White Christmas:

The snow falls delicately on the ground in the cold Christmas night. The quaint neighborhood empty of activity, save for the houses with blinking decorations.
In one particular house lies a roaring fire with two figures sitting near it, shadows dancing in the dim room as they watch a show.
The larger figure's white fluffy coat is illuminated by the fire, soaking the orange color in their fur. In their lap is a moderately sized human, dozing off in their lap.
The owner idly pets their human as they are immersed in their television. While human tries their best to stay awake as they watch it with them.
The show is a colorful one, showing all the pleasantries and magic of Christmas. In one instance Santa, a large jolly reindeer fellow, is packing his sack in his sleigh. A big "ho ho ho" come from deep within Santa as he does the finishing touches before his departure to deliver the good to the world.
This brings a nostalgic smile to the fluffy owner, as he remembers his younger days when he believed in Santa.
He remembers a day that he never forgot. A day when his parents when above and beyond for Christmas.
After he had opened all of his presents, his mother and father told him of one more in that his parents forgot in their room.
As he ran into his parents' bedroom, he came across a sight that filled him with the most joyous glee.
A young human, with dark hair and vanilla colored skin, sleeping in the closet.
He abruptly woke the human from their sleep by hugging him tightly. The human, despite being woken up, was very excited and happy to see another potential friend.
They played all Christmas day and became best friends forever, the owner vowing to love him everyday.
As the owner thinks over his fond memories, he looks down to his human, watching him peacefully sleeping after a long day of family visits and gift opening.

The owner yawns deeply as he is reminded that he should get some sleep. He reaches for the remote next to him and turns off the TV.
Then, he puts his large arms under his pet and lifts up, standing up from the chair. With his human in tow, he quietly carries him into his bedroom without disturbing his sleep and lays him down on the bed.
He then delicately tucks his human into the sheets and fluffs his favorite pillow up. Satisfied with tucking his pet in, he changes down to some pajama bottoms and lays himself on the other side of the bed.
He pulls the covers over his body and turns off his blue lamp on the nightstand. As he gets comfortable, he scoots up to his pet and wraps his arms around him, pulling him to his white luscious chest. The human smiles in his sleep as he feels the warmth of his owner and subconsciously pushes more into him, to get deep into his soft fur coat as he can.
The owner smiles as well, and sighs as he and his pet share warmth and cuddle up in the winter night.
Before he falls asleep, he leans down to his human give a graceful kiss on the forehead.
He ends his kiss with a soft, loving whisper.

"I love you."

Scaredy human:

I knew this would happen. Humans don't like lions. Especially if they look big and scary.
For weeks I had prepared myself and learned everything about humans so I could adopt one. But despite all of my studying, It did not prepare me for this.
My pet store that's near my house got a new group of humans up for adoption. So I prepared my stuff and drove down to the shop.
The books told me on how to calm your human when they're scared of you, but never told me how to calm them when I haven't even adopted them yet!
When I entered the shop, I went straight to the human display rooms. I asked the nearest employee to help me pick the right human. She agreed and showed me into the rooms.
But, as I walked down the hall, any of the humans that I try to look at all went into their corners.
And as more and more humans went into their corners, my hopes of getting a human were dying fast.
Until I walk down to the last human.
This guy was more reserved than the rest. He hardly noticed me when I walked up to his door.
She said that this human had a history of neglect with his last owner.
My blood boiled up at the mere thought of someone abusing their human.
I calmed myself and called out for the human. He slowly turned his head, showing his beautiful blond set of hair, emerald eyes, and cream colored skin.
He looked at me meekly, but instead of running into his corner, he came closer.
And as he came closer, his face did not show fear like any of the other humans.
In fact, he even looked a bit happy to see me.
And when he came up to the door and our eyes met, I knew that he was the human for me.
She then unlocked the door, took the human, and led us into a private playroom. The room was mostly bare, with the exception of some treats, toys, and a chair to sit on.
As I sat down on the chair, the employee told me more about the human.

