/HMOMA/ shorts

Misunderstood Awoo by anonymous & Jaycee

Fuck, fuck, fuck!
you run blindly through the darkened moonlit forest
thickets of bramble and low hanging branches whip past your face and tear at your clothes as you sprint through the darkness with the heavy pater of rapid footsteps hot on your tail
you should have listened to that park ranger and never gone off trail
your exploratory night hike had transformed into a sudden game of cat & mouse after you had bumped into what you thought was a mossy tree
it was as sturdy as oak, but the moss had felt a little too long and fuzzy
and then it had growled at your curious blind groping in the dark
now you were going to end up a missing 411 case
you let out a short yell as you trip over a tree root and tumble a good few feet with your momentum
you lie stunned on your back as the massive form of a black wolf creeps over you
oh god not like this
you scamper backwards on your hands and feet until you hit a tree, nowhere to run to now
you close your eyes and wait for the inevitable
suddenly you hear a loud THUMP
crack one eye open to see the massive wolf presenting his stomach to you
his tail whaps excitedly against the canopy floor as his malicious looking eyes glow in the moonlight
"Belly rubs?"
You furrow your brow
the massive wolf simply lies on his side, staring at you with his creepy eyes
you're still kind of intimated by the huge beast but he makes no further moves towards you
this must be an intimidation tactic
you'd better not piss him off
you shakily rise to your feet and slowly make your way over to his prone form
his tail hits the ground even harder at your approach, displacing leaves and twigs across the forest floor
"Uh, s-sure" you reply as your hands sink into the soft fur of his stomach
the effect is immediate as a low rumble rises from his throat
you jerk your hands back quickly in fear
you knew it was a trick to make you come close! Now he's going to rip you apart!
the wolf makes a small whining noise as your hands leave him
"Sorry! I'm... Sorry, you're hands just feel... so good!" he blurts out a hasty apology
uh, what?
"I-I didn't mean to scare you before! Please let me make it up to you! I know you humans can't see very well out here in the dark. Y-you can stick with me tonight and I'll keep you safe!" He continues, tail drooping
this isn't at all how you expected your confrontation to go
and keep you safe from what? He must be the biggest thing out here
you want to reject but you're still kind of intimidated by him despite his desperate pleading
...and you are now totally lost after your sprint through the woods
"O-kay...?" you reply
"Awesome! Come with me!" he says, his tail resuming it's rapid wagging
"H-hey! Wait!" is all you can get out before you're picked up and slung over his shoulder
he takes off in a dead sprint through the night, easily dodging trees and roots as he rushes back home with his new prize.

Hitanthro by anonymous

You met him one night when you stopped for gas in the bad part of town
He had just finished stuffing a lumpy tarp into the trunk of his gently used 1996 lincoln towncar and taken a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket under a flickering yellow streetlight
When it became apparent that he had forgotten his lighter somewhere, you decided to go over and let him borrow yours, and surrounded by late night mist and stale cigarette smoke you hit it off
For the longest time you had thought that he was just a completely normal gun nut with a home chemistry hobby who probably worked as a handyman or something, but you've only ever seen him buy stuff in cash, and he keeps burning his clothes and shoes in the backyard of his singlewide trailer when he gets back from work
You're beginning to suspect he might not be entirely on the level, in fact, him occasionally taking you to the mall and buying you whatever you want (for $50 or less) along with a new pair of cheap tennis shoes for himself before throwing a silenced pistol, pair of handcuffs, and bottle of cloroform in an overnight bag and dissappearing for a day or two before coming back with two to three hundred dollars in copper, catalyctic converters, and crumpled five dollar bills is fairly suspicious
Whatever he's doing, one thing is for sure: you can definitely fix him
Or convince him to take you to work with him
Spend a few more months getting closer until you could honestly say this shady prowler was your best friend
It was clear he thought of you the same way
Enjoy spending much time together out at bars, shopping, or drinking beers at your house (he never invited you over to his)
Until one night he shows up at your place, 2:45 AM banging on the door frantically
immediately barges in when you open the door and throws you a baseball cap and dark glasses
begs you to come with him somewhere safe, clearly in a state of panic
he refuses to explain much more than that but you hear him blurt something strange in his frazzled state as he ushers you out the door
YOU were his next job
Is he dramatically confessing his love to you?
Are you being kidnapped?
Does this have something to do with you not paying for the cool quartz you got from that extremely skinny guy with a nervous twitch you ran into in the dollar general parking lot?
Questions race through your head as your friend shoves you into a two door grand prix with rust holes, no AC, and an aftermarket radio that wasn't wired in correctly and puts a taurus pt111 with visible rust in your lap
You can barely register that he's even speaking as he demands to know what drive through you want to go through before you pick up road beer and head to his cousin's place outside Lincoln, Nebraska

Coaching Anthros by anonymous

How about some comedy?

be Coach Hanknon, the newly hired coach for the american football team of an anthro school
learn about their losing streak since they joined the leagues
fox principal put an incentive for you to push the team hard and get a single tournament win for the season
by incentive he means he'll dock your pay
also he might molest you if the school loses
enter the locker room to meet the team
get a sense of relief that these guys are built like shit houses
all of them are surprised that a human will be coaching the team

"Listen up guys! I'm gonna be your new coach so starting today. I'll need a rundown of your names and what you do."

the tiger anthro wearing tight fitting jacket stands up
"My name is Tyler and I'm the lead attacker for the team."

"You fast Tyler?"

"I-I'm sure I'm pretty quick sir."
The rest of the guys snickered
"Maybe in the bed."
the snickers turned into held-in giggles
Tyler stomps on the floor and pouted at his teammates
Okay then...

"You there! Big bull, what you got there!?"

The largest of the team, quickly stood up in a panic and dropped a frilly bra

"Ah we got ourselves a Romeo over here. There a girl waiting for you back at class?"

He quickly picked it up and his face turned red
"A-Actually sir it's mine. My chest is a bit big and it chafes on the pads sir."
You take a deep breath
This is going to take a lot of work
On the training field
huge great dane linebacker sacks QB during practice plays much to your delight
your drills seem to be paying off
slap him on the back and your mouth is moving before you even realize what you're saying
"Good boy! Nice Job!"
great dane is stunned for a second but heads back out to the field
his performance increases nearly ten-fold as he dominates the gridiron for the next few drills
but now is constantly looking toward you with a wagging tail for approval after every play
training time
you order the attackers to run laps and the defenders to practice tackling
sounds of training dummies being tossed and players working hard fill your ears

"HENDERSON! What the hell are you doing?!"

the small goat anthro and designated lead defender, is currently latched on to the dummy facehugger style
you see his tongue slobbering all over the poor target's face
taking a walk behind the bleachers, you rub the bridge of your nose on how you're going to turn these pansies into hard bred american football stars
"Heeey there coach!"
the principal fox appeared from behind the corner and struts in front of you
"So how's training our future champions doing huh?"
you refuse to answer the creepy little shit and walk away and immediately return to the field
Two of the dog anthros, Daniel and Matt, are nose-to-nose as they pull with their teeth a worn out football
you turn back to see the fox dancing like a stripper against the bleacher's poles
remember what you signed up for Anon

"Alright you apes! Time for a scrimmage!"

"But I'm a lion sir-"


You and your team are seated in the AVR

"Alright gentlemen, we're going to be up against Chaddington University. Some uppity school upstate."

The slide cuts to a picture of an all human team posing for a picture
The anthro boys all ooh'd at the sight
"O-Oh he looks nice."
"A-All human team?"
You were expecting them to cower in fear but you can't complain really

"Chaddington has the been the fan favorite for over 10 years, winning each and every season taking home the trophy."

You play one of their last season games
It depicts their lead defender shutting down some poor rabbit anthro with a chokeslam
Another has half of the team bodyslam on a kangaroo
Each member of your team reacted as they saw wipeout after wipeout of Chaddington's opposition
"That's gotta hurt!"
"How are we'll be able to beat them?"
"God I wish that was me."
You looked around on who the fuck said that last one
Skimming all over the faces in the back, you shake your head and continue

"As you can see, Chaddington prides themselves on their tight defensive coordination."

You turn off the projector and turn on the lights

"We're gonna need some fast offensive maneuvers if we're going to break their defense."

Pointing at Tyler, he straightens up

"Tyler, you're our fastest and bulkiest attacker, you'll be handling the ball for touchdowns."

The swole tiger anthro pointed at himself while shaking like a leaf
"M-Me? Against all those guys?"
"Lucky bastard..."

Anon's Bully by anonymous

Anon's bully schedule:

7:30am Wait at school entrance for Anon
7:45am Practice makeout session with Anon in the closet
10:00am Shoot paper balls at Anon with your phone number written on it
12:00am Take sandwich from Anon as he takes one bite
12:15pm Return to Anon to spoonfeed him your lunch
1:00pm Bring Anon to the closet again for blowjob sessions
3:15pm Pin Anon at the back of the school with ass until he cums in the condom provided to him
3:30pm Follow Anon until he arrives home safely
4:30pm Go Home
4:45pm Have a bath using the condom filled with Anon's seed mixed with fur shampoo
5:30pm Lick Anon's Sandwich while masturbating to interspecies porn
6:00pm Text Anon why he won't respond
7:15pm Masturbate again with the Badboy Dildo you ordered online
9:00pm Text Anon goodnight
9:05pm Kiss a heart-framed picture of Anon before going to bed

be anon
finally muster up courage to ask wolf why he does this to me every day

"because you're my one and only and I'll share you with no one"

"bullshit you just use me as a substitute until someone better turns up, and then drop me like a used tissue"
big bad wolf looks like a hurt puppy, then storms off
i-is that a tear in his eye?
maybe I was wrong
get usual night text by wolf "good night anon. sleep well."
followed by a "you're my one and only"
maybe he's actually being serious
decide to test that theory
order custom dog collar with 'Anon's boy' written all over it in glitter
next school day he's back in his usual routine, following you like a shadow
lunch break, he just dragged you into an empty classroom to suck you off
as he goes down on you, you ask him if he's actually being serious about all of this
he looks up to you with puppy eyes, nodding enthusiastically with mouth full of your cock
let him finish his work, blowing your load down his throat as usual
pull out collar
"if you really want me, you'll wear this, right?"
you your surprise the big, muscular wolf lets out a happy whine, baring his neck to you in submission
willingly lets you put that collar on him
proceeds to wearing it in class
holy fuck, he IS being serious
well, maybe having your own personal bodyguard, bf and cockslut all in one fluffy package isn't exactly a bad thing...

