The Hormoning. Ch. 2: What’s that machine for?!


“Shit!” She screamed. Your body fell to the ground without any form of resistance, face down and butt sticking out in the air.

Letting out a long sigh, Botan looked at your senseless body, then it turned into a snarky smile, looking at the pose you fell into.

“Well, that’s on me for handing my gun without the safety lock…”

She turned you to your side and placed her hands under your legs and back, getting ready to pick you up in a bridal carry.

“One, two…three…!...?” Said Botan, as she effortlessly brought herself up.

“Huh?” She tried moving around and found it wasn’t much different from walking with a little weight. Panic shot through her body in the blink of an eye.

“Fuck! What’s the recommended weight for the sedative…?” Realizing the dose could kill you, she ran towards her vehicle, just a few more streets.

“Come on, stay with me!” She yelled into your ear, disregarding her usual cautiousness.

“Hehe~!” Botan heard in the distance. Now you were in trouble. Women were being drawn to the scene, the scent of a man and the yelling were a dead giveaway. Coming out of the residences and a few parked cars, a total of 6, she counted.

“Hey, Oba-chan, share him with us too!” One of them yelled.

“Oba-chan.” This hurt Botan more than anything else.

“I-I’m not that old…” She said to herself, before realizing there were bigger problems to take care off. The hungry predators grew closer by the second.

“Hmm, 2 shots fired, 6 left, I should be able to put out two of them and run, save the rest of the bullets just in case…”

Throwing you onto her shoulder, she pulled out her gun and aimed at the closest one to her. Where her silver firearm should have been, instead she saw her empty hand, with the fingers bent as if they were around the handle and the trigger.

Oh, that’s right, the gun…

Her pupils shrunk. Her only option was to make a run for it but feared that the girls would tug you away as she passed them.

“Stay back, I know judo!” She bluffed. She could’ve easily taken out a few of them, but not six, much less with the dead weight on her shoulder. It was anyone’s guess as to what these women were capable of under the effects of the Hormoning. In her shot of adrenaline, a thought passed through her mind, begging her to leave her heroism behind.

She could just drop him and calmly leave, as the women approached his defenseless body. They would take turns, maybe fight over who goes first as the sedative slowly took his remaining strength to protect himself. They wouldn’t do as much as laying a finger on her. She’d get in her car, put on the seatbelt, check her rearview mirrors…

… and watch as this guy was stripped of his clothes in the middle of fall and wringed dry, most likely ending up as a corpse in the morning by dehydration or exhaustion.

“No.” She spoke. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that.”

She was being surrounded by the swarm. One chance, if she fails, you were done for.

Botan held your body with both hands as she threw a kick directly into the face of the woman that blocked her path to her vehicle and she jumped over her body as she fell to the ground, making a run for her car. The others began chasing her, some of them fast, some of them being left behind, Botan couldn’t run any faster, despite your light weight, you weren’t that light either.

She was approaching her car, a few more meters, just have to close the distance. She felt you were being pulled from her, one of the girls had almost caught up to you two. She tugged on your tie as it flew against the wind, the distance between her hand and you slowly but surely shortening. Botan had a hard time keeping her balance as she did. As if the world were slowing down around her, Botan quickly came up with a plan to evade her persecutor.

Twisting her body to the side, keeping her shoulder in which she carried you facing away from the sex-crazed lady, she made a sudden stop that almost made her trip as her feet slid on the floor. Her chaser didn’t plan for it, she would crash onto Botan. With fire in her eyes, Botan caught her by the arm, and using her momentum, she threw her over her shoulder and onto the floor, almost dropping you in the process. The girl fell on her butt, no major injuries, or so hoped Botan. Sprinting away once more, she didn’t give much time for the rest of her prosecutors to catch up.

She reached the car and threw you on the back with haste, then just as quickly jumped through the open window onto the driver’s seat. One danger had passed, but now she had to do something about the sedative.

She turned her car on, called one of the contacts on her phone and put it on the speaker. In a second, she began driving as fast as she could towards a rather dark, scary looking part of the city.

“Botan-chan, you’re interrupting my experiments!” An angry voice spoke over the phone.

“Quit masturbating and help me, Koyo-chan.” She demanded.

“H-How did you know that-.”

