" I said.

"So what videos got you all wet between your legs Isabella?"

By then I’d got the bikini off and Mia was handing me another one to try on. As I put it on I replied,

"I liked the ones where the girl was letting men look up her skirt when she has no knickers on."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, the ones where girls got made to strip and got spanked, and I really liked the fake doctor ones. There was one where a girl volunteered to be a human guinea pig and the so called doctors made her cum over and over."

"I bet that you cum quite easily with a clit that sticks out like yours does don’t you Isabella?"

"I do, all I have to do is touch it sometimes and off I go. Even pulling these bikinis on excites me."

"As sensitive as that is it?"


"You lucky girl, you’d make an amazing human guinea pig."

"You think so?"

"I do. What does this one look like on me Mia? It’s like the one that you’ve got on."

"Yes, a G-string bottoms and here, let me show you this."

Mia put her hands on my right tit and slid the fabric that was covering my tit together so that it only just covered my areola. As she did so she accidentally, maybe, brushed a finger over my right nipple causing me to moan.

"My, my Isabella, you do have sensitive nipples, nice and proud as well."

"Yes I do, but the strange thing is that I never really noticed it until the other day."

"That’s because your daddy seeing you naked has triggered all sorts of sexual thoughts in your brain. You’re noticing these things now and getting all sorts of desires."

"You’re not kidding, I even used a carrot on myself earlier today."

"There’s a lot better things that you can use rather than a carrot Isabella, you should get some dildos and vibrators. We don’t sell those but I can recommend a good website to get some from. I get all mine from there."


"So, this bikini, what do you think Isabella, as you can see you can make the top so narrow that it only just covers your nipples and you can have accidental wardrobe malfunction that leave a nipple exposed, like this."

Mai’s hand easily slid the fabric off my right tit, again accidentally, maybe, brushing my nipple, and I moaned again then said,

"Yes, I like that, I can see places where that could come in handy."

"Don’t just decide yet Isabella I’ve got some more to show you, take that one off."

I did, standing there in the middle of the shop totally naked and watching Mia sort through all the dangling strings from all the bikinis that were on the rack.

"Here, try this one on Isabella." Mia said handing me what looked like just a bunch of strings.

Mia helped me sort it out and held the top for me to put on my tits. The main triangles of the cups were big enough to go all around each tit but the fabric that actually covered my tits was unusual, there was only a narrow, vertical strip on each tit going from the top of the triangle vertically down to the bottom of the triangle. It was so narrow that I struggled to get the fabric to cover my nipples and areolae leaving the rest of my tits exposed.

"Wow, this is daring, I bet that those strips slide off my nipples a lot."

"Yes, more accidental wardrobe malfunctions, great for pool parties where there are some prudes there. Wait until you put the bottoms on. Tell you what Isabella, close your eyes and I’ll get them ready for you to step into and pull them up for you. Okay?"

"Why not." I replied and closed my eyes.

Seconds later Mia told me to lift my left foot and I felt something being pulled over my foot to my ankle. Then it was the same with my right foot. Up the bottoms went as Mia pulled them up.

"Spread your legs a bit Isabella."

When I did I felt the bottoms move towards where I expected them to end up. As they came up something caught on my clit and flicked it causing me to gasp then moan.

"Jeez Mia, you nearly made me cum."

"I thought that you might like that Isabella." Mia said as she pulled the bottoms into place and adjusted the side ties.

"There you go Isabella have a look at yourself in the mirror."

"Something doesn’t feel right Mia."

"Look in the mirror. No not that one, go to the one over by the door."

I turned and looked towards the door then said,

"People walking by might see me?"

"Isn’t that what you want Isabella? Besides, you’ve got a bikini on."

"If you can call this a bikini." I replied as I went to the mirror.

"Bloody hell Mia, I can see my clit."

"Pull it down to cover your clit, you can play with it if you want, I don’t mind if you cum in my shop."

"MIA! I couldn’t do that."

"Look at the bottom of the mirror."

I did and saw a little angled extension to the big mirror and it was angled so that when I looked down I could see my crotch. I spread my legs a bit and I could see all of my pussy right back to there the two sides of the ‘V’ met at my butt hole."

"Oh my gawd Mia, do girls really wear these out in public?"

"They certainly do, from the front it looks like a normal thong bikini bottoms but when the girl lays down or even sits lazily her whole pussy is on display, good isn’t it."

