it had been months since Riley crept into your life
the son of a bitch was annoying
it started with internet dating
you'd never done it but fuck if you wanted to go to a bar
found a cute sheep
that's when the goddamn trouble began
hopping into the shit headfirst
Riley first off wasn't a sheep
the profile picture was a suggestion
Riley was a damn wolf
Riley wore cotton outfits and dyed his fur white
that was the second thing
Riley had a penis
as lithe as he was there was that penis
that wasn't all
Riley tried to steal your damn wallet when you met
all the camera tricks in the world fooled you
it was partially your fault
you knew
didn't need to be reminded
but Riley genuinely made you consider a restraining order
he nicked your phone
then all of a sudden you ended up spammed
you ended up having to cancel a credit card he got ahold of in your name
in months the fuck had catfished you
a goddamn wolf in sheep's goddamn clothing
what did he really goddamn want?
you answer one dating ad
one dating ad and he's deciding you're an easy mark
he would occasionally taunt you
didn't go as far as stalk your apartment
so far
but he'd be out in public
not hard to spot a white wolf in a wool hoodie in a crowd
you don't know why the fuck he was stubborn
someone needed to send him a memo that humans were the persistence hunters
he wouldn't speak to you
just kind of keep his distance
work would get calls that someone wanted to meet you in the lobby during your shift
then no one met you
you knew damn well who that was
sometimes you felt like you were becoming too paranoid
that restraining order was starting to sound pretty good
it came to a head one day when he sent photos of you to your phone
that was it
they weren't recent pictures but you had no idea when he took them
but enough was enough
you told him off
you were getting the cops to put a restraining order on him and if he showed his face at your place you'd kick the shit out of him
”oh yeah?”
of course, yeah
what the fuck did he mean “oh yeah?”
you told him of course you were going to rough him up if he broke in
you were tired of games
you texted that you knew he was fucking with you
he'd put a damn target on your back
and you were tired of being a mark
you weren't home
but you would be
and you were done with this shit
radio silence from the other number
you would swing by the cops after work and hope the paperwork was quick
just another reason Riley was a pain in your ass
when you gave the cops a name and description they couldn't place it in their files
he didn't have a record
or he'd hidden in an alias
you tried bringing up your phone and they took that into consideration
you got told they'd increase patrols around your place
you felt a little humiliation for calling the cops on someone a head smaller than you
but the harassment had to stop
you'd even gotten a few looks for even bringing it up
but what else could you do
it was getting dire
you felt a wave of relief when you came home though
the deed was done
the evening in your apartment would be a relaxed one for the first time in a month
you got cleaned up and were just about to sit down with dinner in front of the TV when you saw something in the screen reflection
your next coherent thought was to turn your head before a taser scrambled everything
the prongs jabbed you a second time when you tried getting up
”I thought you were fucking me up?”
that son of a bitch
you knew that voice
when the second dose of electricity didn't stop you, you felt a third
it hurt like hell and you hated losing muscle control that came with it
you pushed yourself off the floor with weakened limbs and the little sadist tried to go in for a fourth burst but doing it that much must have drained all the battery
”oh no”
that made you jerk your head around to look up to him
he tossed the plastic stun gun at you out of frustration then tried bolting out your sliding glass deck doors
you struck and grabbed his ankle like a lunging snake
there was a thump as he hit the glass but he was still scrambling a second later
his free paw was pushing hard on your face
his claws scratched into the wood floor as he tried to reach up for the door handle
all the while he was cursing the manufacturer of that taser
you'd regained enough of your senses and strength to grab further up his leg with your other hand
you refused to lose your grip on him despite his attempts to wiggle free
he continued trying to press his paw into your head while you pulled him back from the door
his claws left light marks on the floor as you steadily tugged him back
his leg was now locked under your arm and within seconds so was the other one
the urge to swing him across the room was strong
you were sufficiently satisfied enough in him being in your grasp enough to gloat
you breathed out that of course you'd kick his ass
that rekindled his struggle
and he decided to play dirty
you had paper thin walls in your townhouse and someone screaming “he's raping me” was enough to get someone's attention
that asshole
he seized on the shock his shout got out of you to free his leg and plant his paw hard on your nuts
that broke your grip and stunned you long enough he ran for the door and he was across your yard before you could catch up
you hoped the neighbors weren't out but you had a high fences
that was enough to make him pause, allowing you time to close the gap
he scrambled up on the fence
panic making him clumsy
if he was going to give you a violent foot footjob you weren't playing fair either
your hand firmly grasped the base of his tail peeking out from his hoodie
he let out a yipe as he was pulled back off the barrier
without the element of surprise he was outgunned
one hand firmly clamped over his snout and your other arm pinning his arms at his waist was enough to incapacitate him
he wiggled the whole way back into your house but you weren't letting him go
there was a temptation to give into your intrusive thoughts
but like fuck were you making this case look bad for you to the cops
you rotated him in your grip and gave him the ultimatum
looked him right in his dumb little emerald eyes
the struggling seemed to weaken when you locked eyes, like he knew the significance of the moment
you were ready to call the cops right now
his paw prints were all over the taser he'd used on you
no doubt on some of the doors
evidence of a break in and assault
you'd filed a restraining order and you had proof why that was a very good idea
hell, you could get him locked up
the guy had put you through hell
so why shouldn't you return the favor?
he looked frantic at the prospect
given the cops didn't have him in their records maybe he hadn't seen consequences for his actions
you asked him to give you one good goddamn reason he shouldn't go to prison
his response was muffled by your hand
it seemed unwise to entertain him
but curiosity had you release his snout just enough for him to speak clearly
your hand would be quick to close it if he pulled something
”I'll suck your dick,” he hurriedly proclaimed with all the desperate energy of a man bargaining with God over a cancer test result
you clamped his mouth shut again
how dumb did he think you were?
frankly, you felt a little insulted
if sucking your dick was what he wanted he could have offered that on the first date
but no
you bolted from the table
and he didn't seem to react then
but he sure as hell made you keenly aware of his presence after
and you'd trust his fangs near your dick
so no
you told him that wouldn't work for you
he mumbled out something about his ass but you weren't getting bribed with sexual favors
he wasn't swaying you with his sluttery
you told him as much
that actually made him look at you indignant
this guy was insulted
after all the shit he pulled he got huffy about you calling him a slut
that was a laugh
a rough bang on the door
it was the cops
but you hadn't called them…
the rape thing
oh fuck your neighbors
fuck each and every one of them
and you were holding the tiny white wolf in a death grip
if you let him go to answer the door it could make things worse
but not answering the cops was a sure way to escalate the matter
you were at a standoff and… oh no
Riley was thinking
you could tell how he was working out how to turn this to his advantage
you refused to let him see through with whatever silly plan he had in place
you released his jaws and he made about as much noise as you expected
your door was jostled further
you undid the lock and opened the door and a cop nearly fell over
overzealous bastard
you set Riley down in front of the officers
you started to explain when they grabbed both of you and started cuffing you
clearly not taking chances
your mind put shit together
Riley could easily play up that he was defending himself
both of you were sat down on your couch and they tried to clear the air while other officers investigated the house
Riley and you were speaking over each other
to the point you were both told to pipe down
you knew he wanted to control the perception of the incident
he knew you wanted the same
you refused to let him gaslight the cops
however, the cops decided separating you two was for the best
they'd take you down to the precinct for questioning
you were pissed
but whatever got him behind bars
you'd go down and got interrogated
you brought up that he was the guy you'd wanted the restraining order for
they considered that
eventually, thankfully, it looked like the cops took your side
you'd get to sleep at home and Riley would spend the night in jail
you didn't hear much after that for awhile
after a week you had a surprise
you got a letter in the mail one day
not the strangest thing
it mentioned wanting to meet you
then brought up their son's past interaction with you
you were suspicious
but after much thought on the matter you decided to meet them at their address
it looked like it was a bit out of town
nothing really around it
the letter said any time was good to meet
so you decided on the next day
what you didn't expect was a big gate being the first thing you saw
you had pulled up in your rustbucket
there was grounds as far as the eye could see
you didn't realize that was property from the map app
hopping out of the car, you saw a console built into the brick
the button must be how someone buzzed in
you stated your business, brought up the letter
you did feel like buzzing again and asking if this was the right place but the iron gates swung open
taking the winding driveway was enough to distract you from your current troubles
then you saw the house
the mansion
some ritzy estate
it wasn't a recent build either
thing looked a couple centuries old
you pulled up to the door and instead of a servant greeting you like the cliches, it was a sheep in very fanciful attire
his suit looked more expensive than your car
not hard since that thing cost 200 and a handshake
he went to shake your hand and introduced himself as Mr. Woolsworth
he said his wife would be with you two shortly, remarking on women and their makeup
just the typical formal small talk
he invited you in
the house was massive
the greeting room was more ornate than a hotel lobby
you wondered how much staff it took to get the place clean and operating
you offered an apology for being on short notice and he waved it aside
you had just gotten off work and were beginning to feel self conscious you weren't dressed for this
he remarked that they had expected you and could have the kitchen whip up a supper
you did not want to impose but once more he waved your concern off
Mrs. Woolsworth came downstairs and was as friendly as her husband
also… a sheep
you felt it wasn't polite to bring up Riley being 1) a different species and 2) running around town in whiteface
shortly after meeting the mother, you remembered why speaking of the devil was a warning
Riley stood at the top of the stairs landing
or at least you guessed as much
his fur was a dark gray and the hoodie was replaced by a suit almost mirroring Mr. Woolsworth
you paused enough to look up at him
but he wouldn't look at you
maybe because his parents were involved
that was another thing
he had to be fucking adopted
well you weren't that much of a dick to bring that up
you just did your polite little hellos and the couple guided you to the dining room
you didn't remember Mr. Woolsworth actually talking to the help about the supper
yet there was some sort of soup and bread laid out
probably leftovers
you didn't dwell on it much
though the lack of meat sort of spelled out why Riley was tiny
you weren't like a detective but that was your theory
maybe he was a manlet naturally
Riley poked at his soup, refusing to glance over at you
you were hungry though, dipping the bread in the broth
you were unaware of any etiquette
but you didn't seem to offend
this was a strange family dinner to say the least
the conversation was still formal
both of them were so polite you kind of wondered what the fuck was wrong with the wolf
dinner went by with no real issues
afterwards, Mr. Woolsworth asked you to follow him to his study
you were anticipating this
maybe you were cynical
he closed the door behind you and sat down at an ornate desk
”so, we heard about the incident with Clancy. just dreadful.”
sudden realization hit
made sense the wolf would give you an alias
he continued
”we were wondering if it was possible to drop the charges. you know how boys are, right?”
tazing you after breaking in wasn't harmless fun
you brought that up
it was fucked up and it had been persistent behavior
not just the one time
at least he was to the point
you figured a bribe was coming
like father like son
he brought up letting bygones be bygones
you brought up his son offered to blow you
”well, did he?”
that was an odd question from a father
you replied that he did not
”a pity”
he read the confusion on your face
of course
he regretted his son didn't suck off essentially a stranger
he cleared his throat to bring you out of your shock
”we've been aware of Clancy's proclivities. we used to hope it was a phase”
he sighed
”regrettably, it wasn't. we don't encourage it but I saw that pushing back on the issue would just drive him to do it anyways.”
he rested his arms on the table
”youth often have a rebellious streak and tough discipline can sometimes be detrimental in discouraging bad habits.”
this was kind of heartfelt for a guy that encouraged you to face fuck his son
the sheep seemed to be considering his words as he went
you'd initially written him off as a creep with that bribe talk
the pimping out his son was strange but he didn't seem to hate his kid for the gay thing
”we've all had indulgences in college, right?”
you didn't follow
like pot?
you kept your nose clean in school
he waved his hand dismissing that
”nothing like that. I just don't believe Clancy is a case that can be left in the economics building broom closet.”
well that certainly explained why he was empathetic
he looked into your eyes genuinely
”man to man, I'm hoping we can resolve this without the authorities. our Clancy is a handful. for that I'm sorry.”
you hated to admit it but the sob story was working
he was a little shit but you just wanted him to stop messing with you
on the other hand, the wolf had been trouble
you brought up the taser and all the screaming
your neighbors probably thought you were a rapist now
Mr. Woolsworth seized on that
”so would a change of setting fix that?”
”we have multiple properties in the city, you see”
”very nice homes,” he added
but you couldn't afford that
”it would be yours.”
you weren't exactly comfortable with blatantly being bought off like that
especially when you had no promise Ril-Clancy wouldn't just make your life hell
he thought about that
he pointed out the restraining order could be messy
he understood why you were frustrated
frustrated was putting it mildly
”what if Clancy personally makes amends?”
you were curious what he meant
”anything. outside of publicly shaming the family, of course.”
these Woolworths really watched their asses it seemed
you told him you needed time to think but you wouldn't press charges at the time
you just needed a couple days
he agreed to that and once more shook your hand
you didn't see the rest of the household when Mr. Woolsworth showed you out
you brought up you'd think about the deal but he planted a finger to his snout
made sense he wanted secrecy
so you hushed up about that
you sat in your car for a second mulling the whole thing over
this was a pickle
was it right?
Riley, Clancy, you corrected yourself appeared at the hood of your car
urge to gun it was strong
but he didn't look smug
and you didn't want to make this situation look worse
he moved to the passenger side of the car and tapped the window
he wasn't serious was he?
how dumb did he think you were?
he saw you were not convinced whatsoever
there was a soft whining noise that you quickly realized was the wolf
he was whining
ears back and green eyes trying to meet yours
you sighed
if this was another fucking con, you were getting out of this vehicle and giving that goddamn twink the spanking his parents should have given him
you rolled down the window and hoped he didn't have a taser this time
you were half expecting some bullshit and were ready to drive off
Clancy seemed to sense he was on a time limit
he asked about why you came
so this wasn't something his parents let him in on
you felt it prudent not to give out the information from his dad
however, you did tell him the truth that you were invited
it wouldn't be easy coming up for a lie about that
you asked how he was out of jail
he looked down
you didn't think it was possible from the wolf
so you asked why did it matter?
”my dad didn't try to buy you off did he?”
you were hesitant to divulge that information considering his past behavior
granted, he was right
a new house right out off the bat was pretty shameless
hence, why you insisted on sleeping on it
”look, I'll do the time ok? it's like a year right?”
man he was out of touch, just a tad
he assaulted you after a break in
that wasn't light punishment
you pointed that out
he seemed a little discouraged
but he was adamant
why was he worried about his dad paying you off?
isn't that how his type acted?
fuck up and make the problem go away with some money?
he seemed insulted by that
”don't you dare talk about them like that”
he actually had a little venom behind that
so what, he loved his family?
cherished them?
then why the fuck was he out being a dumbass and getting them in trouble?
if he cared he shouldn't be making life hard for them
they adopted him and this was how he repaid them?
”what do you mean adopted?”
no fucking way
you weren't dealing with that
you got scammed by someone dumb as a brick
but that wasn't the focus here
fact of the matter was his dad asked why you didn't just accept the offer of a blowjob the other day
his dad wanted you to fuck the wolf
”you know those parents that kind of live vicariously through their kids?”
yeah, but that's usually confined to forcing them on a little league team or some shit
not asking why you hadn't face fucked his boy
Mr. Woolsworth definitely gave closet case vibes with that whole “we do wacky stuff in college”
you circled back to the topic at hand
you were considering dropping the charges
why was he so eager to be punished?
”I've done stupid stuff. I know that now. I just don't want to get them involved.”
Clancy had fucked around, you remarked
and he knew it was fucked up
he almost got you locked up for rape
his eyes looked down
he muttered something and you wanted to hear it
”I would have dropped it,” he replied
oh how charitable
and the taser?
for someone that probably went to a better school than you, he really didn't think much
”I'm sorry.”
bit late for that after all the harassment
”ever since you left the date I've been kind of…”
an asshole?
he didn't respond
you weren't about to get shamed for not liking getting lied to
shit you might have clicked on him if he'd just been up front
”no you wouldn't”
he looked pouty
no way were you getting guilt tripped here
he'd done everything wrong
he probably didn't get told no a lot
just to hazard a guess
so you spurred him and his response was to make your life hell?
did he normally do that to guys?