“That doesn’t matter. I need you to prepare something to neutralize the effects of the sedative.”

“Neutra- Wait, did you shoot someone twice?! I told you to never-!”

“It was once, but the dose might be too much for him.”

Koyori remained silent for a few seconds.


“Yes, it’s a guy.”

“Y-You can’t bring a guy into the lab! You know what I’d…”

“Then finish up before I’m there!”

Koyori didn’t respond.

“Alright. Give me a few minutes.”

“Make it quick, I don’t think he’s gonna make it.”

Koyori hung up. Botan made a quick, sharp drift as she turned a street.

“Hunumumu…” You babbled.

“Oh great, he’s still here.” Botan felt relieved. She skipped over some red lights and stop signs, drifting around corners to keep her speed.

“Button! Ehehe…”

“Botan.” She corrected you. She thought if she kept talking to you, you wouldn’t faze out as easily. The streetlights were becoming rarer and rarer, as Botan relied on her headlights.

“Bu-tton.” You repeated.




Your incomprehensible babble kept Botan entertained for a while. She heard you speak clearly in your drug induced daydream about something that shook her off her usual laid back attitude.

“I want…to have a baby…”

“O-Oh, you do?” Botan’s cheeks reddened.

“Yesh…” You continued. “I want a little girl to take to the bish…and boy to play shports with…”

“Ohhhoho, that’s very nice!” She stifled a giggle. Just a bit more, she’s right there.

“I want to…show them fieldsh of flowersh…I want a dozen of kidsh with a beeyoutifol girl, Iwanto mawwy a beeg girl…”

Botan smirked.

“Iwanto….raish them with their mama…Iwanto shower them in wuv…”

Botan thought your little dream was cute. She smiled to herself while doing her best not to laugh.

“Nice, nice! I’m sure you’ll make a great father someday!”

“Yesh…I…Ohhhhh~!” You let out as a sudden turn made you fall onto the floor of the car.

Botan hit the brake and turned on the light.

“Fuck! Are you ok?” She turned to check on you, first she grabbed your wrist, your pulse, thought slow, was still there. Bringing you up by your shirt’s collar, she sat you again on the backseat, and noticed you had a lewd, obscene expression. Confused, Botan looked all over for a clue as to what was happening, before giving a quick look to your crotch, and seeing…

“Ugh.” She spoke. “So much for the cute cre-dream.”

Quickly she put the middle seatbelt on you and she began driving again. At least, you weren’t going to die.


Botan hurried inside a decrepit building, moving over some cardboard with her feet, she revealed a trapdoor which she kicked on it a few times. After a short wait, Koyori opened it from under, Botan carried you downstairs, onto a shiny, pristine lab.

Koyori eyed you with drool leaking out of her mouth. Botan knew she was still within the realms of reason, so she fent her off as best she could.

“Do you have what I asked for?”

“Yesh…” Said Koyori, stretching her hand out to you, Botan slapped it away.

“I’ll give it to him, hand over the syringe.”


“You said it yourself, Koyo-chan.”

Even in her state, Koyori wouldn’t try to talk back to Botan. She handed her the syringe and followed you two. Botan hurried you to a bed in a small white room and began taking off your clothes, beginning by your love-stained pants. Koyori watched from the doorway as she did, her hand slowly digging itself under her clothes.

Botan could feel Koyori’s stare over her shoulder, so she came up with something so she would leave.

“Here, go cool off.” Said Botan as she threw your pants with your underwear to Koyori, now she was going for your shirt so she could get to your arms, she slapped your forearms with great force to make your veins pop up.

Koyori caught the pants with both hands, drooling a bit as she clutched them in her hands. Without a word, she hurried out of the room to lock herself away in her personal place.

“Buffon…” You spoke. Botan was relieved as she injected you.

“Bo-tan.” She said one last time, with a certain endearment.

“Zhanks…buffet…” And so, you drifted off to sleep.

Botan left the room and locked the door, hoping that Koyori didn’t have a spare keycard.

One hell of a night. All she wanted to do was to go back home and let herself die of exhaustion in her bed, but instead, she found a couch. She dropped herself headfirst into it and fell asleep immediately.


“Anon Ymous.”

