savage/barbarian tribe of ferret anthros had a minor war waged on them from the nearby human kingdom due to them raiding and pillaging too much
pretty much all of their males were wiped out and the females weren't going to last when their heat season hit and would probably kill a lot of them off with how female ferret biology works
so the human kingdom figured that problem would solve itself in short time
of course they forgot the females are just has big and strong/fast as the males are
so there's now an entire tribes worth of angry and horny barbarian female ferret anthros who need to fuck in order to not die
so they raid villages again, but this time they only go to capture any human men of breeding age
of course with most of all the men still not returned yet from the campaign all that was left was their sons/younger brothers/those too old/ones who couldn't fight/etc
so all the young men/sons/younger brothers of the soldiers are taken
this is more than okay for the ferrets since the irony of it is too great
of course all the boys were terrified they were going to be eaten or sacrificed to some weird pagan ferret god/goddess
that does happen, but in a different sense
all the ferrets set upon the boys in a desperate mating frenzy
some were even unlucky enough to have 2 or more females go at them at the same time
they were "devoured" and their virginity taken and offered up to ferret tribe's fertility goddess
the poor boys stood no chance against the older females and weasel species are already renown for their long aggressive mating sessions
the ferret's big long flexible bodies allowed them to fuck the boys in ways they could never have thought possible for a human
the boys were kept close to the ferret(s) that claimed them so they could be fucked any and everywhere when the urge hit the females
of course the boys were tasked with various work depending on what they showed proficiency at
which helped boost the tribes resources and goods production back up
the boys were also put through many different rituals and rites, most centered around fertility with how much sex was involved in each one
the ferret shamans painting all manner of odd symbols and patterns on their naked bodies and having them ingest odd plants and concoctions before the female(s) that claimed them were fucking them again
the female ferrets go through somewhat similar rituals too but most seem centered around their stomachs
either through coincidence, all the strange potions and plants consumed, and/or their spiritual rites were successful and their fertility goddess blessed the tribe and the females started to get pregnant
the human boys quickly learned that pregnancy did nothing to deter the female's sexual appetites and if anything just increased them
though an odd thing was discovered when the kits were born
all the males came out has full humans while all the females were pure ferret
the ferrets saw this has a divine sign and the tribe restructured itself the female ferrets being the warriors, hunters, chieftains, shamans, and protectors
and the only males allowed in the tribe would be humans they captured or the humans born of their cross species mating
and they would take on the roles the females once did before all the male ferrets were lost in the war
more villages would later see their young men be taken of vanish if they strayed too close to the woods by themselves
it would reach the point were parents would now warn their male children of being taken by ferret monsters to be devoured if they misbehave
even now there are still times when a human boy went out by them self to only vanish with nothing but large ferret paws in the ground to leave any clue

Pub: 21 Aug 2024 06:52 UTC
Views: 611