”I,” he started with a raised claw
he held the thought in but you wanted to hear
”I've never dated before. you'd think the money would count for something but all I get is women.”
the horror
you asked if he realized how unhinged stalking and assaulting you was?
if he liked you why didn't he try just telling the truth for what must be a first
he seemed hurt by that
dude had you in a dark place and just once you felt like hitting back a little
”can you come with me?”
you eyed him with suspicion
you weren't taking him for face value
”fine, can I come with you?”
after he was at your house last time
he apologized again but said he meant in the car
go for a ride
you were probably being pretty blatant to the owner of the house
you were not in the mood to blindly trust him though
how did you know this wasn't some new plan
you should just drive off now
he asked you to please consider
”I actually was honest about liking you on our date.”
well that felt like a lifetime of agitation ago
you two weren't exactly an estranged couple
he just lost his shit and almost ruined your life because you didn't like he lied
you were about at your limit and were slowly starting to pull away when he jumped on the hood
he started pleading through the windshield
you wondered if his family was seeing this shit
urge to gun it rising
but you didn't let the intrusive thought win
you unlocked the door and wondered aloud if you were going to regret this
you weren't taking him near your apartment for good reason
so you elected for a home turf
somewhere you could feel comfortable
you didn't put it past him to be a bastard
so fine
you'd been through hell and you were trusting him not to pull some shit
you figured this was a bad idea
but you would be prepared this time
the wolf was quiet on the way
he didn't bother looking your way
focusing on looking out the window the whole time
you didn't say much on the trip
though, once at an intersection you decided to ask
what the fuck was wrong with him?
he didn't look to you or responded
just quietly looked down at his shoes
did getting turned down piss him off that much?
not your fault he lied about being a sheep
that made him shoot his head over to you
but he didn't speak
you took him to your workplace
the office was closed this late at night
but it was familiar and there were cameras in the parking lot
you both got out but you stayed by the door
you were already doing him more a favor than he deserved by not making a scene around his family
you asked if his parents taught him empathy
because all the shit he'd done was awful
even if you hated someone you wouldn't go to the lengths to do all this
hell, had he treated other people like this
”just you…”
oh, what an honor to have your personal information stolen
he rubbed his arm
maybe he wasn't used to someone being this harsh on him but it was time to bust his damn bubble
you pointed towards him
he'd fucked up your life
by now you were yelling at him and gesturing
his reaction was a shocking reversal from the other day
but you didn't know how much of that might be an act
it felt cathartic unloading on the wolf regardless
he looked defeated
he should
maybe he could have approached the whole situation like a normal person
maybe just maybe
acted like an adult
you'd have given him a shot
you paced near him
this had turned into a rant and he had no fight in him
you approached him and he stiffened up
you poked a finger in his chest
acting like a sociopath wasn't going to fly
you had half a mind to accept that damn offer
his dad was just wanting to hand you off a house
as a hush deal
all to save his son's ass
shit, you don't even remember the last time your parents gave a shit about you
Clancy took the verbal abuse
you got scammed repeatedly and abused because he was upset
he spoke up then
”if it makes you feel better you can hit me now”
you weren't playing into that shit
you were pissed but you had your principles
that solved nothing now
it was clear he had more issues than a magazine rack
so you asked
what made him think all that shit was appropriate?
normal people don't tase each other over a dispute
he didn't make eye contact
none of that
you grabbed him by the chin and pushed his face up
if he was quiet before he was shocked into silence now
you felt him gulp
eventually, you burned out
no matter how angry you'd been it was hard to keep that up forever
Clancy had been a punching bag for about fifteen minutes straight
your blood pressure lowered, you sat against the car near him
not touching
just near
you sighed
he was back to not looking at you
hard to believe this was the sadistic little shit you'd wrestled
but it felt good throwing off the filter
you had to ask
why the sheep thing?
that made him look over to you, strange how that got a reaction
”what do you mean ‘sheep thing’?”
the whole “I'm going to prance around as a cute sheep in whiteface” thing
that “sheep thing”
”did you say cute?”
he picked the wrong word out of that
or laser focused on the one he wanted
hard to tell
he was smart enough to work a scam on you
but seemed to be a bimbo elsewhere
or was that an act to catch you wrong footed
that was entirely possible
he was clever
it was hard to trust him to be up front
when you first met him face to face you were taken aback, yes
but under kinder circumstances you might have let him shoot his shot
now, that had passed
one slip of the tongue didn't mean anything…
”I got you to admit it!”
he was suddenly full of energy as he pointed to you
the earlier yelling might as well have not happened as he pointed towards you with a beaming toothy smile
he really did get the wrong goddamn message out of all that
you slapped your forehead
did he grasp a single thing you'd said?
”that I shouldn't have harassed you and you think I'm cute”
he was so quick with that reply
you were honest
you couldn't be sure he could be trusted
he didn't so much as burn the bridge as he burned both sides of the river crossing too
there would be no second chance after all this
best he could hope for was you didn't press charges
after all the did he should never expect forgiveness
you killed his buzz by telling him respect was earned and he didn't have yours
the sullen look returned to the wolf's face
he wasn't getting pity
so he finally spoke up again with a question
he looked down at the asphalt and spoke much more quietly than the outburst about cute
”how do you fix it? I've never done that before.”
well, that last part wasn't a shocker
he needed to be genuine for one
but you had a hard time believing someone who flashed that sadistic smile in your townhouse could be genuinely kind
you said as much to his face
normal people, you emphasized, get upset but also don't push to destroy a man's life
that is heinous
you asked if his parents were even aware of all the shit he pulled
he said no weakly
so he had enough sense to be ashamed around them
not enough to think maybe it was a bad idea to carry on like that
you couldn't chalk credit card fraud up to silly young dumb stuff
he had made a conscious effort to make your life miserable
you stopped yourself before you retread old ground
another lecture wouldn't get you anywhere
he'd give you that damn hurt puppy look and you'd just put your blood pressure through the roof
so you stopped yourself
you'd run yourself in circles
you couldn't tell if Clancy was dumb or just playing dumb
but either way you'd be spinning your wheels
you didn't know what he could do but you did know he needed to never do that sort of shit again
the damage had been done and there was no rewinding that
like a tape
christ he was out of touch
you had gotten the rage out of your system though
thoughts had turned to more constructive endeavors
all of this was a bit much
you'd already needed time to think about that house offer
”I hate that he did that”
well, maybe Clancy needed to take more responsibility in his life
if he does care about his parents he should be more of a man
he did seem to take that part to heart
he needed to keep his nose clean
you had no idea if he actually socialized
might have been homeschooled
but even that couldn't account for the initial reaction
but you wouldn't dwell on that part at the moment
he did seem to finally grasp the need for self improvement
bringing up his parents seemed to help focus him
he nodded softly and you hoped finally you something through his thick skull
his ears were folded back as his look grew serious
he'd already done damage between you two, he didn't need to do it between his parents and him
you'd long lost your edge talking to him
less like angry ranting
more like advice at this point
you felt like you were babysitting at this point
he was probably only one or two years younger than you
given how college had come up
so he was old enough to be a man
er, wolf
”wolf,” he echoed back but with a slight melancholy
OK that was another thing
you had to clear the air there
he ran around in white and curled his coat
but now he was dressed up like well… not a sheep
what was up with that?
”I don't like being a wolf. I want to be a sheep like them...”
do they know about that?
”now they do after the arrest.”
you wondered how the Woolworths reacted to their son doing that
probably chalked it up to him being a deviant
Mr. Woolsworth seemed to accept his son being a homosexual so maybe they were cool with the crossdressing and species roleplay
not like you'd ask them
besides, you had a more important question for Clancy
but why didn't he want to be a wolf?
”you want to really know?”
it was just you two out here
”I like feeling cute.”
he looked embarrassed
that was a level of humility you didn't expect
well, that was his business
you would have considered dating him if he was up front
he once more perked up, before you dismissed the idea
he had a chance once
and you weren't inclined to give him another
the ship had passed
you refused to let change that
how could you trust him
you stopped yourself
got back to the topic at hand
it wasn't that he was a guy that bothered you
it was the deception
you'd been with guys before
he was so comfortable deceiving people that was the turn off
how could you date someone that behaves like that?
”I could do better…”
you'd believe it when you saw it
he gave that last sentence some thought
”so the ‘sheep thing’ wouldn't have bothered you if I was honest?”
I was out there but yeah it would have been fine
he even used a completely different photo of a dolled up sheep girl for the profile
he mumbled something
no no
none of that hiding shit
you wanted to know what he said
”that was an old picture of dad's.”
God this family was weird
but wait, that was a crisp picture
nope nope nope
you weren't playing therapist for this family
though that certainly explained where he picked up his habit
you glossed over that and got back to topic at hand
he needed to grow up and only then would he find someone genuine
he probably had experience with gold diggers and yes men
those were not good relationships
those were enablers
if he acted like a nutty stalker he'd either get in trouble he couldn't get out of or never have anyone honest in his life
or both
”is there a chance we could do it over?”
he looked earnest
you sighed
this dude was going to follow you like a puppy
you weren't keen toss out forgiveness easily
after the hell he'd put you through you
you narrowed your eyes looking into his
you scrutinized him
it was a long while before you spoke, he shrunk back a little at the judgment
you thought carefully in silence
after you offered a noncommittal “you'd think about it”
you flinched when he took that as a yes and tackled you into a hug
he was a head shorter so he didn't bowl you off your feet but the shock almost did
you didn't return the hug
he rubbed his face into your chest
you allowed him this display before wiggling out
once more, you told him you would think about it
he needed to acknowledge what he did was wrong and if you gave into him immediately he'd learn nothing here
you didn't want to basically fucking reward him after all this
you wanted him to understand that
if this had the most remote possibility of happening it would have to be right
you wouldn't even entertain the idea if he pulled some shit
in short, he needed to behave himself
no bribes or fancy words would repair the guy's reputation
Clancy had to earn respect through actions
you emphasized that
hopefully you had had some effect
you offered to drop off him back at his house, putting a cap on the conversation
he agreed and one lighter drive later he was dropped off at his gate
you were shocked to see him jump the gate in one good leap
he probably had experience with that
why he floundered with your wood fence you didn't know
maybe that was panic
well whatever
you got home, grabbed a beer and passed out on your couch
your days were a lot more quiet following all that
you did drop the charges after all that
you weren't optimistic about Clancy but you also had him out of your life worst case scenario
another letter from the Woolworths estate
thanking you for your action
the letter provided you with another address to meet
sure enough it looked like some house further in the city
was this the property they'd be offering?
it was a 5 minute walking commute to the office
holy shit
you didn't want to seem too eager to accept but why not check it out
it offered a contact number which you assumed was Mr. Woolsworth's phone
you shot out a text and arranged a time
you met at a house that street view didn't do justice
it was at least twice the size of your apartment townhouse
a black car pulled up, tinted windows almost matching the paint, and the driver got out
he opened the back seat doors of the sedan to allow Mr. Woolsworth and… Clancy out
very old money evidently
you were confused about the wolf being here
even more confused when he got bags out of the trunk on his own insistence
Mr. Woolsworth regained your attention with a flourish towards the house
he presented it as yours
you figured that this would happen
but you did point out your lease was up in a couple months
”I can pay the remainder if you wish. I also have a suggestion with a trusted moving company for your belongings
coming on strong
well you figured that's what this was about
to just hand you the house though
he offered a tour
you accepted and the three of you went inside
the foyer was bigger than your current bedroom
Clancy went to go set his bags in a room and you had to ask
what was that about?
”Clancy had this idea that we weren't square.”
where was this going?
the older man could see your curiosity
”so part of this proposal comes with him living here and taking care of the home for you.”
you hesitated before he continued
”he can explain in his own words.”
when the wolf returned his father requested just that
Clancy fumbled with his pockets trying come up with the explanation in his terms
but the long and short of it was he said he took to heart what you said about actions
he could say plenty but that wouldn't undo the damage
so he wanted to work off the debt he felt he owed you
it partially just sounded like he wanted to live here
he did emphasize you were free to say no
you'd have to lock your door at night but if he was genuine, fine
it would be nice not to have to live like a bachelor
the time before you moved in would still give you plenty time to work out if this was a good idea
but honestly, the house was winning you over
you could see work from your porch
the place was massive
you had a separate dining and living room
the catch was your silence
Mr. Woolsworth was successful in buying you off
it was shocking that that was the first idea he went with
but you couldn't argue with a stand in shower as long as you were tall
you even had a guest bathroom
you never had guests
you made decent money in your own right but this would be a solid couple decades of saving in this economy
and it was yours no questions asked
this family was sort of… pushy
one hands you a house the other is eager to be your chore boy
you had to be careful
Clancy was clever
you might have just handed him exactly what he wanted
that made you think
you did eventually take the offer
it was too good not to take
the wolf hadn't stayed at the house until you did
his bags were off in the room
he'd been patient enough to wait a month for your decision but the bags told you he had faith you'd come around
you were locking the bedroom door though
and keeping your wallet on you
he didn't look offended
at least he understood why and didn't argue the point
that gave you some hope
the company Mr. Woolsworth had given you was indeed good
in a few days everything was over at the new house
you were impressed
you decided perhaps this was a good test for Clancy
he was to unpack your things
he was to ask if he was confused
and he you'd know if something was out of place
you decided to busy yourself with connecting the TV up so you could relax after work
you'd let Clancy handle the rooms
that was one chore off your back
you probably would regret it but this was a test
if he was actually earnest in what he meant, you'd have someone doing your shit at home
he'd have to earn your respect
and you meant that part
you weren't instantly forgiving him because he did your laundry
once you got the TV connected you got yourself a beer and sat down
this was the easiest move you've ever done
Clancy was partially done the kitchen
he had decided since you didn't have polite company over he would stick to a shirt and skirt
well it was hot out
let him air out you guess
you didn't even do a second take after the first few times
TV was sort of bland but you kept it on for noise
after nursing the beer for a little bit you laid down on the couch
you didn't mean to fall asleep but work had been rough
probably not the wisest idea
you woke up a few hours later with a blanket thrown on you
it would take more than that to win you over but it was a start
the blanket did feel nice at least
you sat there for a moment before you were gripped by curiosity
your phone and wallet were still in your pockets
time said 8:37 PM
so you'd been out for a couple hours
you smelled… food?
well something was cooking
wait, no
you smelled something burning
you shot up from the couch expecting the worst
the smell was coming from the kitchen
Clancy flinched when you barged in
he was making spaghetti
that didn't explain the smell though
after he got over being spooked he was more pliable to questions
you asked what happened?
he pointed to the trash and his previous two attempts to make pasta that somehow ended in burned noodles
you weren't going to ask any more questions
at least 3rd time seemed like a charm
well you were hungry
you did poke at the meal a little bit
the idea he could have put windex or something in the pasta had occurred to you
your fears faded when he started eating from his plate
he'd found a generic jar of meat sauce in the pantry and that was about the only option
suited you fine
despite living fairly well off you very much had a sad bachelor diet
not quite cold beefaroni from the can level sad
but you'd been fairly nonchalant about what you ate
you hadn't had anyone cook for you since your parents
women tended not to see it as a trait
it wasn't the biggest deal but you appreciated effort, no matter how small
Clancy was at least trying to sway your opinion of him now
he no doubt never learned to cook on his own
3 times to boil pasta was new but at least he got it
you'd still hesitate if he served you chicken though
but at least this was a small step
you didn't detect the aftertaste of pinesol and you didn't collapse into the plate because he fed you tranquilizers
it was a low bar but he'd hurdled over it
he hadn't attempted to poison you
the kitchen had been packed away, cleaned and all the boxes were neatly folded
you tried to suppress showing any sort of sign you were impressed
you'd been having doubts about this arrangement but seeing how he did this, you had to concede a little
you noticed he was a little more chipper than the last dinner you'd had
maybe his parents had disciplined him more than you thought
maybe he was genuinely wracked with guilt then
perhaps he was happy he was working to make things right
you entertained the possibility that he was maybe genuine
still locking the bedroom door
but you had to admit this was progress
a good boy chore chart wouldn't undo the trust he had broken though
but this was a start
you'd get a shower in your new master bathroom and turn in after dinner
you told Clancy he was free to do whatever but you had work in the morning
”do you want help?”
