SM Episode 1 - Waxing Phase

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, in the depths of the night underneath the billion pinpricks of starlight, stood a young woman. She was special, a Princess even! Standing on a surface that glimmered like a sea on a calm day, she surveyed her home. She admired the towering spires and the all encompassing wall; how they caught the light of the stars and took on a dim, ethereal glow of eternal dusk. How the palace stretched ever skywards, reaching up, up, up, capped with a spire aiming for the stars.

The Princess took a breath as her eyes trailed up past the golden yellow crescent that sat atop the castle, her heart skipping a beat as she beheld the blue-green-brown sphere beyond it. The celestial object still hangs fat and low in the night sky, granting her the thought that she might make out some of the more distinct features. A sprawling city here, a stretch of farmlands there, a lavish temple, a traveling caravan...

Closing her eyes, the Princess sighed. Her imagination had been running away with itself again. Despite the apparent closeness, the worlds were still quite far apart. Certainly she could close the distance, but to presume to be able to see the people and their lives from here; foolishness.

Resting for a while longer, distant echoes reached her ears. A gentle smacking sound, breathless gasps and primitive grunts. Her face colored with embarrassment as she recognized it as the sound of sex. And not just one couple, but rather a cacophony of auditory sensations. As though an entire city were engaging in the most libidinous pursuit of pleasure possible.

But, that is her home. That is-


And she is-


The Princess reached down between her legs and-


Opened her eyes.

"-up, it's already past eight!"

Much closer to home, and not nearly as long ago, a bleary eyed blonde sits up from her bed. With her gaze still weighed down by sleep, she twists her head from side to side until she finds the prize she has been searching for, a clock reading 08:15. Blue orbs sharpen to alertness, a panicked cry escaping her lips!

She, the girl racing down the steps, is Usagi Tsukino: 1X years old. As she reached the last step, her sock-clad feet slip and send her tumbling down in a tangle of limbs to the foyer below. She gives another wail of protest, not bothering to fight back the tears as she forces herself to her feet and resumes her rush to the bathroom, albeit with a slight limp. Catching sight of her mother as she passes the kitchen, she calls out, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?"

"I did, several times. You kept saying you would get up."

"I don't remember that at all!" Usagi shout around a mouthful of toothpaste froth. She gags a little, spits, and rushes to the hall mirror. She looks like a mess: her hastily donned uniform is out of sorts, her face is still slack with sleep, and she is certain a bruise will be forming on her leg in short order. The girl's shoulders sag even as her mother steps into the mirror's frame.

"My, my, aren't you a mess?" she says with a sigh, placing a bento into the school bag. "Here, give me a moment."

As the older woman sets about making her daughter presentable for modern society, the blonde can't help but pout. While the start to her day has been unpleasant, Usagi is more focused on the fact that her mother is in prime position to do a side-by-side comparison in the mirror. And the blonde does not like what she's seeing.

Ikuko Tsukino, 35 years old, housewife. While not a bombshell, her mother certainly has a mature, adult figure. Her breasts are just shy of large and her hips full and rounded, giving Ikuko a very pleasant hourglass shape when paired with her thin waist. But it could be argued that the most feminine thing about her is her hair: long, thick, curly, stretching all the way down to the base of her spine. Her father has alluded to Ikuko being a bit of a while woman in her younger days, and the always 'just out of place' curls still manage to give the kind-hearted woman a dangerous predatory air that surfaced on occasion. Such instances were few and far between, thankfully.

On the other hand, Usagi is much less developed. Her breasts at least fit comfortably into her palms, but that isn't saying much considering her hands are as petite as she is, and her butt is almost non-existent. Even with her middle out of sight, she knows the frequent sweet binges with her friends have taken a toll on her waist line. However she is not without charming points of her own, her legs are in pretty good shape and, like her mother, she boasts an impressive cascade of hair. Knotted on top of either side of her head in odango-style balls, the twin-tails still reach all the way down to her knees. The silky strands are certainly one thing she inherited from her mother, though thankfully they are straighter and more manageable.

Still, she would love to look a little more mature.

"Okay, that should do it," her mother finally declares, seeming satisfied with her work as she gives Usagi a peck on the cheek. "Have a nice day at school."

Usagi looks herself over and notes that she doesn't look that much different. However knowing that her mother cared enough to fuss over her fills the blonde with a certain level of self-assurance that does wonders for her appearance. Flashing the purple-haired woman a smile, she laughs, "Thank you, bye-bye Momma!"

And with that, Usagi takes off for another normal day. But as she runs along, whining about morning coming yet again, her life takes an uncertain turn. And it starts with a black cat crossing her path.

