Chapter 8, Day 6 : Astrolonomy
Margaret was laying in bed, eyes wide open, completely lost in thought in the still dark room. She didn't get enough sleep but she was wide awake and knew she wouldn't fall asleep again.
Her ears were ringing, her eyes hurt and her head was spinning and with nothing else to do but readying herself for class. Today would be Astrology, or was it Astronomy? Margaret really didn't care, what good does knowing fate do if it's going to happen anyway?
She was staring blankly in front of the basin after splashing her face and combing her hair as her mind wandered towards fantasies of obliviating her existence from the mind of everyone, she was tired.
Stumbling down the stairs of her common room, she looked around the empty area, enjoying the silence, her pale hand reached out towards her daily apple, but she changed her mind; she felt so sick she couldn't stomach a single bite, her treacherous mind assaulting her with piercing words that sent strange rushes of something through her whole body "You don't deserve food."
Walking slowly, lost in thought and tasting the blood coming out of her cheeks, the pale girl made her way towards the lake.
She wouldn't be greeted by happy birds, warm sunshine or buzzing bees, only the biting cold of an especially windy night, but it didn't matter: she wouldn't swim.
As she sat on the sand, she pulled her wand, holding it tight as her knuckles whitened. Her eyes were fixated on the horizon without really looking.
Small water critters started forming around her, almost against her will, a beautiful fox nuzzled against her face before sitting in her lap while a couple of frogs sang a familiar tune.
The spectacle was truly mesmerizing, the moonlight was shining beautifully through the water while the animal played around above the lake's surface, but the white haired girl didn't look at them, didn't smile, didn't react; instead, holding her wand tighter and tighter.
Not far from there, a Ravenclaw student was observing the stars, and after that, her.
Thankfully for her, he showed restraint and didn't approach her.
Margaret's body was sore, she didn't exercise, class was about to start and her mood was at the lowest, her heart felt like it was being crushed and she felt like crying; something she knew wouldn't happen, no matter how hard she tried to push for the release.
The warm sunlight caressed her face, it would be time to go to class soon, a new class, which means introductions again, she would be ridiculed for her silly name then stared at and ignored simultaneously for the rest of the lesson.
Watching her watch closely, she timed her pace so she would barely make it in time, to avoid stumbling into other students. She walked slowly, head still spinning, feeling a mix of hunger and fullness as she climbed the stairs three by three, each step feeling like the ticking of a giant clock in the empty tower.
Finally in front of the classroom, she sighed, delaying the inevitable for as long as possible.
Behind her, quiet steps, then a quiet gasp. Margaret turned around quickly : it was that Hufflepuff girl, she turned back towards the door, sighing again before knocking and entering.
The two latecomers were made to sit next to each other again, after a quick bow and a forced half smile, Margaret sat down at the very edge of the two-seat bench, hands over her forehead as her eyes locked on the table, vacant, losing herself in thought once more.
In front of her, a male Ravenclaw student's eyes went wide, her recognized her from this morning.
The entire class was a blur, she didn't listen, she didn't take part, the professor certainly wouldn't be happy with her behaviour, a fact that made her dig her nails deeper in her skin as she let herself be consumed by her thoughts.
Everything had happened as she expected, and she didn't need to know Astrologonomy to predict that : They laughed, they stared, they ignored and her neighbour fidgeted.
Following today's theme, she was obviously called by the professor at the end of the lesson for a scolding.
"Are you making light of my class, Miss? You didn't even make the effort to pretend to be listening!" said the old woman, completely unaware the girl in front of her was almost experiencing dissociating, nodding like an automaton and staring at the ground.
"Since you refused to take part in today's class I'm giving you an assignment, you know what to expect if you fail to complete it." Professor Shah was visibly displeased and Margaret's behaviour only amplified her anger.
"Dismissed." she added, visibly frustrated she couldn't get a word out of her student.
Waiting for her outside of the class was the Ravenclaw boy, who hadn't stopped looking at her for the entire duration of the class, Margaret was beyond annoyed, and as she rushed past him her called her "Wait! Miss!"
She turned around, an almost sinister look on her face. "I heard about your assignment, would you like me to help you? I can lend you my telescope."
She nodded, not seeking confrontation or drama.
"My name is Amit." he said, smiling.
"I know, we just introduced ourselves in class." she answered bluntly.