"But my clit was sticking out."

"That’s because your clit is bigger than most but won’t that be the best part. You will look quite normal until someone stares at your pussy then they will see you clit. The perfect wardrobe malfunction. You can always pull the fabric down to hide it like you just did but that would spoil your fun wouldn’t it?"

I stood there thinking about what I could see and what Mia had said, and she was right. That bikini would be perfect for going to the public swimming pool or to daddy’s summer party (that’s the party that daddy has at the end of July for all his work colleagues, the one that I always stayed hidden in my room because I didn’t want to meet any of them).

"I’ll take it." I said.

"I haven’t finished showing you all of the ones that I think that you’ll like Isabella."

"Okay but I’m definitely having this one." I said as I pulled the top off and dropped the bottoms.

It was then that I remembered that I was totally naked in the front of the shop but I just stood there as Mia brought over the last bikini over to me. As I started to put it on I looked out of the window and saw a couple of young boys from my school walking by and I thought,

"You should still be at school."

Then I looked over to the clock on the wall and saw that the school bus had probably dropped them off and they were just walking home. Then I had another thought,

"Why don’t you boys turn your heads and look at me?"

Then as the top went into place I saw that it was like the last one except that there was no fabric between the triangular edges. I was wearing a bikini top but my tits were completely exposed.

"Wow, you really did keep the best until last Mia."

"Put the bottoms on Isabella."

As I stepped into them I could see what was going to happen, A triangle of edging string framed my pubis and vulva and that was it apart from the strings holding it up, one going up my butt crack .

"Wow, where do girls wear these?" I asked

"Where ever they want to be able to say that they are wearing a bikini but want to put their goodies on display. No don’t you tell me that you are not thinking about wearing one of those on that beach Isabella."

"I was thinking about that but I don’t think that I’ve got the nerve."

"That time will come Isabella. In the mean time how about standing in the window next to one of the mannequins for a while?"

"WHAT! I could never do that, someone might see me."

"I bet that you were thinking about those boys who just walked by seeing you naked weren’t you?"

My face went a bit red and I quietly replied.

"Yes I was."

"Get up there Isabella, next to the one in the red bikini, stand in the same pose."

"No. I couldn’t."

"Yes you can, only for five minutes."

I was torn, I really wanted to but I didn’t think that I had the nerve. After a good minute of the two sides of my brain arguing it out I stepped up, got into place and the pose.

My heart was pounding as I said,

"You will tell me when the five minutes is up won’t you Mia?"

"Mannequins can’t talk Isabella."

With my heart pounding, my nipples and clit tingling like hell and my pussy sending little rivers down the insides of the thighs I stood there hoping that both no one would walk by and look my way, and that lots of men would walk by and come and stare at me through the glass. I tried to think if any of the older boys that I saw on the school bus would be walking that way home. I remembered that one boy in my class, Tommy whatshisname would have been on the bus. I didn’t know if he had an exam that afternoon or not.

Then my wort nightmare, or was it my dream come true, as in my peripheral vision I saw Tommy whatshisname and Zack Turnbull, another boy in a parallel class, walking towards the shop.

My heart rate must have doubled and the rivers felt like they were turning into torrents as the two 18 year old boys turned their heads and looked directly at me. Then they stopped and walked up to the window.

"Oh my gawd, oh my gawd," I thought, "keep very still Isabella, don’t even blink."

"That mannequin look different," Tommy said, "look, it’s even got a slit and a clit."

"Bloody hell yes, and its nipples are a darker colour to the rest of it." Zack replied.

"Hey," Tommy said, "that face looks like that girl in our class at school, you know, the one that never says anything."

"Yeah, but I saw her in the gym doing gymnastics a few weeks ago and she looked really hot."

"Oh yeah, I saw her too, at the time I thought that I could really giver her one."

"Why didn’t you ask her out mate?

"Because she dresses so drab, I could never see her putting out."

"Yea, you’re probably right, and she only has small tits and I like big tits. Come on, I’m getting hungry."

I was so frustrated when they walked away and I was about to ask Mia if my time was up when I saw her walk up to me. What I didn’t see but certainly felt was Mia’s finger touching my clit. My response was instant as the orgasm exploded out of me. My arms dropped and my knees bent as the waves and jerks controlled my body.

"Mia," I said when I managed to get some control, "why?"

"Because I could see that you needed it Isabella."

"Well yes, but in the shop window where everyone could see me?"