Or rather with her crossing the cat's path as she comes across the rather frantic looking cat, hissing and yowling as it paws at its face. Usagi takes a step back from the spitting animal, before a chorus of jeers reaches her ears.

"Get the cat! Get it, get it!" Three boys round the corner, their eyes locked on the furious feline with mischievous smiles decorating their lips. At least until they catch sight of Usagi. Despite her anxiety about the cat, the young woman steels herself and takes a long step forward, clenching her fist in front of her.

"What are you kids doing?!" she growls, sparking what is no doubt a new game for the boys as they scatter, calling her all sorts of names as they disperse. Taking a breath and smiling again, Usagi fully commits to checking on the panicked animal. "Don't worry, they're gone now. How are you doing?"

The cat trembles, looking up at her with a wary glare before pawing at its head again. Usagi at last notices the band-aid slapped across the creature's head and with a gentle, "Oh those awful boys! I'll have that off in a second," the blonde reaches out and begins to pull. Before the cat can get too worked up, Usagi pulls, tearing the adhesive away in one clean move.

She rocks back out of immediate swipe range just in case the cat is feeling temperamental, but instead it simply goes quiet, staring up at Usagi with wide eyes. The girl manages a smile, and then jerks back upright as the cat leaps backwards and flips end over end, to land on top of a parked car. The two stare at one another in surprise for several seconds more, the beginnings of a question forming on Usagi's lips as she spots an unusual mark that had been hidden by the bandage.

"A crescent moon bald spot?"

The cat stiffens, hackles rising as a wave of lightheadedness comes over the blonde. She wobbles about and plants a hand on a nearby light pole, trying to remain upright. A half-remembered dream stirs, and her body burns with an uncertain need. The cat continues to stare, as though judging her, even as Usagi's hand move to the bowtie covering her chest.

Hot. She's far too hot. If her skin doesn't breathe, she'll burst into flames! The only cure is-

In the distance a school bell begins to chime. Usagi snaps back to reality and makes another panicked shout. "I'm going to be late! I don't have time for this!"

Usagi takes off again; now cursing mornings, brats and cats alike as she makes a beeline to the school. The cat remains on the roof of the car, watching her go with the same curious, probing stare.

Despite Usagi's best attempts, she earns yet another tardy mark on her record. The teacher glares down at her, frustration boiling just underneath the surface. "Late again? And out of uniform?"

"Wh-?" Glancing down, Usagi's eyes boggle as she sees that, in fact, the bowtie of her uniform is completely undone. While somehow hanging on for the mad rush to school, Usagi is now flashing a bit of bra in the loose top. The boys are talking amongst themselves as they compare notes, although the general atmosphere is more amused than erotic.

So it was that Usagi ended up standing out in the hall so that she might not disrupt the class further. What a terrible start to a terrible day. All of this was made worse when Usagi got an earful in front of the entire class after scoring a 30% on the last English test. And then that jerk-nerd-dork Umino rubbing it in her face that he scored so high without even trying, it was enough to make her sink into a depression; especially considering how she will have to explain the grade to her parents...

"I'm going to die, they'll disown me," Usagi whimpers, while another girl pats her on the head. Naru Osaka, a friendly and bubbly girl with a good sense of fashion, and a slim, well-proportioned figure with defined lines. A combination that has resulted in half of the boys in their class asking her out, and subsequently being turned down and pining for her. What she sees in Usagi as a friend, the blonde can't quite figure out, but it's fun to have her around anyway.

"Don't worry about it too much, Usagi. There are laws about child abuse." Ah, perhaps it might be that Usagi is forgiving of her blunt nature. But even in forgiveness the tears come anyway, Usagi bawling her eyes out over her impending doom, leaving Naru scrambling to change the subject. "Uh, oh! Did you hear that Sailor V appeared again?"

In between her tears, Usagi chokes out, "S-Sailor V?"

"Yeah! She caught the robbers from the jewelry heist!"

"Oh wow, that's amazing!" Staring up at her friend for a beat, Usagi cocks her head to the side. "What's a Sailor V?"

Placing her fingers against her forehead, Naru groans, "Don't pretend like you know when you don't!" She adopts a considering look and then smiles. "It's like this: she's a superhero in a school girl uniform! Sort of..."

"Sort of?"

"Well, her sailor uniform isn't exactly regulation,' the brown-haired girl drawls, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Standing in front of her friend, Naru grabs a bit of her skirt then drops it, before moving her hand up almost all the way to her hip. "I've never seen her before think this is about how high it goes?"