“Date Of birth: XX/XX/XXXX”

“Sex: M”

Botan inspected the items she found in your bag, an empty tupper with remains of what must’ve been pasta and sauce, your ID, work ID and your last blood test certificate.

“No STDs registered for the last year, wait…”

Botan re read your papers.

“Last registered STD: None.”

“Huh. He’s very lucky…”

Koyori woke up from her cell that she jokingly named “Horny Prison.”, staring at your dirty underwear that she still clutched in her hand, now dry and stained. As if the secrets of the universe had just unfolded before her, she tried to rescue whatever was left from last night’s “experiment.”. She brought out some flasks and chemicals to run a few quick tests.


“Alright, so… after I brought your pants to my lab…”

“Y-You gave her my clothes?!”

“You would’ve preferred for her to fuck your unconscious body?” Botan shrugged.

You kept silent. Botan gave you a smug smile.

“A-hem.” Koyori said.

“Sorry, Koyo-chan, go on.”

“Yes! So, uh, it’s a bit embarrassing to admit it, but, I sort of… began sniffing the stain? Specially the one on the underwear, it was more concentrated!”

You looked down as you heard Koyori speak. Her unfiltered speech made you feel a void inside. First you cream yourself while talking about your deepest desires, and now a chick was sniffing your clothes in which the accident happened, how could this possible get any worse?

“So, I noticed that as I sniffed the scent of your semen, my usual sex drive began calming down, strange, right? So, I…” Koyori blushed, she fidgeted with her fingers as she tried to spurt out a sentence that described the event.

“So you…?” You said, giving her a little push that would hopefully put you out of your misery sooner.

“I…flipped your underwear inside out…and stuck my nose closer to the substance… and then I….”

“And then you?” You said with a shaky voice.

“I…accidentally snorted it…heehee~” She scratched the back of her head.

“Oh.” You said.

Botan looked away from you two. You turned your attention to her and noticed she was poorly stifling a laugh.

“So, after I snorted your cum, I felt relieved of my sexual urges for the night!” Koroyi said, the embarrassment that held her back before nowhere to be seen.

“Why did you say that like it’s a perfectly normal, socially acceptable thing to say?” You spoke dully.

Botan laughed heartily. Even now you had to recognize that she had a very contagious laugh.

“Oh come on Anon, it’s not like it’s the worst that’s ever happened.” She said amid her giggling.

She was right, but even now you couldn’t shake off the shame you felt, what was worse is that you couldn’t even blame it on a crazed broad from the Hormoning, it was -mostly- your fault.

“She’s right, you know, don’t be such a prude!” Koyori told you.

“Prude.” Oh how you hated that word with a burning passion, but you kept your comments to yourself.

“So, I’ve come to the theory that your semen might actually be the cure for the hormoning! You see, first, the protein contained within what I salvaged-.”

“Eh, cut the sciency talk Koyo-chan, only you understand it anyways.”


Koyori turned to you with a carefree, unbothered expression.

“So, I need to request something from you, Anon.”

“What would that be?” You asked with a hint of fear.

“Well, I would like more samples to run further tests!”

You looked at her in awe, unable to form a coherent response. Koyori’s tone seemed as if it wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I should get going, actually. I need to justify my absence from my job.”

“Just say you got raped, Anon.” Koyori insisted.

“I already used my rape-leaves for the month, I doubt I can use them again.” You lied.

“Oh please, just say you got raped again, you look pretty rapeable to me!”

“That’s super uncalled for, Koyo…eh, what’s your name again?” You said, you face beaming with indignance.

“Hakui Koyori.” She responded.

“Right, Koyori. The answer is no.”

She got closer to you, still in bed, rising fear began brewing inside of you as an expression of need formed in her face.

“Please Anon! This might be the biggest breakthrough in science of the last two years!”


“Koyo-chan, Anon.” Botan stepped in, donning a dominant tone.

“Anon’s right, your comment was incredibly rude. Apologize.”

Koyori shook at Botan’s voice, she knew she could play the dom role well, but this was beyond her usual mannerisms. Botan’s calm, angry demeanor put her back in her place.

“R-Right, s-s-sorry about that, Anon.” She said with a hint of fear. God, if only you could pull something like that.

