Light hit the horse's eyes
She'd shut the blinds
She had definitely shut them
Well, she was pretty sure she had
Fuck it
She rolled over and closed her eyes

She opened her eyes again, groggy
She was pretty sure her alarm had gone off while she was asleep
Well whatever, not like she had any dreams to ruin
her eyes found the clock
12:34 PM
So much for trying to get up at ten
Fuck it
She laid back, staring up at the ceiling

The sound of her bedroom door opening snapped her out of her daze
She looked down at it and saw the human, who had been peeking into the room, freeze, looking back at her.
She didn't even have to say anything before they scurried away
Fucking human
She glanced back at the clock
12:56 PM
She went back to looking at the ceiling

Fucking Jessica
She should have said she didn't want a human
She should have told her she was fine on her own
Why the hell hadn't she said anything?
She glared back at the clock
12:57 Pm

She glared at the ceiling

Thinking back on it, she hadn't really talked to her friends much at all lately
Another creak from the door, but this time, when she looked, the human was already gone
Jessica 𝘩𝘢𝘥 said he was supposed to be sensitive and shy
Apparently he "picked up on moods well"
Was that why he was skulking around?
Did he think she was mad?
That little fucker
She glared back up at the ceiling.

She glared at her ceiling some more
Her room was silent



She hadn't heard from the human in a while
Were they sleeping?
She glanced at her clock again, noticing the time
Fuck, was it that late?
The human probably felt really hungry by now
She wished Trish was here to deal with him
A small, shy, smart human?
She would have loved him
She stared back up at the ceiling, but her heart wasn't in it
Fuck it

In the kitchen, the human watched as his owner walked into the room, one hand rubbing her hair, frazzled mane twisting in her fingers
He stayed quiet as she poured some human kibble into a bowl and set it down for him
Then, he watched her grab a bowl, filling it hastily with cereal before she sitting down at the table
Once she got started, so did he
As he ate, the human occasionally looked up at her
Watching her eat slowly, he thought to himself

Well, she was actually up and eating. That was a good start, at the very least.

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:39 UTC
Views: 167