"Don’t tell me that you didn’t enjoy it, your response was immediate so you must have been on the edge. Oh, and your time is up so you can come down now."

I suddenly realised that I was still stood in the shop window and I quickly climbed down.

"Feel better now Isabella?"

"Yes, my heart is still pounding but I’m okay. Oh, and thank you Mia, that was awesome."

"I thought that you’d enjoy it, you remind me of me a few year ago."

"You did crazy things like that?"

"Yes I did, but that’s history, get that bikini off, I’ve got some cover ups to show you."

I followed Mia over to the rack of them where she started looking through them and pulling out a few that she thought I might like.

"Some of these you could actually wear as a dress Isabella."

"Okay," I replied as she turned and handed one to me.

I held it up to look at it and thought,

"This is very see-through, but there again, I’ve seen lots of girls with see-through cover ups over their swimsuits."

"Designed to go over a swimsuit aren’t they Mia?"

"Yes but that doesn’t mean that you have to wear a swimsuit under them."

"True," I replied as I looked in the mirror and could clearly see my nipples and slit.

I tried on six cover ups of various designs, colours and patterns and everyone was see-through and in everyone I could see my nipples and slit. As I stared at myself wearing the last one I imagined myself walking along a crowded beach wearing nothing but that cover up.

"I’ll take this one." I said as I pulled it over my head then handed it back to Mia.

"We have some nice sarongs as well Isabella, would you like to see them?"

"Yes, why not, I’ve got plenty of time and daddy will be paying."

"Lucky you."

"You don’t seem to be doing too badly for yourself Mia."

Whilst Mia was showing me the different ways that I can wear a sarong, all of them being see-through, she told me that her and Jack had started their online bikini shop when they were at university and that they specialised in ‘hardly there’ bikinis. They’d used Mia as the model, still were, for all the photos on the website. Things went well to start with but shortly after they both graduated they had to diversify into making some soft porn movies, even doing live internet shows. Then the demand for bikinis increased and they stopped the porn to concentrate on selling bikinis. Mia’s uncle died about a year ago and left her the shop so the converted it in to what it is today.

"That’s quite a story Mia." I said as I was taking off the last sarong leaving me totally naked in the middle of the shop. Mia turned to take the sarongs that I had chosen when the shop door suddenly opened and I nearly had a heart attack.

"Relax Isabella, it’s only Jack."

I looked at Jack and Jack looked at me.

Who is this Mia?" Jack asked as I just stood there letting him get a really good look at my naked body.

"Jack Isabella, Isabella Jack, my boyfriend and business partner."

I put out my hand and Jack shook it saying,

"Really nice to see all of you Isabella, Mia getting the customers to flaunt their naked bodies again I see, but I have to say that she’s picked a really beautiful one this time. How old are you Isabella?"

"Eighteen why?"

"Oh, just wondered."

"Isabella has recently decided that she likes men seeing her naked and she wants to know how she can show herself and make some upskirt movies, some spanking and fake doctor ones where she is a human guinea pig made to cum dozens of times, all on camera. She’s go very sensitive nipples and clit. She orgasmed in the shop window when I just touched her clit."

All the time that I was listening to Mia I was just stood there with my hands by my sides with aching nipples and clit and with my juices oozing out of me.

"Interesting," Jack said, "is this for real?"

"Yes." I quietly said.

"Have you ever been fucked Isabella?"


"So if I touch you here (clit) you might just cum for me?"

I was so turned on right then that even the thought that Jack might touch my clit made me start to cum.

"Bloody hell, I haven’t even touched her yet." Jack said to Mia.

"She’s a nymphomaniac that hasn’t been fucked yet." Mia replied.

Meanwhile I was struggling to stay on my feet and my body was shaking and jerking. Jack waited and watched until I showed signs of recovering then he did touch my clit and up I went again.

"Bloody hell, amazing Isabella."

Then Jack turned to Mia and said,

"We’ve got to do something to help this girl, and we can make some money out of her as well."

As I recovered Jack said,

"So you’ve never had a cock inside you?"


"When are you going to put that right?" Jack asked me.

"I don’t know, as soon as possible I guess."

"When did you have your last period?"

"It finished a few days ago."

"Do you want me to take your virginity Isabella?"

My jaw dropped and I turned my head to look at Mia and saw that she was smiling. The never ending tingling got stronger as I thought for a couple of seconds then replied,

"Yes please."

