kbin bad magazines


A blocklist of harmful magazines on kbin.social . Am keeping the list to local magazines . For off-instance mags, #fediblock hashtag's better suited

Otherwise harmless subs run by same owner as offending ones also listed , just in case

All links are to (receipts|more info)



Mag Reason
m/Aesthesiophilia Same owner as m/SF
m/ambient Same owner as m/men
m/antiwoke Self explanatory
m/Army Pro-genocide (US military)
m/aspiememes The term "Asperger's Syndrome" (where "aspie"'s derived) has nazi origins , it should be retired
m/atheism Allows antitheist (inherently (antisemit|islamophob)ic) content
m/christianity Same owner as m/conservative
m/conservative Self explanatory
m/conspiracy Self explanatory
m/Eurovision Eurovision's complicit in Palestinian genocide . Boycott them !
m/fatpeoplehate Oh come on now …
m/FoxNews Same owner as m/conservative . Don't be fooled by the foxes
m/FuckingBullies Same owner as m/FuckingFascists
m/FuckingEvil Same owner as m/FuckingFascists
m/FuckingFascists Fascism kink
m/libdem Scratch a liberal , a fascist bleeds
m/linuxmasterrace I mean, look at the name
m/Lubbock Same owner as m/conservative
m/men Antifeminist. Men don't face systemic oppression , end of
m/modernmisogyny TERF mag
m/neoliberal Scratch a (neo)?liberal , a fascist bleeds
m/okbuddy«R slur» I mean, look at the name
m/pcmasterrace I mean, look at the name
m/Polandball Subject matter naturally lends itself to ethnic stereotypes
m/politicus Same owner as m/usa
m/Ratemycock Same owner as m/FuckingFascists
m/RedditOrNaziGermany Insentitive comparing Reddit to the Holocaust . Also ran by a known troll
m/SF Owner's weird about peops genitals , "Cummumism is wen muh dick taters"
m/Shavian Owner's anti (neopronoun|xenogender)s , weird opinions about LGBT people who're different from them (calls them "attention-seeking cis people")
m/The_Donald Self explanatory
m/TrueConservative Self explanatory , same owner as m/conservative
m/trutrans (tr(uscum|ansmedicalist)) , general trans(phobia|misogyny)
m/twoxchromosomes I mean, look at the name
m/usa Ran by u/amnesiac7, a known troll
m/wahmen Weird misogyny
m/WestTexas Same owner as m/conservative
m/Wyoming Same owner as m/conservative


Mag Reason
m/cringepics Cringe culture community
m/ethfinance (Crypto|NFT)
m/genart Condones (crypto|NFT) art
m/PublicFreakout Cringe culture community

Cringe culture community : Magazine that primarily exists to make fun of others . Communities of this nature (besides being ethically dubious on their own) very prone to abuse , for example to have (marginalized group|otherwise underserving partie)s undergo targeted harassment

Pub: 16 Aug 2023 17:55 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2023 05:27 UTC
Views: 365