Chapter L: Diamond City Lights shine no more

The Plot

December 20th 1112, VTE. Outside of Diamantenstadt, Archduchy of Eliria.

Pomuranus was in his tent outside Diamantenstadt that cold winters night. He had not resumed the siege of the prized city, nor had broken the truce yet since he had left Lillehammer. However, he had arranged a meeting with the infamous Agentibus Calamitatis from the Vitalis Septem that night in his tent with some of his officers.

Entering the tent like shadows, 5 agents from Agentibus Calamitatis bowed before the Duke with the one in the middle saying in a low monotone voice "It is an honor to meet a valued customer who would request.... our services. What is it you need, most esteemed one?"

Pomuranus, glaring at them with superiority said in a calm voice "I will keep this brief. I wish you to infiltrate Diamantenstadt tomorrow, kill the nightwatchmen and assume their posts. Do it how you wish. When my men are sent forward under the cover of the night, open the gates for us." He stands up and puts his hands on the table "Not only do I desire this, but I desire that your men slaughter the officers of the garrison once we are in the city."

"That can be... certainly arranged but are you willing to pay the price, most esteemed one?"

"Fritz, present the chest."

A chest filled with gold is brought before the Agentibus Calamitatis

Pacing, Pomuranus says in a monotone voice "This here is your payment should you succeed. I do believe you will find it more than enough for your services."

One of the agents looks into the chest and inspects the treasure, before looking at their leader as if signaling he is satisfied with the payment.

Looking up at Pomuranus "You have yourself a deal, most esteemed one. It is a high-risk mission, but you have chosen no better agents for such an operation that us. Presents him with a contract Please sign this, and we will see to it that you capture this city tomorrow!"

Pomuranus signs the document, and the 5 agents depart into the mist. Turning to his second in command, Erhard-Pomu von Bibra, he remarked. "So it shall be done, Erhard. Tomorrow night shall be a date celebrated in history as the birth of a new nation, and our date of independence from the fools that reign over us. From the wealth of this city shall come an army worthy of the gold we shall pay for it." He laughs a bit before saying "While these fools accomplish nothing in their negotiations, the true victors are seizing the day and we shall capitalize on their in action."

"A wise plan, my Duke. The city shall be celebrating the Winter Soltace and the garrison will be totally unprepared. May Pomura bless our efforts."

"Indeed, she shall."

Noctis Chaos

The Night of December 21st

In the midst of the great celebration of Winter Solstice, the Agentibus Calamitatis infiltrated the city without any suspicion. Setting themselves up at key locations, they prepared themselves for the task which they had been sent. As the city consumed great amount of liquor and merryments consumed the whole city, as fireworks were being launched, they struck.

At the Pendora Gate, the guards were drunk out of their minds and stood no chance for the assassins, who quickly assumed their posts and uniforms at 2130hrs. As fireworks continued to go off, the signal flare was dropped from the wall. The Pomurans approached quickly and by 2200hrs, they signaled to the agents to open the gate to them.

Without any warning, the Pomurans entered the city. Leading the way, the Hussars entered the city and immediately started to charge and tramble the inhabitants of the city that were gathered for the fesitvities. Infantry surged into the city, eliminating the drunken garrison with easy which was further paralyzed by the assassination of many of their officers in the moment. Fireworks and the loud noises were soon drowned out by the screams and killing of many people. The commander of the Garrison, Sigfried Köller, tried to organize a defense at the Citadel but soon found himself overwhelmed and he was cut down. By 100hrs, the city was effectively in control of the Pomurans, who engaged in mass slaugther and mass rape of the inhabitants.

Sack of Diamantenstadt
Sack of Diamantenstadt

By the time dawn came, order was restored to the Pomuran ranks. The Duke didn't want to slaughter the whole city, after all, he was more interested in keeping its inhabitants as slaves.

The Rape of Diamond City

December 22nd to December 31st

Over the course of the next 9 days, the city was methodically looted by the Pomurans. The Great Palaces were stripped bare of all of their precious gold, silver and gemstones. All houses were looted and then burned. The Great Temple, which had untold riches, was also looted and destroyed. The Duke order that every single building in the town be turned into ashes and that the very walls of the city be torn down so that the memory of the city would be no more.