you were fine bathing yourself and you didn't need to possibly recreate Psycho
begrudgingly admitting he might be attempting to change for the better did not equal get near me while I'm nude levels of trust
Clancy had a mountain to scale before you'd even consider him to be around your bed, much less sleep in it
you were shocked he didn't persist
he'd have to understand boundaries
you bet Clancy being here was one of the hidden catches to keeping this house
it was still in the Woolsworth name
this whole thing was a big risk but the way you saw it, after all the trouble you'd been through you weren't going to turn down this bribe
you locked the bedroom behind you and went for a shower
it was hard to be comfortable, even in your new bedroom but the wear and tear of the day helped
even after your nap you found yourself exhausted
you couldn't shake that feeling of paranoia though
as nice as the wolf was being
you couldn't prove anything but doubts dwelled deep in the back of your mind about this still
you hoped they would go away after some time
you hoped for the best
falling asleep in your bed at least made things easier
it was a whole new home but all the furniture was your own
made the place look positively spartan compared to something like the Woolsworth mansion
you were still on the fence about this arrangement so you weren't doing something drastic like putting a pool table in the basement or getting a bedroom TV
you almost wish for that background noise because of the discovery you woke up to at 2 AM
you realized through a haze of sleep you were hearing something from directly below you
that had to be Clancy's room
the division through your rooms was that thin or his voice was loud enough to make it not matter
it was the combination of whines and moans with a background squeak accompaniment of the bedspring
didn't take a genius to figure out what he was doing
you flipped around on your other side and the noise stopped abruptly
of course
he had to have good hearing
you fell asleep shortly after
no idea if he picked back up again or if you spooked him
you were awake before him in the morning, your cell alarm going off
you could hear scrambling downstairs while you shaved, brushed your teeth and got dressed
clearly he was rushing around to make up for lost time
maybe he slept weird hours
he was wealthy and a wolf after all
you locked your bedroom door as you left it
trusting your home to a stranger was a risk
hopefully Clancy understood how much trust you were placing in him for this test
you were practically next door but still
he was panting as he handed you a coffee and a lunch
clearly something he'd thrown together in the time it took you to wake and come downstairs
however, you hadn't had anyone make you a lunch in forever
he perked up when you thanked him
you were back to business afterwards, however
you asked if he had work
he shook his head while looking at his feet
christ the Woolworths were loaded if their kid was some sort of Billy Madison deal
well that made your task easier
you asked him to unpack and clean the house as much as he could today
no real goal to hit
just show some progress
he thanked you and started with the living room as you left the house
occasionally you'd look over to your house from the office windows
it wasn't on fire the last five times you checked
you were relieved
lunch was clearly slapped together quickly but it beat going out for a meal
work surprisingly just went by without a snag
you spent all day expecting the worst
instead, it went right
you were shocked
the real test was when you got home
first thing you'd noticed was EVERYTHING was unpacked in the 8 hours you were at the office
well, except your room which was off limits for a reason
but everything was organized and cleaned
not like perfectly but the fact of the matter was he'd gotten it all done
Clancy was unskilled but he had enthusiasm
that much was evident
you noticed that particular very infamous hoodie hanging in the coat closet as you stowed your shoes in there
Christ it was weird you had a coat closet
he didn't appear to be out on the first floor
he had to have heard you come in
maybe he was in his room resting
well whatever
you went upstairs and were pleasantly surprised to see it was still locked
as far as you knew only you had the key for it
and that had stayed on your person the whole day
you grabbed a shower and decided to relax afterwards
maybe order a pizza or something
it was Friday after all
no need to worry about anything for a weekend
you'd probably end up unpacking tomorrow
but that idea was stowed away
you got dressed in a shirt and sweats and came downstairs
sure enough, Clancy was still in his room
you felt weird about approaching this
you were feeling slightly concerned about the guy
a little
not really like deathly worried
but he did end up organizing your house in a day
and now he was quiet
you called up a mom and pop place down the road and decided to use that as an excuse to be nosey
he had to have a pick of pizza topping
that was a good way to make sure he was alright and not planning to kill you or something
get your foot in the door
speaking of, his was ajar
you quietly walked over and peeked first
was it hypocritical
and… he was sleeping buck naked
well you figured he wasn't one for summer as is
just weren't prepared for wolf boy ass
his rear had this strange two tone thing going on with the rest of his darker fur
like a lighter heart shape on his ass
not like you could tell before, usually he was clothed or was covered in whatever he used to whiten his coat
what broke your focus was realizing his tail was lightly wagging
one green eye looked at you
oh goddammit
you didn't know how he knew
maybe he did hear you
fuck it he was getting broccoli on his pizza for that
you almost called him a weirdo but realized that you were staring at his ass for a moment
well whatever
you had walked away from the situation and turned on the AC
maybe Clancy would wear pants if you kept the place colder
you'd placed the order and sat down
Clancy was out a few moments after
you told him he was getting broccoli and you hoped he put on clothes
”you didn't seem to mind though.”
this was why he was getting broccoli
only on the second uttering of that word did he take notice
”broccoli is fine.”
he was a sociopath
well at least he was wearing a skirt
the crop top seemed excessive though
you'd elected to stay up a little tonight to maintain some illusion of independence
you could sleep in tomorrow anyways
you'd gotten two pizzas and a 2 liter of whatever cola they had
sure, not the wisest idea
but this was your way of celebrating a little
Clancy took up a seat on the other end of the couch
he folded his legs to sit completely on the couch as opposed to just letting his legs dangle off
when the pizza guy got close, his ears perked up and you took that as a sign
you were up and at the door about the time the doorbell rang
transaction complete you placed the food on the table
he look mystified that you were just like eating
you'd grabbed a slice without much thought of it
you had to ask why the look?
”just never had dinner this casually before.”
made sense, you guessed
though you were shocked it had never come up for him elsewhere
like a friend's house or something
did he have friends?
it would explain things if he didn't socialize much
it would be mean to ask him that outright
though so was planting his foot in your balls a bit ago
but he ate his broccoli pizza in peace after watching you for a moment
he quietly watched TV reruns with you
you forgot when your little display of independence ended with you asleep on the couch
when you were a little kid staying up until 11 PM had this cool appeal
now, you just passed out before that was even on option
work and time was a bitch
sometime in the night, Clancy had decided to follow suit
one of his legs twitching had drawn your attention
you glanced over in the dark and saw the wolf draped across the couch like he was tossed there
you ignored the evidence that he freeballed under his skirt pointing in your direction and forced yourself asleep again
when you woke up you realized he was up before you
the pizza had been stowed in the fridge and he had breakfast ready
he didn't burn the pancakes
thank God
he was taking well to the house husband thing for some reason
maybe it was a good outlet for his energy
you wouldn't quite admit it was welcome
you didn't want him thinking everything was cool now
but he was on good behavior
you had to ask though
how did he cook without getting hair everywhere?
you would imagine that coat would shed regularly
”I guess it's the shampoos and conditioners I use. I spend a lot of time in the bathroom.”
made sense
well the pancakes weren't caked in wolf fur
that was the important thing
he'd changed out the black skirt for something plaid but kept the yellow crop top from last night
you had half a mind to comment on his questionable fashion but thought against it
maybe it was him having a little bit of freedom
he was trying
so you'd allow him this indulgence
after breakfast you excused yourself upstairs to work on your room
he asked if you needed help
and you were halfway going to accept
but he'd done a lot in the last couple days
him in your room still sounded like a bad idea
you were up there for about an hour before you came downstairs demanding an explanation
you were unpacking boxes
fairly easy too
a lot of your other belongings could afford to be spread across this house so your bedroom wasn't as cluttered
if anything your were dragging your feet to do it
but it was getting done regardless
next you dealt with the decor
the floor length mirror was there when you got the place
it was mounted to the wall
not necessarily your style but it was affixed to the wall
the issue came up when you moved your dresser over to that wall near the mirror
you noticed a gap in the wall and mirror
at about hip height you noticed something strange
you inspected it and then kept quiet
it was a camera lens pointed through what you realized was one way glass
and the mirror had been mounted to look towards your bed
or your bed had been intentionally put in the best place for the camera to view
you were savvy enough not to draw attention to your discovery in view of the camera
you calmly pushed the dresser against the wall and walked out of the room
then you had rushed down the stairs and demanded answers from Clancy
why in fucks name was there a camera in your bedroom?
he looked confused after he flinched back from the accusatory shouting
you felt vindication at the paranoia you experienced in that room
something hadn't sat right in there and now you knew the answer
so you demanded explanations
said you were this close to packing up and fucking leaving
that ultimatum got Clancy's attention
considering how hostile he was before it was weird to see him immediately grovel
he reached for you and tried clinging your arm with all the hurt of a child being told he was being abandoned in the woods
you pulled your arm away and he awkwardly stood next to you
however, you weren't distracted
so you asked again
what the fuck was with the camera?
the accusation of betrayal must have stung and he flew into a panic at the idea of you walking out
he didn't know
he said he didn't
he begged you not to leave
that display took a little edge off your hostility
it was like trying to stay pissed at a whiny puppy
”I genuinely don't know. I know I haven't made a great case for myself in the past, but I'm honest here.”
you had a hard time accepting that but him responding with nearly crying disarmed you a little
there was genuine emotion in him
whereas before you'd written him off as a psycho, he seemed to actually care
he started calming down himself and tried looking at this rationally
he hadn't been in the home since the home tour
he swore up and down on that fact
hell, the one time he took pictures was with his phone
the violation of your privacy had been insulting
you remembered those pictures
but this looked like an expensive camera mounted into the wall
plus the one way glass set up
all so elaborate to orchestrate
but was Clancy smart enough to orchestrate that…
your eyes burned holes into Clancy and he didn't want to meet your gaze
his father
you asked if he would do something like this
”he… might.”
Clancy seemed to be ashamed
Mr. Woolsworth was so eager to toss this house at you
you realized the offer might have served multiple purposes
was it blackmail? was he a creep? some kind of weird swinger thing?
you didn't know
but this operation did seem a bit above the dumbass that used a cheap taser on you
you asked how you could trust him?
was this all an act?
he resumed trying to hug your arm and this time you did not shove him back
”I swear, I want to be a man. like you said. I mean that.”
the device caused by this camera was not easily mended
you had begun warming up to him and now this happened
”I know it looks bad.”
very bad
”you can have my bedroom instead,” he offered, “I'll take the couch.”
you thought of that
but was there a guarantee that was the only camera?
he'd sniffled back any tears he was going to shed before and thought about that
”did you tamper with the camera upstairs?”
you didn't
Clancy suggested maybe it was best to not let whoever is watching know you knew
if his dad was watching maybe just go about your day
it wasn't that easy
you were fairly certain if it was him, he'd seen you naked now
”lucky,” the wolf muttered before your gaze made him forget that
you weren't in a mood for cute shit
he sighed
yeah he knew
”please don't tell me you're going to leave though.”
you might just
”if you do, take me with you.”
he could go live back with the Woolsworths
”but I don't want that. I want to help mend what I broke. I really want to make you see I'm a man.”
he said as he wore a skirt
but you had calmed down a little
the camera thing still made you uneasy
fine, you wouldn't leave
for now
but you let him know he was on thin ice
you withheld the fact you honestly didn't know where you would go to begin with short notice
you would look through the house nonchalantly
hell you would sleep on the couch if it came to it
you did it last night after all
Clancy promised to help you look around
he wanted to take responsibility
the boy had red flags but you were inclined to give him a chance
if it was his father's doing you wanted to give him the chance to fix that
Clancy and you couldn't find much in the living room
that would be where you'd sleep tonight
the wolf could do whatever
so at least one room is comfortable
you didn't exactly find comfort in the place
so you suggested leaving the house
he almost looked disappointed until you clarified just go out for the day
like drive for a while
God he was clingy
would explain some reactions, honestly
you at least needed a break from the house
Clancy, amazingly, was self conscious enough to go put on loose fitting pants
the croptop stayed
oh well
not like you were his master
just didn't have to explain things if he tripped and exposed his ass to a crowd
you headed out and decided to hit a gas station
Clancy enjoyed the idea of the drive
you asked if he had ever driven around town before
he seemed to enjoy the town sights
no, he apparently never actually drove before
didn't have a license
sounded about right
away from the house you felt a little more relaxed to say what you wanted
after flying off the handle you worried
perhaps the place was bugged and you'd just dispelled the illusion to your audience
it would explain the recommendation for that moving company
Mr. Woolsworth did say he trusted them
you wondered how much that entailed
but you went back to Clancy after musing for a moment
so he didn't know how to drive
made sense
boy was sheltered
the gas station was uneventful
he'd never had beef jerky before
he was timid about it until you cracked it in half and offered that
then he accepted it for some reason
he was fascinated with how chewy it was
it got him quietly sitting there in the shotgun seat
you wanted to make a joke about dogs and chew toys but thought better of it
he did seem to be in better spirits after that panic from before
you found a park near the town limits and just sat back with the AC on full blast
partially for his benefit
partially for yours because all the panting
you both gulped down water and finally you broke the silence
you asked if it was really that important you stay?
the reaction he gave earlier was surprising
you had begun to think perhaps this wasn't just a matter of honor and debts
well you already figured as much but that display sort of threw that idea up in blinding neon lights
he quietly nodded
”yes, you're important.”
that wasn't quite the question you'd asked
you let that go
he stripped the crop top off muttering about how hot it was
you had no idea how he survived the summer with a full pelt
you joked about sheering his coat if he was that hot and the guy actually protectively covered his chest
well it was a suggestion
he was the one that liked being a sheep
you laughed to yourself as he side eyed you
as if you were going to jump him with a shaver any moment
you quietly enjoyed the view of nature from the luxury of your crappy car’s climate controlled interior for a while after that, Clancy eventually relaxing once more
so he was serious, he had no idea about the camera?
”no, I want to go legit. I meant that.”
you wanted to believe him but past experience made that a tough choice
”I know I screwed up a lot but I want to make things right.”
he looked to you with pleading big eyes
he was a little manipulator but you were inclined to believe he was genuine
plus the camera was indeed a bit above his skill set
as far as you knew
a lot of the stuff he'd done anyone could do with a little common sense
Mr. Woolsworth probably hoped to entrap you with some blackmail
since you'd basically bent him over the barrel before
eye for an eye and all that
guy seemed cordial on the surface
then again Clancy seemed like an absolute little shit and so far was turning out sort of pleasant
so appearances aren't everything
he seemed to be watching the trees out the window now, searching for words
”I don't know why my dad put that camera there. I meant that.”
he said that without looking towards you
”I mean in all honesty, I want to sleep in your bed. not watch you in it.”
well the attraction was obvious
and he had a point
if had the hots for you he'd rather be direct than commit a peeping Tom act
those camera shots from back before were more about fucking with you than some sort of thrill
clearly different
he'd have plenty to risk and nothing to really gain from the camera
he had access to the house and your company as is
Clancy most likely wasn't the culprit this time
or he was playing some sort of 4d chess
but the guy nibbling on beef jerky right now didn't look like that much of a mastermind
his father, however, could very well be a suspect
you did bring up his dad was very eager to have Clancy… well
”yeah, I don't know if he would film that.”
Mr. Woolsworth did seem like he was still firmly wedged in the closet
would explain the adoption thing
Clancy had to be adopted
so was he planning for you to bed his son as some sort of blackmail
or stranger yet some sort of fantasy thing?
maybe the camera had been there
rich folks got into weird shit all the time
you tried to push the paranoia off to the side so you could enjoy the moment a little
Mr. Woolsworth was most likely pimping out his son
you tried not to sully the day with such a suggestion
but it seemed likely
but it would make things uncomfortable
you didn't want to bang a guy because his dad wanted you to
it was going to be of your free will
after sitting around for about an hour you sort of were at a loss of what to do
you'd indulge Clancy
you asked him if he had ideas
he pointed across the street and asked what that building was
it was a thrift store
of course his family would never visit that
made sense
he wanted to see it
it was one of those mom and pop things run out of a church basement
you asked if he went out much around town
”not really.”
but you had seen him around town when he was fucking with you
the phrase made him whince a little
perhaps he really regretted that
”well I wasn't really paying attention to anything but you then. didn't take in the sights much.”
however the thrift store would solve your empty house issue
you were still on the fence about your bedroom
but the rest of the house might be safe
getting a new chair or something might take your mind off Mr. Woolsworth checking out your penis
so yeah, thrift store was a good distraction
you left the car parked where it was because that place was pain to park at
you remembered getting your mismatched kitchen set from here when you had just moved out
Clancy threw his shirt back on
the thrift store didn't need wolf nipples
the crop top drew attention to his off color belly
you realized the marking on his stomach had to be a continuation of the one on his ass
but you decided not to think too hard about it while entering a church
you didn't really have anything resembling a shopping list
Clancy immediately went for the clothes
well, whatever floated his boat
you looked through furniture
your car couldn't carry anything insane but a couple of wood folding chairs stood out
as did a small wood table you could place next to the couch
you didn't have the weird girl instinct to clutter the place but it wouldn't be bad too bad to live it up a little
Clancy had already taken an armful of clothes to the changing rooms
you had wrapped up buying the chairs and tables when he asked you to come check something out
you thanked the old lady running the register and placed the furniture up front to take out to the car
the old rabbit promised to look after it, though pointed out there wasn't many customers to worry about anyways
it was true
place was kind of dead
the musty smell of the place reminded you of old books
it wasn't run down or anything
just very hodge podge
even the changing rooms were two old service closets
Clancy had the door cracked and told you to come in
you gawked for a moment
the image of his claws around the door could have seemed threatening
you sighed
fuck it
might as well
you knew he was pretty helpless without a taser
you went to open the door but he instructed you to close your eyes
what was he up to?
you weren't exactly excited
curious, yes
so you did as he bid and he closed the door behind you
because of the high trust environment, the thrift store just kept the old metal closet doors
the only change to the service closest they made was bolting a mirror to one of the bare walls
”ok you can open them.”
Clancy had clearly tied a thin vibrant yellow button up shirt to expose more stomach
black mesh basketball shorts were a weird masculine counterpoint to the Daisy Duke look up top
”this way I can wear a shirt down for company and wear it slutty when around you.”
why would he wear a shirt slutty for you?
