Hello, I am John. I am a .. fictive from the game Faith, as well as a roleplay. I come from both sources, I am also a trauma holder and protector of this system, though I have just recently gotten here and I have no clue what any of this.. stuff is. I am just unsure of how to use this website in general.

Wait how do I put images

I figured it out it's okay
Wait why is it so big
The image is not that big is it?

Ignore how big the image is. I'll fix it later. Oh wait this is an introduction. Okay well anyway ignoring the .. nearly-everything.. I do front a lot, yet I do not speak much. You are absolutely welcome to say hello or speak to me at anytime, just maybe don't play " king ass ripper ". Oh, you can use he/him for me, I also like men. I think that's about it for this intro, I don't have much to say anyways.

Pub: 22 Jun 2022 07:59 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2024 22:58 UTC
Views: 460