Passed Out by anonymous

once again, he's a mess on the sofa
at least he's on his stomach this time so I dont have to worry about him choking if he yaks in his sleep
dont stare at his junk
pick up his clothes, fold into chair next to him
clean up the bottles into the trash
dont stare at his junk
wonder briefly why he kept choosing MY couch to crash on
stare at his junk
hear him barely whimper a name
slide fingers down his shaft
trace the thick head and flare
tug gently to straighten his body out so he wouldnt wake up aching
put a pillow under his knees
toss a thin blanket over him
kiss right ear
kiss left ear

Goodnight good boy

giggle at the slurred mumble when he tries to answer
one day he'll wise up why I leave my bedroom door open whenever he goes out
I want to be what he comes home to in bed
put out big jug of ice water next to him
go back to bed
shut door

Gator's Prison Stud by anonymous

when your giant alligator bunk mate said

Imma fuck you good tonight boy

you were certain you'd be seeing the infirmary for a ruptured asshole
instead he starts drenching you in his drool to "get you ready"
then suddenly you're playing the littlest mule to daddy Earthshaker's ass as he calls you baby and slowly licks your face
not sure what would give first, the bed, your pelvis, or your soul
big daddy gator suddenly gets a heavenly glow like some scaley jesus or Aurora borealis
you're pretty sure the guard pissed himself with the rumbling snarl he got from daddy sub on your dick
the rumbling is coming and so have I

"Well well well, looks like we got a genius over here. That's three weeks of being our prison stud bitch."
days are filled with you being the prison bicycle as rows of crocs and gator plap their fat asses on your dick
the last gator is your cellmate as he roughly bounces on your aching pelvis
last thing you feel at the end is a kiss on the forehead and a 'nice job stud'

giant Gator cellmate INSISTS that you sleep and cuddle with him every night
you use one of his huge tit-like pecs as pillow
almost every chance he gets he plaps his gigantic jiggly asscheeks on your cock
he starts to follow you around wherever you go so he can “protect” you
you think he actually just wants to keep you for himself
the fact that he gets very irritated and jealous whenever you speak to another anthro inmate only lends credence your suspicion
though to his credit, having a titan of muscle and scales follow you around like a loyal hound does certainly ward off any potential trouble
your only concern is that your oversized cellmate seems to be getting very, very attached to you to an almost unhealthy degree
you wonder if he will even let you leave when your sentance is up

one night he says he feels 'romantical' tonight and pins you on the bed
no penetration, just steaming hot french kisses night long
your cheeks and neck are red with hickies when you wake up

Anon, Dog, & Cheeta by anonymous

Wolf & Fox by anonymous

"Ops, sorry captain. I thought it's my cabin."
"It's your cabin."

Wolf O'Connell getting drunkenly flirty and grab-assy with the new human recruited to Star Wolf.

ywn be fawned over by Fox and Wolf

Fox and Wolf competing over you
They play it off by saying they just want a pilot of your skill on their side
Though they also wouldn't mind a pilot of your skill in their bed

Why not go for both? Surely they can share, right?

keep getting video communication from both
Fox keeps checking up on you and worrying about you
Wolf keeps flirting with you and making innuendos

Get so distracted by this you nearly crash into an enemy pilot you're trying to take down

Fox keeps sending you tasteful, if a bit risqué pics of himself shirtless
Wolf goes all out and sends you nudes with captions like “better than Fox, right?”

"My Genetically Enhanced Super Soldier has Separation Anxiety" or "My Mutant Killing Machine Cant be this Cute!" by anonymous

Let's get silly

Genetically enhanced anthro bf


I know I shouldn’t question this but how could he possibly keep something that long in his mouth?

The same way all anthros can fit any dick inside them, no matter the size. Magic.

I'm going to make something up and say that there's a cavity right next to the esophagus when the tongue is based and it gets compacted into there.

So the spot where the Adam’s apple would be.

lump in neck when retracted
smooth neck when let out

Seems legit.

save bio experiment anthro from some secret science facility
he won't stop clinging to you
gets upset when you leave him alone for too long

That’s not surprising. Being used day in and day out in all sorts of experiments would wear anyone down mentally. Even if said thing was literally made for it.

textbook evil Corp/government mooks build weapon
he's physically perfect, mentally a failure his complete lack of any drive to kill or even really harm humans
they have his stock, just liquidate him
they try, several times
he escapes
you're the first person he runs into that actively tries to help him and offers him any kind of shelter and kindness.

Whiff by anonymous

wolf roommate when he catch a whiff of your masturbation session


was stopped by my wolf roommate in the morning on my way out to work

"Woah Anon, wait up!" he yells from the living area
He's lounging on the couch watching TV in his pajama bottoms, not having to work until noon.
lucky bastard
I stop my hurried rush out the door to face him
he peeks over the back of the couch at me and pauses for a moment to contemplate his next words
"Y-you know I'm always here for you right?" he asks after a short silence
"Uh, yeah? I know you got my back dude" I reply
he looks up and away in thought
then turns his eyes back to me
"No, like, if you ever need anything. You know you can ask me, right?" he elaborates
"Yeah, I know man. You've been the perfect roommate, I appreciate it" I tell him
"No! No no no no no, I mean, if you ever need ANYTHING. You know you can ask me?" he reiterates, a tiny bit of frustration creeping into his voice
at this point I was already late for work
"YES, bro I get it. Look I'll see you after work, I'll cover rent this month if that's what you're getting at. Talk to you later" I shout to him on my way out the door.
could hear him whining to himself as I left

Okay, but genuinely. What did he mean by this? Been thinking about it ever since and I'm getting off shift in an hour

He just wants to help you satisfy your own needs like a true bro.

Does he need to spell it out for you? He wants you to breed him you bozo.

What are you talking about? we're just really good friends

Sometimes really good friends share personal things and do intimate things together that really isn't that strange.

Canid anthros can get a bit neurotic when they aren't living in a family/pack unit. For one, they get clingy, especially when left home alone. And they get very insecure without regular physical and verbal reassurance of their place in the pack.

If you're his sole roommate, he's probably viewing you as his "pack" surrogate and is craving your approval and affection. But he knows you're not a canid, so he's too shy to ask for it outright. If you want to calm him down, give him some physical affection by regularly rubbing his belly and neck when the two of you are hanging out. Telling him that he's a "good boy" or giving him other pet names will help a lot too -- but play it off as ironic banter to avoid embarrassing him too much.

P.S. if you're leaving him alone at home for extended periods, you've probably noticed your clothes going missing, right? Check his room. He's probably "borrowing" them to calm himself down with a familiar scent.

This explains so much, thanks for the actual answer

Always didn't know what to make of his "us against the world" and "wolves bond for life" tangents when he gets drunk. Also just a few socks missing but I think those are just getting lost in laundry


Just got back from work
roommate greets me at the door, tail wagging like he usually does
asks me if I'd be down for a movie night
hell yeah always done for movie night with the bros
break out the alcohol while he went to go grab a DVD from his room
puts on this weird fantasy movie about some wolf warrior
special effects look pretty bad for fantasy, and the story kinda sucks if I'm being brutally honest
but now the wolf warrior is getting a little handsy with some human squire on-screen
and I'm getting a little worried about the X rating that popped up on screen earlier, I thought it was a studio logo or something
roommate keeps shooting weird prolonged glances at me in between drinks

Am I supposed to pet him now?

Watching bad movies is a good pastime, and a good opportunity to break the ice on petting him. If it's the first time you've pet him, he might be surprised and act a bit weird about it. Just play it casual and nonchalant, act like it's no big deal, and he'll relax and let it happen.

By petting him, you're signalling that you've accepted him as "pack" -- and keep in mind that because you're the one who initiated (since he was too shy to do so), you're establishing a dominant position over him. Don't worry if he acts shy or submissive, that's just him signalling his acceptance of the role. You can also make him more comfortable by undressing him a bit -- not fully, just pull his shirt off to signal that it's okay for him to relax around you, since pack members don't usually have much modesty around each other.

do I pet him now?

Yes. Word of advice, grope his butt or chest. Canine anthros LOVE when you do that. Don’t worry, it’s not a sexual thing for them, they just really like being touched there.