”someone was checking out my butt at night.”
only because you wanted to ask about pizza
”was the pizza why your eyes lingered on it?”
despite reservations you were telling the truth when you said he was attractive
it was just all the lying that was a turn off
he got closer and you were going to object when he tugged your shirt up until he stopped himself
he pressed his abdomen to yours
for some reason he wanted bare skin on fur
you don't know why he decided on flirty now
he'd been open of course
but this was more hands on
”I remembered what you said about liking me if I was upfront. well I can't be more upfront than this.”
he wagged his tail when you gave in just a little and decided to hold him
for once you'd indulge
”I won't push my luck. all I'm asking is that you consider me. I made a lot of stupid decisions but I'm hoping I can be a good one for you.”
his voice was soft
”I'm sorry. I know it's easy to say those words but I do mean them.”
he didn't try to feel you up or anything
instead just staying belly to belly
he pushed it a little farther by resting his snout on your shoulder
”you're a great guy and you didn't deserve what I did. I can only hope I can treat you better, if you'll let me.”
he was slowly charming you
you were still prepared for some nonsense from him but this would be a strange con
a warm cuddle session didn't make up for past damage but he seemed to have good intentions
you were hesitant at first but you both held each other in the dim light
a soft knock on the door made you aware
the old bunny's voice was soft as she asked if someone needed help in there
Clancy nervously spoke up and said he'd be out in a minute
she shuffled away
she might have heard you two and thought she'd break it up before things got messy
but she was too polite to say it
Clancy had pretty good hearing
so it wasn't too out there of an idea
he gathered up his armful of clothes
you asked what he was taking and he said all of it
a dozen shirts and a bunch of pants and shorts
two newsboy style caps
Clancy was had strange fashion sense but it was his choice
and one tiny porcelain sheep
seemed appropriate
if a little bit of a surprise
he leaned up to whisper into your ear
”I can always put on a fashion show for you when we get home. feel free to touch the merchandise.”
now he was back to the flirting
he was confident you'd fuck him
he might be right
he got up to the register and the old woman rung him up
they had a sale on Saturdays where whatever could fit in a paper grocery bag was 5 dollars per bag
an attempt to clear our their inventory
it was 2 bags
Clancy pulled a 100 dollar bill and she looked dumbfounded
having worked retail when you were in high school you knew that look
that was the “you're making me go get more bills just to break this” face
you've made that face
then he realized his mistake and told her to keep the change
”it's a donation, right?”
she took it, unsure at first
well he was definitely not working on a budget
you wondered if it was some kind of allowance
out of paranoia you patted your pants for your wallet
it was still there
considering past behavior you couldn't be sure
you walked out of the store with your stuff and loaded it into the car
the wolf was moving a bit too fast for your liking
but for now, you accepted him
he still would have to work his ass off to earn more trust
but for now you would relax a little
it seemed too elaborate for a con
you might be seeing the real Clancy
you decided that was enough excitement for one day and headed home
leftover pizza was dinner and streaming TV was your evening entertainment
Clancy tossed the clothes in the laundry
he had them in the washer while showered
boy took forever in the fucking shower just to watch TV
he went downstairs in a towel to load things into the dryer
was he doing all this intentionally?
once he was back upstairs he just decided why not sit down on the couch in just his towel
you gave him a side glance
he'd managed to curl out his fur out
not completely but he looked fluffier
was he showing off?
entirely possible
he rested his arms on the back of the sofa with a lot more confidence than you expected
you didn't think much of it
maybe your response earlier emboldened him
perhaps he thought he won
he heard the buzzer downstairs and got up
he tossed the towel on the couch and you realized what that implied a moment after you looked at it
you jerked your head to look and he was standing there glancing over his shoulder
”made you look,” he teased
his tail swished and your eyes were drawn to his paws on his hips
he went downstairs and grabbed his new clothes
dude had gotten a little cocky
you decided to let it be for now
as promised he decided to give you an impromptu fashion show
he'd gotten a lot of outfits
you tried to appear unphased but you were a guy
your dick had limits
he got some absolutely tiny shorts that barely covered his furred hips
paired it with a shirt too small held together by one button
he had it tied it up like earlier
normally you would be annoyed by someone blocking your TV
but he was growing on you
well, maybe you were starting to think with your dick
you asked him to grab a couple beers
yes, he could have your beer
dude practically made a parade of going to the fridge
you didn't want him thinking he'd won but at the same time, maybe you were falling for whatever he was attempting
you weren't about to just concede everything to him though
no way
but seeing him try to sway his hips as he strutted to the fridge was convincing
you would keep yourself under control though
just because a pretty face walks around your house like that doesn't mean you shouldn't be cautious
so you took your eyes off his ass and went back to TV
you put in some droll history documentary
nothing like the bronze age sea peoples to kill the erection
at least it brought you back down enough
perhaps you were starting to buy into this too much
Clancy had done terrible things
but part of you was starting to reason maybe he wasn't as bad
the stuff he did wasn't exactly harmless but it led nowhere
you still had suspicions but it was harder to doubt Clancy while being around him
the road to forgiveness was a long one and the wolf seemed to be fine with it
he seemed genuine
he'd had ample chances to fuck you over
he didn't take them
Clancy handed you a cool bottle and looked at the TV with a smirk
did he guess your intent?
the wolf had decided to sit down right next to you on the couch, instead of sticking to the opposite end
he sipped on his beer
you were more inclined to believe his past behavior was some sort of ignorant tantrum at being rejected now
he wasn't malicious so much as he didn't really know people
you weren't eager to completely whitewash his behavior but that Clancy felt different than the one here
eventually the beer and utterly fascinating talk about the Babylonians won out and you passed out
Clancy eyed you
making sure you were completely asleep
then he crept up stairs
given the previous incident you didn't bother locking the bedroom door
you were in a rush and it was the furthest thing in your mind when you went to grab a change of clothes earlier
he was pleased to see the still cracked door and invited himself in
when you'd mentioned the mirror Clancy was hoping he could handle this
he sat down on the corner of the bed and green eyes reflected in the mirror back at him
”I know you're probably watching, dad. all I have to say, all I'm going to say, is back off him.”
he looked to the camera
no doubt still rolling
sat there for a moment
then he broke the stare to raid your dresser drawer for a shirt
he picked the most generic one and silently crept back downstairs
the shirt was slid into his pillow case for safe keeping
he finally came out and changed the TV to something more exciting before polishing off his beer and ever so delicately sitting his head in your lap as he laid down
you awoke to the wolf boy nose first in your crotch
OK there was a limit
you pushed yourself up off the couch and he scrambled to not fall off
forgiveness was one thing
straight up saying hello to your penis was another
”hey, what gives?” he mumbled half asleep
you perhaps acted too rashly but you also didn't remember him being in that position last night
you were comfortable to an extent with him
but there was a limit
for now at least
you went to grab something to eat and he yawned and stretched out on the couch
he put his head back down where you sat
the wolf boy curled up with a small throw pillow and you sort of felt like a prick moving back to your original spot
you sat on the opposite side and he took that as a sign to stretch out his legs and set his feet on your lap
well at least he wasn't kicking your balls this time
you ate the last of your pizza cold
sunlight lazily drifting into the window told you you both had slept in
your phone was on the other side of the couch though
you'd probably grab a shower this morning
you told Clancy you'd use his for obvious reasons
that bathroom upstairs would most likely just be for emergencies now
”just don't use my shampoo,” he mumbled into the pillow
you slid his feet back, went upstairs and got your clothes
by that time the wolf finally got his shit together and woke up
he was perky enough to suggest helping you shower
which was declined
no the puppy dog eyes wouldn't work
he was pushing his luck as is
you glanced around his room for a camera
any sign of tampering
you saw nothing out of the ordinary
just another guys room
slightly girlier than most
maybe the freedom from the mansion let him decorate a little more
Mr. Woolsworth did seem to know about his son playing for the other team
maybe it was a vibe
maybe he filmed his kid
you tried not to think about it
your shower would help you clear your mind
you were definitely working out some frustration you felt from last night
hey, it was his drain not yours
you checked the small bathroom
no cameras, no bugs
as far as you could tell
this house would have you paranoid forever
satisfied you were at least hopefully alone you stripped and hit the shower
that frustration you thought about earlier
you didn't want to admit to liking the outfit on the wolf
here you didn't have to worry about being a hypocrite
so you rubbed one out to the image
maybe you should bounce him on your dick until he's speaking gibberish?
or getting ass up on his bed
oh shit no, on your bed
destroy that wolf while his dad watches
the pervert might like that too much
thankfully this was all in the realm of fantasy
and in your fantasy you had Clancy in a full Nelson and he was frosting that mirror with cum while calling you daddy
you blasted about the same amount of your cum on the wall in no time and carried on with the shower
you got refreshed and dried off
sweats and a shirt, you weren't even attempting to leave the house today
you came out and Clancy was very enthralled with a book on his bed
or he would be if it wasn't upside down
he sat on the edge of the bed, one leg over the other
you knew that maneuver
you were a guy
he was listening wasn't he?
”you were making noise.”
that didn't answer your question in the way you wanted
oh well
well it was nice to see him reading
you rotated the book in his hand
he refused eye contact
well, you excused yourself from his room to let him keep reading
he tossed the book and followed you
you pointed out you weren't really going anywhere today
”that's ok.”
he wanted to take time making dinner for you
you checked your phone finally and saw it was 10 AM
well if he felt like if dinner would take that long for him
he was going to try making soup
you told him just to not burn down the house
it was tough to figure out what you'd do for the rest of the day yourself
Clancy pretty much took care of the cleaning recently
you had time for your hobbies?
it had been forever
games hadn't interested you in ages
model building felt dorky to admit to most but it helped keep your brain sharp
maybe actual reading?
you didn't want to play on your phone all day
so you excused yourself to go upstairs and get a kit out of your closet
Mr. Woolsworth could have video of you building a scale F-14 Tomcat
one of the few luxuries you afforded yourself
but your backlog tended to collect dust because you'd come home from work spent
then you'd do your errands
be spent from that
no time for anything but bed
but today, you were honestly free
you relaxed
getting lost in your work
it felt calming to clip parts from the sprues and glue them together
following the directions was easy
you just lost track of time while you had fun
didn't even check your phone
just worked over your tiny plastic plane
the Tomcat was easy
eventually you got into the final details
paws rested around your eyes
someone had snuck up on you
”guess who?”
you'd forgotten to lock the door
”dinners ready. have you been up here the whole time?”
you checked your phone and had to do a double take
6 hours had passed and you hadn't even noticed
Clancy released his grip
to your credit you didn't flinch
you sort of dreaded his attempt at cooking
you wondered what he did
but you would give him the benefit of the doubt
because he seemed to want to learn
you set down your project and his eyes went to it
he wrapped his arms around your neck and rested his head on yours
Clancy seemed entranced by the little kit
”so you like building?”
well sort of
when you were a little kid you were fascinated by planes
you had even hoped to be a pilot
now you worked at an airplane manufacturer office
not quite the dream job but you could live vicariously through the models
”dad could probably get you a plane if you want,” he mused
you didn't know if he was joking or not
”well we both know you're good with your hands.”
the Clancy that hid his boner earlier was teasing you now
maybe because you hadn't caught him red handed this time
he softly patted your chest and let you get up
it would be a good idea to stretch your legs a little
having so much free time was still a shock to your system
he wagged his tail as you followed him out
he looked like he had done well
you tried to hide any trace of surprise from your face
there was at least a lot of it
he'd broken out the 5 gallon pot you'd rarely use
basically a week's worth of dinner
now whether or not it was edible that was the question
nothing seemed to be burned
burning soup would be a new one
you were curious where he got the supplies for this
you didn't have nearly this many vegetables in the pantry
”I ran to the store.”
in this heat?
how did you not hear him leave?
of course he would be skilled at that part
he ran to the store?
just to get celery
it was only a 30 min walk but still
so he was out for like an hour and you hadn't noticed
damn you were enthralled by that kit
well, he got more than celery but still that was excessive
you told him you would have driven him if he asked
”you looked relaxed. I wasn't going to bother you.”
the wolf looked pleased with himself when he saw you sort of taken aback
he was legitimately trying
like that was where it clicked for you
and it was over soup
he was being honest
you weren't 100% on trusting him but this amount of effort really did impress you
he'd had the meal simmering for hours
he had intended it for meal prep for you through the week too
he had just went the extra mile
you tried the soup
a little too much black pepper but it was fine
he really was trying
so fine
you proposed tonight you would use his bed and he could also stay there
but no funny stuff
you had work in the morning
he could not play poker with how his tail was violently wagging
you'd give him a chance
and you actually hoped you were right
you were finding it easier to see him as a person and not a threat
he was making strides
and you were starting to think he was being genuinely affectionate
he was sweet when he wanted to be
you were surprised at the improvement in his cooking and brought it up
in a very inoffensive way
he brought up the internet
he was trying to read through stuff
trying to cook better
the wolf seemed happy at the praise
smiles from wolf felt friendly now
you no longer feared that grin at least
you just sort of hung out after, Clancy stowing the dinner in containers for lunches
when it came time for bed he practically rushed past you to seize a particular pillow
but he claimed his side and you didn't think much of it
you settled into your side and it was more comfortable than the couch at least
you woke up close to dawn but not of your own doing
you felt something warm and wet on your dick
you shot up to see Clancy with your dick completely in his mouth
he looked at you
you looked at him
you grabbed him by the head and pulled him off
what was he doing?
”I saw you were pent up and thought you'd like to be refreshed before work.”
normally, you'd gladly accept this
but he just took it upon himself
you brought up you hadn't even kissed and he was trying to blow you
”we could fix that.”
you pulled him up next to you
had he ever really dated anyone?
he looked away from your gaze
”did you not like the surprise.”
it wasn't that you did disliked that
but that was a boyfriend thing
”so I'm can I be a boyfriend thing?”
he wasn't tasing you
you two had like legitimately just gotten to know each other
would he want you to suck his dick out of nowhere?
no wait
you hushed him
instead of acting on you lust you let him cuddle up to you before sun up
was it a weird hang up?
but you didn't want to feel like you'd regret it later, like you took advantage of the guy
you did cheer him up by holding him close to you by his ass
you wanted more time before you possibly felt comfortable doing that with him
you mentally cursed yourself for blueballing
but you wanted to do this right
waking up to a blowjob was nice though
at least you know he'd do it for you
so that was nice to look forward to
so maybe you were dumb to turn down the oral
Clancy did seem eager about it
but you didn't want fuck buddy shit with someone you didn't really know
you didn't like that idea anyways
good way to catch something
plus as lame as it might sound to some, you wanted some emotional connection with the guy
you wanted to fuck him, yes
until he was quivering on the bed
but you had to not think with your dick just right now
there had been an urge to stuff his mouth
right around fooling around with an excel sheet at 10 AM in the office did you start kicking yourself a little
though feeling his fur rub against your skin as he nuzzled close was nice in its own way
you'd almost been late to work because you used him as a pillow for too long
he was positively beaming regardless of the blowjob thing
but you ran over to work sweaty and covered in wolf smell
office gossip would probably spread like wildfire
but you wouldn't mind that so much
but you did regret you didn't even get off for all the cooler talk you'd be the center of
the accounting work was not the distraction one would hope for
you comforted yourself with the promise that you'd have plenty of opportunity to get off with him if you were being optimistic
you'd forgotten lunch so you walked back home and Clancy greeted you wearing just a skirt
one explanation later and his disappointment that this wasn't a nooner was visible on his face
but he was happy you actually sought out his cooking
you decided to eat at home that day, then you'd rush back over to work
the office was going to have a field day with that chit chat
oh well
Clancy's genuine curiosity over your day was actually endearing
he was interested in you
at least making an effort towards it
you excused yourself and he loaded your dish into the washer
once you were out the door, Clancy congratulated himself
he was winning
he knew he was
he was going to go upstairs and taunt that camera and his dad
you didn't know the wolf boy… embellished
hell, you didn't know he talked to the camera
he told the mirror details he just bullshitted
oh you were totally a beast in bed
just insatiable
no real details however
he felt a little bit of guilt at the prospect of fibbing too much about you
so held back a bit
so that's how you got a call from Mr. Woolsworth asking about how you liked the new home
you weren't ready to confront him about the camera set up so you didn't let that information slip
there was some awkward small talk, just beating around the bush
then the bomb dropped
Mr. Woolsworth requested an opportunity to come over for dinner
you asked what time was good for him and his wife and he clarified it would just be him
this was bizarre but you tried to hide your suspicion of the sheep
but you picked a weekend coming up
with the free time any one was good but you wanted some breathing room
Clancy had to come clean when you told him
immediately you figured out the real reason for the call and got confirmation about the camera being active
he practically stumbled over apologies and you saw worry welling up in his face
he admitted about the mirror thing
you were annoyed
very annoyed
but he was apologetic
very apologetic
harder to be pissed at him
why did he brag about sex you two clearly didn't have to his own dad
”I was worried,” he confessed
”I thought maybe if I claimed you for myself dad might back off.”
you didn't follow
Clancy felt ridiculous but he pointed out his concern his dad would blackmail you
so how did confessing to sex help anything?
he looked guilty
”OK, I was also jealous.”
of what?
you weren't going to fuck his dad
he didn't want to look you in the eye
you pinched the bridge of your nose
you were slightly angry but not hostile
this wasn't Clancy being malicious
as far as you thought
you don't know why he was that threatened
you two were sort of just starting out
did he really want to destroy the trust you placed in him?
that question sobered him and had him wanting to look you in the eye again
”I'm probably on second chance number four by now…”
he was defeated and the full implication had hit him
you weren't in the mood to instantly forgive him
he had taken something nice and turned it into a mistake
that last word made him panic again
he reached out and grabbed your shirt collar
you hadn't expected him to start crying
he'd broken down but not actually balling his eyes out into your shirt level
you didn't immediately embrace him, instead demanding no more stupid shit like this
no more secrets
if you couldn't trust him in the bedroom why in God's name would you want to sleep with him?
