After being laid off your last job, you decided that you needed a change of pace that's not a bustling city. Just so happens your grandfather needs someone to watch over his house for a week while he is on his cruise.

Barnsley isn't a wrong town to vacation in. Or so you assume. The population is low, and it's hot and dry, but the inhabitants of the town are super friendly, and you spent many summers there when you were a kid.

"I wish you would have come with me Victoria." you said on your cell phone

"No way am I spending my vacation is some little backwater town filled with smelly gators."

"That's not nice. I like this town and the people. Can you stop acting like a bitch and not shit on something for once."

"Here comes the whining again. This is why I don't talk to you anymore."

"I mean, we barely spend time together. You are always busy and don't answer my calls. I have to call your friends to get a hold of you."

"I don't want to fucking hear it. Bye." and you heard the phone call ended.

"GODDAMMIT!" you say, tossing the phone onto the car floor. Your girlfriend of 3 months is a fucking bitch. She constantly fucking avoids you and irritates you on purpose. You did everything to show that you were an excellent boyfriend. Flowers, romantic dates, trying to spend quality time together all of it wasted because she never answers you calls or avoids you when you come around.

The only reason you went out with her eas because she was part of a friend group that you enjoyed being a part of. But you highly doubt it's worth trying to make this relationship work.

"Alright…" you muttered under your breath.

It was better trying to forget everything that pisses you off right now. This is your vacation.

Driving into the homely little town, you see a lot of anthros moving about the town living their lives. Mostly gators. The town is just like you remember it. Wispy trees, big ol' lakes, and fresh country air. Gramps used to take you down by the lake when you were younger. There was this little gator girl that used to join us all the time. That's right, Molly.

She was a runt of the other gator kids in town. So she usually got left out of all the games the other kids played, like wrestling and other roughhousing games. However, through that exclusion, the two of you became two peas in a pod. We had our own wrestling matches, swimming contest, and hell; we even shared our first kiss together.

The summers you spent here were the most fun you had as a kid. You think you begged your parents to let you stay with Gramps year-round, but you were turned down hard.

Driving further into the town, you take a path to a paved dirt road that leads off to a stretch of old rustic looking houses. You see your grandfather's patchy two-story blue house sitting near the end of the way just like you remember it. We used to call it "ice cube" because it was blue, and grandpa keeps the A/C running a lot.

"Well, here we are! A relic of my childhood," you say, getting out of the car.

Grabbing the travel bags out the passenger seat, you went to the front door to unlock it. However, the door doesn't open.

"it needs is a little elbow grease," you muttered before throwing your shoulder into the door.

After a couple of loud thuds, the door flies open, leaving to tumbling on the dusty ground. Getting up from the floor, you dust yourself off and head to turn on the lights.

"Home sweet home, I guess," you say as the dim room becomes illuminated.

The place looks just like it was when you were a kid. A/C is sitting in the window, the stairs still have some of the railing missing, and even gramps chair is still here. This place is kinda making you tear up in nostalgia. But you realized that you still have to grab your shit out of the car./

Walking outside, you manage to catch sight of Molly's old house next door. You wonder whatever happened to her. You always had to protect her from getting picked on due to her being smaller. You hope she's doing alright.

Collecting the rest of your stuff, you feel a large shadow eclipse you and a smooth and low feminine voice called out behind you.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Whipping around you come face to ...chest? With a large alligator female. And large was an understatement. Her height was at least the size of two of you combined and had a physique of a sturdy farmhand. It was like she had powerful muscles underneath her layers of fat. Her attire made her body even more impressive. She had on a pair of daisy dukes and a black belly shirt with the words' GATOR' being stretched out by her humongous boobs.

"Oh, h-hello there. My name is Anon, and I'm the grandson of the owner. I've come to watch his hose for him." you say, trying to maintain eye contact with the intimidating beady eyes of the large woman.

"Did ya say Anon?" the gigantic gator says before spacing out while staring at you.

"Uhm, Miss?"

You don't remember being this crazy in the country.

Suddenly you feel your vision go dark, and your body constricted in a firm hug. You weren't wrong on your deduction about her strength. You could feel yourself go lightheaded at her grasp. Being nestled into her soft and pliable underbelly. A familiar a=sweet and salty aroma fill your nose that reminded you of something that you can't put your finger on.

"It's been so long. I thought you forgot about me," she said happily, putting you down on the ground.

You haven't met and alligator-likee her before? Unless... don't tell me.


"In the flesh," Molly replied with a toothy smile.

"You grew...alot since the last time I saw you."

The last time you saw her, she was a scrawny, short alligator who couldn't even sleep without a nightlight. But now... she's the biggest person you've ever met.

"Followed your advice and ate a lot so I could handle the kids that picked on me. What are you doing here?

"Gramps asked me to watch the house for a week or some. I decided I needed some vacation time and come down. How have you been?

"Pretty good. I bounce at the bar in town, nothing amazing. I wish I was as smart as I am big," she said with a deep chuckle.

Before you could respond, you hear someone one waddle up to Molly. It was a baby alligator girl who looked to be around 5 or 6 years old.

"Ma Ma Ma come play." said the small child.'

Oh...This must be her kid. She's pretty cute. A twinge of regret creeps into your chest as the thought of her with someone else. You feel bad that you have such selfish thoughts. You have no right to think this way. Just smile and get over it.

"Hello there," you said as you bent down to the small girl. "Your daughter is so cute."

"Daughter? I don't have any kids," she looked at you puzzledly.

"Oh, she called you Mama, so I just assumed."

"This is my neighbor's kid. She just can't say my name fully and calls me 'Ma' instead of Molly. I'm watching over her while her mom is out."

"Ooof, I feel like an idiot. Sorry."

For some reason, you feel relieved at the news of Molly not having kids. But you berate yourself for feeling that way.

"Trust me, Anon. You will be the first to know if I'm pregnant," she said, using her large-scaled to rub your shoulder while flashing you a sultry look.

You are trying to understand what she meant by that.

"Ma Ma Let's play," said the little girl poking Molly's leg.

"Alright, little one, let's go play," Molly said, picking the girl up. "Uh, sorry, Anon. I gotta go watch the little one. You want to catch up later? I can come over once her mother comes home."

"Yea. Sure anytime, Molly."

Watching your colossal alligator childhood friend carry off the tiny gator girl in one into the house, you grab the rest of your stuff and head inside the house.

Tossing your shit down on the floor, you finally have time to process what happened. Your childhood best friend is still here and remembers you. Plus, she also grew up big time all over. Last time you saw her, you could put her in a headlock, but now it looks like she could squeeze you like a pea.

You honestly wouldn't mind if she used her big plump body to do it. ...Is it hot in here? I better go turn on the A/C.

Flipping the dusty switch on, a loud crank sounded out, and the machine came to life, spitting out chilly air to cool the hot room.

"Ah, much better," you sighed before plopping down on the couch. Might as well catch a few zzz before Molly comes over. You were pretty tired from the drive down here.

Fading off to sleep you think about the soon to be catch up with your best friend,

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:24 UTC
Views: 194