Heavy petting

Anthro Warlord by anonymous

An EVIL anthro warlord has been besieging your town, with everybody trapped inside the town's walls as he razes the crops and desecrates the land around it
Finally he offers to call off his attack, but only if he receives something he desires in turn

I have so many EVIL "I can fix him" fantasy character ideas I want to write about. Might as well get some practice out

you personally never hated beast-bloods
you chalk it up to growing up in a small farming village, far away from the zealous teachings of the human purist preachers
hell, your best childhood friend was a wolfman
you remember spending countless days from dawn to dusk playing in the woods with him
games of tag, catch, play fighting with sticks in substitute of swords. Even his favorite 'predator/prey' game he loved so much
he never let you be the 'predator' but you still believed in a bright future for both beast-blood and man, working together
now you're a grown man, and your opinion on the matter has changed
you reminisce about that young wolf that used to regal you with passionate rants of his lofty ambitions
as you stand atop the recently constructed palisade and watch your former homestead burn into the night
orange embers rise lazily from the distant burning structure, the light of the fire reflecting off hundreds of pairs of shimmering green eyes in the darkness beyond the wall
you wish you could've taken more with you, but when word arrives that a raiding party was marching towards your town. You didn't have much time to cart belongings behind the wall
Damn the king! To kill and skin a princely son of the beast-blood empire over some perceived slight
now the serfs and peasantry were going to pay for it
you stare out at the plumes of smoke rising into the night sky beyond the mass of furred bodies moving into coordinated positions in the darkness
you try to show no fear, but you know you're humble town stands no chance against the well equipped raiders.
All you had was the hastily constructed wooden wall you stand atop and a lousy drunkard as the captain of your town guard as your only defense against well trained armored warriors
thankfully no one has been hurt yet, the guard was quick to usher everyone into the small circle of wooden fortifications
but the mood is dower, women and children wail in grief and panic
most men have a stiff, doomed expression on their face
and you, like most, are trying to mentally prepare yourself for the slaughter you are sure will come
until the form of a guard suddenly rushes up to you, you hear the clinking of his armor and weapons long before he materializes out of the blackness of the night
"Anon, correct? Captain Thorne would like to speak with you sir." he states matter-of-factly
you're caught off guard. The captain? He must be assembling men to prepare a final stand
"Very well, I shall follow. My lord" you give a polite reply, despite the twisting feeling in your guts
you withhold any questions during your walk
even as you pass by the small row of tents made as hasty barracks for the few trained guards, and continue towards the palisade gate
you walk past a small platoon of guards watching the main entrance
confusion mounts as you're ushered through a small side door next to the main gate
your heart pounds harder in your chest at the thought of being caught outside the walls but you follow along with the escorting guard
as you cross through the barrier separating you from the blood-thirsty horde outside you see the captain conversing with two mounted wolfmen, his weapon sheathed
one of the wolfmen is much better equipped than the other, with frills and other decorations hanging off his ornate heavy armor
he also looks strikingly familiar...
the whole trio turns to face you as you approach with your escort
the familiar wolf's tail begins to wag
what have you gotten yourself into?
Captain Thorne opens his mouth to greet you as you approach
but he is beaten out by the imposing wolf behind him
"What are you still doing here? Among this rabble..." the heavily armored wolf addresses you, but sounds more like he's speaking to himself
you are unsure how to respond
you're still scared out of your mind, being face to face with the death that was knocking outside the palisade gates
the armored wolf turns his attention back to the captain
"Yes, this is the one. Bring him over and our arrangement is sealed" he speaks plainly
Captain Thorne simply motions to your escort
a gauntleted hand suddenly wraps around your arm
What?! They were giving you over?!
Oh gods, they saw you up on the wall and now they're going to tear you apart as some sick tribute!
that bastard Thorne selling you out to save his own ass!
you hurl an assortment of colorful insults toward the captain as you're dragged forward
and thrown at the hooves of the beast-blood's mounts
you scramble to your feet and prepare to dash back to safety
only to find your path blocked by the commanding wolf's mount, trotting forward
you fearfully look up into the wolf's face and...
wait, you know him
"Orin?" you ask, the features of the young wolf you once knew coming clear in the dim torchlight
"Come Anon, your presence alone saves this night. I will bring you somewhere more... suitable" he speaks, in a voice much deeper than the one you remember
you doubt his words as you glance to the predatory eyes just outside the palisades torchlight
you return your vision to your friend
his eyes almost glow in the light with a fiery determination
he holds his clawed gauntlet out to you

Give Paw by anonymous

Anyone with a cat/dog roommate can confirm this?

This is so funny to me, as some kind of instinctual hold-over

getting a bite to eat at a cafe with your chill chow chow friend
sitting in a corner booth regaling him with one of your classic customer horror stories from working retail
start really getting into it as you tell him of one particularly hostile customer
"-and this dude starts screaming at me to get my manager! His face got so fuckin' red I thought he was gonna pass out!" you gesture wildly as you tell your tale, the memory still bringing a twinge of anger at the man's audacity
"I really don't get it man, what makes someone like that? I mean would you-" you are interrupted as you gesture at your friend sitting across from you with your open palm
more specifically by your friend's fluffy hand harshly impacting with yours
you rant stops in your throat as you look at the soft clawed hand that now rests partially wrapped around yours
you glance upwards at the hand's puffy owner
his eyes are firmly locked on your touching palms
a look of absolute shock cuts through his usually unreadable droopy features
"Uh, Scott?" you ask from across the table
you can feel him jump as he locks his eyes back onto yours
"Y-yeah!? W-what's up b-bro?" he stutters out, and gives you a large nervous smile. An expression you'd never seen cross his face before
you glance back at your touching hands
you feel Scott give your hand a trembling squeeze
neither one of you move to decouple yourselves, until...
"Everything taste okay over here fellas?" the anthro rat waitress says, suddenly appearing beside you
You and Scott jerk your hands back in unison
"Uh, yeah! Yeah! No problem!" you reply, a sudden nervous edge to your voice
Scott coughs awkwardly into his closed fist across the table
"Alright! if you two need anything feel free to just ask!" the rat replies obliviously, before quickly darting off to another table
you and Scott sit in silence for a moment, neither one of you looking the other in the eye
until finally, after a few agonizing seconds, your fluffy friend breaks the silence
"So... I would ask if you'd wanna get coffee sometime but..." you see your friend gently clasp the mug set in front of him
you let out a small snort at the humor of the sudden situation
well today has certainly taken a strange turn, but...
you grab your own mug and gently clink it against his
"I'd love to" you reply

God damnit, went just over the character limit in the first post

Becoming a Saltlick by anonymous

This is what people mean when they say 'getting lost in the mountains'.

Muwah Slrup
You'd always loved hiking in nature
especially as a way to deal with your on-and-off depression
Lick lick "Mmmph~!"
you were lucky enough to live near some gorgeous national parks in Colorado
nothing really cleared your mind quite like a relaxing hike through that quiet rocky terrain
huff... huff "Ah!" muwah
You never really know where you might end up or who you might meet when you go out exploring; but it was always sure to be an adventure
tonight seems to have proven no different, after you met Trent, Matt, and Leslie
"Mmmph!" you moan into Matt's mouth as Leslie's warm maw brings you to orgasm
your tongue is limply pushed around your mouth by Matt's flatter, more abrasive muscle as you spasm
the sandpaper texture of Leslie's tongue sends jolts of pleasure through you as it laps the underside of your shaft, trapped in the depths of his stretchy throat
you'd met the trio of goats while going a little off trail at one of your favorite spots
an older looking gay couple and smaller feminine tag-along who you honestly thought was their niece at first
until the small goat had opened his mouth to invite you back to their tent to come smoke with him and his "partners"
one thing led to another, and well...
"Yer pretty noisy for a saltlick, ain'tcha?" Trent says as you curl your arm under his muzzle and grip the fur at the side of his face
the muscular goat pulls you closer into his chest, and grinds his member against your cheeks as you recline in his lap
the feel of his smooth shaft gliding against your hole the only other distinct sensation besides the fur and tongues assaulting you from all sides
the noise of moans and busy mouths join the chirping of cicadas and peaceful crackling of the campfire in the night
Matt breaks his kiss, just in time for you to let out another lurid moan as Trent runs his tongue up the side of your neck
almost no part of your body has been left untouched from their prolonged tongue bath
your bare skin turning sensitive and pink under their rough tongues
you're left gaping like a fish as Leslie begins moving again, his velvet mouth sliding up and down your overstimulated cock
this brings small chuckles to Trent and Matt as they continue peppering your face and chest with long, wet licks and kisses
you twist and squirm, desperately trying to escape the maddening pleasure
but you are held firmly by Trent and Matt's interlocking legs, practically sandwiched between them
you can only pant and moan at the slippery heat wrapped around your dick, the warm fur pressed into your back and sides, the drooling tongues lapping at your face
you're left a twitching mess. The only coherent images you can make out as your eyes roll to the back of your head is the light of the fire, and Trent and Matt's warm expressions as they observe you
thankfully, the blissful torture does end and you slowly come too as your cock leaves Leslie's mouth with a POP
"See! I told ya humies were cute! Tasty too!" the small goat exclaims, wiping his mouth. "Can we keep him?" he asks after a small pause
both Matt and Trent pause their licking and look at each other, both of their tongues still pressed firmly into your skin
an unspoken agreement passes between them before Trent pulls his tongue away
Matt simply continues licking as you squirm in your fluffy prison
"What do you think saltlick? Wanna spend the night gettin' to know us a little better?" Trent leans down to whisper into your ear before nibbling on it, he thrusts his hips into you a few times to accentuate his point
the answer was obvious to you, an affirmative head nod is all your breathless form can muster. Trent seems to get the message though as he giggles and sucks at your ear
suddenly Leslie pulls away from your legs, and your world is flipped horizontally
"Matt, darlin' would you put out the fire then come join us in the tent? Me n' Leslie are gonna tuck in our new friend here." Trent says as he lifts you effortlessly into a bridal carry
"Sounds good honeybun! I'll catch up~" the fluffy bespectacled goat replies as he begins collecting all the clothing strewn around the campsite
you snuggle into Trent's broad furry chest and Leslie walks alongside you, stroking your legs as you're carried to the small nearby tent, just barely large enough to squeeze the three of you in
one thought briefly crosses your mind as Trent unzips the entrance and hunkers down to crawl inside the darkened shelter with you in his arms
it was going to be a cramped night

Inspiration strikes randomly, but hope ya'll enjoyed. Wanted something short and smutty, was thinking about maybe doing a second part later

Chubby Bun by anonymous

be anon
stuck in dead end job working at GameShop
pay isn’t the worst but it’s so dull having to go over inventory and ring up everybody
eventually start to notice a regular
a chubby white rabbit, about 5’4”, wears a pair of glasses
always comes in every Thursday afternoon, browses for a few minutes, then buys a pack of trading cards and leaves quietly
after a few more visits you decide to ask him if the tcg’s fun

“H-huh? Oh… I don’t play, I just like the art…”

he nervously wrings his hands as you ring him up on the register
as he takes his item, he pauses briefly as though about to say something, before he leaves
he doesn’t show up the next Thursday
the one after he’s a no show as well
or so it seems, just as you’re about to lock up the place for closing, he walks up, coughing lightly to garner your attention

“E-erm, I’m not very good at this but, could we maybe… get a bite to eat? Together?”

his nose twitches as he awaits your answer, his hands slid into his cyan hoodie’s pocket
as you say yes, a grin spreads across his face before he quickly composes himself
you quickly lock up the shop before turning back to him to ask what he wanted to eat

“Oh, right! There’s a nice cheap Japanese place nearby if you’re okay with eating in the food court?”