His name was Harry, and he had the unfortunate situation of being bounced to pet store to pet store due to his shyness.
But she told me that he has never been this outgoing before, and said that he might like me after what she saw back there.
And he was! At first, he was shy and a bit unresponsive, but after ten minutes of playing and feeding him, he opened up a lot!
He's was very affectionate, and wanted more belly rubs that he could handle.
By that time, I knew that this was the human I would adopt.
I told the employee that I was going to adopt him, and she was excited that I would.
In just a few minutes, I was already signing the papers to make him officially my pet.
As I walked out that door with my new pet next to me, I was overcome with such happiness.
And it must have been sprinkling because when I finished putting him into the car, my face was a bit wet.

Spring exercise:

The sunbeams shine on the green park grass. Various species of all shapes and sizes are playing and relaxing in the warm spring day.
Your gait matches with the atmosphere of the day; strong, steady, and joyful as you jog along with your pet, Pete.
Not too fast for Pete to fall behind. The cheetah in you challenges yourself to go faster, but you only want to enjoy a relaxing evening with a little bit of exercise.
Pete's enthusiasm for the outdoors almost rivals your enthusiasm for exercise. He was destined to be your pet when you first found this out after getting him from the shelter.
His tall legs and full posture makes jogging a breeze for him. And so, you and Pete have been jogging ever since, and have enjoyed every moment of it.
Pete gets up ahead of you and shows off how happy he is to you. Between his pants, he's smiling at you all the way through. And if he's panting at this point, it's ought to time you and him take a break.
You and Pete stop at the nearest water fountain and re-hydrate in this time. The cool water eases your lungs and regains some of the energy you've lost during jogging. Pete decides that the water is better placed on his body rather than in his body and splashes water all over themselves.
Such a silly human. They have to cool down by sweating all over their body instead of panting or sweating through their paws as most big cats do.
He finishes off by finally drinking the water, and sits down on the bench with you. You've barely broken a sweat, but Pete looks like he ran a marathon and back. He's still panting from the excretion of jogging and slumps in the bench.

"Awww, is jogging that much for you?" you said, looking down at your tired pet.

His exhausted eyes trail up to you and he smiles, scooting closer for you to pet him.
Your paw trails through his sweaty hair and ruffles it up into a frizzle. Your pet leans into your paw lays on the bench, prepared for you to give him some belly rubs.

"Oooh, you want some belly rubs eh' boy?"

Pete responds by wiggling excitingly in the bench and attempting to guide your hand onto his shirtless belly. You don't resist his pulling and eventually start softly scratching his belly.
His face turns into bliss as circle your paw all over his stomach and scratch at all of his good spots.
You then pull your paw up to his chest and take care of the spots there too.
Eventually after all the belly rubs and happy human noises, you decide that break time is over and reach into your pocket.
You fish out a small treat and dangle it in front of your human. His eyes follow the treat as the tantalizing treat hovers right over his nose.
He reaches up to the treat and snatches his price from you, scarfing it down within with no crumbs left to spare.
Satisfied, you get up from the bench and stretch for a brief moment.

"You ready to go boy?"

Pete gets up with a sudden burst of energy and smile on his face.
You smile in response, and the two of you continue your springtime jog.


">You will never—"
Your paws are unable to type the rest of the sentence. Your stomach tightens and your paws seize up whenever you think of the next part of the sentence.
And like that sentence, you will never experience a human cuddling with you on the bed, due to the hard and crippling fact that you're allergic to human dandruff.
It hurts more than a thousand searing hot needles when you get exposed to enough dandruff, and takes an hour bath to settle down from it.
You had a pet human before the allergies came. It developed during your teen years and could easily be circumvented with giving ou human a bath and taking a couple of pills.
As you grew older though, it only got worse. It started with the uncontrollable sneezes, then it moved on to irritated skin and got worse from there.
The breaking point was when the hives came.
Then came along with the excruciating pain.
Your parents decided that they could no longer keep the human. You begged and you cried to your parents to not take him away. You loved him so much, even when the allergies became overwhelming.
It was all for nothing, as your parents took him away when you were at school one day.
You never left your room that entire weekend.
The allergy never went away, and it remained just as severe. Now it is a constant reminder of what you've lost, and what you will never have.
And you will never, ever, cuddle with a human.
Not for as long as you live.

