my pixels

most work best in dark more
made by jamanthu on disc n twitter

please do not post any of these anywhere aside from personal rentrys/bundles. this includes but isn't limited to: reposts on any websites, masterposts, discord servers (including personal/private ones). feel free to send them this rentry instead !! if you see anyone posting it somewhere else please refer them to this link

netherite helmet diamond helmet gold helmet iron helmet chainmail helmet leather helmet
netherite chestplate diamond chestplate gold chestplate iron chestplate chainmail chestplate leather chestplate
netherite leggings diamond leggings gold leggings iron leggings chainmail leggings leather leggings
netherite boots diamond boots gold boots iron boots chainmail boots leather boots
turtle shell elytra bow trident book gapple compass enchanted compass recovery compass clock bottle of enchanting candles piston sticky piston ender chest shulker box enchanting table end crystal minecart boat campfire soul campfire fire soul fire
ender dragon warden roar warden move warden emerging piglin retreat piglin crowssbow hoglin attack strider walking strider not on lava ghast blaze charged creeper sniffer walk sniffer happy sniffer sniff 2 sniffer walk 2 sniffer sniff sniffer plop allay idle allay flying allay flying 2 allay dancing frog green walk frog green walk frog white frog brown walk frog brown axolotl swim axolotl walk axolotl idle dolphin squid glowing squid baby turtle 1 baby turtle swim salmon cod silverfish fox chicken jeb sheep baby jeb sheep saddled camel walk panda unhappy bat bee bee angry dancing red parrot dancing blue parrot dancing green parrot dancing cyan parrot dancing grey parrot


autism infinity symbol 3D glasses stim toy eraser pink house colorful stars bean TV horns and tail bloody smile smile face with stiches glitching face glitching peace sign dancing stick figure 1 dancing stick figure 2 guillotine radio pill rose blinking green eye vhs tape black vhs tape beige baseball bat brown baseball bat grey baseball moon and star yellow moon and star grey

hammer brown hammer black saw gear nut and bolt

spotify logo tiktok logo instagram logo discord logo

minecraft grass block minecraft bedrock block minecraft obsidian block minecraft emerald block minecraft stone block minecraft oak log block

cross black shaking cross white shaking cross black moving cross white moving cross faded black moving cross faded white moving cross glitching cross glitching moving

scribble 1 black scribble 1 grey scribble 1 white scribble 1 red scribble 1 orange scribble 1 yellow scribble 1 sage green scribble 1 green scribbe 1 mint green scribble 1 blue scribble 1 purple scribble 1 pink

circles red circles orange circles yellow circles green circles mint green circles blue circles purple circles pink

scribble 2 red scribble 2 yellow scribble 2 green scribble 2 mint green scribble 2 purple scribble 2 pink

network black network white network pink network red

animal skull black animal skull white animal skull red

road sign stop road sign forbidden road sign return

smile 1 flashing white smile 1 flashing red smile switch black smile switch white smile switch red smile switch orange smile switch yellow smile switch green smile switch mint green smile switch blue smile switch purple smile switch pink

balloon rainbow balloon black balloon white balloon red balloon orange balloon yellow balloon green balloon blue balloon purple balloon pink

bowtie grey bowtie red bowtie yellow bowtie green bowtie blue bowtie purple

pacifier blue pacifier pink pacifier yellow pacifier green

dog ears 1 tail brown tail grey tail black

monster energy logo green monster energy logo black monster energy logo white monster energy original monster energy black and white monster energy black and red monster energy black and yellow monster energy black and blue monster energy black and pink monster energy black and rainbow monster energy black and fading yellow monster energy black and fading blue
monster energy white monster energy red monster energy orange monster energy orange 2 monster energy yellow monster energy green monster energy blue monster energy purple monster energy pink monster energy beige monster energy beige and red monster energy blue and orange

:3 face black happy face 1 black sad face 1 black happy face 2 black sad face 2 black
:3 face white happy face 1 white sad face 1 white happy face 2 white sad face 2 white
:3 face pink happy face 1 pink sad face 1 pink happy face 2 pink sad face 2 pink

wally's house moving barnaby's house moving howdy's house moving bowtie moving 1 bowtie moving 2
wally's house still barnaby's house still howdy's house still bowtie still


Pub: 30 Mar 2023 16:07 UTC
Edit: 06 Feb 2025 01:00 UTC
Views: 17098