In response to a quick nod from you, he turns and leads the way
you take the opportunity to eye him up properly as you saunter over
he fills out his jeans quite well, his plump body hugged beautifully by the denim, a small hole for his little cottontail at the back of the pants
his hoodie likewise is filled out well, the thick rabbit’s fluff being exposed underneath when he stretches a little too far
just as you’re getting lost wondering exactly what he looks like under there, he comes to a stop in front of the little eatery
you don’t waste much time, grabbing a curry bowl with rice and an onigiri
he grabs a few vegetable croquettes and some inari
the two of you settle down on a small table by a window, the food court isn’t usually very busy at this time so it’s practically just the two of you
he nervously avoids eye contact as he starts to nibble on his meal
you decide to come straight out and ask him why he asked you on a date
he spits out the bean curd in his mouth in response

“Date? I-uh, well I suppose that is what it is… I just, I saw you at the GameShop and thought you had really kind eyes.”

both of his hands tenderly hold his meal, his thumbs prodding at it as he works out what to say

“I‘ve never really talked to a human before, and I just wanted to get to know you.”

he looks up, his blue eyes peering through the glasses, this adorable rotund rabbit holds eye contact for a few moments before he returns to his sheepish demeanour, quickly eating his meal
the two of you sit in silence as he watches you finish your curry

“Sorry, I feel like I’ve just wasted your time…”

he gets up, turning to leave
you snag his hand, your fingers diving between his soft digits, he turns to you, looking up
Inches away from him, you assure him that you enjoyed yourself, that it was a wonderful little meal and that you wouldn’t mind spending more time with him
he bites his lip, his eyes beaming with happiness, he practically tackles you, wrapping his arms around and cuddling you tightly
his soft warm body holding you, you wrap your arms around him in turn, before you leave a quick smooch on his fluffy forehead
a small shiver runs up him and he lets out a satisfied moan as he sinks into you further

Soundless Mountain by anonymous

Playing horror games with your anthro bf!

horror game where a werewolf chases the main character
he thinks it's a dating sim

horror game where you're partnered with a werewolf
you're both trying to escape something even bigger and deadlier
human can enter smaller places like buildings and crawl spaces to find items and their clear thinking allows them to solve more complex puzzles
werewolf has superhuman strength and agility which allows him to traverse terrain and help the human reach far locations but his lack of mental clarity makes him capable of solving only simple environmental puzzles
swap between the two on the fly to progress

aside from the swapping and werewolf part that's pretty much The Last Guardian

You recover your health and sanity bars in between levels by sleeping in each other's arms

been playing through this cool co-op horror game your roommate showed you
you thought it was a bit funny when he suggested it since the main characters were a human and wolf, just like you two
the game was really fun! It even supposedly had multiple endings
you and your roomie blaze through it in a few days, working well together to overcome any challenge and puzzle thrown at you
you give a sigh of relief as you crush the final boss together and the ending cutscene plays
...Oh... The human and wolf are getting pretty close to each other...
wait did you just hear that right? Did they just confess to each other? what's going on? this kind of came out of nowhere
you can only awkwardly stare straight ahead as the human and wolf on screen begin sloppily making out over the corpse of the big bad
big red balloon-like letters appear above their heads "ROMANCE ENDING!" as hearts swirl around them
your jaw is in the floor from the sudden tonal shift, your roommate is near silent next to you on the sofa
...And then his tail starts to whap against your side

what the fuck? why did the devs do this? I can't help but feel they're pushing an agenda. My roommate has been much more "handsy" since then, and won't stop buying this one specific brand of water

Soundless Mountain used to be a respected, sophisticated, atmospheric, mature horror series
Then the second game has the stupid "Romance Ending" easter egg and sex crazed anthros latch onto it like fleas and the game sells like hot cakes
Now every game in the series has doubled down on the implied romance to the point it's less of a horror series and more of a softcore porn series

Ridiculous. Btw it's actually really hard to get the romance ending in Silent Mountain 2 unless you're really specifically gunning for it. Your roommate 100% planned this and probably wants into your pants

Damn! I thought it was strange that he refused to move onto the next level until we got all the hidden "frayed red knot" collectables!

gonna confront him about this during our next platonic grooming/petting session

HPOP-stans by anonymous

Ywn be a pretty boy singer in an "Hpop" band of all humans
Your job is to look as cute, handsome and pouty as possible with 4 other humans guys, all the while dancing in coordination and crooning sappy romance songs
Most other humans can't stand this shit, but it's wildly, INSANELY popular with anthros
Unfortunately, despite your popularity, it isn't all fun and games behind the scenes
Your agency works you like a dog. You barely have any time off and even when you do, the agency keeps you on an incredibly tight leash
So important is your sex appeal and public image to the popularity of the band that your contract dictates when and how you can appear in public, what you're allowed to say, what you're allowed to wear, even what you're allowed to eat
And the worst thing?
Your contract forbids you from being allowed to date
It's an Hpop industry wide rule for all human performers
The reason for it?
Anthro fans can get very... possessive of their favorites
One of the first big breakthrough human stars in the industry had his career abruptly extinguished when he publicly revealed he had a boyfriend
His jilted anthro fans responded with unrestrained rabid fury
His popularity plummeted, and both the human and his boyfriend received non-stop online harassment and even death threats
Instead of helping him, the industry blacklisted him
You have no idea where he is or what he's doing these days, but sadly, if you don't want to share his fate, you've got to keep your bed cold, your lips unkissed, and your heart hollow and empty
All of this has left you pretty depressed, and it's started to show in your performances
Your audience has noticed, but it's not having the effect you'd expected...
"OMG Anon looks so sad these days!!! I just want to hold him and hug him and bite his face and-"
"I could make him smile again!!! Anon STAN-"
"I want to lick the tears from his face and then lick the sweat off of his-"
... maybe you should stop reading the comments

excellent stuff anon lol

your human friends and family constantly express how jealous they are of your fame and success
always stating how cool it must be to be as widley loved as you are
you're quick to remind them that it all seems fun, until you have to be quickly ushered backstage
after a wolf twice your height, wearing a pink tank top plastered with your face charges the stage
and has to be barely subdued by six ill-equipped concert security guards with stun guns

anthro k-pop stans

Dear god. With how rabid irl KPOP fans are I can’t even begin to imagine what anthro ones would be like.

anon eventually becomes the most popular member of the H-pop group, to the point where his agency decides to make him a solo-act
unfortunately however, anons fanbase seems to attract increasingly obsessive and borderline-deranged fans
as a result, anon’s agency has had to repeatedly increase security
but that can only go so far when the average anon-stan is close to double the size or more than the average human and can bend steel with their bare hands
also doesn’t help that the agency is reluctant to hire anthro security after repeated complaints of anthro inappropriately flirting with the human stars
it’s gotten to the point where anon now has a small army of security guards, many of whom are ex-soldiers and swat members on constant stand-by to quickly extract anon from a show if his fans get to excited or rowdy

anon misses when he would get normal fan interactions on social media
practically all he gets these days are confessions of undying love, and pictures of his fans spread-assholes begging him to “breed” them
anon-stans start to show up to his shows in increasingly skimpy clothes
eventually devolves into his fans just wearing straight up fetish gear to his concerts

pictures of his fans spread-assholes begging him to “breed” them

He should go all "artsy" and make an album cover where it is nothing but a collage of all the pictures of his fans' spread holes all together to form a picture of himself.