"Well," Mia said, "we’d better clear the counter."

"What about the shop front?" I said.

"Sod that," Jack said, "there’s virtually no chance that anyone will see us but don’t you want to be seen Isabella?"


"You can be on top for your first time Isabella," Jack said, "that way you can control how quickly you lower yourself on to me."

I again looked at Mia and she was already starting to clear the sales counter so she was obviously okay with her boyfriend fucking me.

Jack dropped his jeans and boxers and I gasped when I saw his cock.

"It’s huge." I said.

"I thought that you’d been looking at porno movies" Mia said.

"I have but seeing one for real is different."

"This is the first time that you’ve seen a real cock Isabella?" Jack asked.


"Climb up and take your time Isabella, we’ve got as long as it takes."

I climbed onto the counter and straddles Jack’s sides. Instinct told me what to do and I gasped when my vaginal entrance touched the tip of Jack’s cock.

"Ooooooooooooohhh," I said as I lowered myself just a little."

"Take your time Isabella." Mia said as she watched me slowly impale myself on her boyfriend’s cock.

To many Oos, aarghs, sighs and oh my gawds, I slowly went lower, millimetre by millimetre until I finally felt my butt touch Jack’s upper legs.

"Relax and savour the moment Isabella." Jack said.

So I did and went a few millimetres lower.

"That’s, that’s awesome." I said, "No wonder all the girls at school were bragging about getting fucked."

"You’re still at school?" Jack asked sounding a little concerned.

"Yes, well for two more days next week when I have two exams to take. I’m going to college in September but I was eighteen a couple of weeks ago so I can’t accuse you of underage rape."

"You’d like to be raped would you Isabella?" Jack asked.

"Pretend raped, yes." I replied.

"And you’d want it all on video I assume?"


"Okay. I’ll see what I can arrange for you, now slowly lift yourself up Isabella the when I’m about to drop out of you lower yourself again."

Instinct took over and after doing what Jack said I did it again and again, getting faster and faster each time until an orgasm hit me and I dropped down impaling myself fully as the orgasm took control of my body.

I started to feel Jack’s cock softening inside me so I climbed off and jumped down onto the floor.

"Have you every sucked a cock before Isabella?" Mia asked.

"No." I replied.

"Do you want to? There one there that needs the kiss of life."

I looked at Jack’s wilting cock that was covered in my juices.

"Can I?"

"Of course you can, then when it’s come back to life Jack and fuck you from behind."

"Thanks Mia, you’re amazing."

"So are you Isabella." Mia replied.

I turned to Jack and move my head to his soft cock. I looked it for a good minute then stuck my tongue out and licked the end of it and quickly moved my head back when it twitched. Mia laughed then said,

"It won’t bite you Isabella, but make sure that you don’t bite it."

I moved my head back and licked the end again. This time I tasted myself. Then I took the whole of the end of Jacks cock into my mouth and started sucking. Either instinct took over or I started doing what I’d seen on some of those videos because I started bobbing my head up and down taking it further into my mouth each time. Jack’s cock started getting harder and harder and I tried to take his cock into my throat but I gave up on that idea when I gagged, immediately getting back to doing what I knew that I could do.

A couple of minutes Jack lifted my head off him saying,

"Bend over the counter Isabella."

I knew what was coming and I was looking forward to it. I bent over the counter, spread my legs and waited.

I didn’t have to wait for long before I felt Jack’s cock enter my hole. He rammed it right in moving me forward a little and causing me to go "Humph." I also felt the front of his thighs slam against the back of my thighs and it felt like his cock was going into my stomach.

Jack withdrew then rammed his cock deep inside me again, then again, then again.

"Aargh, aargh, aargh, oohh, oohh, oh, oh fuck, I’m cuuuuummmmmiiiinnnggg."

But Jack didn’t stop. On and on he pounded into me, right through my orgasm and into the next one and it was only when I started to come down from my second high that he rammed into me hard and held it there. I felt his cock swell a little then warm bursts of his cum filling me up.

I just lay there for ages waiting for my heart and breathing to slow down. Jack went soft and pulled out of me but I still didn’t move. Mia came over to me and asked me if I was okay. I said that I was then I stood up. Mia put her arm round my shoulder and said,

"So how was your first time Isabella?"

"Awesome, better than I expected."

"Yes he is good isn’t he."

"He sure is, can I borrow him for a few days?"