you were screaming like before
this wasn't hatred
he'd betrayed your gesture and you didn't want that a second time
but deep down you wanted him to actually straighten the fuck up
you were hoping you were right and he had half a brain and a good heart
this wasn't to happen again
you demanded that promise
you didn't care if he was jealous or threatened or whatever
because if you did fuck him you're going to keep fucking him
no one was going to come into the picture and make up your mind for you
Clancy needed to stop being insecure about that
that's what a lot of this came from
the violence after the rejection from you, having to prove himself to a dad to the point he lies about you screwing him
it's all him lashing out
like some dumb kid
it ended or you two wouldn't even start
you were stern with him before he choked down the tears enough to agree
only then did you hug him back
he needed to trust you and only then would he earn trust back
that admission of “back” made you realize how much things had changed
you'd been willing to trust him before
the crying also didn't help
he was a wreck now
it completely disarmed you
he was hurting and you didn't feel like kicking him while he was down
you might regret this but you picked him up and carried him over to the couch
you let him sit in your lap
you'd indulge him this once
but you needed to know you could trust him
he needed to be trustworthy
he sniffled and regained a little composure
he ugly cried enough into your shirt but you let him get it out
he relaxed against you
”I'm sorry,” was the first thing he said
you accepted the apology
he really needed to figure out people
you rested your arms around his waist
he seemed to be relaxing
might have gotten it out of his system
you kissed his forehead and the made him nuzzle into you chest and neck
yeah the shirt was ruined
you needed him to learn
Clancy was better than that
his furry body practically clamped around yours as he let it all out
you pushed him back gently and he fought to cling to you
you wanted him to look you in the eyes and promise you would trust each other
he looked a mess after all the heavy crying
the outburst had him watery eyed and sniffling
he nodded at your question
nothing could actually happen if you couldn't build on trust
you weren't some relationship expert but you knew that much
a slight smile formed on your face as you hoped he learned and you squeezed him to your chest like a teddy bear
his little claws clung to your back
Clancy was acting more like a cat than a wolf now
but you allowed it
you wanted this right and you told him that
he clung tight when you picked him up
you were taking him over to his room and he was confused when he realized it
even more confused when you went to his bathroom
you were both a mess now and you wanted to clean up
but no funny business
he agreed when you set him down, wiping his nose on his sleeve
he understood he was running out of chances
but when you started stripping in front of him his mood improved, judging by his tail
you dashed his hopes with the no funny business thing
but he found himself stripping without thinking of it
his eyes hovered over your body
you got into the booth first and started the shower
he was quick to follow
his shower had a removable shower head and you hosed him off first
the small wolf was immediately blasted with water
your insistence of no funny business didn't stop him from slowly becoming erect
and despite everything your body was responding the same way
but you focused on getting cleaned up
Clancy accepted your touch eagerly but you weren't rewarding him after the recent behavior
this was just about cleaning up
you didn't think a regular shower was some sort of incentive to Clancy
you cleaned up and let him clean himself
you weren't plowing his little ass against the shower wall
you checked it out a couple times but no touching
this was like the cuddling
you wanted to show him closeness without fully diving into the deep end
he had calmed down and his body language was loose
you could tell he was making himself comfortable here
you tried to ignore the erection and he didn't call attention to it
but a dark red knotted cock was pretty obvious
you were erect too
but you didn't act on it
that's not what you were in here for
you'd both gotten heated in different ways and the hot water was a way to ease those emotions for a while at least
after the shower you reflected on how glad you were you didn't pay the water bill
if Clancy made that much of an effort to clean up every day he was killing the water heater
you dried off and he followed suit
he tried to be sneaky by taking longer to dry his face
he was smelling the towel you used
you noticed but never remarked on it
the second he was clean you yanked him off his paws and carried him to his bed
you didn't bother putting on clothes and instead forced him into the little spoon position
again you spoke
you would do this with him and only him if he got his act together
it required him to stop acting ridiculous
didn't he want this?
he cuddled back into you, making sure to wedge your dick against his ass
you took that gesture as a yes
his tail tried moving but just kept tickling your stomach
despite his flaws he was growing on you
he meekly replied that he'd do better and he was sorry for being difficult
Clancy was certainly the most involved you've ever been with someone
it could be a negative or a positive
you felt him licking at your arm, an attempt to kiss you
fine, you'd allow Clancy to have that
you kissed the back of his head
after all the shit, it felt good to make up
both of you were content with this
Clancy didn't try to push his luck
you asked if he was going to brag about this?
”no, but you are something to brag about.”
you just didn't want drama
you'd have to figure out this Mr. Woolsworth thing eventually
Clancy was a handful and you bet his dad was the same
at least the wolf was easy when you came down to it
God he knew you were hard with how he wiggled his ass
just getting comfortable
you both fell asleep like that eventually
after that rest he made the most of his chance
Clancy was doing everything he could possibly think of to win your favor
the boy was a whirlwind making sure the place was spotless and he was improving in his cooking in a short time
not a master chef but he hadn't set off smoke alarms
he had to overcome his wolf taste buds to figure out taste for you
the crowning achievement was when he presented you with a package, placing it on the table after breakfast
you opened the box to see a F/A-18F Super Hornet kit
”well, I looked up what replaced the Tomcat and I thought, um, well…”
he trailed off while rubbing the back of his head
you asked him what he thought
”it's dumb. I'm sorry.”
you raised an eyebrow and he tried to look off in another direction but you wanted to know
”I just thought it would be a metaphor for starting off new… again.”
he cautiously glanced in your direction again with those green eyes
you placed it on the table and he was sure he'd made a mistake when you didn't speak
you got up from the table and scooped him into a hug
normally, you would write off such a thing as a blatant bribe
like what his dad did
but the fact that he researched and wanted to have significance behind a gift meant a lot
the gesture was appreciated
he melted into the hug and his tail threatened to knock your coffee cup off the table
it was getting harder and harder to be cross with him
you kissed him
on the muzzle
and you meant it
his fluffy arms wrapped around your neck to pull himself closer to you
he was on the moon
if you ripped his skirt down and railed him over the kitchen table he'd count it as the best day ever
but he accepted the kiss regardless
you knew he was dramatic but he had a good heart
he did want to mend things
you broke the kiss first and the small wolf rubbed his face against your cheek
he was so happy
in more than one way judging by what was immediately pressed into you
his plaid skirt was tenting badly when you broke the hug
a hug and a kiss did that much?
he realized it quickly and tried to readjust his skirt
you were grateful it was the weekend
you were about to make the wolf's day
he practically leapt to the ceiling when your hand reached under his skirt
yep, freeballing again
you gripped his dick and he clung to you
”oh fuck,” he whimpered
his dick was thicker but shorter than yours, with a bulb at the base
it was smooth to the touch
judging by the precum leaking from the tip he was super excited
a hug and kiss did that much?
he fidgeted in your grip
you pumped softly and he whined
another pump and he shot a load on the floor while his whole body shuddered
”sorry,” he mumbled into your shoulder
was being nice to him enough to make him shoot off like that?
”I kind of worked myself up.”
his seed dripped on the floor
you squeezed the knot and it throbbed in your hand
he groaned and said something about teasing him
you made the situation worse by saying he was such a “pretty little sheep” directly into his ear
that made him shudder again
so he must have liked his reward
he panted as he fought to come back down to earth
you braced the wolf as his hips involuntarily bucked
his body attempting to shoot seed into a hole that didn't exist
he whimpered as his sore cock fucked your fist a few more pumps
Clancy's body was sensitive and you'd formed a ring with your fingers around the back of the knot
you didn't think he'd be that quick
but you let him let it out of his system
the sheep thing seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back
you couldn't lie and say you weren't turned on but you held yourself back
no reason to rush completely in
besides you didn't have condoms
his claws clung to your shirt until his erection finally subsided and his shame came back
Clancy looked down at the floor and started apologizing
like he was the one that initiated
that fun did satisfy some curiosity you had about him
definitely a bottom
good lord he was hopeless if he was that easy to manipulate
and the sheer vulnerability he displayed meant you could finally trust him
that was him at his most intimate and he showed you what he really was
you told him it was no big deal and let him loose to clean off the floor
you thanked him for the gift and gave his forehead a kiss
he stammered out a thank you for the help
best way he could put it
you'd wash your hands and maybe start into that kit today
Clancy had never been more pleased
he'd finally got you touching him
he actually got praise from you
the wolf was on cloud nine as he used a washcloth to scrub the cum off the linoleum
you'd sequestered yourself to your room and his mind began to wander after the chore
you heard the shower downstairs and thought nothing of it
he must be cleaning up
well he would probably be in the bathroom forever
you smiled to yourself
Clancy really was alright
you were already debating into the model
sure the handjob might be rash but there was sexual tension between you
so it felt easier to act upon it
you didn't bullshit about wanting to fuck him if he hadn't been so insufferable
but he'd fixed that
so that was the one hurdle crossed
you had no idea what one touch had done to the wolf boy though
he'd orgasmed three times since he started that shower
a dozen fantasies filled his mind
he wanted to huff your balls
he wanted you to huff his balls
he wanted to 69
he wanted you to pin him
he wanted to be picked up in a full nelson and fucked in front of that damn camera that almost cost him
he had to bite his finger to keep quiet as he fucked his hand
claws meant fingering was a bad idea
he hoped you'd fix that
you said he was a “pretty little sheep”
those words ran through his mind
Clancy was eventually spent and leaning on the shower wall for support
the idea that he could dress up for you excited him
he might even break out the powder puff and get his coat white
he was always worried about a dye job ruining the roots of his fur
break out the wool hoodie
you'd pressed the sheep button and his mind was racing
post nut clarity hit and Clancy collapsed in the shower
he felt a little guilty for his past actions as he watched his seed slide down the drain
you'd forgiven him
even after all he did
he felt unworthy
but didn't dwell too hard on it
after all, you'd touched him
kissed him
instead of beating himself over past crimes, he should be trying to make things even better
no use worrying about the past and all that
plus he had his dad to worry about
you didn't really know his dad
he'd protect you
he was going to be a man
you were oblivious to Clancy's dilemma
in fact, you were lost in thought
maybe the model thing was an old person thing or something
but you enjoyed working with your hands
plus it would be rude not to build it after the wolf was so thoughtful
you were actually glad to have him around
it was weird to think how you'd been at each other's throats at one point
now you wanted down his throat
life was funny
you were a little worried about this dinner with Mr. Woolsworth but whatever came, you were now confident in Clancy
you took your time with the Super Hornet, and just relaxed
next weekend was the dinner with Mr. Woolsworth and you would enjoy this distraction
the week following was fairly mundane
domestic life suited Clancy
he kept wearing provocative clothes around you
one brief handjob and he was eager for you to do more
you did end up picking up condoms Wednesday on the way home
some of those lubed ones
you didn't make a big deal out of it
he didn't speak up when he saw the box among the other groceries
but you did notice how blatant he zeroed in on them
he was very aware of what they were
the night before the dinner he commented on them
they'd been sitting on the nightstand ready to use
”so you really want to do it?”
he looked at the box with utter fascination
no doubt actively day dreaming before bed
”well, when do you want to do it?”
he wasn't pushy so much as just hopeful
it wasn't like you'd buy a box of condoms for a gag
he tapped the box
you brought up dinner tomorrow
”we can't do that in front of dad!”
you brought up after
no doubt you two would need the stress relief
it just seemed appropriate after dealing with Mr. Woolsworth
that seemed to appease him
he snuggled back into your embrace and you both fell asleep quickly
you enjoyed feeling someone else in your bed
well, his bed
the company was wonderful and despite the summer heat you found yourself tightly pressed to the wolf every night
Clancy had to fight from wagging his tail
when you woke up, Clancy asked a favor
he had been quietly considering the question after he woke up
hadn't even moved
not having to look you in the eye made it easier, but not by much
you told him to shoot his shot
”could I dress up for tonight?”
dress up?
well if he was more comfortable, sure
your mind reasoned it couldn't be that out there
you didn't know what he was into but it couldn't be that bad
you ventured out on a limb and guessed it was the sheep getup
last time he had that on it was less than pleasant
but you'd give him a chance to make amends
it was his ass getting fucked anyways
he had noticed your morning wood poking into his ass for a while but remembered you thought it was impolite to just surprise him
now that you were awake and holding him he'd try his luck
Clancy accidentally wedged your erection in between his cheeks
you caught on pretty quickly what he was doing and pointed out what you just said
you'd need a condom if anything
”we don't have to fuck,” he groaned
being trapped up against your erections for several days when he woke up was nerve wracking
yesterday blew his little mind and the talk about sex made him optimistic this would work
you objected by bringing up his dad was coming over and what if he saw the mess
”hours from now,” he whined as he ground his ass up against you
you didn't want to admit it but he was convincing you
just rubbing was harmless
”besides,” he smiled as he turned his head to give you a look, “in here you're daddy.”
you wanted to object but he rubbed against your cock
he had lifted his tail for this
the daddy nickname might get weird
he nuzzled at the arm wrapped from under him, planting kisses and licks along it
you may have done some terrible deed with that handjob
you were very aware he was attracted to you
now you'd given him free game with your dick
and you were enjoying it
to an extent
you were trying not to admit it but having your dick wedged somewhere warm was winning the argument
he had his clawed hand on his hip to tighten the hostage situation
well if it was just outside it wouldn't be that bad…
fine, you caved
was it a great idea?
maybe not
but both heads were not on the same page and this little manipulator was not helping
well at least the devious behavior was confined to something productive
your hand went to the paw on his hip and he knew he'd won
he didn't gloat, instead focusing on getting you off
really arching his back into it
he had enough of an ass that it made this easy
you trusted into him and he gasped
well if he wanted to get you off who were you to object now?
he showed restraint waiting for you to wake up before teasing
you quietly rubbed against each other
Clancy occasionally whimpered as you two kept it up
the wolf was attractive
you couldn't deny that
you kissed the back of his head and he moaned out your name
you reached down with your free hand and sure enough his knotted cock was throbbing out of its sheath
he grunted when you gripped it in your hand
this was a good morning
”no fair,” he whined when you pumped his length
to think this was the violent little thing that ambushed you
he redoubled his efforts
he was trying to get you off before he shot his load
despite his size and how girly he could be he was still a man and he knew how to treat a dick
he was moving his hips against you, desperate to get the response he needed
you were along for the ride
just meeting his thrusts with your own
he was was energetic and enthusiastic
he ended up reaching back to grab your hair
his paw gripped your head
you fucked against his ass harder
the urge to stick it in was growing
it felt warm against your cock as you rubbed against it
he was breathing ragged
moaning your name
begging for “daddy”
reason was losing
when his cock throbbed in your grip he pressed tight against you
his hips worked to try and impale himself on your cock
you couldn't take it any more
you snatched the box on the nightstand
you ripped it open and ended up accidentally tearing the first condom opening the package
second one was easier
Clancy wiggled his ass into you
you knew the promise but right now he was tantalizing and you were throwing out caution
he knew you were too
he was exhausted after that load but he wagged his tail at the sight of the condom
it would be Clancy's fault the house was going to smell like sex now
that's what you said to yourself as you rolled the rubber on your dick
you didn't know how long you'd last but finishing in the wolf felt right
it was rash and dumb
didn't care right now
you maneuvered Clancy onto his stomach on the bed
that little heart shape pattern
you lined up and prodded the tight ring of muscle
this was very spur of the moment but you didn't want to go too rough and hurt the wolf boy
it suddenly wasn't as humid in that room with Clancy's tail practically fanning you with how fast he was wagging
at least it was easy to tell you had the go ahead
when you pushed a little more he finally opened up for you
he was insanely tight
maybe he was nervous
you slid on top of him and whispered for him to relax
you intertwined your fingers with his own
he was panting into his pillow but you did feel his body ease up
it allowed you to push your hips just a little further
you didn't know how long you'd last
you'd probably get a few pumps in
a pretty inglorious first time but you'd kick yourself in hindsight later
right now this wolf boy was taking your dick inch by inch
his ass was just thick enough to cushion but not so big you couldn't bottom out in this prone position
he was a whimpering mess
sometime after you bottomed out and added a couple more pumps he quivered and you realized he was cumming
you kissed his forehead and he responded with a weak, muffled “I love you” into his pillow
both of you didn't last long
he quickly ruined his sheets and bit the pillow as he got exactly what he wanted
you had kept going, undaunted
Clancy was still tight but the condom was creating a barrier
the urge to just rip it off had crossed your mind
but that didn't seem smart until you could really settle down
then you'd rawdog him all you both liked
when you slammed it in with a growl it was unceremonious as you filled the condom
you went to pull out after regaining your breath and his legs moved to trap you
bit awkward face first in the pillow but he managed
the intent was clear even if he didn't speak
you at least rolled over
he was still attached for a while before your cock was soft enough it slipped out
so shower, then laundry
he tried proposing you stay in bed but you reminded him his dad was swinging by tonight
that got some sense into him
the condom was pitched in the bathroom trash can and you both climbed into the shower
he was a little woozy standing so you supported him
at least you could see today through relatively stress free now
you helped him wash up and he was rather tame
maybe just fucked the energy out of him
but it did make him more of a cuddler
he pretty much leaned into you
this boy really was a good guy
after all that shit when you first met, you couldn't even believe it was the same guy
Riley was a bad dream
you couldn't even reconcile that name with the wolf laying his shoulder blades against your chest
his affection was was adorable
after the shower you helped him with laundry and he tried to stop you from pulling off a pillow case
you shirt fell out
you weren't pissed or anything
quite the opposite
he tried to not meet your eyes when you picked up the shirt
you tossed it into his face and he panicked like he was under attack
you laughed and packed the sheets into the laundry basket
you put the shirt in there too
he tried apologizing but you dismissed it as harmless
you both had more work to do before Mr. Woolsworth came over
he practically melted when you told him to be a “good boy” and take the laundry downstairs
you were unsure whether the wolf would have found such a phrase demeaning but apparently he'd become domesticated
you went through the living room and started cleaning
Clancy was stress free
sure, sitting might present a challenge for a little while
but he felt rewarded
you weren't angry at him, even after the shirt
he was able to dress up tonight
and he'd gotten laid
he loaded up the laundry and headed upstairs again
this was the change his life needed
he felt fulfilled
years of acting like a brat and for what?