Hot Knot by anonymous

Had a semi-internet related greentext I wrote for /awoo/ that might fit better here

"Anon! Hey Anon!"
oh god
here comes my wolf roommate, and I mentally prepare myself for whatever psychic damage I know he's about to inflict upon me
wherever he gets this excited over something it's never good
I turn my head from the brainless tv program I was vegging out to and my worst fears are confirmed
First, my roommate was wasted. As I could infer from the nigh empty bottle of bourbon in his hand
or well, that's how I would usually tell if he wasn't the level of 'fucked up' that comes with its own aura. I'd smelled the alcohol long before I looked at him
Second, he was stark naked. only a backwards baseball cap sat atop my roomies head, with ear holes cut out for his canine features
Third, and the most egregious in my eyes. He was painfully erect
so erect that I was pulled back from the bizarre situation as the errant thought crossed my mind of how long he must have been prepping himself around the corner to show me this
and what was 'this'?
my roommate cradles his knotted cock in between a hotdog bun, a bottle of ketchup in the other hand
"Hey, hey! Wanna hotdog?" he spouts enthusiastically, before hovering the ketchup over his dick
the bottle lets out the saddest puttering noise I've ever heard as my roommate squeezes the condiment over himself
the mixture is watery at first, clearly not having been shaken, before a sloppy torrent of red ejects from the bottle and coats his member
Cyprus himself would be in awe at my stoicism as I watch my roommate spatter heinz 57 all over his cock and balls, his drunkenness not lending itself well to accuracy
the only noise that fills the room is the quiet drone of the tv and the intermittent sputtering of the poor condiment bottle
"Eh? eh!? get it?" my roommate gestures at his dick
The bun is no longer visible under the soggy pile of ketchup on his crotch
I close my eyes and inhale deeply
new social media trend blowing up across anthro centric platforms
the act of wolves and various canids 'raw dogging' their friends
can be properly done to any non-canine anthro but is seen most frequently done to humans, and of course it's recorded for their reaction
would be inconsequential enough to you
except you unfortunately know the most popular 'influencer' in on the trend
your roommate
ever since his videos started hitting tens of thousands of likes and reshares, your life has turned into a hotdog themed hell
can't even look at hotdogs or sausage the same way anymore
walking down the condiment isle in the store gives you borderline PTSD attacks
all because some fuckin' lonely anthros love watching you blow up on your roommate
comments left on your roommates videos constantly calling you cute and professing their desire to see you 'eat' the hotdog
if your roommate insists on reading one more lurid fanfic esque comment about you and him to your face you're gonna start having to pay him back for it somehow

Bat Sommelier by anonymous

Occupation: Human blood (And cum) sommelier

Human blood (And cum) sommelier

as long as he doesn't try to get both at once (by biting my cock while I'm cumming), I'd gladly let him have a taste of mine

The two of you met when you were at a fancy restaurant
You were just there to burn the giftcard for the place that you got as your new year's office white elephant gift, he was there to do "blood snob" reviewing things as part of his job
He was seated a few tables behind you when you accidentally cut yourself on a steak knife
Milliseconds later he somehow picked up the scent of fresh human blood wafting through the restaurant
He immediately got up so fast that he knocked over his chair, and began intensely sniffling around the room looking for the scent's source with his cute little bat nose
(All the while completely ignoring the bewildered restaurateur following him around asking him "sir please, what is the matter?!" and "please sit down sir, you're scaring the other guests...!")
Until he finally half crashed into your table, his wiggling bat nose coming within an inch of your bleeding thumb, and he came to his senses enough to sheepishly look up and make eye contact you
Nowadays whenever he has hoity-toity bat friends over he likes to show you off, not only as his boyfriend but also as his "rarest, most delectable, finest quality bloodsuckle", too
You've had to break apart a few bats fights, wings and angry squeaks flying, because he absolutely refuses to share you

You will never hear an anthro bat beg you for a syringe of blood because "the plasma in your blood is better than sex"
You will never watch his eyes go wide when you prick your arm and watch him scramble to find something to collect it in
You will never jokingly put a hand behind his head and watch him lose any restraint he had
From just one sip, he can tell how much sleep you've had, what you've eaten over the past 3 days, and if you're aroused
He also claimed to be able to divine a rough phylogenetic tree, including that you're a carrier for a few heritable genetic conditions, just from a few grams of your hemoglobin
At first you thought he was just exaggerating for comedic effect but he somewhat angrily INSISTED he was telling the truth, though you refused to believe him
In the end he ended up taking some of your blood, sending it to a genetic testing service (tearfully, because he wanted to drink it so badly) and showed you the results JUST to prove it to you
Yfw he was fucking right
From just one sip, he can tell how much sleep you've had
Realizes how high your blood pressure is and starts forcing you to exercise and eat better

Sign up as a new patient for a human clinic, the only clinic in town with a doctor boarded in human primary medicine
Go there for your first visit, the doctor's some kind of fox, blah blah nice to meet you Anon, blah blah blood pressure a little high blah blah get these labs and see me in a few months
After refusing a prostate exam (he was oddly pushy about it???), go to get your labs drawn at the outpatient phlebotomy center
All of the staff are... bats...?
The guy who draws them keeps saying weird things about you "having great veins" and he literally licks his lips at one point
Leave slightly creeped out, except you forgot your jacket so you have to turn back
Except nobody's there when you come back in...?
You poke your head into the room marked "specimen processing and interpretation" to try to find somebody to help, only to be met with a bat greedily slurping down the vial of your blood and then putting your total LDL and triglycerides down in pen on your chart

bat bf
insist you fuck him and cum in him before he drinks from you, since the blood loss usually makes staying erect impossible
he tastes and swallows your cum like fine wine
makes sure to utterly drain your balls and satisfy you completely before going for your throat vampire style
cradles you like a baby as he sinks his teeth into you
cuddles you after to keep you warm when you feel cold from blood loss

the perfect bf

Hypehumie by anonymous

Ywn get approached by some shady looking feline to go "make some easy money"
You assume this is some kind of human trafficking thing so you immediately back away and start dialing the police until he assures you in a bit of panic that it's nothing of the sort
No, instead he just wants you to come with him to some kind of fight club to be a part of the crowd
"A handsome face" to act as a 'hype human', so to speak
Still seems kind of... uh... ill-advised...
... but I mean, all you have to do is stand there and act excited...
... and he's putting up some SERIOUS cash for this...
So, against your better judgment, you agree
You follow the cat's directions to a dive bar in a shady part of town, and then knock in a specific pattern on a door in the corner
Sunglasses wearing anthro thugs answer, and usher you into an large, hot and humid lair with few lights and a high ceiling
Some kind of converted warehouse from back before manufacturing crumpled in the anthro district, you figure?
In the middle, a large hexagonal fighting ring surrounded by chains
And inside of it, two enormous anthros fighting
A wolf and a tiger, you've stepped in right in the middle of things
And holy SHIT you can see why this is so underground
This isn't some gentlemanly fisticuffs session, this is a raw, bestial struggle between two forces of nature
There's clumps of fur, blood and spit flying as the two beasts collide, both using their maws, jaws and claws to do the talking
After playing keep away for a while, the wolf is finally caught by the tiger, and is overwhelmed in a contest of strength, the tiger biting down hard on the wolf's hackles, his pained and panicked howling almost drowned out by the din of the crowd
Finally a referee steps in before things go too far, raising the triumphant tiger's bloodied paw up in the air, the himself beast letting out a feral victory roar
You're seriously worried if the wolf is going to die with how much blood there is, as two anthros wearing uniforms with a red cross on it quietly rush onto the stage and carry the canine out amidst the din
But your thoughts quickly return to the ring as you feel someone elbow you
You hear a familiar voice whisper to you "Eyes on the prize, human! Time to earn your pay!", but looking around the feline is nowhere to be seen
Actually, the entire crowd has thinned around you, leaving you conspicuously out in the open
And looking back at the stage, the tiger of the hour is staring right at you
You gulp and almost lose your nerve at the intensity of his staring, his shoulders still heaving and his predatory eyes still constricted from adrenaline
But you manage to collect yourself and put on the best smile you can given what you just witnessed, waving fenetically while cheering and even wolf whistling (maybe that wasn't a good idea given his opponent, but whatever...?)
The tiger seems pleased by your tribute to his supreme victory, despite the din of the crowd rising from your antics you can make out a deep, chuffing laugh from the apex predator
And as if in reply to your display of admiration, the tiger lowers his paw, bares his claws and scrapes them across his pecs all while he shoving his chest out, raising his head and letting out one more animalistic roar of victory, just for you
Part of your brain is telling you that maybe you shouldn't be here, reinforcing this kind of clearly illegal and dangerous behavior, but it's lost out to the part telling you that hnnnnnnnNNNNNNGGGGGHHH FUCK he's hot
The tiger dissapears off the stage into the bowels of the building, and you leave with the crowd as the few lights start to go out
Only for a familiar, much smaller feline to slink beside you and whisper: "Great work out there, human! I have an offer for you, if you're interested. Would you consider turning your guest appearance here into a more... regular one?"
"Don't worry, you'll get paid just the same as this time. And I have it on good word that a lot of fighters are dying to meet you after seeing you here. Including... well, actually, ESPECIALLY our champion today..."
"Nothing more motivating for a fighter than something, or someone to fight for, eh? So, what do you say?"

