Endless Horizons Ltd.

Endless Horizons is a young company of only twelve years, and yet has become registered for public trade and noted for high profit growth. By leveraging unique core competencies and a bottomless wellspring of passion for research and development, Endless Horizons is poised to lead the future of Quirk Technologies and Hero Support. Endless Horizons boasts an agile team structure and a staff of less than 40 highly talented employees.

Please call ahead to schedule consultation appointments, as individual meeting time is at high demand and walk-ins are not available.
Press kit available upon request.

CEO Baberu Kōgō

A beautiful, stylish woman with very long, dark hair and purple eyes. She looks disdainful.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Businessperson [-0XP]
  • High Rank, Boss [-5XP]
  • Renowned [-2XP]

    General Modifiers

  • Wealth [-2XP]
  • Tactics [-2XP]
  • Public Relations [-1XP]
  • Genius (General Intelligence) [-4XP]
  • Vehicle Handling (Car) [-1XP]
  • Vehicle Ownership (Luxury Car) [-2XP]
  • First Aid [-1XP]


Kōgō can speak, read, and understand every language, even ones that haven't been invented yet. Her hyper-advanced understanding of spoken and body language makes her impossible to lie to.

Clairvoyance Quirk
Translation Filter x2, Quirk Refinement
10 kilometer range
Truth Sense

Quirk Compulsion: turn any conflict into a battle of words and rhetoric.
Physical mutation: black and purple eye gradient.

"Words are power. The World was born from a spoken Word." Baberu doesn't have a five year plan. She has a hundred year plan. Her goal is to found and develop a company so wildly successful that it becomes an international corporation that defines the next century. She wants to recruit the best, train them to be better, patent everything they create, and cast a long shadow across history so that her name is etched into the very foundation of humanity. And she's decided that the best way to start that out is to do gene research and create toys for pro Heroes.

Her hobbies include experimental poetry, being the world leader on translating dead languages, and intensely convuluted scheming. She sold all her eggs for start-up capital and to minimize distractions. That wild last sentence should tell you everything you need to know about her personality.

General Manager Sekiei Shōji

A thin man with ordered black hair and round glasses. He is wearing a suit and tie. He looks focused and concerned.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Businessperson [-0XP]
  • High Rank [-1XP]

    General Modifiers

  • Genius (Memory) [-4XP]
  • Tactics [-2XP]
  • Public Relations [-1XP]
  • Investigation [-4XP]
  • Vehicle Handling (Car) [-1XP]
  • Hero Trivia, Villain Trivia [-6XP]
  • Sharpshooting (Pistol) [-1XP]


Shōji can project a psychic field that makes people forget his appearance and distinguishing features. As long as they look at him while he is manifesting this ability, details about his description fail to transcribe from short term memory to long term memory in human minds. This emanation is toggled on or off when he slides two fingers up his nose bridge.

Apparently, this ability was important to his previous work history.

Concealment Quirk
Self-Target, Touch Method, Continuous Duration [-1QP]
Memory Obscurement [-8QP]
Quirk Refinement: Gesture toggle [-1QP]

"No one and nothing exists alone." A deeply serious and analytical man who has refined tastes and a no-nonsense attitude. He always speaks quietly, but with surety and confidence. Whenever he is asked about his past, his answers are always in general terms. All that can be said definitively is that he seemed to travel often. He speaks several languages well, and has some knowledge of a shockingly broad range of unrelated topics. For some reason, his loyalty to his employer is absolute.

Officially, his role is to solve problems involving the highest priority projects at Endless Horizons. Whether that's fixing logistical issues, dealing with problematic employees, or negotiating contracts, he takes point. He is not unable to effectively delegate, either, which makes him highly valuable to the corporation as an organization.

Shōji is a man who keeps secrets well. He is also a man who uncovers secrets well. Even though in the corporate structure there are employees who are below and above him in rank, everyone understands that he is the CEO's right hand man. This is a place where he is comfortable being. There were rumors at one point that there was an intimate aspect to their relationship, but those were squashed. Harshly.

Instead, Shōji seems to be one of the inner circle at Endless Horizons with faith in Baberu's vision of the future. He is a workaholic who has trouble relaxing and opening up to others. His idea of fun is reading non-fiction books and sorting his stamp collection.