Allergy shots:

"allergy shots tho. Used to be allergic to humans like that, now I'm not allergic to anything"
Allergy shots?
You've heard of other treatments of allergies like steroids, but your parents thought the side-effects outweighed the treatment.
You open a new tab and search up allergy shots. Apparently it some kind of immunotherapy that deals with allergies.
It says that the treatments are simple, but take anywhere from one to three years for it to effectively deal with allergies.
How have you never heard of this! This is fucking unbelievable! You thought allergies were something you would forever have to deal with, but here you are seeing that it can be reduced to nearly nothing.
It doesn't matter if it takes years, you're willing to wait rather than living with this forever.
Tomorrow morning, you're going to search more about this shit and go to the doctor.

This is it.
The moment of truth of whether or not spending three years, hundreds of dollars, and getting injected tons of shots was worth it.
The door in front of you opens, and your friend silently enters the room with his human.
Your leg shakes with anticipation as the human makes eye contact with you. She smiles and begins to walk towards you, but is stopped by her leash clipped on his chest harness.
You, your friend Glen, and his human Cleo sit in the room for ten minutes, testing out your reaction.
Your allergies used to flare up when a human was merely in a room, but the treatments have stopped that a while ago.
Most people would call that a successful treatment and stop right there. However, you're not content with that.
You want not to simply be able to be around a human but to OWN a human.
And this test is the ultimate one.
After another five minutes, you look up to Glen and give him a slow nod.

"I'm ready."

Glen unhooks Cleo from her leash and Cleo comes straight to you.
You raise your arm up to Cleo and stop her from coming close.

"You did switch her shampoo, right?"

"Yep, so she should have plenty of dandruff."


You bring a paw up to Cleo's head and run her hair between your digits.
She enjoys the pet, pushing her head into your paw.
After a few pats on her head, you retract your arm back.
So far so good. Your paw feels fine. No itching or hives yet.
Cleo then rushes into your chest, hugging you and stuffing her face directly into your exposed gray fur.
Oh fuck, you're not supposed to go this fast!
You quickly pull her off from your chest and push her away from you, and jump up from your seat.
Glen clips the leash back on Cleo and pulls her away to the other end of the room.
Your hands hastily wipe over shirt and chest, trying to get rid of any potential dander in your fur.
The damage is already done though, as you feel a tingling coming from within your chest.
You tense up and prepare for the intense itch.
Minutes pass, but the itch never comes.
The tingling is still present, but it's far from being itchy.
You relax as the realization hits you.
It's working, it's actually, really working!

"Glen, Glen it works! I'm not itching, it's actually working!" you yell as run up to Glen.

"Really, well that's great! But are you sure though?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Look, I'll even do this."

You crouch down to Cleo's height and hug her deeply, making sure her head is on your chest.
She excitedly returns the hug and wraps her arms around your torso.
The tingling in your chest increases, but you ignore it as you tighten your hug on Cleo.
All of the shots, the visits, the suffering, was all worth it for this exact moment.
The moment when you can finally hug a human.

Your heart races and your tail wags just as fast. Everything hits you at once and you begin to break down.
Tears run down your face and down Cleo's shoulders as you begin to cry.
"Dude, are you really crying?"

"They're tears of joy Glen. You wouldn't understand, you robot."

"Ok then drama queen," Glen responds.
You take some to settle down and finally release Cleo from your grip.
She seems unfazed by it, happily staring at you with her big brown eyes.
Standing up, you wipe the tears from your fur and recompose yourself.
Other than tingling on your body, everything else feels fine.
This makes your tail wag even harder.
"So with your treatment being pretty successful, what do you think about adopting Cleo?"

"Glen, you already know what I'm going to say. Of course I'm going to adopt her! I just need about another week or so to get ready and another visit to the doctor. You think you can keep her until then?"

"Certainly I can. She really likes you ya' know."

"I can tell."

