Official National Emblems of Moriji

While each municipality has its own set of attached symbols, every state on the nation shares a set of visuals used across the island.
The national veximon is flown in most buildings with some degree of officialness, such as governmental, military, and religious institutions.

The symbol features four-way symmetry, to honor the number associated with death, and the Goddess' favored numeral. The scythes point outward, defending what is within from what would threaten that which they treasure, symbolizing the protection afforded by both the Deadbeats' might and the love of their Mori. The scythes' staves both cross over one another, and join together at their ends, representing the Deadbeat people's ability to come together when the chips fall despite a history of inter-Deadbeat tension. At the core of all, the scarlet full moon of the goddess watches over all.


National Veximon

The foreign veximon is flown wherever Moriji is found beyond its borders, namely in foreign bases, on vessels at sea, and in neighbourhoods with large Deadbeat populations.


Foreign Veximon

The same symbol is also often used as a component of official stamped seals.


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Pub: 20 Jan 2023 00:45 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2023 01:19 UTC
Views: 199