“And you Anon.” She turned to you, the fear that was once in Koyori swapped bodies with you.

“Koyo-chan might be a bit… unhinged when she talks, but she means well.” She said. “I doubt that she’s going to steal your sperm just because or use it for her leisure. Plus, you owe us one. More than one, in fact.”

Botan settled the matter just like that. You couldn’t refuse. At least if you comply, you’ll get out of this sooner.

“S-Should any of you…” You began muttering. Botan and Koyori listened with attention. “Should either of you wind up pregnant, I will not take responsibility.”

“Fine by me!” Said Koyori.

“Understood.” Said Botan.

Koyori exited the room with haste, and then wheeled back in what seemed to be a modern medieval torture device.

“I knew this would come in handy some day!” She exclaimed. “Anon, Botan, I present to you the Deseminator Mk. II!”

You stared in terror at the machine. It had a long tube in which you assumed you were supposed to stick your dick in, a bunch of strange gears popped out from the upper side. Koyori turned it on, the tube began spinning in place as the interiors retracted back and forth.

“This one shouldn’t explode…” Said Koyori, going over mental notes of what went wrong with the first model.

“I am NOT putting my penis anywhere near that!” You exclaimed.

“Why not?” Koyori asked with genuine intrigue.

“Look at that thing, then look at me, look back at that thing and try to tell me with a straight face that I won’t drop dead as soon as I put it in.”

Koyori did as you asked without irony. Her inability to uncomprehend your fear genuinely puzzled you.

“You won’t die!” She said without skipping a beat. “I think…”

“Botan, say something!”

Botan turned to you with a serious look.

“Something.” She laughed at how your eyes begged her to get you out of this.

“Let’s do it right now!” Koyori grabbed your sheets and tried to pull them back, as you held onto them as they were dear life.

“Koyo-chan please, I’m sure there has to be a better-.” Botan was cut off by your yelp and Koyori’s surprised look as soon as she ripped the sheets from you.

“Oh…” Said Koyori. “I don’t think you’ll fit inside the machine, Anon…” She said with disappointment.

You fear subsided to make way for relief, and also flattering.

Botan looked away from your manhood this time with the pretense of giving you some sort of privacy, as ridiculous as that sounded in her head. A slight blush painted her cheeks red.

“Plan B!” Yelled Koyori. “I’ll give you some condoms to use and I’ll milk out your-.”

“I’ll do it myself!” You said as you hurriedly covered yourself again.


Koyori surrounded your bed with curtains to give you some privacy since you wouldn’t stop crying about it. Handing you tablets of zinc, porno mags, and two packets of condoms, she asked to fill them as much as you could.

You stroked your cock looking at the mags, but had a hard time feeling any kind of pleasure. The sense of danger wouldn’t subside until you were surrounded by your own four walls. Drinking yourself to death didn’t seem like such a bad idea anymore. It didn’t help your situation either that she was standing outside your little milking box, as Koyori called it. Adding to the situation, every lewd thought you’ve had until now was directed towards the same reason you had missed the shuttle bus in the first place.

“C-Could you please step out of the room, at least?” You asked Botan. Her presence wasn’t the root of your discomfort, but you needed to ease some tension anyways.

“I really can’t leave you by yourself Anon.” Botan replied. “You yourself said that you didn’t want to be in here with Koyori, and I can’t blame you after how she acted.”

“Right …” You sulked. It’s a good time as any to ask a few questions, you thought. “Where are we, anyways?”

Botan took a deep breath, knowing the answer would probably cause you to panic once more. But you deserved to know, she firmly believed.

“District B.”

You soul left your body. This wasn’t happening, no way. Why here of all places? The girl’s intentions were overshadowed by the feeling that you were in the hands of criminals.

“It’s only because it attracts less attention in case you’re wondering. After were done I’m going to drive you back home doused in perfume, don’t worry about that.” Botan reassured you. “I’m not letting you disappear like that.”

Her words were comforting in a strange way. Botan, emanated an incredibly collected and calm energy. Being in her care made you feel safe, why does her voice sound so nice? If flower petals made a sound, it would be probably be like hers.

Your half-limp dick suddenly regained its form, but a hint of shame wouldn’t stop bothering you. After another failed attempt of stimulation, you took the condom off and threw it on the bed.