At that moment Cleo walks up and stares up at you happily. You reach down and pick her up, holding her in your arms.
The rest of the day is spent playing with Cleo in the shelter, with Glen watching to make sure your allergies don't break into something worse.
After a check-up with your doctor and pet-proofing your house, you were finally able to adopt Cleo.
You never left your house that weekend.
The allergy never went away, but it remained dormant most of the time. It is now a constant reminder of what you've fought for, and what you have earned.
On the first night with Cleo, you took some pills, drank some water, and let her into your bed.
You cuddled with her, and she slept snuggly on your bare fluffy chest. She never let you go, and neither will you.
Not for as long as you live.

Valentines' break-up:

Today is Valentines Day, and your owner just got dumped. Out of all the days that her boyfriend could have dumped her, it had to be this day.
It was the worst method of a break-up, over the phone in a text message. You don't know exactly what he texted her, but she ran into her room and locked it.
She's a seventeen-year-old red fox and guessing by furry standards, is pretty hot. She's been through numerous break-ups, so this was not uncommon.
But when she locked herself in her room, you were unfortunately in it. Now you have to witness her go through the five stages of grief within a day.
And every step involves you.
Your owner has a habit of talking to you, whether it's the sweet pet babbling, using you as a third person in an argument, or just using you as a living diary, all while petting you or cuddling with you.
Of course, you can't respond to her, but you sometimes make an effort to pretend that you understand. You do it mostly because you want the cuddles.
But today, you don't want her depression cuddles.
On the first cue of her crying you hid under her bed, hoping that she won't notice you.
In hindsight this was the worst place to hide, as your bed was under her bed.
Thankfully, she didn't notice you as she was too busy burying her face in a pillow. Her sobs were muffled, and her parents' attempts to communicate with her was drowned out by her sobbing.
This was an awkward moment for you. You were never in the same room as her in any of her past break-ups.
Maybe you could ride this whole thing out if you just stayed under her bed...
But, shifting around on her bed has kicked up some dust around, and you accidentally inhale some.
You slap your hands over your mouth and nose, but the damage has already been done.
The dust irritates your nose, and you quickly sneeze into your hands.

"Dogey? Are you there?"


Her head pops into view to your right, her hair falling to the ground while she looks at you upside down.

"Come here Dogey, come here," she says, reaching out with her arms to grab you from under the bed.

On one hand, you could lie there and ignore her, but you could comfort her in this time of need.
And you do like being cuddled.
After a moment of thinking, you scoot into her arms and she pulls you from under the bed and onto her.
She tightly hugs you with her arms around your waist and pushes her muzzle into your shoulder, and starts talking about her boyfriend and the crudity of breaking up over the phone.
Then she talks about how this must be some kind of cruel joke that he's playing on her, and that any minute now he would text her back apologizing or even coming in person with roses and chocolates.
He never does, and she transitions her sadness into anger.
She sits up from her bed, still gripping you by the waist and starts growling.

"I should tell him off, tell him how much of a bastard he is. Maybe I'll even teach you to bite his fucking balls off the next time I see him, right Dogey?"

You don't respond, and you blankly stare at her.

"I knew you would agree with me Dogey."

She then goes on about all the ways she could go out on her revenge against her boyfriend, but then starts regretting her thoughts and goes silent.
Her paws goes from your waist to your head, slowly petting your brown hair. For the longest time, she just lies there and continues to pet you, occasionally kissing you on your head.
Then the waterworks come back and buries your face in her chest fluff, sobbing uncontrollably.
Her arms wrap around you back and rolls you on top of her. Her crying is loud in your ears and makes this the awkwardest moment in your entire life.

"I hate myself Dogey, I hate my narrow face, my short tail, my skinny butt and my stupid brain for ever falling in love with him. No wonder he broke up with me."

You don't respond, but you attempt to hug her back by brushing your cheek against her silky fur of her neck.
She recognizes what you're doing and stops sniffling for a moment.

"Thank you Dogey. I know what you're trying to do, but thank you."

She gently lifts your face to hers and gives you a small smile. She hugs you even more, and you hug her back, cuddling for the rest of the time.
You listen to her soft breathing, her heartbeat, and the occasional sniffling from her.
It's very relaxing, and your eyes become heavy as her warmth starts to lure you into sleep. Then someone knocks on her door.

