Humu Humu~

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Okay! First thing first, Self Introduction!

My name is Ars Iteranyaa~
But you can call me Iteranyaa, Ars is my family name you see? Humu humu~

Anyway, I like learning! I also make tutorials! That's also probably why you're here, ehehe~

I also do intellectual musings! Well, not just me, siblings Ars Soliah and Ars Paradox also chip in and make some articles, humu humu~


So this is gonna be my blog thing? Maybe???

Humu humu~

Anyway, check out my Github!
I post lots of cool stuff* there~


Table of Contents~

About Learning

Nyaaa~ I put this here to remind me and my loved ones if they ever read this.
So, basically, I love learning.

Why? I think it's actually biological. Humans are hardwired to learn you see? If they don't learn, they will not be able to survive in this world. Earth is a really, really, really not nice place a few thousand years ago you see? We need to learn to survive!

And due to evolution, we are hard wired to love things that are helping us survive! Things like good food, warm bed, and more! Those things keep us alive and our reptilian brains are like: "Myesssss~ Meee likeeeyyyy~ Gimmeee more Mc. Donalds!!!"

But, something weird happen...

Now people stop liking to learn? Orr... I guess we just stop liking learning?
Did we remove that part of evolution that makes us like learning about things?

I... I don't think so. I still think that humans, on an intinctual level, love learning.
It's just that... We forgot what learning is all about...


It's, kinda sad, you see? Schools I mean...

Back then, school makes me dislike learning.
Because, I was not smart you see? Young Iter has no idea what learning is all about.
All Iter knows was that, was all about reading, tests, quizzes...

It took little Iter 20 years to realize that it was not learning, it was studying.

And now I realize that... I don't hate learning, I just hate studying...
And I thought that learning is studying.


But hey! At least now I know what learning is! Humu humu~

Basically, learning is doing stuff that gives you knowledge, acquiring new skill, and more~
Learning makes life easier and more fun you see?

Learning how to draw lets you bring your imagination to life~
Learning how to play the guitar lets you become the coolest guy in the party~
Learning how to speak lets you nail down all those life changing presentations~
Learning how to code lets you become a billionaire or make your dream game~

Here's another word you might know:


Nice word isn't it? Something that all people want in their life!
How to be successful is about the same as 'How to achieve lots' right?

Now, see, here's the thing, how do you 'Achieve' something?
Nyaaa~ If you ask me, I think it's when you learn something.

See, you cannot learn something without achieving it!

Humu humu~ Let me elaborate...

Imagine you want to become rich. That's something most people want, right???
Well, can you get rich without learning how to become rich? Without learning how to build wealth?
You can get lucky and win a lottery~ But... Umm... Please consult Google about what happened to all those lottery winners.

Or maybe the achievement you want is that you want to stand upon a great stage and play a great song!!!
Well, it's impossible to achieve that without learning how to play a great song or learning how to get on stage, right??

So, learning isn't just for achieving something, learning itself is an achievement!

Pub: 02 Dec 2023 14:46 UTC
Views: 28