camden aka cam
she/her white asexual transfem
17y w/ autism + social anxiety

no he/they. it/its are fine.
feminine terms only pls ty

  • I use tone tags and prefer them to
    be used on me. I tend to spiral into
    depressive moods and only talk to
    my boyfriend. Please don't take it
    personally if I don't respond to you
    quickly. I can be pretty awkward if
    I don't know you well.
  • Don't flirt with me. Joke or not. If
    you do, I will block you.
  • I like talking/ranting about things I
    like with people I consider very close.
    I also have pretty dark humor so let
    me know if that makes you uncomfy.
    I'm bad at getting hints.
  • No dni I don't talk to enough people
    to care.
Pub: 04 Mar 2024 03:58 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 17:15 UTC
Views: 655