"Buurp," belched Shinji, sitting in the bariatric wheelchair. Kaworu was rolling him along. "Urrp!" he burped again. His guts gurgled: "*BUUUAARP!!"

"That was a big one," said Kaworu gently.

"Mrmn," he mumbled, resting his hands on his belly. "That Mexican food was so good. Ohh, all those tacos, all those urrp peppers, mmm, I can still..."


"I can still taste it." He smiled fatly, lounging back in the wheelchair.

Kaworu was wheeling him down the sidewalk. People had to make way around them, because Shinji was just so big. He kept getting fatter and fatter, currently weighing in at 292 kilograms. So, so close to the magical 300. Kaworu had told him during lovemaking last night that at 300 kilograms, he'd be more beautiful than ever. Shinji blushed at this, and a moan escaped his flabby throat.

He was wearing immense khaki pants and a huge polo shirt in a soft lavender color. His enormous belly jutted in front of him, completely swallowing his lap. The wheelchair had a special padded cushion on which his belly could rest, but Shinji's gut was so big that it didn't fully fit on the pad, and drooped some off the front. His massive ass filled the wheelchair to its limit, a seat twice as big as a normal person's. His giant butt with its colossal cheeks even drooped slightly over the edges of the chair. His vast, flabby legs rested on cushioned pads to either side of his huge gut.


Kaworu could smell the stench of Shinji's flatulence.

"Mmm, hmm, ah, Kaworu-san," Shinji said gently. He drummed his fat fingers on his belly. "We're urrp getting dessert, right?"

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu gently. "That was never an issue."

Shinji's fat face rippled with delight. His saggy, flabby jowels jiggled as he licked his lips. His triple chins wattled as he imagined eating.

"Mmm. HmmMMMmm," he hummed dreamily. "Ohh, Kaworu-san, I really could use some cake. Or, mmm, maybe some pie. BURP! Oh, wait, could we have cake and pie? And some ice cream, too."

"Perhaps we can even get pudding, Shinji-kun."

"Oh! Oooh," cooed Shinji, licking his lips, now really thinking about food. "Mmm, ohhh, Kaworu-san, I think I'd like... hmm, several pieces of pie, and cake, and maybe, mmm, a sundae, and a banana split. Can we get some doughnuts, too? Ohh, we've gotta get at least half a cake. They sell half-cakes, right?" His beady blue eyes glinted greedily. "Oooh, let's just go to the bakery and I can pick out whatever, okay?"

"That sounds like a good plan, dear. We must let you feast on desserts. Whatever you want, we must get you."

"Mmm, mmm, yummy," said Shinji, practically drooling. "Oh, you know, Kaworu-san, I do, mmm, I do love something sweet. I'd better get to have as much as I want. Like you always say, I'm a growing boy." He wanted to eat, eat, eat. Cakes, pies, cupcakes, cookies... the fat boy was in a feasting mood.


His guts churned.


"Ohh! Mmm," Shinji hummed, feeling the heavy wet load settle into his diaper. "Oh, Kaworu-san, I just went poo poo."

"I can smell it, Shinji-kun."

"You'll buurp need to change me when I get home."

"I can pleasure you in the process, Shinji-kun."

"Unngh," Shinji grunted deeply, the wheelchair creaking as his big body trembled. He was already fantasizing about Kaworu jerking him off.

"But first, let's get you that dessert."

"Mmm," hummed Shinji, a dreamy, glassy look in his eyes. He leaned back into the wheelchair as Kaworu pushed him along, lounging in his poopy diaper. Food and sex. Shinji's two favorite things.

Pub: 30 Aug 2022 20:43 UTC
Views: 558