"No, but he might get the urge to fuck you again sometime."

"I can’t wait."

Jack was pulling his jeans on and I caught one final glimpse of his cock. I’d been introduced to fucking and I wanted more.

"I’m going to make an appointment to see my doctor when I get home, get myself on the pill." I said.

"Have you considered an implant Isabella? Not having to remember to take a pill every day is good and there’s reasonable chance that your periods will stop as well." Mia asked.

"I didn’t think about that but it sounds good, I’ll talk to my doctor."

"So," Jack said, "do you still want me to see if I can make some of your dreams come true Isabella?"

"Hell yes, and thank you Jack, and you Mia, that was totally awesome. Do you really think that you can find someone who can make my other dreams come true?"

"I’m pretty sure that I can, give me a couple of days and come back here. If you don’t come I’ll know that you’ve changed your mind."

"I won’t, I’ll be here, but I guess that I should be going, have you got all the things that I said I wanted to buy Mia?"

"Yes, just hang on a minute I’ll put them through the till."

"Where’s my dress and bag?" I asked.

Jack brought them over to me and I got out my credit card and gave it to Mia. Two minutes later Mia was giving me a bag with my new bikinis and other things, her telling me that a note with the name of a shop in the nearby city where I could probably find the clothes that I wanted. I was about to leave when Jack said,

"I know that you want to be seen like that Isabella but walking through town like that without a group of people to look after you isn’t a good idea."


I put my dress on, gave both Mia and Jack a kiss on their cheeks, told them that I’d see them in a couple of days and left. As I walked Jack’s cum was leaking out of me and running down the insides of my thighs but I didn’t care, I was so happy that I could easily have walked home totally naked.

As soon as I did get home I went straight to the shower and just as I was drying myself the doorbell rang. I dropped the towel and ran down to the door totally naked. It was only when I opened the door a little and stuck my head round to see who it was that I remembered that it was the grocery delivery that I’d arranged the last weekend.

"Oh well, here goes." I said to myself as I fully opened the door and gave not only a pleasant (I hoped) surprise to the delivery driver, but I gave my self a wet and tingly pussy as well.

I carried the plastic crates to the kitchen one by one and emptied them, and every time I went for another one the man was there watching me bend down. The first crate was right in front of the door but when I went for the second and subsequent ones I noticed that they were further away from the door. When I saw where the man had left them I thought,

"Okay, I can play your game, and I’ll enjoy it just as much as you will."

And I walked passed the crate then turned and bent at the waist with my feet about shoulder width apart giving the man an unobstructed view of my butt and pussy.

After the delivery man had gone I went to the kitchen and started putting things away. When I got to the cucumber I started thinking. Firstly that I was glad that I’d ordered one and secondly I thought about what I was going to use it for.

By the time everything was put away my pussy was gushing so I picked up the cucumber and went out the back, lay on one of the loungers and started using the thick end of the cucumber for what it was never intended for.

I ran the end up and down my spread slit and touched my clit with it. I could instantly tell that if I touched my clit with the cucumber again I would cum so I started to gently ease it into my vagina. It went in easily and I was soon fucking myself with it.

Just as I felt an orgasm building I moved my left hand to my clit and started rubbing it and within seconds I was cumming like a steam train.

As the waves receded I relaxed and then pulled the cucumber out of me. I was just thinking that I’d have five minutes when I heard my phone ringing so I got up and dashed into the kitchen where my phone was. I knew that it would be daddy because it’s very rare that I get a phone call from anyone else. It was daddy making his almost daily call to check that I was okay.

As we talked I wandered back outside and got onto the lounger and with the phone in my left hand I picked up the cucumber and started slowly fucking myself with it as I lied to daddy about what I had been doing that day. As daddy was telling me a bit about what he had been doing my mind wandered and I wondered if I should start having video calls with daddy and I wondered what he would say if he saw that I was naked and fucking myself with a cucumber.

After the call ended I decided that it was rime to make something to eat so out came the cucumber and when I went back into the kitchen I washed it and put it in the fridge wondering if it would get eaten next or used as a sex toy next.

After tea I went to bed, not to sleep, but to go online to order some toys and look for some more clothes that were suitable for the new me. I also watched a few more videos and read some stories of girls being exposed in public and also one of a girl getting spanked in public before finally falling asleep.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






Pub: 31 Aug 2024 08:59 UTC
Views: 44