Usagi stares at her friend with wide eyes. "And she runs around after criminals like that? But they could see everything!"

"Right, right?" Naru nods along before cupping her hands out in front of her. "And she apparently got breasts bigger than volleyballs and she just jiggles and shakes all over the place!"

The blonde's breath catches at the thought of such enormous breasts. Sure, she might have come across a magazine with a model sporting a huge chest once or twice, but that was the stuff of teenage boy fantasies, right? There's no way anyone could actually be that big. Right?

Usagi rubs her thighs together beneath her skirt, giving a cheerful laugh. "How weird. If someone can run around like that, it must be a sign of the end of the century."

"Mm-hmm," Naru bobs her head again. "I bet it's just an urban legend made up by horny boys. But gems sure are beautiful..."

"Yeah," giggles Usagi, the pair descending into a brief exchange on the desires of teenage girls to own and show off their own jewelry.

"Ah, that's right!" the brown-haired girl shouts, nearly bowling her friend over. "Momma decided to start a sale yesterday, so we can for sure get some beautiful looking things in our price range! Want to come?"

Usagi bounces to her feet, grabbing her friend's hands. "Mm, for sure! I wish it was already the end of the day so we could go now!"

A bell chimes and the two hurry back to class. Her troubles forgotten for the moment, Usagi continues through the day and is quick to make her escape with Naru when the bell signals the end of the day. The pair makes their way to the store in short order and enter in to find a throng of women already present. And in the center of it: Naru's mother shouting into a plastic megaphone.

"Welcome, welcome! Come on in, try on anything you like! Everything is on sale!" the glamorous woman declares, a sure sign of where Naru gets some of her best qualities. Style, accented with a golden necklace and a matching pair of overly large, emerald-set earrings, and a figure that would look at home if placed on a magazine, with a pair of breasts large enough to form an enticing line of cleavage. Naru has a fair amount more to go, it seems, before catching up to her full-figured mother.

As the woman continues to parade around, encouraging the prospective shoppers, Usagi feels a chill run down her spine. Something about the way the store owner moves has entranced the blonde. Usagi bites back a whimper as she curls her nails into the palm of her hand, doing her best to ignore the gentle pulse between her thighs. "She's, certainly inspired."

"Yeah, she really gets excited about jewelry. Come on, I'll introduce you." Grabbing her friend by the hand, Naru tugs Usagi closer to the saleswoman. The blonde's mind whirls as she tries to make sense of what she's feeling. Contrary to the popular opinion of her classmates, Usagi isn't an idiot; she just doesn't do well in school. But she knows well enough what she's feeling in this moment is quite unlike anything she's felt towards a woman before.

Usagi will be the first to admit that there are attractive and beautiful women in the world. And while she might pine after them from time to time, it's only ever a fleeting thought. Even Naru, her very attractive best friend, has only had one or two brief romantic flashes in between Usagi's twin-tails. Women just don't do anything for Usagi.

Except that Naru's mom, right now, in this moment, may as well be the most sexually attractive creature Usagi has ever seen. Her mouth is dry, while her lower lips are drooling, the friction of her quickly soaking panties is pleasurable rather than irritating. And Usagi's heart is thudding away in her chest while her mind plays out elaborate scenes where she jumps the older woman, or is seduced into a mewling mess under her mothering touch.

Naru remains thankfully oblivious of her friend's plight, calling out to the woman, "Momma! I brought a friend!"

The older woman turns with a winning smile, "Naru dear, welcome home! And you as well, thank you for coming. I'm Mayumi Osaka; it's nice to finally meet one of my daughter's friends. Feel free to look around."

Swallowing the knot in her throat, Usagi does her best to ignore the awkward feelings. "T-thank you for having me, I-I will!"

"So polite," Mayumi all but purrs, her eyes taking on a predatory gleam, "ah, of course since you are Naru's friend, I can give you an extra special friends and family discount!"

"Really!?" Usagi squeals as the woman grabs her free hand, tugging Usagi and her daughter to the sales counter. The contact is brief, but the blonde finds herself craving more of the woman's soft touch.

Humming to herself, the saleswoman looks over the jewelry on display, making a dissatisfied sound as she murmurs, "Let's see, what would be best for you..." She turns and, with a gentle gasp, bends over, the motion pulling her dress to the limit over her full bottom.

"Mom~ma, you're embarrassing me," Naru whines, rolling her eyes, while her friend's are glued to the woman's backside. If she squints just so, Usagi swears she can see a bit of black lace peeking through he strained fabric.