“I can’t do this…”

Botan sighed.

“Alright, I guess. Do it at home and I’ll pick up the, eh, “samples” another day.”

“Yes… thank you.”

“You covered yourself?”

“Uh, no, give me a second.”


After that Botan pulled the curtains aside and handed you your washed underwear and pants. You received them with some shame. She turned back so could dress up in peace. Somehow, you didn’t feel panic exposing yourself in the same room as this woman.

“You done?”

“Yes.” You buckled your belt.

“Great.” Botan turned to you. “I need to leave for a minute, so sit tight, alright?”


“Well, I need to get a replacement for the gun you lost. I planned to go after you finished…eh, “retrieving the samples”, but since it’s getting a bit late, it’s better if I do it now. Koyori’s going to leave soon to go shopping too, so you’ll be here by yourself. Don’t worry.”

“B-But in this part of town…”

“Calm down, Anon, this lab’s safer than you think.” Botan’s words soothed your heart. “It’ll be quick.”


Botan left and soon, so did Koyori. Finding yourself in the strange building, you wondered what the hell you had gotten yourself into. Looking at the unused condom on the bed and the porno mags, you wondered how you ended up in this situation. All you wanted was to go back home and cry. Cry all the tears you had to let out.

First, you break up with your girlfriend, then you almost get raped in an alleyway, later you shoot and embarrass yourself, and now you’re some weird lab rat that’s going to get milked for his semen.

You sat on the bed and threw all the items on the table by the side. Your body felt limp and tired. You needed some rest.


Botan approached a closed convenience store by the back entrance, she knocked on the door a few times. A camera pointed to look at her.

“Password?” She heard a voice through a speaker.

“A med a day keeps the rats away.”

The door unlocked, and Botan entered the facility.

In the distance, two people watched her with great interest, after a little discussion, they followed her steps.

Botan sat on top of a box as she heard familiar footsteps, accompanied by a familiar voice coming up a set of stairs, Coco came to welcome her.

“Botan-chan! It’s been a while.”

“It sure has.” Botan said, not wanting to be rude, she tried to make some small talk. “How’s Kanatan?”

Coco’s cheery expression died out like a lighter’s flame.

“Oh, we…broke things off.”


“Yeah, she got tangled with…someone else.” Coco sulked.

“Everyone’s been on the same boat since this thing began, Cocochi, you’re not alone.” She tried to comfort her friend.

Coco’s face had a forced smile and a depression that showed in her eyes.

“…It was before…”

Botan remained silent. She had said enough.

Coco tried getting out of the topic. “Would you like a cup of tea, a beer?”

“Yeah, that would be-. actually no, I need to make this quick. I need another tranquilizer.”

“Oh, I see. What happened to the last one anyway? Finally broken down?”

“I didn’t break it, just lost it.”

“Lost?” Coco asked in surprise. “How did YOU lose it?”

“It’s a long, long story.” Botan said. “I’ll tell you all about it next time.” She spoke as Coco began looking around a bunch of boxes covered in sheets.

“Eh, well, I think I have something akin to it, but not the same model. Getting these is getting harder, you know? Few want actual guns this time around, tranquilizers are getting gobbled up like an all you can eat buffet…”

Coco searched for a box among hundreds. Varying in sizes, colors, and labels.

“A-ha!” Here it is.” She pulled out a small metal box and opened it for Botan to see. “The “Bitch paralyzer”, as I like to call it. Holds up to 10 shots, plus one in the chamber.”

Botan eyed the black handcannon in awe, shyly she stretched her hand out as if she wasn’t worthy of it, getting a feel of the grip and the weight, she fell in love.

Before discussing prizes, both heard someone knock on the door, Botan’s heart lost it’s temper as Coco checked the security cameras.

They were a pair of police officers.


“A young lady was found unconscious next to a trash can filled with vomit, she was missing one of her shoes, which was later found in a closed alley, next to a fence. No signs of blunt trauma found. A hole was found in the back of her pants in the shape of a perfect circle with burns around the edge, suspected gunshot, yet no bullet was found, other than what could’ve been a BB gun shot mark in her right glute.”

Botan looked at her nails. Perhaps she should paint them again, they had chipped a bit.