it had gotten him nothing good
but being around you and actually trying got him something money couldn't have bought
he was going to look back at how he treated you before and kick himself
probably would years from now
all the lies and anger and it almost cost him something good
this thing with dad did worry him though
he finally figured things out and maybe he screwed it up
but he would be optimistic
maybe dad was just harmless
that camera was weird though
and the timing of the call meant it had to be about that
you and him cleaned the home top to bottom
not hard when the place was barely lived in
you had let him off cleaning up to work on dinner
Clancy was trying eggplant parmesan tonight
it seemed neutral enough for his dad
he hoped this would be over with no trouble
when the doorbell rang he was almost done the baking
you answered the door and Mr. Woolsworth was by himself
he'd sent the driver off
the sheep greeted you and you greeted him back
you were wondering why he was wearing an overcoat in July but you allowed him in
Mr. Woolsworth made himself at home, seemingly pleased by the state the home was in
he walked through the place, quietly appraising the home
he made his way to the table and undid his jacket
you didn't expect Mr. Woolsworth to be hiding a red cocktail dress under the coat
Clancy was as shocked as you
he was just more vocal about his confusion than you
”what the fuck?”
the sheep sat down
you were very out of your depth
was this an eccentric rich person thing you didn't know about?
you were glad Clancy vocalized what you were thinking
Mr. Woolsworth had spoken to you like four times and now he was cross dressing in your dining room
he didn't seemed phased by either you or his son
just, like this was normal
Clancy nearly forgot about dinner baking and ran back for it
the sheep patriarch just rested his hands on the table and patiently waited
didn't really explain himself
just waited for dinner
both Clancy and you regained your composure and sat down across from him at the table
Clancy would find playing poker impossible
Mr. Woolsworth here could outbluff you
you had no idea what was going on
dinner was sort of awkward with not a lot said
Clancy poked the meal but eventually ate
if he could blush you bet he'd be red right now
you were mostly confused
from comments the wolf had made before, his dad was in the closet
you just didn't expect the guy to be this open about it
so you finished your plate and that had given you enough time to muster up a simple query
just why was he in that getup over here
he finished his meal as politely as could be, taking care to not get any sauce on his coat
”well, you've figured out my little secret in the house. I just figured, why not go all out. lay the cards on the table, so to speak.”
and that required a cocktail dress?
he brought up that you had him at the disadvantage
but he spinned it as a positive
how in God's name was his situation a positive?
”I have nothing to hide now. at least here. I have already incriminated myself as I wanted.”
Clancy looked up from his plate as you both drew the same conclusion
Mr. Woolsworth finally allowed a smug side to show on his muzzle
he made a show of fluffing his fur on his head before continuing
he wanted to get caught
for all he knew you could rat on him
it wasn't like your first impression with the family was great
Clancy looked back down at the table in response and you turned to him and pointed out things were better now
that perked the wolf up and the sheep gestured to you two
”I took a risk I knew would pay off and it has.”
the fuck did he mean by that?
you looked over to Clancy
he rested a paw over your hand
was this all planned?
no, it couldn't be
they'd have gone through you the right way if they were smart
who turns down a house with a fatassed housewife in tow?
so you asked Mr. Woolsworth
what did he mean by that?
”my stag days are quite behind me, you see. I assure you Clancy had no idea about this.”
well it was strange but you weren't doubting the wolf judging by how confused he looked
the sheep continued
”he decided this isn't just a phase. so I let him try his hand. modern times and all that.”
the dating app?
”unfortunately he seemed to go about it… wrong.”
the wolf looked down
Mr. Woolsworth didn't sound angry, more disappointed
so where does that leave you in this?
how did he know you'd respond well to the wolf
he brought up how that was the biggest risk
the house bribe was served to sort of push all this under the rug
he would eventually figure out a way to get the wolf in
he didn't expect to see it so soon
”my sweet Clancy ended up making that move of his own volition.”
but why?
all this effort to pimp out his son?
the sheep balked at the accusation
”nothing so base. I merely wanted a candidate that would fit well with the boy. our dinner allowed me to size you up, so to speak.”
so one conversation and he decided that was that?
”well that and what Clancy had told me before his first date.”
you were surprised Clancy was that open with his parents
but they seemed to not be that judgemental
you were still a little bewildered
the guy essentially entrusted his son with a stranger
the whole situation was odd and uncomfortable
so he expected you to find the camera
“of course. I would have hidden it better. it's an old holdover from when I used the house.”
you didn't have to imagine what it was used for
so he made sex tapes of himself or something?
”oh heavens no, as liberating as the idea is.”
he softly smiled
”I am very much a married man. that phase is behind me. however, I am allowed to live vicariously through others.”
Clancy was sort of right about that
he'd called it
just not to this extent
you went out on a limb and guessed he'd wanted you to fuck the wolf boy
not out of extortion
just to get his rocks off?
the sheep nodded
”while I wouldn't dream of being unfaithful, I can indulge in this vice passively. Clancy finally gets someone savvy to help manage the Woolworth line and I get to enjoy myself.”
was he hedging his family estate on a stranger who banged his son?
the sheep brought up how he felt he was a decent judge of character
you were smart
and he saw how you forgave the wolf for his transgressions
the camera wasn't the only device in the house
you had suspicions but you couldn't find anything
good to know your paranoia was completely justified
Clancy seemed down
he was sort of a pawn in this
you moved your chair closer to him
Mr. Woolsworth did manipulate the whole thing
manipulated you both
but the way you saw it you felt Clancy was right despite being cast into this circumstance
the sheep was still strange for banking on a guy his son tried to commit credit card fraud on
what if you say no?
walk away from this?
the sheep smiled
”and leave my Clancy heartbroken?”
you glanced to the wolf by your side
he glanced to you
you realized what Mr. Woolsworth here had pulled on you
you felt played
but Clancy here was sort of innocent in the affair
seems like the sheep had seized on his son's initial mistake with you
he had clasped his hands together and observed your reaction from across the table
the guy was a touch deranged
but the wolf was a victim in this
right now
you really did wonder if this was a rich people thing
seemed like a whole different world
so what happens if you stay?
”you reap the rewards of course”
this guy was handing a small empire to you if you fucked his son
it was strange
unheard of
but the alternative of walking from Clancy had you conflicted
sounded like it was all a package deal
Clancy had been very quiet, no doubt overwhelmed
he finally spoke up
”do I have a say in this?”
the sheep looked to him quietly
”I put myself in this situation because I wanted to make up for what I did.”
he looked down, away from his dad
to you
”I don't want you to feel like you need to do this.”
you sighed
this was ridiculous and you had a hard time believing all this was happening
but you would play this game
if Clancy was honest, he was the best relationship you'd had
so you wrapped your arm over his shoulder
you'd play
”wonderful,” Mr. Woolsworth replied
this was wild
you felt a little bad for Clancy in all this
but you'd forgiven him and even grew to care about him without his dad's planning
it was through his own efforts he was becoming a man
his dad couldn't take from that
however you could tell that hit him
he cared about his family but this was probably not what he meant
being an heir to the fortune ans legacy was probably something he thought about more than once
but not this way
Mr. Woolsworth was right in that you didn't have the heart to leave the wolf
although there would probably be a division between you two with him worried he trapped you or something
you'd talk to him in private later
for now the sheep was an issue
so what now?
”nothing really changes, in all honesty. however, I would encourage you two to make use of the master bedroom.”
so that's what this was about
well Clancy, your dad is a pervert
at least that was cleared up
Mr. Woolsworth had his beard but he wanted to enjoy this second hand
well, you figured the wolf was worth putting up with the sheep's nonsense
worst case scenario you pull out of this situation with him
thankfully, the sheep didn't stay the night or anything
instead, he bid farewell after the dinner wheeling and dealing
probably decided to let things sink in
it was a lot to process
he didn't seem to want to force his son into the same life he was stuck in
which was nice
how he went about it was completely underhanded
but you should have expected the house came with more of a catch
both of you were sitting on the couch and decompressing
Clancy was initially shy to reciprocate back
he was worried his dad orchestrated you two
”my dad is the only reason you're here.”
you didn't see it that way
you pulled him into your lap and he actually squeaked out
you decided to be here of your own power
separate from his weirdo father
hell, you fucked him this morning of your own volition
no one forced you at gunpoint to do that
you pulled him close to your chest
things would be touch and go but his vulnerability now endeared him more than he realized
any hurt was long gone
if he had been this sweet when you two met you'd have saved time
you were willing to make this work with him now though
hey, if it worked out it sounded perfect
so why not roll the dice?
you weren't quite sure about fucking on camera though
the embrace seemed to chill Clancy out a little
you brought up you would still honor that promise you made yesterday about the outfit if he'd like
that made his lean back and look at you excitedly
his tail was going at 60 mph again
well, at least he was easy to please
yeah you still wanted him
no external pressure attached to that decision
he didn't have to worry
you decided to ease his fears a little and kissed him right on the nose
his dad wasn't the boss here
as weird as the nickname was you reminded him of who he called “daddy”
it didn't roll off your tongue as well as it did when he was pleading
he was at least easy to calm down
you allowed him up so he could get dolled up
you lounged on the couch as you looked at your decision
a family empire if you just did what you were already doing
even without that incentive you'd still go for Clancy
it was still too early to say marriage was in the future
you were already living together, true
but God if you were jumping to engagement let alone marriage without at least feeling things out for a year or two
but you felt optimistic
he legitimately was apologetic for how he acted
and be was going a long way to mend that damage
was he also getting exactly what he wanted?
but the wolf was working off the debt nonetheless
you'd consider maybe tossing Mr. Woolsworth a freebie down the line but you wanted your first couple times screwing at least to be something just between you two
afterwards maybe you'd feel it out as you went
a lot of maybes
best to focus on the here and now
you realized he'd been sequestered away for over an hour
just showering
you didn't realize he had broken out all the hair care stuff
a course of soaking in lemon juice
the baking soda paste brushed in then wiped down
finally a course of coconut oil
it was a lot short notice but he hoped the treatment would work a little
it wouldn't take as well as when he used it repeatedly but it was better than damaging his fur with a white dye
he wanted to be pretty and losing hair would run counter to that
the coconut oil also helped with curling his fur a little
you had turned on the TV while waiting
he might not be a woman but Clancy sure used the bathroom like one
oh well
Clancy had picked out a mascara
his dad had taught him how to properly apply it
not to cake it on too much or “he'd look like a whore”
he wondered why dad married mom if he was like that
but didn't dwell too much on it
dad's choice was his own
Clancy wasn't sure about showing off for a camera like that
but if you made the choice for him he couldn't complain
bit of a difference between showing off and being shown off
he lamented his fur wasn't quite as bright as he had liked on short notice while he looked at the mirror
well, can't be helped
at least he smelled nice
he reasoned you'd like that
you were currently watching some sitcom
very bored
but the time was making you curious
with the cleaning and makeup satisfactory, Clancy moved onto the wardrobe
he felt comfortable in his wooly hoodie and that would come but not before his surprise
the wolf felt so stupid having almost blown his chance with you
and now you'd be set for life because of him
he hoped that would make up for a things a little
if not you could take it out on his ass
Clancy decided, yes, he'd paint his nails
a nice little cherry on top
at least his claws would be bone white
shame about the coat
he was glad you never checked his clothes
or else you'd have found something that stood out
it was the nuclear option
meanwhile you'd kicked back and were immensely bored by what TV shows you were flipping through
occasionally you'd peek over the couch when you heard shifting from Clancy's room
that piqued your curiosity
the wolf was getting horny just looking at himself
he hoped you liked what you saw even more
he gave his ass a smack while looking over his shoulder to his mirror
”if dad could see you now,” he mused to himself as he watched the meat of his ass jiggle from the impact
he couldn't suppress his tail from becoming a feather duster and threat to any table's contents
he was ready
he could do this
Clancy also couldn't hold back from a big toothy smile
time to get that dick
you jumped when the door rattled
Clancy cursed on the other side
that had you getting up and you were almost to the door when it opened
he was muttering about trying to kick open the door
both of you froze
he looked wide eyed up at you
he smelled like a tropical drink
that was your first observation
”surprise,” he shakily added
he stood before you with a whiter curly coat
just his hoodie for actual clothes
completely bottomless judging by the erection
a pink leather collar adorned his neck but it was strange
he was excited when you picked him up
even more so when you sat down with him in your lap
you pushed up his hoodie to see something
sure enough the dog collar was part of a pink leather harness that fought for attention in the sea of fur
straps squeezed at the fat of his thighs
the whole get up criss crossed across his torso
he looked a little nervous but he was cute
the straps met at his chest where a steel heart shape was formed out of one solid length of rod
when you placed your hand on it, his tail could have given him flight if it wagged just a little harder
you gripped around the steel heart
so all this leather was his surprise?
”faux leather, but yes”
he smelled of coconut and you couldn't get that out of your mind
you attacked one of his nipples to test that
he bucked and screamed
his paws grabbed at your back
and you were just toying with him
you'd need to try harder
might make him forget words
you were getting ahead of yourself too
one hand was undoing your pants and the other was squeezing into his ass
the meat of his hips allowed your fingers to sink in
worry crept back onto his face
”I still feel bad about what dad did…”
this again
that sheep really needed to complicate things
the ironic thing was you'd already found yourself dick first in the wolf even without Mr. Woolsworth presenting the idea to you
you grabbed him by the ass and picked him up again
your pants fell down around your ankles and you stepped out of them and carried him over to his room
you instructed him to grab the condom box
he was confused until you set him down on the carpeted floor
his audible disappointment was short lived when you tore open the little package and slid it on your dick
you didn't even look down to do it
Clancy did
you grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down to meet the cock
you murmured about not caring if Clancy was the Woolworth's heir
this was his place
he sniffed at your crotch and grew intoxicated with it
you didn't need that sheep involving himself between you two
you were adults and could figure things out
and after making sure Clancy enjoyed your smell enough you grabbed him again
he liked being submissive like this
all that acting out
and he just needed to be dicked
you could have just laid him out on the bed
the dinner table
thrown him on the couch unceremoniously
instead you pressed his back to the door frame
his legs were up in the air and pressed against your stomach and chest
he could not be more exposed
and he loved it
you pointed out he might get his hoodie messy in a second
”a risk I'm willing to take.”
he grabbed your shirt collar and kissed along your neck line
eventually you'd ditch the shirt
right now you were more concerned with pressing your cockhead against his hole
he loved that, wiggling down against it
twice today he'd been intimate with your dick and if you had the strength this wouldn't be the last time today
your hands firmly gripped wolf ass and used the leverage to push in
it was easier this time
easy enough you bottomed out and he was back to feeling full again
you used now to illustrate a point
you asked him if he could feel your cock
he was already panting and a little confused
you pulled back and slammed it back in without warning
he yelped and reached to embrace you
that fullness, that heat, that was honest
he was attractive and you felt like you were acting growing attached to him
you didn't need him worrying any more
he was doing things the right way now
the pulse racing through your dick was the same one that had his heart telling you this fit just right
then you brought out the secret weapon
called him a pretty little sheep
you'd indulge him
asked him if he was going to cum for daddy
that nickname was still real weird to you but heat of the moment with your cock getting gripped like it was, it felt less cringy
you would probably be making a lot of decisions with your penis tonight
your hips thrust up and all Clancy could do was take it
he was being used like a fleshlight
God if only he'd have knocked off all his stupid shit sooner
he squeezed you tight
his body eager to trap you
his fat throbbing red cock was primed for a breeding it wouldn't be involved in
the knot a decoration that would go unused for its intended purpose
instead, you were busy reshaping his insides
he didn't want you to stop
he moaned your name out, even peppered in daddy a few times
the nail in the coffin was you asking if he was going to “baaa” for him
normally, you'd cringe at even suggesting that but horny was making you do shit you wouldn't even consider
your lungs were filled with coconut oil, Clancy's breath and your own sweat
he buried his face in your chest as his cock let loose
you kept fucking him through his orgasm
unsatisfied until you hit yours
he didn't beg you to slow down even after his balls were spent
he wanted to be used until you came
he needed that
”fuck me, please,” he whined into your neck
as if you weren't already
but if he wanted more you'd pour it on
you didn't relent
he wanted you to fuck him
so why not
you punished his ass with how hard and deep you were going
he held onto you for dear life
your cock pummeled his prostate
with enough thrusts he lost control again as he came again
his toes curled and his whole body quivered against you
you didn't stop
holding him tighter, you hammered into him until all he could get out was whimpers
you'd lost count of how long it had been before you finally emptied into the condom
you squished him against the door frame as you fought to keep standing
once more you tried to pull out and once more he pleaded with you to keep it in
he really liked that idea
the way he clung to you was cute
like he didn't want it to leave
well, you'd indulge him again
he was being such a good boy
when you told him that he whimpered
that evening Mr. Woolsworth retired to his study
it was easy enough to change into his usual clothes when he got back to the manor
the wife was on a vacation to Bermuda
her idea
he'd have gone but she insisted that wasn't necessary
he had business here after all
it allowed him to sneak in without worry
he booted up his computer and hoped he would get a pay off
was it deviant?