Spess Anthros by anonymous

Deep space exploration missions have incredibly tight selection criteria
Every crew member down to the last needs to be highly skilled, one of the best, in their given profession. There are no backups or second opinions out there, if you mess up it's the end for not just yourself but everybody else
And further, every crew member has to extensively vetted for compatibility with each other
There's no worse omen for a deep space expedition than a crew that can't get along with each other, stuck in a cramped space with no way out for literal decades
These astronauts are the elite of the elite, and when you decided to submit your application to the latest 10-person expedition into the Crab Nebula, you weren't seriously expecting to get past even the screening the phase
So imagine your shock when this morning, you awoke to a sealed first class letter from the International Spacefaring Agency, and instead of giving you the usual "We're very sorry, but we've selected other candidates for this position blah blah thank you anyway blah blah go fuck yourself"...
... it opened with "Congratulations, Mr. Anon! We have reviewed your application and are excited to inform you that you would be an ideal candidate for this expedition! Included in this letter are details regarding your assignment, expectations, and your fellow crew members! We sincerely hope you consider taking this position, and helping civilization continue its steady march throughout the stars!"
H-holy shit, really?!
... no seriously, is this for real? As elated as you are that you somehow qualified, the fact of the matter is that you're not really that professionally distinguished. Your marks in all areas at the Astronautical Academy were... adequate and just that
And that's when you reach the profiles of all of the accepted candidates. You're down at the bottom
Anonymous: Human, male
Planet of origin: Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Role: Stress relief

tfw all other candidates are anthros
studies have shown that the mere presence of a human acts like a catalyst to calming down aggressive anthro behaviour
you're just there to hand out praise, tummy runs, ear scratches and pettings to all the various anthros on board

Current team composition determined using theorem that all male, homosexual/bisexual crew is most stable for extreme multi-species long term isolation based on study HM0M4.374
Of remaining candidates, multithread simulations and meta-analysis demonstrates prime candidate is "Anonymous"
Positive factors: Human species meaning positive historical relations with all other crew members, anticipate strongly positive press coverage in Earthsphere
Passing acumen in most required skills. Additionally with high neuroplasticity score, anticipate ability to adapt and be taught remaining necessary skills by other crew members based on simulations
Retrieval and analysis of candidate's personal data reveals homosexual and strongly xenophilic tendencies, including attraction to all species present on proposed crew
All other crew members with highest possible attraction scores to human species, anticipate excellent compatibility, 99.97%
Subject enjoys "giving the good head pats"
Negative factors: None identified
Conclusion: Subject "Anonymous" is the ideal final candidate based on current team composition
Recommend immediate offer of position with high compensation
If candidate refuses, consider use of force
This mission cannot be allowed to fail
Analysis concluded

Canines are still a little sore over Laika, the first astrodog, and her death in 1957
But on the bright side, they're second only to humans in the number of active duty spacefarers in no small part due to her legacy

canines are "man's best fuckbuddy" to the point that they immediately joined man in space

I love all of the implications of this.

Canines were fastracked for clearance for spacetravel because if they weren't, it would have triggered separation anxiety on a global scale so severe that it would have had a nonzero chance of ending civilization

I want to see video recordings of the arguments from canine scientists in the early days of the space program, because they probably have them sweating profusely while shaking a bit as they detail how vital "psychological reinforcement via collaboration" is.

After being extricated from the re-entry pod after his succesful solo low earth orbit flight, the canine cosmonaut proceeded to hug and cling to his human mission control director
For a full week
While crying and not speaking the entire time
Any attempt to separate him from his human was met with blood curdling howling and growling, prompting the human in question to reassure everybody it was fine and that "I guess he just really missed all of us up there?"
No canine is to be sent to space without a human companion now

Human Cafe by anonymous

A /hmoma/ doujin just dropped, here's the tldr for those, who don't have a translation plugin.

A masochistic wolf, who's the minister of security, goes to a sex shop to learn what it's like to become a completely subservient dog for a human.

The doujin hand me thinking

Canines have a very weird, inverse equivalent to human maid cafes
Where they can go to get spoiled and praised by their (usually human) 'master' for a set time every day
For a low low membership fee and session charge each time
("Try for our 'Golden Goodboy' loyalty level!")
Feels... weird...
But the pay is almost unreal given the low skilled work required
You just have to have a passable face, a soothing voice and a nice pair of hands
Of course, for YOU, this is just a job, a fantasy you help these weird dogs play out
But for some of them, the line between fantasy and reality is becoming dangerously thin
And some of them are starting to really think that what they have with you is special, not just a financial transaction...

some of them are starting to really think that what they have with you is special, not just a financial transaction

Imagine working at a cafe and everyday A massive wolf anthro that could twist you into a pretzel with zero effort comes in and pays you to praise him, pet him, cuddle(fuck) him, and then just one day he shows up outside your apartment door so he can be (your) good boy FOREVER

Many such cases I imagine

You awoke to your house being under siege from a roughly 600 pound wolf, and unfortunately you recognize his voice
He's one of very few of your 'Golden Goodboy' tier patrons at the cafe
What that actually means is that he's visited you at the cafe literally every day for the past year for at least 30 minutes a day
For reference, that's at least 3,691,062.50 yen, or 25 thousand usd, he's spent just to spend time with (you)
In one year
On a bouncer's salary
Obsessed would be a gross understatement
Over the past month he had been trying to spend more and more time with you at the cafe, sometimes trying to stay after closing and loitering around the building when he would finally get kicked out
You had told your manager that you were starting to get a little scared of his behavior, but he had brushed you off, telling you in a sing-song voice that "it just means you're doing a great job, Anon! He's an excellent patron and he knows our rules, he wouldn't dare put a claw on you!"
The sound of your front door starting to crack from your stalker's onslaught brings you back into present
What do you do? Your first instinct is to call the police, but this guy brings in so much money to your workplace you might get in trouble or even fired if he gets locked up, even though he's clearly violating the 'no stalking our humans' rule...
But he clearly wants to take his imaginary relationship to you to the next level, with or without your consent, and that's not going to be good for business, either
You're explicitly forbidden from having a public relationship all so that you can maintain the illusion of a special relationship with your clients
Maybe if you're lucky, one of your neighbors will hear the racket and call the cops for you...

This has the all the hallmarks of being a classic case of “inadvertent domestication”… Unfortunately for anon however, under Japanese law he is now legally obligated to take care of this poor wolf now… So in other words, let him in.

Anon needs to take RESPONSIBILITY and give that good-boy what he needs, which are some pets, a walk (with leash of course) and a “treat” (human cum) for being such a good boy!

He'd been improperly domesticated before... which means it's time to do it right. Force that dude to understand his place. Be firm.

That’s when your quiet, reclusive feline neighbor comes out with a Mossberg


Fortunately (?), your wish that one of your neighbors would intervene for you miraculously comes true
Unfortunately, it just so happens to be your... weird... neighbor
The only interaction you've ever had with him is introducing yourself on your move in 2 years ago, to which he responded with a suspicious glare in total silence before slamming his door on you
Real charmer, but his timing couldn't have been better
Right as the lovesick lug managed to snap off one of your door hinges, you hear your neighbor's door fly open and a warning shot from his massive shotgun (which you don't know enough about shotguns to identify), followed by a "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU IMBECILIC HORNDOG?!"
Instantly the assault on your front door stops, the intense din replaced by an ominous, inhuman growling directed towards your insane neighbor
You should probably do something, or else somebody is actually going to die here
The growling turns into a bloodcurdling roar and you can hear your neighbor yell out "G-GOD DAMN...!" before another shot rings out
It almost deafens you, but you're pretty sure you heard buckshot ricocheting off of the wall rather than through flesh
After struggling with the almost destroyed door, hanging on only 2 of its hinges and covered in clawmarks, you emerge to see your neighbor and your, uh, suitor, engaged in their best impression of the Doom cover art, the cat holding his now ruined shotgun with its barrel bent in an almost 90 degree angle off to side and using his free claw to try and hold the hulking canine behemoth at bay
You yell out 'STOP!' to try to get his attention, and both of them turn towards you
The canine himself has bloodshot eyes and is literally foaming at the mouth, but on seeing your face it seems like some great weight has been lifted from him
Your neighbor, on the other hand, looks like he wants to turn his shotgun on you next
"Anon! Oh thank god, it's you! Please get back inside, i'll keep you safe from this criminal, I promise!"
"W-what the hell kind of company are you keeping, Anon?! Who the hell is he?!"
"Who am I?! Who are YOU and why do you think you have the right to bring a weapon anywhere within 100 yards of MY HUMAN?!"
Quick, you need to think of something to say to defuse the situation!
"Please, stop it, both of you! You see the truth is... that he's... my boyfriend!"
Silence as both of them stare at you
The canine breaks the silence first as his ears fold back and tears start to well up
"Wh... he's... you have a...? Am I not...?"
Wait, he thought you meant cat?!
"Good god, is this the kind of company you keep at your weird human whorehouse job?! It's a damn miracle you haven't been ripped to shreds yet if THIS is your clientele!"
The cat's unhelpful snark awakens a primal rage inside of the canine, as hackles raise and all of his anger is redirected towards him
"You... YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME...! I'LL KILL YOU!", followed by a panicked hiss as the wolf's grip starts to tighten around the cat's upper torso
You know, maybe you really do need to rethink your job after all...

"You... YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME...! I'LL KILL YOU!", followed by a panicked hiss as the wolf's grip starts to tighten around the cat's upper torso

Initiate emergency canine pacification (domestication) protocols (pets) STAT!

