Urban Legends: The Complete Series >> Media Sources, Credits and etc.

Test A Full Comprehensive List of Media Sources, Credits and Version Differences

Maintained and written by Art from JKC Archive If you have any questions, comments or etc, shoot us a message at contact@flashkit.net

Undergoing a Potential Move

Sorry I haven't updated this page in a while, planning on setting up a permanent copy of this on the JKCinema.net site. Stay tuned.

Under Construction



Newer first, oldest last.


  • First update in a while, haven't added anything but planning to move this page to the JKCinema.net site


  • Updated FlashKit Loops, Songs Used and Original Urban Legends Credits sections
    • Finalized each section
  • Added Video Sources section
  • Added software section with credits


  • Added songs used section
  • Updated Identified Loops


  • Added contact information
  • Updated Identified Loops
    • Added unidentified loops section


  • Created initial page
    • Added a few identified loops from FlashKit used in Urban Legends I - IV
    • Added starting section for original series credits

To Do:

  • List each identified loop
  • List each unidentified loop
  • List each song used
  • Link FlashKit archive pages for each loop
  • Post unmodified credits from each episode
  • Source new and old videos used

Table of Contents:

Software Used

Everything used to make this project.

  • Adobe Premiere (General editing)
  • JPEXS Flash Decompiler (For extracting assets from the original series)
  • Audacity (For general audio editing/exporting cropped audio from the original series)
  • iZotope RX 10 (Used to break down mono loops for remastering)
  • Descript (For dialogue upscaling)

AI Software

AI tools proved to be a big help in this project. Give each one a visit!

FlashKit Loops

Here's a table of all the FlashKit.com loops used in the project, including the ones listed from sounds.html from JKCinema.net and the ones currently lost/unidentified.

Direct download links to each loop will be soon be provided through an upcoming archive of FlashKit hosted by aneidna, stay tuned.

Identified Loops

Each loop is listed by order of appearance with timestamps from the Complete Series.

Episode Loop Name First Appearance in Episode(s) Download
Urban Legends I - Fact or Fiction Si Lister - Heaven's Callin' (2) 0:30
Urban Legends I - Fact or Fiction Si Lister - Heaven's Callin' 1:16
Urban Legends I - Fact or Fiction Asim Khan - Abstracted 2:12
Urban Legends I, II Lee I. Garnett - Alsace 1.0 I: 3:02, II: 7:37
Urban Legends II - The Dead Iman Design - It's Coming 6:04
Urban Legends II - The Dead rodrigo aqueveque - ambient 6:57 Lost, but recreated.
Urban Legends III, VII adam - Night Voices III: 8:23, VII: 43:31
Urban Legends III, VII Jakub Koter - adams III: 8:45, VII: 44:11
Urban Legends III, VII DJ Psycho - Psycho Beat III: 8:56, VII: 43:46
Urban Legends III, VII Jakub Koter - DEMON VEINS III: 11:58, VII: 45:44
Urban Legends IV - UFOs Alexander Lau - bells sky 17:49
Urban Legends IV - UFOs Lee I. Garnett - Bizonia 17:53
Urban Legends IV, VII betacrash - Almost Industrial (part 1) IV: 18:00, VII: 46:54
Urban Legends IV - UFOs betacrash - Almost Industrial (part 2) 18:20 Lost, used loop from original flash
Urban Legends IV, VII Iceberg Slim - Twilight IV: 18:41, VII: 47:03
Urban Legends IV - UFOs BOAD - Echos of Death 19:15
Urban Legends IV - UFOs Gavin Banns - Creepy Vocal/Mellow Industrial 19:45
Urban Legends V - Origins calpomatt - Full Metal Jacket 2 22:17
Urban Legends V - Origins Rudy Vessup - cHiLL 22:40
Urban Legends V - Origins WWelton - Cello Dreams 22:56
Urban Legends V - Origins Chris Seger - Ambient Space Feel #1 23:31
Urban Legends V - Origins calpomatt - Full Metal Jacket 25:19
Urban Legends V - Origins Billy Pfrommer - Stellar Caravan 26:21
Urban Legends V - Origins Jakub Koter - whitecat 30:44
Urban Legends V - Origins calpomatt - In The Shadows 31:31
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Rudy Vessup - ActionQuest 33:38
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Jay Berlinsky - Scared Stiff 37:32
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Eddie Design - ahhyes 42:10
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom DJ Cox Knot - Clown of Death 54:54
Ending of the Complete Series Urbanlex - Dirt Boy Special 1:02:19

Unidentified Loops

If you have any information regarding any of the following unidentified loops, please send an email to the contact email posted at the top.

