Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
R.I.D assessment of the space explorers

-Basic overview
The Space explorers come from above the sky, they seem to have lost their way while traveling through the stars and crash landed here in our planet. They traveled in what looks to be a large starship that can fold and unfold upon itself. The information that can be obtained is somewhat limited by their health restrictions and their focus in keeping anyone outside from their ship, althought it's still obtainable due to the relaxed and carefree nature of their population. Their current goal is to find a way to repair their starship and lift off from the planet into their previous authority.

-Political Structure
Power seems to be highly centralized in what they call the principal, who organizes their efforts. The principal is known to have confidants and secretary, and it's reasonable to believe they might have a board of important persons and departments to make clear their interests to the principal. All else is conjecture, but very few of the space explorers have any considerable political or economic power, which seems to somewhat bother some of the workers that we've talked to.

-Grand directive
It's been known that they seem to have some sort of doctrine or set of rules about communication with others from this world, the exact specifications of this are unknown, but they're supposed use is to avoid the intervention of the "natives", most of the explorers we've talked to have expressed annoyance whenever dealing with it, any break of the directive seems to be met with heavy punishment.

-War capacity.
The Space explorers have exactly zero capacity for war, with all their weapons being reserved for ultimate defense of their starship, most of their population seems untrained for weaponry, be it from our world or for their own. Their weapons are currently indecipherable, most of it looks to be spear shaped, there seems to be strange sorts of armor suits, they apparently have firearms, how they work is entirely unknown.

-The Starship itself
It's not shaped like anything that exists on the planet, it's propulsion method appears to be through some big furnace (?) that they call "the reactor" that burns material to lift itself up, currently the reactor is either too damaged or does not have enough fuel to allow them to leave the planet. (in theory, with enough explosives you could presumably escape the planet's gravity pull)
The current make up of it's structure is unknown, and the metal it's made of seems to be a strange alloy. It's internal workings is divided into "sectors" where the explorers work and live in, the ship seems to be a specialized research expedition and its functions reflect that. Currently the only known thing about its inner transportation is that it has a minecart-like system where things will be transported by the ship automatically.

-Space suit
Their suits are strange and large with a multitude of functions, they cannot take it off otherwise they die of disease or allergy, the clearest function is that of automatic language translation, however, it takes time to translate, so it has earned them a reputation for being slow talkers, those that decide to learn the lingua franca of the continent speak much faster, their accent seems to be inherited from the mountain monks, probably due to their translator basing itself of them. It probably has an airfilter, and it is lightly armored to avoid ripping, it holds modularity for job specialization. Further capabilities are not known.

Oportunity to study their bodies has been rare to non-existent, whenever outside, they will always have their suit on due to previously mentioned conditions, and we do not have access to a space where one of us can be in the same room as them unsuited, it would need a glass room with an airfilter for it to happen. We do know that they are in fact very tall, presumably due to the light to non-exitent gravity in space. We do not know if their starship has a way to generate artifical gravity.

The technology they hold is on a very different level than us, althought they seem to be losing the ability to replace and repair it due to logistical and material constraints, similar stories have been passed around about the moonlanders and the Ioforia village system of the eastern part of the continent, those lands have also lost most of their technology. Most of their tools seem to be powered by engines heavily reduced in size, most of their technology is thought to use electricity, but other than that it remains a mystery. From copied blueprints we have found that their units seems to be a metric decimal system like ours, so unit conversion has been eased up. Their language is much harder to decipher, it will require the direct aid from one of the space explorers.

-Bread dogs
Curious little things, they are cute and fluffy, edible too, but they can be quite a bother whenever extracting information, they act as counter-intelligence to make up for the human element of the space explorers, their small size means that they can often get in places and eat important blueprints and documents, their structure is a small square frame surrounded by bread, the bread protects the interior mechanics of the breaddogs. They are delicious.

The Space Explorers of /nasa/ are an extremely valuable ally due to their knowledge and technological know-how, due to existing conditions the recommended strategy for them is observation and diplomatic treatment, securing an alliance with them before they lose the knowledge and ability to replicate the technology they hold is of key importance.
Accomodation in case of emergency should be given, we are to consider them our friends, in the same way, the technology they hold must not be allowed to fall into the hands of any other state and organization to avoid any potential conflict that comes from their importance, knowledge would ideally be spread in such a speed as to not destabilize the world, so cooperation with the R.I.D. should be offered once they trust us enough.
/nasa/ does not hold any offensive capabilities, and their population is too low to support any operations. They are currently limited to purely diplomatic affairs and small cooperative efforts.

Pub: 08 Apr 2022 05:25 UTC
Views: 948