but there was nothing wrong with window shopping
the live feed didn't seem all that exciting
he sat there, slightly disappointed
maybe he was a bit too confident in the lovebirds
he waited for a while, hand down the waistband of his pants
he was glad he didn't change out of the panties
when he was about to close out the window you entered the room with Clancy clutched to you
the sheep leaned into the screen in anticipation
was he right to bet on you?
somewhere along the line you'd decided fuck it
you'd thrown caution to the wind today and you decided to tempt fate even further
your cock slipped out of his hole eventually but you both knew neither of you were done
you recovered your strength and carried him upstairs
Clancy didn't really question you
he was enjoying himself
he got what he wanted
no more worrying about mistakes
if you wanted to show him off he was ready to get shown off
even if it was dad watching
the thought didn't weird him out as much as he thought maybe it should
because he'd gotten a man that craved him
he won
and that was intoxicating
you were in full view of the mirror
your dick was flaccid but it was still calling the shots
you set Clancy down and you peeled the condom off and pitched it into the can near your bed
the one good thing about condoms was this wouldn't be gross
Clancy had laid down next to you and you let him bury his face in your crotch
you let him start working your cock up
Mr. Woolsworth double checked the study's locked door and practically tripped over himself running back to the desk
the idea was depraved
utterly depraved
Mr. Woolsworth wanted you to show off his son
and you were going along with it
it wasn't the smartest idea
this could be blackmail material
you were aware of the risk
but the wolf boy lapping at your cock was making good decisions a difficult prospect
it was so taboo
and that made it hotter
what was Mr. Woolsworth going to do?
prove you were fucking his son with video?
dude was just a voyeur living through his son's relationship
you were horny enough to make the ill advised decision to fuck this sheepwolf live
you mused about how maybe Mr. Woolsworth would give you a new car
but this wasn't about bribes
you didn't need money to want Clancy
the boy went from tazing you in your living room to giving you head while he looked up at your eyes
you weren't going to bother with a condom this time
he would just have to deal with that
you didn't think he'd complain
you'd started today fucking him when you didn't plan for it
and the whole day had snowballed
what was one more risk taken
your first time was thankfully just between you two
you probably would have done this eventually
why not now?
especially with the way he was licking your dick back to full strength
he knew what you were going to do to him
and he was actually encouraging it
Mr. Woolsworth couldn't believe his luck
you'd actually done precisely what he'd wanted
Clancy was a good boy deep down, he knew that
it was only a matter of time for his son to charm you
he had had confidence in that department
you were the risk
but there you were
he was curious what made you throw caution to the wind like that
he had pegged you as slightly more reserved than this
though he'd been hoping you had a deviant side, all the same
and it seemed that hope was not misplaced after all
he watched Clancy stuff the hard cock into his muzzle
his own cock had been freed from his pants
he really wanted to be there
but he had to keep his family going and he married
it was a different time then and he had to pick a nice girl
well his parents did
but for some reason he couldn't keep it up much for his wife
they adopted
and Clancy turned out to like guys
it was funny how that worked
Clancy had figured out his dad was sort of not keen for the fairer sex
he'd found panties and lube in the wrong parent's dresser
you couldn't fault a man for indulgences
but it had been around the time for the talk
which was awkward
but when his son asked if it was normal to like boys
Mr. Woolsworth bonded with his son more than he ever thought he could
he didn't start depraved like this
maybe bottling it up made him act like this
right now he wished he was on the other side of you
Clancy was doing great but he was sure two could please that dick better
he remembered his vows though
his wife would kill him if she found this
shame the family name
but he couldn't help venting like this
as seriously as he took his marriage and loved his family, the sheep found himself stripping in his office
it couldn't hurt to fantasize right?
Clancy squeaked against your dick when you smacked his ass
you knew this was very dumb as an idea
but you had to admit, the risk was a little bit of a turn on
you'd probably regret it later
might even try to take out the recording devices
but the way the wolf greedily licked at your shaft made that a later issue
you palmed one of his cheeks and his tail wagged in response
Mr. Woolsworth was getting an eyeful now
his pants and shirt had been tossed across the room in a hurry and the sheep was stroking his cock at the sight
he had bonded with Clancy but he never thought he'd reach this low
but he couldn't stop watching the camera feed
the older sheep would have killed to be there in person
you were young, you could probably keep up with two partners
his hand went for one of his nipples
he kept watching, hoping for the next step to be what he wanted
somewhere in there he felt guilty that he wanted it
but that thought was buried by his arousal
getting dominated by some human man like what was happening on screen
Clancy pulled off the cock, panting for breath
he took deep breaths of the dick presented to him
he was a little hesitant to do this in front of dad but he hushed that doubt
if you wanted it, he wanted it
part 2 taking risks was saying fuck it to the condoms
you wanted to feel Clancy without that synthetic rubber barrier
between the bath he'd given your dick and the lube from the condom you hoped it would be enough
if it was uncomfortable you would go back to it
but right now you sat his fat ass in your lap
for the second time today your dick was smothered in wolf cheeks
Clancy gasped when your hands spread his ass
you needed him and he knew it
in front of his dad
his cock was leaking like a faucet and he knew this was crazy
absolutely depraved
but he wanted you in charge
when you picked him up and gently impaled him, he was yours
his heart was pounding I his chest and you hadn't even really started
it was all so overwhelming
Mr. Woolsworth was drawn to everything
watching that turgid cock disappear was amazing
other than a blowjob in a closet in college he'd never actually known the touch of a man
all parties involved knew in the back of their heads this was a bad idea
all three had abandoned caution for one reason or another
the sound of wet reckless lovemaking filled the bedroom and the study
you'd decided Clancy was getting the fucktoy treatment now
you thrust in and slammed his hips down on your dick
the second you bottomed out you had gone full no mercy
both Clancy and you decided to give the camera one hell of a show
seeing this, the sheep ignored his dick and propped his legs against the desk so he could finger himself
in his mind he was there
his ass getting gaped
that looked right
it felt right
Clancy held onto your shoulders and licked your neck while his mind blanked
he couldn't even speak
neither could you
both of you had fallen into an animalistic rut
just groans and whimpers between a steady percussive rhythm of sloppy sex
Mr. Woolsworth wanted desperately to claim sloppy seconds
the experience in front of him was straining his loyalties
the wolf could not be more fulfilled
he yelped when you flipped him onto the bed without skipping a beat
his helpless prostate assaulted by you putting him into a mating press
Mr. Woolsworth slid a second finger inside, trying to force an climax
the wolf clung to you as you buried your cock in him
all three of you wanted that cream pie
Clancy's cock smacked into his stomach with every thrust
you'd rolled him onto his back and went feral
the wolf took the punishment and craved more
begged you
miles away the sheep was begging you too
virile hard man like yourself needed attention
in his mind he was there, twitching his tail as he watch his son being reduced to a wreck
he was waiting patiently for his turn
Clancy being such a good boy
well he could be a good boy too
he would flicker his tail, presenting himself for breeding
the family legacy be damned right now
three fingers and he moaned your name
Clancy took that cock so well
that could be your cock too
fuck he'd take your name
toss away the Woolsworth name
his mind raced
dark desires bubbling to the surface
kissing his son when meeting at your cockhead
both father and son calling you daddy
it was all so wrong
he knew that
he deep down knew he shouldn't think such things
taking turns on that dick
he was such a dirty old man
neither Clancy not you paused at all
his legs had locked behind you, a subconscious desire to drive you deeper
you had him pinned to the bed and you felt so close
Clancy needed that warmth painting his insides
if only he could dye his coat white this way
both father and son whimpered in near unison when you growled to baa like a good boy
the patriarch of the Woolsworth family made the noise softly at first
his finger fucking made it grow in volume, caution being thrown into the wind
Clancy mimicked the build up
both Woolsworth men were reduced to whimpering submissive messes
sheep and wolf both desperate for release you promised
the debauchery of this family was overwhelming and you couldn't care less right now
you grunted with one last thrust and pumped cum into Clancy
he immediately felt it and instinctively locked his legs tighter around you
the wolf didn't immediately cum with you so you reached down and gave him a little help
he lasted one pump before making another mess between you two
he was a panting mess
absolutely drained
you were too, your weight pinning him to the bed
Mr. Woolsworth ended up cumming a bit after, arching his back in his chair and nearly spilling out of it
all three of you were exhausted
you figured Mr. Woolsworth would have eventually seen that footage
you had no idea you sexually gratified Clancy's dad from miles away
you can't remember when you passed out but you didn't bother fighting sleep and neither did the wolf
both of you were sore in the morning
you'd collapsed on top of Clancy but eventually rolled over at some point in the night
the bed was a mess
it hit like a truck when you realized how you'd let yourself get carried away
there's a sex tape of you two now
Clancy called you daddy while you poured sees into him on camera
and you'd willingly did it
the sheep didn't force you
you just let yourself get caught up in the moment
did you regret it?
Clancy was the absolute best sex ever
but you probably did make a future problem for yourself
oh well
that would be a bridge you'd cross when you got there
the sun hit the form of the wolf next to you
he slept on his stomach, arms and legs spread out
softly breathing
you didn't regret doing it with him
if you were making a dumb decision might as well be with him
you'd long since forgiven him for his early behavior and you hoped he wouldn't beat himself up too much
he was a boyfriend
your boyfriend
if he hadn't been so stupid he'd have won earlier
but maybe the twist of fate and all the punishment you'd endured made this possible
hell, the date might have gone mediocre
he had made a big imprint on your life for the negative at first
but the 180 he had pulled endeared you
you didn't think that was chalked up to his dad's engineering
it was simpler than well set plans
you two just grew to like each other
a little too early to say “love” but you laid there, confident that was an eventuality
another glance to the wolf and he was watching you out of the corner of his eye
”did we do something dumb?”
he was still shaking off sleep and the query came off as a half mumble
he stretched then winced when he got up
the aftermath of last night no doubt
yeah, it was dumb
you let your dick make a dumb call
he looked confused
maybe he expected you to say the opposite
you continued as you got out of bed
however dumb it was you loved every moment of it
no way would you change that
you gingerly scooped up the wolf and decided upon a shower
you two could worry about consequences later
what you didn't expect was a text from Mr. Woolsworth that had come to you while you were showering
said he was coming over today
not a request, but a stated fact
you told Clancy and he was just as confused as you
frankly, you were a little worried too
text gave a time and it was… an hour from now
well that didn't give you much time
you wanted to fuck the wolf again after the shower but that had to wait
Clancy flew into a panic at that and nearly flew off the 2nd floor railing trying to get downstairs to pants
you shouted down that his dad has probably seen him naked and he didn't need to break his neck over it
you looked back to the mirror
yeah that was a dumb idea
couldn't lie and say it wasn't fun though
you didn't think you'd have to prove so soon you'd stick with the wolf
at least this proved something you has suspected
that camera was definitely constantly rolling
and Mr. Woolsworth must have been glued to it for updates
you came downstairs dressed and Clancy was spraying down everything with some pine scent air freshener
you pointed out his dad would know you fucked
then he stopped in his tracks
”yeah, you're right,” he admitted
in a response that was half for you and half for him you said he had nothing to worry about
you'd confront this head on and ultimately you regretted nothing
your worry faded
in a glass half full way of looking at it you you hoped Mr. Woolsworth was a good man
just highly deviant
but hey so were you two now
the doorbell chimed and you let your guest in
the sheep was straight to the chase
he handed you a USB stick
”it's last night. the only copy”
you were confused but took it and he explained himself
”after the festivities I felt ashamed. I made what should be something special for my Clancy into my night.”
he approached his son and clasped his hand on his shoulder
he should be happy but he shouldn't make the affair his
as much as he fantasized about it
sitting in his office chair covered in his seed, the epiphany had hit him
he had been selfish using his son as a prop
the offer to be part of the family was extended but, he emphasized, the cameras would be shut off
they could be removed if you so requested
but you had his promise they would be shut off and the data was gone
both Clancy and you were floored
the sheep smiled
overnight he just turned a new leaf
all over some post nut clarity
you had to ask
he had jerked off to you two?
he nodded
didn't seem ashamed of that part
well at least he wasn't attempting extortion
you let Clancy go make breakfast and invited the sheep over to the table
the sheep leaned over and confessed
”your performance made me wish I didn't have vows to uphold,” he remarked in a whisper
well, he was still a little bit of a deviant
just not a peeping Tom
you were curious if his wife was suspicious
after all he had been out last night and then suddenly bolting over here today
he brought up she was on vacation in Bermuda
by herself?
it was an annual tradition for her
by herself
if Mr. Woolsworth couldn't put two and two together you could
you had a suggestion
perhaps you'd seen too many movies
had he ever used a private detective?
you did not wish to sour the occasion but you had a theory
the sheep seemed at a loss
you didn't want to outright say it but you'd bet money that while he was loyal, she might not be
who insists on a solo vacation to some tropical island?
Mrs. Woolsworth was probably down there for the sex tourism
calling his wife a sleazy whore didn't seem wise
who knows, maybe you were wrong
you tip toed around the subject but the sheep seemed like a good guy and he didn't deserve to be fucked over like that
he said he'd consider it
you had a feeling someone wasn't honest with their vows and it wasn't him
Clancy was busting himself with eggs and hash
he was getting better at cooking
Mr. Woolsworth apologized again for the camera
”I saw how good you are to him.”
strange takeaway from the boyfriend deepthroating your dick but he had definitely redeemed himself
and his dad seemed to be on that route too
the redemption route
not the deepthroating your dick route
unless Clancy welcomed the company
you don't know if you'd risk it
Mr. Woolsworth felt like a changed man
he was a lot warmer to Clancy
that must have been one hell of post nut head clearing
you were relieved
maybe he'd just been misguided
well either way
ever since that day the sheep became a visitor every week
Clancy was happy his dad was around and you liked seeing the wolf happy
the sex was amazing
you both hadn't done anything quite as wild as the first night but you managed to be busy every couple days one way or another
eventually his fur started whitening up once more
hard to believe this was “Riley”
the guy who tazed you after all that grief
he'd changed
or maybe this affection was the real him
the harm was a distant foggy memory and you in fact looked forward to him home
he'd gotten better at the domestic life
maybe he was really a sheep in wolf's clothing
a couple months had passed when Mr. Woolsworth came over a Sunday evening like he'd usually done
well, Michael
he'd insisted on the first name basis after a few visits
formality was deemed unnecessary in his words
he asked to speak to you privately
Micheal pretty much instantly confirmed what you feared
no sooner had you closed your bedroom door than he crumpled
you were shocked when he started crying into you
she was a bitch
maybe you should have let things slide
let him just kind of roll along oblivious
he was a nice guy and he didn't deserve that
just a little bit of a weirdo but he made up for it
the Woolsworth men weren't bad
just peculiar
both of them seemed to be messy criers though
not quite something hereditary
he probably bottled it up since he'd discovered
he babbled about how she had multiple partners
you could see how he was hesitant to break down like this in front of Clancy
you awkwardly hugged him, trying to offer some sort of comfort
no one deserved that
the sheep was distraught and at wits end
Clancy was busying himself downstairs for a while but when he heard crying his ears perked up
that was dad
dad never cried
Clancy quietly snuck upstairs and decided to invite himself in
his dad didn't notice but you did
this was going to be awkward
that made Micheal jump
he turned to meet his son
you released the sheep
you were at a loss on how to handle this
it was a family affair and you felt like a third wheel
but you'd be there
best you could do
it took a moment for the sheep to collect himself
Clancy could tell something was wrong and it wasn't like his dad could just play off looking like he'd been caught in a rainstorm
Micheal reached out and pulled Clancy into a bone crushing hug
neither really said anything
Clancy returned the hug
it was up to the sheep if he wanted to speak
I would probably destroy any positive image of the woman in her son's mind
you bet Micheal wasn't eager to bed her but he did love her judging by that reaction
he'd even held off on going all out with his weird little fantasy
turns out Mrs. Woolsworth didn't feel the same
you were tempted to ask if he'd confronted her with this information
Clancy looked to you confused
it wasn't your place to tell him
his dad calmed down eventually and sat him down
you could tell it wasn't easy
you were going to excuse yourself but the sheep tugged your shirt and so you stayed
Micheal went over everything with his son
Clancy was an adult so he didn't have to mince words
the wolf ended up hugging his dad
you sat down beside them and you tried to not get between them
there would be time to comfort Clancy later
as weird as these two guys could be, you didn't understand Mrs. Woolsworth
Micheal did what he could
probably wasn't sexually active but he was at least loving
you remembered when the wolf tried talking to you after that first dinner at his mansion
about his duty to his family
Micheal was like him in that way too
would Clancy have been forced to find some girl if his dad hadn't intervened?