Deputy R&D Chief Kuromizu Futoshi

A buff and sweaty, nervous man with short brown hair. He is wearing a jacket like a cape and has many tools.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Engineer (Gadgets, Vehicles, Mechanics, Architecture) [-8XP]

    General Modifiers

  • Vehicle Handling (Construction Equipment, Trucks) [-2XP]
  • Tinkering [-0XP*]
  • Public Relations [-1XP]
  • Genius (Fluid Intelligence) [-4XP]
  • Athletics (Powerlifting) [-2XP]
  • First Aid [-1XP]
  • Martial Arts (Karate) [-2XP]


Futoshi is able to read the current state and last five years of history of an object he touches and focuses on. It is the absolute objective truth about that object, though that does not mean he learns complete context for those truths or is guaranteed to comprehend the information.

Postcognition Quirk [+4QP]
Touch Range, Other Target [-2QP]
Quirk refinement: non-living things only [-1QP]
Quirk refinement: rapid divination [-2QP]
Quirk refinement: diagnostic of object structural faults [-1QP]
Fateful precision [-8QP]
Prophetic potency (up to last five years)

"If I can't fix it, I'll make you a new one!" Futoshi is a simple country boy who got a full ride scholarship to a major engineering school in the big city, coasted through the program, and has settled into adult life in Kyoto. None of that has gone to his head, and he chalks it up to hard work, a lot of luck, and a few useful talents. The way he sees it, everyone is good at something, and he just happened to find his gift early.

He is a cooperative and diligent person who likes to do right by others and makes friends easily. Futoshi enjoys keeping busy and is constantly working on more than one project at all times. Sometimes he goes off on tangents that can be hard for others to follow, but he always blows it off with a joke and an apology for getting distracted. He has names for all his tools and long-term projects, and can often be seen talking to them like pets.

He loves physical labor, going to the gym, and picked up karate as a hobby when first moving to Tokyo. He has a lot of fun working up a sweat and his best days all end with exhausted muscles. In fact, most of his highest pleasures are the simple things in life, like good food, laughing with others, deep sleep, and afternoon sunlight.

Futoshi is not a perfect man. He has a skeleton in his closet. Something he is afraid that the people in his hometown will learn about some day. Something that keeps him feeling distant even from his closest friends and the people who like him the best. A secret that he believes would ruin his career, disgust strangers, and break his beloved mama's heart.

So he focuses on his work and on the physical. Things he can touch, and hold, and shape. Like gear. Like his physique. Like blood, sweat, and tears. All that keeps him grounded and keeps him smiling.

R&D Chief Williams San

A smoking man with long dirty-blond hair and an exhausted expression. He is in lab gear.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Engineer (Chemical, Medical) [-4XP]
  • Renowned, High Rank [-3XP]

    General Modifiers

  • Tinkering [-0XP*]
  • Genius (Crystalized Intelligence) [-4XP]
  • Investigation [-4XP]
  • First Aid [-1XP]
  • Medicine [-4XP]

Brain Stim

San turns nervous system stimulants, like nicotine, caffeine, and methamphetamine, into superhuman brainpower.

Body Enhancement Quirk
Self Enhancement, Cooldown
Consumption, Material Duration, Quirk Refinement
Specs: Mind (Intelligence), Mind (Creativity), Mind (Willpower)

Quirk Compulsion: a craving for stimulants as unignorable as the craving for food and water.
Volatile body.

"But I don't want to cure cancer. I want to study Quirks." San is what is traditionally called "a high functioning psychopath." He's not a monster, and is no danger to society, but only because he reasoned himself into a pro-social ethical system. He lacks an understanding of other people and has no ability to emotionally empathize with anyone. Even his own emotions are a mystery to himself, outside of the broadest strokes.

In his youth, he got into a lot of trouble and took many substances, few of them legal. It was all done in the spirit of curiosity. Some of those drugs allowed him to create such profound breakthroughs in multiple fields of science that he won his first Nobel before he technically received his first Doctorate. San has no pride in those things, but recognizes their utility in getting people to leave him alone so he can keep working.

San is an addict, through and through. His biggest vice is the scientific breakthrough. When he can prove something that no one else can even dream yet, it gives him a high that can't compare to anything else - and with his talent for pharmaceutical synthesis, that's a well-researched comparison. It didn't take much for his recruitment to Endless Horizons. He was promised a blank check for lab equipment, no responsibilities for managing staff, and the Founder's boundless dream. Among all his flaws, San is a classic Romantic, and believes in the endless potential of Man.

