icon frames!!

these are all from .gg/mobage4k !! you can join here, and when you do go to resources, then icons !
* not sure if these were created in the server, i just found them here.


a white circular frame with cloudfluff-like edges. it has a light pink bow to the side and pastel rainbow stripes. a white circular frame with cloudfluff-like edges. it has little light purple/pink stars. a white circular frame with lace edges. it has a light pink bow on the top. a white circular frame woth cloudfluff-like edges. it has a light pink bow to the side and pink dashes on the inside edges.

wip ill finish tomorrow (lie) - J ur fave <3

Pub: 22 Sep 2023 04:25 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2023 15:40 UTC
Views: 537