Those who resisted the looting of their homes were put down ruthlessly and small-scale massacres occurred throughout the terror. Many residents fled the city with only the clothes on their backs and those that were left subjugated to horrible fates by the Pomurans, who tortured many of them to death.
When it was all said and done, the city of 50,000 was in total ruins. 15,000 were enslaved, 10,000 killed and the rest escaping. When the loot was finally counted back in the Duchy, amount of wealth looted from the city was so great that it could fund an Army of 150,000 mercenaries for a year and a half. Countless treasures were looted or destroyed during this atrocity that rivaled the sack of Atalanta by Pomerlane. But unlike, Atalanta, the Sack of Diamantenstadt was the most shocking event that had taken place since the Sack of Pomupolis, 600 years before. Diamantenstadt was a holy city to all in the Empire, and it's destruction was truly unbelievable to many around the Empire.

Pomuranus believed that the taking of the cities riches and destroying it would so devastate his enemies that they would extremely demoralized and unable to counter his mercenary horde. Unfortunately for him, and his people. This couldn't be farther from the truth.

Word reaches Lillehammer

January 1st, 1113 VTE, Lillehammer, Archduchy of Eliria

It was the middle of New Years day, and in the midst of the New Years Festival when the news arrived at Lillehammer. Pomerlane and Emylia were both enjoying the celebrations together in the town center, playing games with even the commoners of the city. Negotiations had finally been concluded and tomorrow would be the day when peace was achieved, whether that Duke of Pomura wanted it or not. But this was not to be.

A messenger rode into the town, searching for the couple immediately. He had been sent by the Prince of Lindenberg, who had heard first of the tragedy and wanted to make sure that they were told before the chaos that was bound to arrive. Quickly riding, he found them both conversing with a local stallowner.

"My-My-my-my" said the messenger with a panic

"Son, calm down. What is the matter?" Said Pomerlane

"I-I s-some privacy f-f-f-or this matter is needed"

Pomerlane looked at his wife, who was perplex as he was before turning back. "It will be alright, if it is a matter if what you bring me needs discretion, follow me. Christoph, it was a pleasure to converse with you!"

"Indeed, Christoph, we wish you will" said Emylia.

Bowing and with great pride, the Stallowner said "Thank you kindly, your most esteemed majesties!"

The messenger was still extremely nervous as they made their way to a back alley. When they arrived, Pomerlane asked him to dismount and explain the situation.

"I-I bring gr-grave news Sire. hands the letter with his hands shaking."

"Thank you, let's see." Pomerlane's face turns white with what he has just read and is speechless.

Modern Adaptation of Pomerlane receiving the letter Modern Adaptation of Pomerlane receiving the letter from the movie "Diamond City Psycho"

"Sweetie what is wrong? Emylia takes the letter By the divines!" she then faints from the shock.

Pomerlane catches his wife but is still speechless as he sits her down. He then remarks muddied "T-thank you for news, dismissed!"

Pomerlane sits down next to his wife before the Imperial Guard comes over in fear and escorts them back to the Palace. The city notices this and begins to wonder what is going on, but they wouldn't find out just yet what had happened.

"Quod periit, periit."

The Lillehammer Palace

As the Imperial Couple were escorted into the palace, they were greeted by the King of Pomerania and Magnus, who had just return to have lunch together. Pomerlane has regained his senses and Emylia is recovering from the shock as they enter the room. Pomerlane is on the knives edge of going into full rage and it is visible by his appearance. One said you could feel the anger eminated from his body when he entered the room.

"Ah, you are back. How are you feeling, friends?" Said the King of Pomerania

Pomerlane did not speak, but Emylia did.

"Pomeralius... How should I put this. umm-" said Emylia before Pomerlane announces in a cold voice.

"Diamond City has been destroyed by the Duke of Pomura."

Magnus remained silent as the King of Pomerania replied "W-hat d-do you me-mean?"

Pomerlane signals for the letter to be handed to him. The King starts to read it and his face turns pure white immediately. He immediately grasps at his heart and falls to the ground off the table. Servants rush to get him aid and he is taken immediately to the Palace Doctor with Emylia by his side.