R&D Intern Kohitsuji Saiai

A young girl with yellow slitted eyes, reddish goat horns, and brass spectacles. She is sewing a dress.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Engineer (Costuming) [-2XP]
  • Student [-0XP]

    General Modifiers

  • Tinkering [-0XP*]
  • Peak Condition (Balance) [-4XP]
  • Peak Condition (Dexterity) [-4XP]
  • Athletics (Field Sports) [-2XP]
  • Hacking [-4XP]
  • Genius (Creativity) [-4XP]


Saiai is a Capra mutant, possessing many features of ibex, tur, markhor, sheep, and goats (but not including the American mountain goat.) Whether or not unhybridized Capra share some of the features of Capra-type mutants, like the legendary foregoing of sleep, is still controversial... but it is at least true that this family line keep all 24 hours each day.

Life Mimicry Quirk
Genus (Capra) [-0XP]
Passive, Permanent [-4XP]
Hybrid Physiology [-4XP]
Quirk Refinement: Requires no (and physically can't) sleep.
Quirk Refinement: Dense muscles mean higher strength, and no swimming.

Physical mutation: hybrid mutant with goat-like features.

"Huh? No. Why would I have a rule about capes?" A senior in the support track at renowned Shiketsu Academy, Saiai has specialized in bespoke costumes intended for heroes. She focuses on incorporating design details for the comfort of mutants, as well as exotic materials for the benefit of the wearer.

While she developed all of that because it is an in-demand skill set for the modern professional, her heart is really into fashion design. She has a passion for fabric arts and soft sculpture. When a costume could be more fashionable and the designs all get rejected, nothing else is as disappointing. This rejection is common due to her love of cuteness, maximalism, and avant garde abstract aesthetics.

Saiai gets uncomfortable and shy when she's the only mutant in the room. She doesn't mind being a mutant, exactly, but she does worry about mistreatment. The only boyfriend she ever had was weirdly too into her horns, also, so that specifically has become a sensitive subject for now.

Right now, her dream is turn this internship into a permanent job offer upon graduation from high school. She idolizes Kōgō for her domineering attitude and has a silly (and very one-sided) crush on buchou no Kuromizu.

Senior Employee Daisen Biki

Five women in office attire with slightly different outfits but identical hair and faces.

Supporter [20XP, 10QP]

  • Office Lady [-0XP]

    General Modifiers

  • First Aid [-1XP]
  • Investigation [-4XP]
  • Hero Trivia [-2XP]
  • Tactics [-2XP]
  • Public Relations [-1XP]
  • Survival [-1XP]
  • Peak Condition (Regeneration) [-4XP]
  • Peak Condition (Pain Tolerance) [-4XP]


Biki can copy herself in a relatively rapid mitosis. Each copy has a copy of this Quirk, and a set of memories identical to the generating Biki up until the moment the split process began. Under some definitions, the original Biki no longer exists, and under other definitions, Biki has lots of backups!

There is no way to rejoin the Bikis into one body, and personalities will diverge based on unique experiences. So far, all of them have come out as airheaded, cowardly, and humble happy-go-lucky women with no great aspirations. Please note she only copies her own human cells, en masse.

Replication Quirk
Self only, touch only [-2QP]
Permanent duration, Solid quality [-9QP]
Universal limit [-0QP]
Speed: Medium [-1XP] (Able to replicate self in 45 seconds)

Quirk Compulsion: going too long without splitting causes an anxiety similar to the "ticking clock" experienced by women of a certain age.
Physical mutation: purple eyes, shape-changing pupils.

"Just a moment, and one of me will be right with you shortly." Most copies of Biki are middling graduates of an unremarkable university that entered the work force to no great fanfare. Because they are homebodies by temperment, Biki all live in the same city and rarely travel. Nearly all of them work in an office, though one is an assistant to a florist. Bikis normally have themselves as their closest friends and have no trouble telling each other apart.

Biki is a normal young woman who wants to do good work, maybe fall in love someday, and make her parents proud. Biki has a rotation schedule for who gets to visit with Mom and Dad and look after them with the money that Biki sends home. Filial duty is a natural impulse for her. At the same time, she likes to go out drinking with other Biki to blow off steam after a hard week of work and Biki are lightweights that never-the-less never have hangovers.

Her favorite hobbies are scrapbooking, the Biki Newsletter that all of her writes for and sends to the extended family, and competitive karaoke (never sober.)

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Pub: 23 May 2023 06:48 UTC
Views: 2677