Episode Unknown Loop Number in Series First Appearance State in the Video
Urban Legends II - The Dead Unknown Loop #1 4:36 Digitally remastered
Urban Legends II - The Dead Unknown Loop #2 5:58 Resequenced, then digitally remastered
Urban Legends IV - UFOs Unknown Loop #3 20:44 Unchanged
Urban Legends V, VI, VII Unknown Loops #4, #5 Two loops combined, played in the intros of V, VII, and VIII: 21:51, 33:04, 42:00 First half isn't played for VII Stereo widened
Urban Legends V - Origins Unknown Loop #6 22:20 Digitally remastered
Urban Legends V, VI Unknown Loop #7 24:07, 47:41 Resequenced, then digitally remastered
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Unknown Loop #8 33:31 Digitally remastered
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Unknown Loop #9 34:49 Digitally remastered
Urban Legends VI, VII Unknown Loop #10 36:09, 42:13 Digitally remastered
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Unknown Loop #11 38:29 Applied stereo echo effect
Urban Legends VI - Fact or Fiction Unknown Loop #12 40:57 Unchanged
Urban Legends VII - Evidence Unknown Loop #13 44:49 Stereo widened
Urban Legends VII - Evidence Unknown Loop #14 46:35 Unchanged/not 100% sure if loop
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Unknown Loop #15 57:38 Digitally remastered

Songs Used

Most of these are already identified by YouTube's automatic music identification, but they'll still be listed for clarity.

Episode Song First Appearance in Complete Series
Urban Legends I - Fact or Fiction Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster 0:44
Urban Legends II - The Dead The Wizard Of Oz - We're Off To See the Wizard (Trio) 7:11
Urban Legends V - Origins O Christmas Tree (made specifically from a midi) 30:20
Urban Legends V - Origins Michigan Carolers sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" Fades in with added echo effect 30:53
Urban Legends V - Origins Jingle Bells (made specifically from a midi) 31:22
Urban Legends V - Origins SJK Carolers singing Jingle Bells Stretched to fit over the Jingle Bells midi 31:28
Urban Legends VII - Evidence Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven 41:18
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Underworld - Second Hand 48:07
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus 48:49
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Stéphane Pompougnac - Union Square 50:26
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Ralph Myers & The Jack Herren Band - Nikita 55:54
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Nightmares On Wax - Nights Interlude 58:46
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Derek & The Dominos - Bell Bottom Blues 1:00:20
Urban Legends VIII - Spiricom Splatterhouse OST - Piggy Man 1:01:30

The song used at the beginning (before the first episode) and ending (before the identified loop) of the complete series is a specially made song produced for the complete series. It may be shared on the JKC Archive with details some time.

Unidentified Songs

Pretty much only just one song needs identification, specifically the vintage music used in Urban Legends V- Origins at 26:49

Email me if you know what it is!

Video Sources (Old and New)

Every video used in the creation of the remastered series.

Not everything was found

Unfortunately, not everything was successfully sourced. More information on the unsourced videos section.

Old Video Sources

Here's all the videos I was able to source.

Episode Video Source

Unsourced Videos

These are all the videos I wasn't able to source, mainly due to lack of info and modern internet saturation, listed by order of appearance with timestamps from the Complete Series.

If you know the original sources of these videos, send me an email as soon as you can!

Episode Video Appearance Modifications
Urban Legends III - Ghosts 11:47 Fixed FPS using FlowFrames, may have resulted in the "ghost" being less noticeable

New Video Sources

Mainly just citing the videos used to give the series updated visuals.