Ignoring her daughter's complaints, Mayumi turns with a flourish and presents an open box. She almost launches into a pitch, but pauses when she catches Usagi staring. The dark smile returns, a little more forceful this time, but as the blonde scrambles to make up an excuse, the saleswoman pushes to ring box towards the pair. The ring inside is a reasonably thick gold band, with a large diamond set in the center. Usagi's eyes widen as she stares at the glittery engagement-quality ring, as well as the price tag.

"Fi-five hundred thousand yen?"

"Ignore that," Mayumi laughs. "For a friend of my daughter, I can go as low as thirty-thousand. With some extra service, perhaps?"

Despite the saleswoman batting her eyes, Usagi gapes and her unclean thoughts are momentarily forgotten. Naru is quick to join her, wide eyed as they exclaim in tandem, "Five hundred thousand to thirty-thousand!?'

The world slows to a crawl for a moment as every woman in the store processes what they just heard. And then Usagi finds herself sprawled out on the floor after a heavy hip check from a hefty woman insisting she'll take the deal. The counter is swarmed soon after by eager buyers, the women fighting tooth and nail to get the ring.

After a few painful stomps, Usagi and Naru untangle themselves from the crush of women, the pair retreating to the door and admiring the madness. "Wow, I've never seen the store so crazy. I'm a little worried she might drive herself out of business at those prices. Is this what they call a mid-life crisis?"

"Thirty thousand yen, I really want it," Usagi pouts. This was probably a once in a lifetime deal! "But, I've already used up my allowance for this month."

A playful light sparks in Naru's eyes. "I can talk to Momma about holding the deal for you. I'm sure she wouldn't mind, and you could ask your Dad for some help covering the cost."

Usagi puffs up her cheeks and scowls. "But I failed my English test..."

The brown-haired girl winces as Usagi starts to tear up again. "Oh, that's right... I guess this was a bust." Planting a hand on her friend's shoulder, Naru gives her something her friend can actually afford: encouragement. "Hang in there, Usagi."

Standing outside the jewelry store, the blonde turns her head upwards and lets loose a weary breath. "I should have studied harder," she laments, before looking down at the test in her hand. A burning rage fills her heart as she crushes the paper in her hands and tosses it over her shoulder. "What a crappy day!"

Storming off down the street, a smooth, masculine voice causes her to stop. "Hey, are you some kind of litterbug, dumpling head?"

"Ah, I'm sorry," Usagi turns, only to see the man looking over the uncrushed exam. Even behind his large sunglasses, she can see the man's face pale as he looks towards her with an expression somehow resembling both disgust and pity.

"Thirty percent? You really need to study harder, dumpling head."

"Wh-what do you know!? Honestly, the nerve of some people," Usagi snaps back, snatching her test in the process. Marching back down the street, she pauses at the end of the block and chances a glance back. The man is still standing in front of the jewelry store, staring intently at the women inside.

From a distance he didn't seem quite so obnoxious, and even underneath his loose coat it was obvious that the man had a defined body. Usagi wasn't the only one noticing either, as girls and women seemed to find ways to cross his path for a closer look. But why was he standing outside looking in? Was he waiting on a girlfriend? Maybe his wife?

More to the point, why did she care? He was a jerk! And she liked girls, like Mayumi Osaka! ...Right?

After a brief consideration, she settles on muttering, "Weirdo," and resumes the walk home. It is a trip that coincidentally takes her by the Game Crown Arcade, where she would normally stop in and burn through her allowance. Well, if she had any left, but Usagi isn't really feeling like having fun today anyway. However a poster for a new game does catch her eye: Sailor V.

"She's already got a game? But I just heard about her today," the blonde giggles. She eyes up the titular heroine and it's pretty clear that Naru was either exaggerating or the artist took some liberties. After all, her breasts are 'just' smaller than the size of her head, perfectly sized to still be covered by her midriff bearing sailor shirt. And her skirt, while scandalously short, isn't packed with enough rump meat to show anything off, not even the blonde's panties.

Usagi ignores the slight twinge of disappointment, but really what else can you expect from an urban legend?

"It must be nice to be Sailor V," she says to herself, her voice distant and tired. "No more school or tests and catching bad guys must feel pretty good. Not to mention she looks like a gravure idol." Usagi pauses, trying and failing to put herself in the heroine's high-heeled shoes. Another sigh as she looks down at her test. "On the other hand, I... I really don't want to take this home."

Usagi tears up again, letting out small whimpers and sniffs as she continues her walk of academic shame. So caught up is she in her misery, that she misses the quiet padding of someone following along behind her...

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Pub: 01 Jan 2022 01:20 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2022 01:22 UTC
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