my friendz!!!

tst!!! (kels,mavis,ennis,ronnie)
— u guys are so fucking silly mwah i cant believe the gc started because of a silly fuckign edit i am SO happy yall came into my life because omg so silly !!!!

sigma cental!!! (isaac,kayden,germ)
— EYE MISS THIS GC SO MUCH cry we had so manh fun little jordy c memofies... i have so much to say about all of you i cant possibly say it all here but THANK YOU FOR BEJNG AMAZIN FRIENDS!! kayden thank u fot making me laugh isaax thank you for coming to town and to the shops with me when i was bored and when we stayed at lukas it was sooo fun and jeremy thank you so much for being there and calling all night with me and doing a little trolling.. 2022 wouldnt have been 2022 without sigma central!!!!!!! ^_^

— WHERE DO I START. u are so fucking silly oh em gee when you got into an argument for saying cunt im so glad i made you mod in irlcord because the server wouldnt be a thing without your help!! i always love joining u on roblox saying hi and then dipping tbh..

— MY FAVORITE LGBTQ MOD (now) (sorry) I LAUV U (platonic) u are so silly thank you for being a cool mod i remember beforr u were mod I WAS SO SCARED OF U u were so scary. AND NOW UR JUST SILLY!!!!!!!!!

— faovirte mayor!! (no offense snoos) ONE OF MY FIRST HANGOUT FRIENDS liek a year ago now UR SO FUNNY I LOVE SPEAKIMG WITH U!!!!!!! i rmemeber when we played scp 3008 and you kept spawing them thingd in and it made me lag so bad!!

— DONNJE DARKO ENJOYEE OMG such a funny zahra we had a massive orphan lore arc that was so funny ag gnr end fo the day itisnt that funny is it?! YOU ARE SO COOLLLLL WAVES AT YOU So sily IM NOT A CHLD BGW U ARE LIKE 5 MKTHUS OLDERRR

— oh em gee. VYNISH COME HOME!!!!! ur so silly /pos i love how you made a note in the notes part thag says "brokeback dude" that is so silly to me!! u like horses too (i thjnk) and THATS SO COOL!!! u were shocked when u found out i had a horse. INSANE RIGHT?!!!??

— NOW EHERE DO I START. we arent the closest of friends but U ARE SO COOOL!!! i love seeing u pop ip in chat AND WHEN I JLINED THE IRL SRVER U MOD FOR LAMAOAOAO so silly thank you fot beong a cool person amen

Pub: 05 Nov 2022 12:02 UTC
Edit: 05 Nov 2022 21:40 UTC
Views: 107