Ronanon by anonymous

Edo era, ancient Japanthro
(You) are a wandering ronin, unremarkable but for the sole exception of your species, humanity being far and few between outside of Musashi province, and rarer still plying your trade as a human-at-arms
Many anthros have challenged you, for pride or for hatred of your species
None have defeated you
You cut down or disarmed so many challengers that they've all started to blend together
But one particular anthro, facing defeat on the ground one fateful night in a field of reeds, the glint of your weapon reflecting the moonlight onto your face, would have your image burned into his memory forever
He has trained ruthlessly, ceaselessly, since that day
Determined to defeat the human who humiliated him
To make YOU the one on the ground, begging for his life!
To finally get your human face out of his head, whenever he closes his eyes or tries to sleep...!
After many months of brutal preparation and many more searching for you, the wolf has finally found you!
Just as you're about to leave town to find your next job, he emerges from the shadows of the town's gate, blocking your way and drawing gasps from the onlookers as he draws his weapon
"You should have finished me the day you defeated me, human! I have trained long for this day, and I will regain my honor by avenging my defeat with your blood!"
You paus, calmly placing your sword hand on your hilt, as you examine him closer, thinking in silence on whether or not you know this man
Only for the silence to be interrupted by yet another warrior, a tiger dressed in full Ō-yoroi, emerging from the shadows, drawing his weapon too!
"While I can sympathize with you, I am afraid that the head of that human belongs to me! Anon of Ymoushima, I have never forgiven you for defeating me with your human trickery and treachery! I shall slake my sword's thirst with your blood, here and now!"
You move to draw your sword, a cold sweat running down your brow as you start calculating how you can win a 2 on 1
Only to be interrupted yet again by another anthro samurai, this time a rabbit, stepping out from a nearby building, stomping his paw and loudly declaring "You're both wrong! The only one who will defeat Anon will be ME! You perfidious human, how DARE you cut apart not just my armor but my heart?! How i've waited for this day!"
"Wait... wait...!", a stealthily clad rat squeaks out as he, too, emerges from his hiding place on the rooftops, "Just how many people are here to get the drop on Anonymous?!"
And one by one, more and more warriors emerge, until almost the entire town square is filled with angry, confused, and perhaps a little jealous men, who even if you don't remember it, you've either bested, bedded, or both
Amidst the confusion, angry yelling and declarations of revenge, you decide to quietly slip away

Occupation by anonymous

It's been about 4 months since your country was invaded by them
And about 3 months since the surrender
Since then, your streets have been patrolled by your new, fuzzy muzzled conquerors, sniffing out (sometimes literally) any signs of human resistance or discontent with the new regime
Mutual distrust burns in the eyes of all of your friends and neighbors towards your new anthro oppressors, and while you'll take it over the cacophony of shells and artillery hitting your city, the nights are eerily quiet with martial law
But to you, none of it matters
You're probably the only human left in the entire country who seems to be able to smile and walk with a spring in your step
Not that you're happy about how the war turned out or anything, but...
When you're in love, nothing can bring you down!
Except, actually, maybe there are a few things which could, SHOULD be bringing you down
Namely, that your lover is an anthro officer of the army that just demolished the last sovereign human city state
And he's a guy
And though you've been trying to keep it secret, a few other humans might just know about your dalliance with him
And they aren't nearly as happy as you are about it
That's what you're guessing, anyway, as you examine your front door, window shattered with "SPECIES TRAITOR" painted over it, all with a cold sweat running down your face

Water Cooler Talk by anonymous

”So, word around the office is you’ve got a fat cock.”
You’re stuck choking on your coffee wondering who the hell just said that.
When you turn around, you catch a border collie calmly stirring his own coffee, as if he hadn’t said something absurd in the middle of the break room just a second ago.
You give the white collared collie an incredulous look while mothing a “What the fuck?”
The collie shrugs and continues to stir his coffee.
”What? I Just wanna know if it’s true? Is it?”
Is this guy for real?!?
No. What kind of person asks this out of the blue?
Where’d this dude even hear about-
”Really? Huh? I was sure someone saw it.”
...No… there’s no way…
Alright, so, on the side you run a “only-skins” account.
You’re not proud of it but you needed some extra cash and you knew you were conventionally “well-endowed” according to society's standards.
It’s nothing too revealing.
It’s mostly just you in jock straps or very, very revealing underwear with a damp tip.
Teasing viewers always landed you more money than showing them what they really wanted.
No face.
No raw dick.
Just some quick cash after work.
But there’s no way someone from work actually found you… right?
The collie notices your slack jawed hesitation and begins to walk out of the break room, content with his coffee (and your reaction), but not before leaving a parting message.
”Hm, I guess I’ll just ask someone else.”
Shit…this collie is trouble.
If he starts spreading your name (along with your cock) around the office, you’ll be fired in the next 24 hours.
As the collie exits the break room you dash and grab his arm, pulling him back into the breakroom and pinning his shoulders against the door.
The collie simply gives you a sly smirk, knowing that he has you all under his control.
Who the hell did he hear about this from?
”Oh you know… A little bird told me.”
This fucker is blackmailing you!
What does he want?
”All I wanna know is if it's true.”
He puts on this shit eating grin while you roll your eyes.
Jesus, fine you’ll tell him the truth.
”hmmmm… I’ll need some proof.”
He needs proof?!?
You make the mistake of relaxing your grip on his shoulders while you contemplate on what the collie meant by “proof,” and are immediately pulled by your tie to his growling snout.
”You’d better meet me in the bathroom in 10 minutes if you don’t want dick pics floating around the office.”
He releases his hold and laughs his way out of the break room, sipping on his un-spilt coffee while he strolls down to his desk down the hall.
This isn’t good.

Rehabilitation by anonymous

Ywn be sentenced to jail for trumped up criminal charges after the K9 unit wrongfully assigns blame to you in a hit and run case
You were expecting orange jumpsuits, solitary confinement and a careful dance to avoid dropping the soap, but when you arrive to the fancy new jail downtown, you're instead met with some coke-bottle-glasses wearing shrink instead of the warden
He's some kind of professor in criminal psychiatry, and as he explains to you, he's here to use (you) as his experimental group in a new study on rehabilitating anthro prisoners
"It's quite simple you see, Mr. Anonymous! I've been following your case and, frankly, I am all but entirely certain that they have the wrong human. So, if you're going to be institutionalized, I figured we could at least reach a mutually beneficial arrangement!"
"You see, it's long been known that humans have a sort of... psychological effect on anthropomorphic kind. Emotional stabilizing, stress neurotransmitter downregulation, psychosexual fixation..."
"Err... well, what a layhuman needs to know is that your presence COULD, possibly, be instrumental in rehabilitating some of the most far-gone anthro criminals back into society! Basically, we want you to fix him!"
"And since you're most likely not a criminal and are a normal, functioning human member of society, there's nobody better within the entire prison system to be our first subject-H!"
"And don't worry, there's an upside to this for you, too! Just do this for us and I can make sure that any felony charges against you will be dropped. The sort of deal that's too good to refuse, wouldn't you agree?"
That's how it was sold to you, anyway, and at the time it was a no-brainer to accept
Until you were brought to your new roommate's cell, only to be met with half maddened, bloodshot, predatory eyes and a threatening low growling emitting from his muzzle