Episode Video Source

More coming soon...

Original Urban Legends Credits

Here's an entire preserved collection of unmodified credits from the original Flash animations. These are listed as is, JKCinema.com has since been claimed by someone else so you won't be able to contact the emails listed. However, if you would like to contact the archive website, shoot a message at contact@jkcinema.net, feel free to share photos/videos of the paranormal while your at it!

Urban Legends I - II

No credits listed.

Urban Legends III

Urban Legends Series: GHOSTS

produced by JKCinema

the media that was used in this movie was collected from websites, magazines, and books.

the "look closer" ghost animation that appeared at the end of the movie is obviously NOT a real ghost. that was thrown in for fun =)

Urban Legends IV

Urban Legends Series: UFOs

if you have evidence of UFOs, the paranormal or the unexplained share them with us by sending them to:


Urban Legends V

Urban Legends Series: Origins

Series Created by justin@jkcinema.com

Researched and Written by Laurel C.

Produced by justin@jkcinema.com


If you have evidence of the paranormal, please send an email to justin@jkcinema.com

Stay tuned for a brand new Urban Legends movie in March

Urban Legends VI

Urban Legends VI: Fact or Fiction?

Series created by justin@jkcinema.com

"Impound Lot Ghost" Clip courtesy ABC News

"Chupacabras" Clip courtesy Lifetime

Written By justin@jkcinema.com and Laurel C.

Music Courtesy Flashkit.com (to the artists whose music has been used in Urban Legends: keep up the GREAT work - you guys rock.)

Media Collection justin@jkcinema.com and Laurel C.

Thanks to PatientCreatures.com for additional info on El Chupacabras

Produced by justin@jkcinema.com

If you have evidence of the paranormal or unexplained, please contact justin@jkcinema.com

For more URBAN LEGENDS, visit www.jkcinema.com

For URBAN LEGENDS EXTRAS, including video clips visit www.jkcinema.com/extras.asp

Urban Legends VII

Urban Legends VII: EVIDENCE

Produced and Directed by JKCinema.com

Series Created by justin@jkcinema.com

Portions of this documentary contained media submitted to us by our viewers. Thank you! And keep it comin'!

Viewer Submitted Media:

Led Zeppelin - brainfart smith Catacombs - richard gaggi Orbs (except last photo) - koni kasey, jed stopyro RHCP - lyssa Ghost Video and EVP - gery edwards ITC Pics - donna hopkins, spooty Mist Ghost Photo - dee harington July 4th Ghost - clay shields Haunted Commercial - donna hopkins UFO Pic from Viewer email - Dan Christensen UFO Pics and Alien Autopsy - phos makey Chupacabra - IGeMiNil@aol.com

Music courtesy Flashkit.com -- To the artists whose music was used in Urban Legends: Thanks!! You guys rock.

If you have evidence of the paranormal or the unexplained, please contact justin@jkcinema.com

Urban Legends VIII


Produced by Justin@jkcinema.com

Based on the works of Mark Macy at WorldITC.org


Stephane Pompougnac - Union Square Underworld - Second Hand Nightmares on Wax - Nights Interlude Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus Eric Clapton - Bell Bottom Blues Kawagen & Katsurou Tajima - Splatterhouse OST DeeJay Cox Knot - Clown Of Death


WORLDITC.ORG Evangelical clips - MoeGull on YouTube Crazy preacher - Everyone on YouTube


Flashkit.com FindSounds.com AT&T TTS


WORLDITC.ORG - The site that has intrigued me since the day I saw it. This movie is the Urban Legends I've always wanted to make. Thanks, Mark!



Anyone else on the internet whose video, music, graphic or anything else has been used in this movie. Please let me know if I've missed you, so I can correct that. There is no profit being made by these films, it's just a hobby.


Ending Remark

As is customary with the original series, if you have evidence of the paranormal or the unexplained, share it with us a contact@jkcinema.net

Edit Report
Pub: 01 Nov 2022 19:20 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2023 21:57 UTC
Views: 554