Clancy was shocked by the whole thing
how could mom do something so horrible to dad?
he deserved better
Clancy knew that
after hearing everything he asked his dad the obvious
”are you going to divorce?”
the sheep looked pensive
looking at his hooves he was quiet
”the scandal…”
he muttered it
so worried about his family
he'd let her get away with that to preserve the Woolsworths
hell he pretended to be straight for the family duty so why was that different?
was he now just choosing to be in a loveless relationship for the sake of duty?
you didn't have any say in this
it was ultimately up to him
however, you did speak up
you said even if he stuck with her he was a good man
and since this was technically his house he could visit here as much as he liked
he was always welcome
you clasped a hand on his shoulder
that had him glance to you with watery eyes
between him and Clancy you were happy to be part of this family
you couldn't really offer much in the way of solutions here
that would be for him to figure out
but the least you could do was offer a happier home
the sheep was content with that offer
really, it was the most you could offer
his son would be the bigger help here than you
but you offered what you could do
Clancy was happy you were getting along with his dad
the wolf wanted to help any way possible
but for now the sheep seemed happy to be able to vent
you'd bet he was going to carry on like nothing happened
you held your tongue as he sighed and got up
Mr. Woolsworth had cleared his mind and was far more relaxed
you glanced to Clancy and he looked to you
maybe, the sheep could be himself and this was an opportunity
you at least reasoned it that way
for now it seemed like he wanted to put it behind him
for the moment at least
he'd come over for dinner after all
he thanked you both for letting him drop his guard around someone
that was the least you could do
the three of you slowly made your way downstairs after
the rest of the evening was relaxed after that
Clancy had made mushroom burgers
thank God he wasn't some vegan
he'd cook meat for you if you asked and he didn't mind milk and eggs
his upbringing just gave a bigger taste for vegetables
you'd joke about his preference for eggplant
after all was said and done, Mr. Woolsworth excused himself to go home
you both saw him to the door and Clancy pulled him into a tight hug again
you hopped the guy would be ok but you were happy at least these two were getting along
you really had gotten yourself into a strange family
explaining Clancy to your own parents had been something you'd held off on
they probably expected grandkids down the line and the inevitable “how did you two meet” would need a very carefully worded answer
for now you had told them you were “seeing someone”
them being several states over helped
but that was a Thanksgiving visit issue and not a now issue
you saw the Woolsworth car drive off and saw yourselves in for the night
hopefully, in time, Michael would heal
he was just coming around to relaxing on the eccentric behavior and you hoped this wouldn't cause a relapse
a few months of domestic life in the house and things almost became routine
Clancy's fur care regiment had his coat almost glowing and he tasted vaguely of a tropical boozy drink with all the damn coconut oil he used
you saw what he meant about not using dyes on it but good lord it was like you were fucking a pina coloda half the time
as soon as you finished a plane kit he would find out and gift you another
you insisted that wasn't necessary but he insisted
he even tried to make the kit tie into the last one
sure, he was loaded but you hated getting gifted stuff all the time with nothing to return
eventually you tried to get into his hobbies
you didn't settle for that “I like the stuff you like” excuse
so as it turned out, he actually enjoyed the cooking
like genuinely took to it
maybe it was the novelty of doing it for himself
or being able to be creative
couldn't tell
but he saw it as less of a chore than you and took to it with glee
so you ended up replacing most of your kitchen, as a total surprise
you two had gone out and you had timed it with an online delivery
he hugged you tightly for that
you eventually also got into video games with him
pretty casual stuff but it was stuff to do together that was more interactive
you felt sort of scummy using the thrift store as a way to build up that collection but it was better it went to someone using them than some scalper
he loved thrift shopping anyways
the idea of something new enticed him and that old rabbit that ran the counter practically tripped over herself when you two came into the store
having that free time every weekend gave you the ability to take up caring for the grounds a little
something productive outside that Clancy was eager to help with as well
more chances at quality time
Mr. Woolsworth also came over more frequently
you'd give him Clancy's old room when he deemed himself too tipsy to go home
he started to enjoy his wine a little too much and you worried you'd have to step in eventually but you didn't want to be too rash
Mrs. Woolsworth never really seemed worried about a visit
Micheal was comfortable over here though
he didn't break out the little red dress but he did find solace in being around you two in other ways
you considered offering him room full time but you doubted the sheep would take it
Clancy was starting to rub off on him with his visits
sure, the old dress was stuffed away but the wolf helped his dad with beauty tips
they'd share clothes in your house
the wolf helped institute a fur care routine for his dad to really help bring out the shimmer in his coat
occasionally you'd come down stairs or round a corner and you'd catch the two whispering and they'd immediately hush up the second they noticed you
weird, but they were getting along
things had worked out and what could be better than having someone waiting at home?
one night, Micheal had stayed the night
Clancy had outdone himself with dinner
the sheep excused himself to the now guest bedroom
and the wolf followed
they probably wanted to talk in private so you thought nothing of it and kept watching TV
eventually, you decided to turn in and headed upstairs
Clancy would come up when he was ready
you prepared yourself for bed and after you got out of the shower you were shocked to see father and son on your bed
both decked out nearly identical
both wearing see through pink nighties
neither said much but looked to you
they anticipated a reaction
they got one
you were bewildered
the wolf had his arm around his dad's waist
their fur almost blended together
”so,” the wolf started, “it took some convincing. but I thought dad deserved a little better.”
he hugged his dad a little tighter
was he implying what you thought he was implying
”I know it's sudden,” Micheal remarked
there was some hesitancy in his voice
”if you want I can see myself out…”
was Clancy trying to pimp out his dad?
the wolf whispered something to his dad
that made Micheal rub his legs together
the sheep looked close to that picture Clancy had used to catfish you
this was taboo
it wasn't like actual incest
but still
you asked if they were sure about this
”come on, why else would we be dressed like this?”
you pondered what the guy's wife would have to say about this
the Woolsworth name and all that
and here was the patriarch and his heir all eager for you to drop your towel
well, no harm in trying
you dropped the towel and Clancy's tail wagged a mile a minute
”told you,” he replied to his dad
Micheal was a little more nervous compared to his kid but his gold eyes went to your manhood and stayed there
well, you could deal with this
might make Sunday dinners a little stranger
Clancy loved you and you loved him
and you agreed with the wolf that his dad deserved better
you just didn't imagine it would take this form
but it was better than losing the guy to alcoholism
maybe he'd move on after a threescore
Clancy tossed you the box of condoms and you prepared yourself for a long night
you were in the Woolsworth family now, one way or another
it had taken a lot of convincing from Clancy for the sheep to work up the courage for this
it felt so wrong at first
Clancy suggested it to him
and… it wasn't far off from some fantasies he tried to wave off after he'd cum
but this was totally different
this wasn't some brief college fling that went nowhere
this was a man
not just some fantasy or camera footage either
that was your erect penis
he was staring at a man's throbbing penis
Clancy was stroking it in front of his father's face
”put your hand on his head,” the wolf instructed to you
you stood over the two guys and did as Clancy said
Micheal flicked his tail as you ruffled the fur on his head
despite his hesitancy, he was rock hard
his son had convinced him about a week ago
he told his dad worst case scenario, it's a one time thing
best case scenario, he likes it
the wolf might be seeing the best case scenario
the way you loomed over him brought the sheep an excitement he'd never known before
inches away from a human dick
oh if his father could have seen this
the shame
not as shameful as those pictures the private detective gave him of his wife's vacation
that had destroyed him
hadn't he tried to be a good husband?
and she was off in the arms of other men
well she wasn't the only one that could do that
you guided his face to meet your dick and he found himself opening his mouth instinctively
the wolf grinned
this all worked our like he hoped it would
he couldn't undo what mom did but dad could finally enjoy himself
he could have helped him get some guy
but he wanted his dad to be with someone he could trust
Micheal inhaled through his nose as the cock slid into his mouth
it was exactly as he daydreamed about
the sheep looked up to you as his snout met your pubes
Clancy's dad was sort of cute
he really did look like that old picture that the wolf had used to catfish you
the wolf softly smiled
he knew dad needed this
and he'd finally started warming up to the idea judging by how he was softly bobbing his head
they'd both planned this out and gotten all dressed up and it had paid off
Clancy knew this was an unusual request to ask from you, much less this sudden
he was happy you accepted
a mischievous idea came up in his mind
he pushed his paw over yours on the back of his dad's head and held Micheal to your cock
eventually the sheep started to tap on your leg in a plea for air
both Clancy and you relented and the old sheep gasped into your crotch
”that was uncalled for,” the sheep remarked with a soft laugh
you can't remember when you'd ever heard him laugh
something had awaken in the old sheep as he breathed in manhood
he felt his inhibitions just fading away
enough to joke around
”I might have this fine young man give you the spanking I should have.”
Clancy was shocked to hear his dad joking around
even before this he was more formal
approachable, but not quite this approachable
the sheep pulled back and grabbed his son's head
soon, you had both guys’ faces buried in your crotch
father and son in each of your hands
the family bonding was kinky
you couldn't say this wasn't completely nuts
but both guys started kissing and licking your cock
and reason wasn't an issue now
both their tongues worked over your shaft and this was slowly starting to become a good idea the more time passed
Micheal had gotten over his fears
both guys had gotten what they wanted one way or another
but they had changed to do it
Clancy was a sweet boy at heart
his dad was a good guy at his core too
the tongues on your dick felt great
you groaned as they worked you over
their paws braced your legs and occasionally stroked you
Clancy was taking the lead
when you growled out that you were going to cum he grabbed his dad and shoved your cock into his dad's mouth
you shot the first load of the night down the sheep's throat
it briefly took the wind out of you
Clancy however, was ready for more
Micheal quietly gulped down your seed while looking up to you
he was thrown back onto the bed by his son, who pulled his legs apart with his paws and kept them spread with his own legs
he'd gotten his dad pinned to the bed and the sheep recovered quickly from the initial surprise
Clancy looked over his shoulder
”slip a condom on and get him to call you daddy”
you were in for a long night
the rest of it was a blur
both of them kept going and going
Micheal's first time was slow
despite his son pinning him, you were gentle
after you'd shot a load in him once that seemed to bring out a new side to the old man
they had gotten up and pushed your back onto the bed
both him and his son became animals and the condom was peeled offend both of them attacked your dick with kisses
they worked you back to hardness with no delay
you were aware you would be an absolute wreck at work tomorrow but you'd live
as soon as you were hard again the sheep climbed up and impaled himself on your dick raw
didn't even wait for the condom
Clancy slid next to him and smiled as you grunted at the sensation
the sheep was as tight as the wolf was
a paw grabbed your hand and placed it on the wooly hip
instructions were clear
make your future father-in-law happy
Clancy whispered into his dad's ear and the sheep looked a little shocked
he spoke in a hushed whisper like it was scandalous
you were confused as fuck and that was clear as day on your face
Clancy smiled and draped an arm around his dad
”just telling him you liked that photo I used on the dating site”
yeah, this was “Riley” in the flesh
you were glad neither of these guys turned out to be the assholes you thought they were at first
Micheal took the lead here now
despite his early worries, he absolutely loved this
Clancy was right
when he shot his first prostate orgasm it was addicting
and then feeling your warmth in him
he craved more of it
the sheep started recklessly hammering his hips down
the slow and steady approach was fine for a first time, but he had decades to make up for
better make the most of the opportunity
Clancy shimmied up next to you on the bed spread
”I think he likes it,” he remarked with a wry grin
”you're calling out of work tomorrow, ok?”
”you're going to be too tired for work.”
well you couldn't deny you weren't going to be exhausted
the sheep went nuts when you reached up and did that interlocking fingers hand holding move
Clancy loved that little display when you did it with him so you just hazarded a guess
Micheal couldn't go back from this
the family would survive his legacy sure
his wife had gone too far and right now he would have tossed that ring across the room if it meant more of this
the heat burning through him
the feel of his body meeting yours
that little button inside of him that kept shooting lightning across his spine
the wolf snuggled in close to you and you turned your face to kiss him
Micheal's next climax had him decorate your chest
he reeled back and actually whined out your name as his ass clamped tighter
despite that he knew you weren't done
he kept meeting your thrusts
if anything he wanted you to cum more than he wanted his orgasm
he balanced himself and kept jackhammering
both of you kept going until you groaned into Clancy's mouth
the wolf softly laughed as he broke the kiss
Micheal rode through your climax and just about hit another when the wolf reached over and held his paw tight around the sheep's cock
you were confused but the haze in your mind made reasoning out the situation hard
”he wants you to baa for him,” Clancy spoke in a velvet smooth command
the sheep didn't even hesitate and made whatever noise would allow him to cum
more ropes of ejaculate across your chest
the warmth flooding the sheep felt right
all his duty and vows felt secondary at the moment
he had feared he would regret it the moment he snapped back like when he watched you two on camera
that feeling didn't return here
no guilt
after all the years of pretending he was who he was he'd finally gotten a taste of heaven
he collapsed against you and you moved to hug him
the sheep fur was warm, smelling of the same oil in Clancy's fur
the wolf clearly enjoyed himself
his stroked his cock while his dad rested on your chest
”I hope you don't mind if I tag in now.”
he pecked his weary dad on the cheek and got up
he grabbed one of the lubed condoms and started stroking your flaccid cock
neither of them were going to let you leave this bed
the wolf finally got his wish and you grew to hardness again
you feared how long you'd have to keep this up
Clancy wouldn't be shown up by his dad and decided on reverse cowgirl
soft, wooly arms held onto you
the sheep muttered a “thank you” as his son took back the control stick for a while
you decided to kiss him and he was shocked
it had been so long since someone kissed him
all while this man was balls deep in his son
it was a hedonistic bliss and Micheal had to thank his son
all the convincing was right
tomorrow he might go back to his stuffy life but he couldn't shake how good all this felt
he hoped his son and son-in-law might indulge a selfish old man a little
but he didn't want to be greedy
just a wistful fantasy
you freed one hand from the hug to give Clancy a reach around
you wanted to squeeze something out of him
you did actually worry you wouldn't be able to keep up with both of them so of course you'd play dirty
Micheal regained his strength and moved to your side
”I know I exercised ‘age before beauty’ before but I would like seconds when my dear Clancy is finshed.”
he touched his cum on your chest and studied it
he made this
from your dick
Clancy made use of the free space to lean back into you a little
he was wagging his tail as you stroked his dick
his hips smacked down hard into your lap
both guys had been brutal about wringing out a load from you
you bet the wolf was going to go after his dad too
your mouth went back to attacking the sheep and he gasped as you went for his neck
that night you lost count of how much you came
you pounded both of them into squirmy messes
your last fuck you grabbed Michael and hauled the sheep into a full nelson
Clancy knew this one
while his dad moaned your name you felt the wolf goad you on as he kissed the sweat off your neck with rough licks
if you didn't know any better you could have sworn Clancy loved watching you plow his dad almost as much as his dad loved watching you plow him
whole family were perverts
so what did that make you
Micheal bit back a weak “fuck” as his whole body spasmed with one more orgasm
you couldn't even pour raw seed into him
the two guys had milked you dry for the night
you heart was pounding and Clancy joked
”get that any deeper and I might get siblings.”
the wolf moved to face his dad, still held up in the air
he kissed the sheep deeply
this was a strange night
the sheep kissed back
whole family was weird and you were walking dick first into it
father and son just frenching right in your grip while you three enjoyed the afterglow
your arms and legs felt like jello though so you went for the bed
Clancy and Micheal broke the kiss and embrace to curl up with you
you texted your boss you were sick and couldn't come in at Clancy's renewed insistence and both of them took turns being affectionate before all three of you passed out
the next morning you woke up and reached out and felt nothing
you looked around and your bedroom was empty
did your bathroom ritual then headed downstairs when you smelled food
well that explains things
you were confused when you saw Clancy sitting on the couch watching TV
the answer came in the form of Mr. Woolsworth trying to make scrambled eggs
”he insisted no help,” Clancy remarked as he looked to you
”looks like someone had a rough night. good thing you called off.”
you laughed
yeah, you'd stick around with this family
Clancy had already made it worth your while
you walked over to him and kissed him on the head
still tasted like coconut
he was wearing his old hoodie and boxer briefs
contrasted with his dad who had found the time to get himself back into a suit
it was funny when you thought about it
you clicked on that dating profile looking for a sheep
ended up basically banging “Riley” in a roundabout way
you fetched yourself a cup of coffee while Mr. Woolsworth did the cooking
you told him good morning and he replied in kind
you didn't know if last night would have a repeat performance or if it would have consequences but it was easy to say you impressed your date's parents
well one of them
Micheal blushed when you reached around him for the creamer
you didn't see that but he was instantly taken back to the smells and tastes of last night
he was probably burning this batch of eggs at this rate
Clancy snuggled up to you as you sat down
what you had at one point chalked up to bad luck had become a very good decision
you wondered if these two would insist you be Mr. Woolsworth