Please read through this section carefully

Before You Interact

  • We are bodily an Adult (22 as of 2024)
    • We do not want to be around minors. At all.
  • We are university students and have ADHD
    • If I do not respond to you, I am likely busy doing schoolwork or got distracted by something Please don't take me being AFK personally
  • If I get hostile and defensive immediately it's because we (me and my psys) are typically targets for harassment.
    • If it's genuinely a misunderstanding, I'm happy to talk things out like mature adults (Don't take my kindness and patience for granted though)
    • Please use tone tags for better understanding with communication (helps prevent misunderstanding on tone & meaning of messages)


  • Basic DNI criteria
    • Seriously.. It's the god damn basics.. Don't be a dick and just stay the fuck away, thanks
  • Endogenic, Tulpa, Demo 'Systems' and those neutral
    • You're just gonna be blocked
Pub: 25 Nov 2023 06:04 UTC
Edit: 26 Apr 2024 06:17 UTC
Views: 152