"Ah... Yes, well... Let's meet in the courtyard tonight, I'll bring the telescopes." the boy blushed slightly at the biting retort.
"Sure." she quickly turned around and bolted down the stairs, in desperate need of fresh air and lake water.
Today wasn't her day, her usual refuge was invaded by the brand new Fitness Club, forcing her to take a very long detour for a little bit of peace and quiet, she found a little respite in the company of Giant Purple Toads and Dugbogs on the way to the other side of the lake but being forced to switch her habits irritated her, worsening her mood even more.
Jogging briskly through the beach, Margaret passed the Hufflepuff student again, the sickly looking girl was gathering lavender and jumped at the sight of the running Gryffindor, eliciting a click of her tongue and an annoyed eyeroll but not one glance.
Finally satisfied was the remote area she found herself in, Margaret set her things down and began exercising, hoping the Fitness Club wouldn't find her here and start pestering her.
The sunset's orange glow reflected beautifully on the surface of the lake, like petals from a flower. Margaret wasn't close to satisfied of today's workout but she had to meet Amit, she couldn't afford detention.
Her headache had worsened significantly, and so did her hunger, but the idea of eating made her sick, at least her mood had improved a little bit; she managed to keep her mind busy with her Potions homework.
The long bridge to the castle was a surprising comfort to her, the fragrant wood soothed her slightly and it was thankfully completely empty, allowing her to focus on the smell as she walked briskly towards her impending discomfort.
"Ah good evening!" exclaimed Amit, obviously happy to see her, as she nodded. "You don't seem well, do you have virus?" he cocked his head at the glaring girl. "Here, take my telescope, follow me."
They walked in silence, once again through the nice smelling bridge, towards the Highlands, Amit was blathering incessantly about stars, telescopes and goblins, all a blur to Margaret who followed absentmindedly.
She didn't flinch when he mentioned her water animals from this morning, she barely listened in fact, still lost in thought, she only wished he would stop talking, he was enthusiastic for sure.
Finally he stopped talking, and walking. "Here we are, now using this astronomy table it shouldn't be too hard to complete the assignment!" he said enthusiastically, as he helped the girl set down the telescope, stars in his eyes.
It felt like paperwork to the bored girl who expedited the assignment "You really have a knack for this!" beamed Amit as Margaret stashed the completed work in her bag. "I guess." she answered bluntly.
"Well let's take the scenic route back to the castle, there are a few other astronomy tables on the way!" his enthusiasm annoyed his classmate whose mind was set on going to bed.
Slowing her pace to match the Ravenclaw was just another annoyance she couldn't wait to get rid of, that and his constant droning about boring and shallow trivia, she couldn't wait to be back to the common room, all she could think of was hiding under her sheet's warm embrace and solitude.
As if sensing her distress, a beautiful, large Thestral flew by, landing in its nearby nest, directing her gaze its way. "What is it? What did you see?" said Amit, worried.
Margaret place her index on her mouth as she crept closer to the nest, the boy followed, intrigued.
A pack of four Thestrals, two adults, including the large, white male that had just landed, and two foals. The scene was enough to relax Margaret significantly as she slowly approached after a brief exchange and approval from the creatures.
"What are you doing? there's nothing in here." said Amit, unable to see the creatures.
The girl was sitting between the two foals, arms around their necks as they nestled against her face, truly unusual behaviour; but the boy couldn't grasp what was happening, to him she was sitting in an impossible position as her face moved strangely.
"Thestrals." she said in her monotone voice.
"Really? I can't see them." said Amit, almost apologetic.
"That's too bad. Or good, I guess." she closed her eyes, resting her face against one of the foals. "You can go back, I'm staying for a while." she said quietly.
"B-but, the Astronomy Tables!" he exclaimed, earning himself a glare and a shush gesture.
"I'll take you there next time!" he declared, slightly offended.
Feeling abnormally protective of the pure, gentle creature in distress... The thestral wrapped her and its foals in its wings, as the five of them drifted off to sleep, she wouldn't think about how alone she'd die, how few people would remember her at the end of the term or how much she hated everything and everyone, while simultaneously being filled with love for everything and everyone, her mind was focused on the warm and comforting embrace of the gentle creatures and their beating hearts, as she drifted off towards a restful but dreamless slumber.
She still hadn't managed to cry one tear.