts. Two more cakes, one more pan of brownies, and a dozen more doughnuts were spread across the table from him. Shinji's beady blue eyes glinted with greed as he reached for a doughnut and began to chow down.

He was so fat that he took up two chairs. Weighing in at a mammoth 279 kilograms, Shinji was a blob, an oozing mountain of soft, jiggling flab. He had a fat, hoggish face, hefty jowls giving him permanent dimples and oozing down into a double chin, that sometimes had hints of a triple chin when he lowered his head. He had vast, blubbery arms that were too fat to put at his sides, leading down to fat forearms and chubby hands. In between his arms were Shinji's huge breasts, bloated and plump, with their big, brown nipples. Kaworu idly flicked one of his nipples, leading to a throaty mumble from Shinji.

Chewing, Shinji let some crumbs dribble down his belly. He was naked except for a pair of white underwear, putting his colossal stomach on full display. Shinji had a massive belly, forcing his legs apart in its hugeness, a vast, pale slope that jutted in front of him and sagged off his seats. It was riddled with stretch marks, especially on its very wide lower spread. It itched, and Shinji idly scratched it, smearing chocolate on the soft, creamy blubber.


Shinji farted, low and long, flooding the room with stench. His ass was as big as a bench, spreading and spreading, jutting out behind him as well--a very, very big bottom, two colossal cheeks that formed a shelf. His hefty hips were made of two huge thighs, bigger around than the waists of some of the other fat men he and Kaworu had gotten to know. They touched to the knee, giving him a hefty waddle, and they ended in drumstick-like calves that sagged over his ankles. He had soft, fat feet, with chubby toes.

Shinji chewed, his piggish cheeks and chins covered in chocolate. He'd been eating for more than half and hour, but he didn't want to stop. He grabbed a chunk of cake, covering his pudgy hand in icing and cream and cake. He shoved it into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

"Have a brownie," said Kaworu, holding it in his hand. Shinji turned his head, and allowed Kaworu to feed him. The red-eyed, gray-haired boy expertly made sure that every bite disappeared down Shinji's bottomless gullet. Then Shinji reached for another chunk of cake, and ate it. Kaworu clucked his tongue. "Shinji-kun, come now, use the fork. Or at least the large pie server. You'll be wasting cake if you eat so messily. Bring it closer to you, as well," and Kaworu slid the rest of the cake closer to Shinji.

Shinji picked up a huge serving fork and pried a large chunk of the cake free. He brought it to his lips and ate it in three bites. "Ohmm," he mumbled, crumbs and icing dribbling down his front. "I love chocolate."


Another soft, hissing fart flooded out of Shinji's anus, every bit as stinky as the last. Kaworu chuckled, waving his hand in front of his nose. "Ah, Shinji-kun, cheese enchiladas do interact with your guts in interesting ways."

Shinji picked up another brownie and ate it. Then he picked up another doughnut and ate that, too. "Mmm, ah, Kaworu-san," he said, grabbing another doughnut, "I'd been thinking that maybe we could have ice cream later."

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, patting Shinji's enormous belly. "We must let you have whatever you want."

"And for supper..." Shinji forked another huge bite of cake to his mouth, "I was thinking we could get takeout Chinese. From that place on Hartford Street."

"Indeed," said Kaworu. He rubbed the furthest jutting slope of Shinji's belly. "Such a good boy. You must be as greedy as you want, Shinji-kun. All the eating you could desire, I will give to you."

Shinji had finished the second cake. Kaworu moved the third in front of him. Shinji was in heaven. He was eating right now and thinking about what he was going to eat later. Kaworu had turned his life into nothing but eating, sleeping, and lounging, and Shinji felt constant joy. No more worries, no more cares. Just filling his belly with delicious food, and relaxing. His blue eyes glinted. Eating was the thing he loved the most. Kaworu had truly made a fat boy of him. He felt a bottomless urge to consume. He was a pig to his very soul.

"Another brownie, Kaworu-san," said Shinji, as he finished a bite of cake.

"Of course," said Kaworu. "Open wide..." Shinji's three chins oozed downwards as Kaworu fed him again.

Pub: 18 Apr 2022 02:28 UTC
Views: 727