Magnus, nonchalantly takes the letter himself and reads it before tearing it in half. Both Pomerlane and Magnus are the only two left in the room at this point and for 3 minutes, neither of them say a word until Magnus speaks up in a rather dull voice.

"Unbelievable, but I do believe that this utterly despicable and vile act should not get in the way of our negotiations. Looks at Pomerlane What is gone is gone."

Magnus did not realize it, but his response infuriated Pomerlane who walks towards him.

"What is gone is gone, you say?"

Grabs Magnus who then pushes him back "Do not lay your hands o-"

"What is GONE IS GONE? One of the most holy sites in all of the Empire has been raped, like your ancestors did to Stargard and Pomupolis many years ago, and YOUR RESPONSE is that!"

Magnus is somewhat taken aback by the mention of Pomupolis and his anger starts to build "You mean like your ancestors did to Kalmar when the destroyed and scattered my people into different tribes you vile man!"

Both men get into a shouting match over past grievances, and nearly get into a fist fight before the Guards seperate them.

"Magnus, I challenge you to a duel, I will not let such insults slide!"

"I accept you cretin!"

Both men are marched off to their quarters. Pomerlane breaks several things along the way out of pure anger on the way. Pomerlane spends the rest of the day waiting for his wife, who arrives around 2000hrs to report to him that the King of Pomerania is dead. She consoles her husband, and by the next morning manages to convince him that if he will go through with the duel, he should shoot up in the air.

Magnus on the other hand, grieves the loss of the city. He was never one to display his emotions in public aside from outbursts of anger but he realized this will likely end any chance of peace. If he got his hands on the Duke of Pomura, he would give him the most brutal execution possible. When Emylia comes over to greet him in the morning and tells him out of honor to shoot up in the air, he tells her that is what he planned since he came to his senses.

It didn't take long after this episode for the news of the destruction of Diamond City to reach the city. A major riot occured that night where a good number of buildings were burnt down before being put down by the garrison. Many others were thrown into utter shock and some died like the King of Pomerania at the news. This was a common scenario across the Empire as the news arrived and it is said that the whole Empire wept at the news of the destruction of the city.

"Hoc solum bello et bello componetur."

January 5th In a field outside of Lillehammer, 1113 VTE

After 3 days of waiting, the duel between the two monarchs was finally about to commence. Word of the duel was kept secret and both of the men were escorted out that morning without much fuss. Emylia urged her husband, who had changed his mind to reconsider but he was having none of it. He may have been persuaded the day after but had changed his mind yet again.

1200hrs was the time, and the weapon was a pistol. It was a cold and snowy day, and the ground was covered in snow, mud and slush. Both men were dressed discretely, not giving their true identities away and looking more like a common gentleman. As they approached each other, both men had this solemn look on their face and did not say a word.

Turning about, both men went ten paces from each other. Time was said to appear to have been in slow motion according to witnesses. When they stopped both turned around and pointed their pistols at each other. For a good thirty seconds, both men aimed at each other before both aimed their pistols up in their air and fired.

The Famous Duel The Famous Duel

Magnus said "It is not right for this dispute to be handled here and now, I do believe."

"Yes, This shall be settled by war and war alone. On the battlefield, the truest form of disputation is solved."

Both men walked forward and embraced, Magnus telling Pomerlane "I am aghast at what has happened, thus I propose that we destroy this wretched sinner before fighting honorably against each other."
"Quite, I shall show no mercy to him nor the people who took part in this atrocity against mankind."
Both of them break off the embrace and Pomerlane continues "The best man shall win, and may we treat each other with honor in defeat."

"Indeed, Pomernius, indeed." said Magnus.

Both men returned to their wagons without saying further words, Magnus, with the rest of his men would return home to prepare to punish the Duke of Pomura. Pomerlane would be headed to Salzwedel. He didn't plan on taking on the Duke quite yet, but rather to prevent him from taking over Pomerania for himself. As the chaos surrounding the affair rippled across the Empire, in retrospect, it has become clear that this was the climax of the conflict, from which all future events came from.

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Pub: 11 Sep 2022 12:59 UTC
Edit: 11 Sep 2022 14:24 UTC
Views: 291