“A middle-aged woman with partial amnesia has a broken jaw, suspected from a blunt object to the face.”

Botan felt flattered, but did her best so it didn’t show, she kept looking at her nails.

“A testimony from an asymptomatic subject remembers a black Camaro with white stripes driving recklessly. And lastly…” Said the police officer as he pulled out a gun inside a transparent bag. “A silver gun, with the engraving “S.B.” found not too far from the scene of the first lady. The ammunition inside the gun contained an unknown chemical composition that was later proven to have similar effects to sedating drugs.”

Botan looked at the bag for a split second and turned back to her nails once more. Should she do white stripes on her nails too?

“So…” The police officer spoke. “Anything you know, Shishiro Botan?” He said emphasizing her name, knowing her initials were engraved on the pistol.

Botan sighed. She brought herself forward as she separated her legs wide on her chair, the detective paid attention to every little detail in her movements, looking for a sign of lying. Botan assumed a posture of defeat, the other officers thought she was going to confess.

“Lawyer.” Botan opened her mouth and said bluntly. And after that she regained her relaxed pose, placing one leg over the other. Are flames cool nowadays? Nah, stripes would be better, they suit her style more.

The police officer sighed.

“A lawyer won’t get you out of this one Botan. We can’t turn a blind eye either, our bosses are heavy on our ass about the “Vigilante” that keeps shooting women during the cycles.” He spoke. The prime suspect for said vigilante work was sitting right before him.

“Law-yer.” Botan repeated herself.

The police officer was beginning to lose him temper, but there was nothing else he could do so far.

“Listen, if you would just make this easier…”

“Lawyer, or stop wasting my time.”

Stripes it is.


Once out, what should’ve been a 20 minute errand turned into a 3 hour long game of cat and mice, with an added time of 1 and a half hours because the lawyer she requested showed up comically late.

Botan looked at the setting sun and was lost in thought for the most part, until she remembered something: Anon was alone in the lab, and Koyori would most likely be back as well.

“Shit! I need to hurry back…” Botan said, looking for her car until she remembered she had been driven to the police station, in her panic, once more her reasoning asked her to let things happen as they should.

“Anon’s not in any real danger, is he? At most Koyori will blow him and ride him for a bit, yeah, there’s no…”

A gruesome scene crossed her mind.

“No, I can’t fail him now.”

Botan hurried to catch a cab that would leave near District B, she knew no one would dare go in there by their own will, so she would run the remaining distance.


You found yourself on a dark place, it felt cold and desolate, as if locked away from the rest of the world. Other than your hands, you couldn’t see anything anywhere. Everything was pitch black.

In the sky, two white circles made themselves present. Once you felt that someone was watching you, you realized they were a pair of eyes.

You tried to speak, but your voice was muffled, no sound would come out of your mouth other than complete silence.

“I’d love to make introductions, but perhaps it’ll have to be some other time. You’re in danger, Anon.” You heard the wind speak. The eyes disappeared into the darkness once more. Suddenly, light appeared beneath your feet as cracks formed under them.

And you awoke in a cold sweat.

You reached for your bedside lamp, but found nothing, realizing you were still inside the strange facility. So this wasn’t a dream, not this part.

You pinched yourself in the cheek trying to wake up again, thinking you were dreaming inside your dream…

…you were wide awake. Fuck.

You had no sense of time either. The room has no natural lighting and your phone’s battery had died out.

Footsteps could be heard from the hallway. “Oh, maybe Botan’s back.” You thought, thinking you had had a 30 minute nap or such.

“Anon~” A high pitched voice came from the hall. “Did you get the samples?”

Ah, it must be Koyori then. Botan said it would be ok, so you’ll take her word for it.

“N-No, I couldn’t do it.” You spoke loud and clear so she’d hear it from there.

“Ahhh~ But we had a deal!” She cried out.

“I’ll get them for you, I promise.”

As you were about to get up from the bed, Koyori entered the room, and now you knew fear.

Her eyes, the shine in them, her heavy breathing, the smell of pheromones that emanated so strongly from her…

Koyori was under the effects of the Hormoning.

Edit Report
Pub: 24 Jul 2022 20:12 UTC
Edit: 24 Jul 2022 22:41 UTC
Views: 935