Joint /ope/rations Center

This is the library of /ope/, the Nerissa Ravencroft General. In here, the users of the general or any other people will find any useful information about things related to The Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols. Be it her musical productions or informations about her streams (general ones and mengens alike) at the current state. Will expend eventually according to the needs of the general.

Useful Links

Nerissa's Youtube channel

Nerissa's Twitter

Filter to access /ope/

Debut Stream (on 30/31.07.2023) & Crunchyroll interviews.

Art tags / Danbooru

RavenCrafts on Twitter
RavenCraft, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Danbooru :
A search for an alternative to azure-gallery is still ongoing.
Lewds : #depravencrafts on Twitter

Image description Practical informations (streams, music library, membership) Image description

Demonry of Sound

The music corner where you can find all the links for the music releases and the karaokes (magnets for unarchived ones, links in case of archived ones and setlists are also included).

New Jailbird Guide

A curated list of streams based on the polls done with the /ope/ Jailbirds. Will be evolutive in function of how the general will feel like about some of the recommendations.

Jailbirds House

A page dedicated to the membership content - contains general information and a list of the mengens with a short description.

Image description The Lover of Idols (collab pages) Image description

The Lover of Idols I - Collabs on Nerissa's channel

A list of all the collab Nerissa took part of on her own channel. Was made for clarification and presentation sake and to unclogged the original Lover of Idols page.

The Lover of Idols II - Collabs on other channels & Mentions

What should be the most labyrinthine collection of pages of all the library in the long-term: this is where you can find all the collabs Nerissia took part of, be it on in the other holomems channels. Mentions, interactions or downright 'easter eggs' are also stored in this page. The final sorting will be special as it will be yearly after the debut anniversary.


Nerissa's Merchandise

A list of all the merchandise that Nerissa has released, both physical and digital goods.

Nerissa sounds

A list of soundposts procured from Nerissa's streams.


OP template

If there's no /ope/ thread up and you wish to create one you can access the usually up-to-date ready for next the thread template here.

Old changelog

About recorders (ytarchive, twitterspaces...), a bunch of neet tools and how to use them, please refer to /who/'s tools guide: You're going to need it and you're likely to use some of that stuff at some point, especially for unarchived karaokes.

Pub: 30 Sep 2023 18:26 UTC
Edit: 21 Jan 2024 17:54 UTC
Views: 2257