"Hey Sis, dinner is ready. Also, Mom and Dad want to talk to you."

She sits up from her bed, interrupting the quiet moment and waking you up.

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute."

Her brother's footsteps fade away into the house, and she looks down to you.

"You're such a good boy. I can't believe you never left me alone. You're always there to listen to me no matter what."

She pets your head and gives you one last kiss on your cheek before she gets off the bed.
You continue lying on the bed, watching her go in her bathroom and washing her face.
She walks back to the bed to retrieve her phone and gives you another pet before she unlocks the room and leaves.
You're still pretty tired, so you relax and close your eyes.
But a whistling comes from somewhere in the house, and your owner's mother calls out for you.
You ignore it and continue trying to sleep.
Then your owner call out to you from the hallway, beckoning you to come to eat with her.
Well, maybe you could take a nap later.


Today my human ran away. I don't know how he got out, but one minute he was playing in the front yard and the next thing I knew, he was gone.
I thought someone might find him and bring him back to me or that I would find him in someone's back yard as a drove around calling for him. My hope drained as each hour passed and as day turned into night.
I still held a thread of hope. Maybe he'll come back tomorrow.

I dreamt of him that night. He came back and jumped into my arms, hugging me and telling me how much he missed me. I was not phased by his ability to speak. All I thought was about how much I missed him.
He brought along another human, a stray one. I asked my human if he needed a home.
The other human spoke up before mine did; he was on his knees in tears, begging me that I take him in. I couldn't deny him of a home. So I took him in and bathed and fed him. We all lived happily ever after.

And then I woke up.

Pet Drive:

The pet life is the good life.
Free food, unconditional love, and exercise are given to you daily by your new furry owner.
Despite her being 3 feet taller and packing muscles like an Olympic contestant, she's a pretty chill hyena.
She also goes to the gym a lot, and consistently goes jogging in the park. And whenever she goes jogging she takes you with her.
You're weren't really an exercise person when you got isekaied to this furry world, but you're slowing becoming less of a toothpick due to all of her jogs.
And speaking of her jogs...

"Up and at em' boy! We're going jogging today!"

The hyena excitedly picks you up from the couch you were relaxing on and brings you to her bedroom.
She strips you off into your birthday suit and puts on a set of clothes suited for pet exercise.
Then she puts on your black leather collar and attaches her leash on one of the rings hanging from it.
From there you and her exit out of the house and she makes sure that the door is locked.
After being assured that the door is locked, she walks to the passenger's side of her car and gestures you to get in.
You oblige her and sit in the seat. She then buckles your down and closes the door.
After she gets in her side of the car, her phone loudly rings and vibrates in her pocket.
She takes out her phone and it lights up to show her caller. Her eyes go wide and she hurries to answer it.

"Hey Chris!" she says, putting the phone up to her ear.

If you remember correctly, Chris was her boyfriend that she got with a couple of weeks ago. You've only seen him one, but it was very brief because it was only a detour for your owner to give something he lost at the store she worked at.
And by the sound of your owner's conversation, she wasn't expecting him to call her.

"So they finally got that pool working? That's nice, I guess all of those complains got finally got through to them."

The phone goes silent for a moment, then continues on.

"Uh huh... Yeah, I'm not, but I was about to go jogging with my human right about now."

There's stammering on the other line, but after a cough, he speaks more clearly and you hear the words "swim" and "pool".

"Swimming? Well, I haven't gone swimming in a while, but I think I could go. Do they allow humans at your pool?"
"Really? That's great! Let me get ready and I'll there around 3! Alright, bye Chris."

She hangs up the phone, but she instantly regrets it and turns it back on.

"Oh shoot, I forgot it!"

Her paws quickly types away on her phone and she stares at it for a minute before receiving a text.

"One, one, four, eight... got it," she mutters.

She puts her phone away and turns to you with a big smile.

"Change of plans boy, we're going swimming!"

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:36 UTC
Views: 174