Not gay but I could pick it up

You can do nothing but stare, motionless as the cell door creaks shut behind you. Trapped with some sadistic fucking mutt. First legally, now physically? This is some kafkaesque shit.
The hairs on the nape of your neck shoot up as your "roommate" bares a full set of fangs.
The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife. It seems the wolfman is steeling himself for the change in company.
In an instant, he lunges towards you. From sitting to sprinting in half a second.
You panic as he encroaches. Your skin goes white cold, while your heart tries to break out of your ribcage. Any training you had is instantly forgotten.
His guttural roar fills the space, and the white-hot glint of his canines make you close your eyes.
previously, you thought that the false accusations would be the worst thing to happen to you. But thinking again, the imminent death might just top it.
Wait, since when did you have the time to think?
The growl stops, echoing away through the prison hall. After a second, you relent and peek.
To your surprise, the criminal is frozen 3 feet from you, inhibited only by his chains.
You sigh in relief, although you aren't out of the woods yet.
"Now, Anon." Pipes the instructor. "For safety, don't get close to him unless he has one of these on."
He fiddles with a brown leather muzzle before sliding it between the bars and handing it to you. Some special-looking oven mitts too.
How the fuck are you even going to get this on him!? You glare at the psychologist and scream-whisper your complaints.
He only smiles. "Remember your leverage, subject H. You have more than you think." Doc plods off to the camera room. "Success is more likely if it's just you two, so I'll be off now. Just holler if you have any trouble."
Turning back to the menace ahead, you can get a better look at him. He's nearly seven feet tall and gets plenty of protein. His gray-green fur is oily, overgrown and matted. You can hardly tell where his undercoat begins. When he exhales in your direction, the smell of tartar on his molars nauseates you. Remember your debriefing.
"Leverage?" The word bounces in your head. That better not have sexual implications. You'd rather die than be a sex slave. And it really is life or death.
There has to be another way to assert yourself. You're the free man here... slightly freer, anyway.
You stop cowering and straighten your posture. Extending your right arm, you offer the muzzle to him.
"Listen here, big guy. Put this thing on, I'm not going t-"
A meaty paw smacks the garment out of your hands. "Don't touch me with that shit," he snarls.
You pull your hand away. "You don't understand; I'm not here to hurt you."
"AHAHAHAHA!" His face flies upward from the recoil of his gruff laughter. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, pinky!"
You ignore him. "I'm here for your... emotional support." God, even YOU can't believe you've fallen so low. "Studies show that humans are uniquely suited fo-"
"Cut the science bullshit. I know why you're here," the wolf scoffs. "And I don't care. You're not the first 'roommate' I've had. And you're not gonna be my ticket out of here."
You've got no answer. Well, actually... "I know I'm the first human. And I'm your last shot before the Shepherds euthanize you."
His brow lowers as his yellow eyes fixate on you, trying to call your bluff. You don't flinch.
You continue, stern. "If you don't trust me, you'll never see the Sun again."
He glances at his dirty bunk, but retains some resolve.
He levels with you. "Look, I'm not going to be broken. Especially not by some scrawny fuck who knows nothing about how the other half lives."
You try to show heart. "Look, I can't possibly relate to your history, or the trauma that got you here. But we both know that it's not entirely your fault. I've seen how they treat people in the wolven district. And I'm sorry that you ended up here... Lupe." It feels weird to say his name. His ear twitches at its mention.
The wolf stares dejectedly at the muzzle on the concrete. He considers saying something before swallowing the thought.
You use your momentum. "I'm not here by choice either. I got fucked over by the cops and bureaucrats, just like you. And every day, I miss the warmth of my loved ones. Don't you?"
"You're not gonna break me." He protests, quieter this time.
"You're already broken, Lupe." You start, picking up the muzzle and offering it again.
"And I'm gonna fix you. Okay?"
It's a tense moment, and both of you stand in a silent cell for five seconds.
It only breaks when he takes the muzzle from your hand, which is the most ginger thing you've seen him do.
He scrutinizes the head-cage, turning it over in his sweaty mitts. He probably fought hard to avoid exactly this situation during prior rehab attempts. You wonder if being forced into muzzles by the police has left traumatized him. It's unclear whether you should feel sympathy for what isn't his fault, or disgust for what is.
By the time you end your daydream, the muzzle is already fastened around his head. He turns to demonstrate that the straps and buckle have been properly tightened. He looks just as scary with it on.
"The mitts." he points toward the gloves by your feet. "I'm not puttin' those on. That's just fuckin' humiliating, is what that is."
Scooping them from the concrete to get a better look, it's hard to disagree. The white mittens are covered in bright red hearts of varying sizes.
"Well, you have to." you retort. "I'm not getting shredded open just because you get a twitch in your finger."
Peering into the glove reveals how it works. It has a cuff on wrist that secures it to the forepaw, and the inside is made of a harder plastic that has been scratched to hell. At least it sort of bends like a mitten. Sort of.
"I ain't wearin' that girly shit." The wolf spits. "What're you, fuckin' gay?"
"...what? No." You lie. "Look, nobody else is here, and I'm not going to laugh at you. Plus you've already got the muzzle on."
"...whatever man," he nabs the gloves off of you and the cuffs click onto his wrists with a satisfying snap.
"Don't worry. If your back gets itchy, I'll scratch it for you." you muse, trying to lighten the mood.
After seeing a filthy, prison-hardened wolf with girly heart mittens on, you stuggle not to laugh. He glares at you and crosses his forepaws, which only heightens the juxtaposition. You break into a giggle.
"Fuck you, asshole!" he snaps. "If I didn't have these on I would strangle your wimpy ass."
"Yeah, that's kind of the point." you start, taking a step closer. "Now that you're all covered I can finally come over to you."
"Stay the fuck back," he warns, cutting the slack from his chains. "You're supposed to be my emotional support? Yeah right. Ever since you came in you've been bossing me around, laughing at me and shit. You're the same as the cops that threw me in here. You tricked me, so go fuck yourself."
He turns his back to you. It hurts. For a minute you don't know what to do.
Well, he can't kill you. Now's the time. You take a deep breath, march straight to him and embrace him from behind. Your head nestles in between his shoulder blades as you feel his warmth for the first time.
"What did I just say?" He tries to pry you off, but doesn't have the hands for it. However, he makes no attempt to flee.
"Lupe, I'm sorry I laughed at you after I said I wouldn't. I didn't mean to trick you." Be vulnerable. "This prison stuff is stressful for me too, and I laughed because I needed to relieve that stress."
Again, he says nothing, nor does he return the hug, but his tail does most of the talking, sweeping against your stomach and legsin wide arches.. You let it wag against you several times before you let him go.
"Are we good?" you wonder aloud.
He pauses, then turns back to you, "For now? Yeah."
For half a second, you swear you see him grin through the muzzle. Real or imagined, that little smile is contagious. You stare at his face a while longer, to see if he'll smile again.
"Well?" he prods, gesturing to you with a mitten.
"Right!" you blurt. Crap, how long were you staring at him? "Right, I reckon we get into the therapy."
"Yeah, how's this work?" He questions, scratching the fur underneath his armpit.
You didn't think you'd have to explain this to him, but at least he seems more willing than before. "So human therapy is based on, uh, physical contact more than anything else. I'm supposed to maximize the amount of my skin that touches you."
"Jesus Christ, you really are gay." He wuffs.
"Yeah, you're not gonna like this next part, but... I was advised to sit in your lap." You decide that you are an idiot with no charisma, and backpedal. "BUT we don't have to start with that! Some patients like sitting back to back with their humans, or even just holding hands during therapy."
"You just keep listing gayer and gayer shit." He replies, nonplussed.
"What!? Lap sitting is like a 7 on the gay scale. Holding hands is probably a 5."
His ears perk up, "You would know, sissy. Did you study gay-ology in college? Or did you just pick it up from your boyfriend?"
Well, fuck. Cat's out of the bag. You feel your face redden. Let's just steer the conversation back, and hope he doesn't hold this over your head.
"L- I gave you some options. What makes you comfortable?"
He chuckles with his maw shut. "The lap thing is fine. Besides, they'll let me out sooner if we make good progress, right?"
The chains jingle at his feet while the two of you walk over to his bed. It's pretty lackluster, but it's not like Lupe was the interior decorator. The white sheet is yellowed from sweat and smells just like him.
At the foot of the bed, Lupe snags the two mitts below his uniform short, hoisting it up and removing it in a single motion. You're beginning to think that the 'gay scale' is different for wolves, because no straight human would take off his shirt so nonchalantly.
Still, you find yourself visually exploring. His stomach is wide, toned and creamy, but the fur quickly darkens as your eyes drift upward. The tuft on his chest is even thicker than his hackles.
He doesn't notice you peeking, instead choosing to bask in the cool air to which his torso has been exposed.
The moment is short-lived, however, and the wolf turns to sit down, nearly tail-smacking you across the face in the process.
The old bedsprings cry for help as Lupe sets his hulking frame onto the mattress. He scoots backward, resting his back against the wall with his tail flopping out to one side.
He adjusts his legs into a U-shape, brushing loose chains from the pocket between them. It's not exactly the 'sitting in his lap' position, but probably a more comfortable alternative. You wonder if all wolf anthros have latent nesting instincts.
When he's satisfied with the little nest, he looks back at you and pats it twice.
On one hand, it feels dangerous to expose your back to him. Is it because he's a criminal? Is it his species that bothers you? In any case, there's a very primal fear about it that you just can't shake.
On the other hand, this new position doesn't make him appear scary at all, or even intimidating. If anything, it's inviting.
"Alright," you respond, not wanting to keep him waiting. The weight of your knees presses into the mattress, before you turn to present your back to him. Your throat parches as your body internalizes what is about to happen.
You thank the stars that he elected to keep his pants on.
Before you can scoot in, two gloved paws hook under your armpits, taking you by surprise and dragging you in towards your fate.
Your thoughts fracture and twist around themselves. Between the guttural fear of being mauled, the sudden lack of free will, your coercion into this job and your own sexual panic, it's impossible to know where you stand emotionally. You resolve to think less, if only for a minute.
It was the right call to table your feelings, because the next seconds are so overwhelming to your senses that it would have physically hurt to process everything at once.
Going from the chilly basement air to such immense heat is like showering in cold water, then stepping into a jacuzzi. Goosebumps spread across your whole body now that he is upon you. You are erect.
In no time at all, the wolf has engulfed you in an iron embrace. your head sinks inches into the fluff on his chest before reaching the bedrock of his pectorals. His arms cascade over your torso, one resting on your own chest, and the other more firmly wrapped around your midsection. It's a strong hug, but after the initial abduction, he retained little tension in his forearms.
Unsure of what to do with your arms, you decide to wrap them over his, gliding your fingers back and forth through the thin fur that lines his brachioradialis.
There is no other smell but him, and it is inescapable. You figured a few minutes around him would make you noseblind, but the canid musk is so dense at this proximity that it's palpable. You could taste it if you tried.
In the stillness of the cell, you faintly hear the air pass through his nasal cavity as he exhales. His breathing slows over the course of several minutes, each rise and fall of his chest lifting you with it, before lowering you again. You close your eyes, and picture him doing the same.
In short, it's heaven. Actually, heaven wouldn't let you in. Technially that qualifies this moment as "better than heaven," but you don't really care about semantics. The more pressing issue is the stiffness poking into your lower back.
Wait, is he...? You consider taking the opportunity to get back at him for mocking your homosexuality, but refrain out of fear of hurting him. It's not your job to pass judgement. Plus it's reasonable that he's straight, but hadn't felt another touch in so long that any basic intimacy got him hard.
You try to ignore the sensation coming from behind you, but he has you locked in place. There's nothing you can do but feel every throb, every twitch of his manhood as it bulges through the orange uniform and into your back.
Fuck, you can't take it anymore. Any apprehension you had quickly fades away. You have to find out if he's into guys.
"When was the last time you cuddled someone like this?" you prod.
The wolfman takes an long breath. "Psssh, that was so many years ago, man. I don't even remember."
He droops a little. "It was probably back when I was clean. Back when I stayed out of trouble."
That was a darker response than you expected. You rub his forearms in support. "I get it, man. I've only been in prison for a month. I couldn't imagine what years of isolation would do to a person."
Lupe goes on. "I don't even know my old friends anymore. They've got me one step away from solitary confinement here."
"You can't even keep in touch with them? That's awful." you lean your head into one of his shoulders. "Thank you for telling me."
"Yeah," the wolf mutters, "I know he probably doesn't even remember me. I just wish I could smell him again..." he trails off.
He freezes for a moment. "I mean 'her'."
Riiight. You've heard enough.
Pushing his arms up and getting on your knees, you turn to face him. From there, you plant your hands on his chest and lean in, almost kissing his headcage.
"Listen, man. It's okay," you whisper.
Before he can respond, one of your hands finds its way to his groin.
"What are y- unnh..." he starts, unable to finish the sentence as you caress the bulging fabric
"Look. I've been putting up with this for far too long," you begin, motioning to his nethers.
"And I'm sorry you can't go back, but you're looking at another chance to bond with someone right now."
"...How long will you be here?" he asks.
"I've got a month with you, but I can extend it indefinitely, if you show progress."
"...then let's bond."
You're starting to think that maybe being human really does give you some swaying power over anthros.
"Good." you give a quick kiss to the muzzle, your lips peeking past the metal to feel the wetness of his nose.
Next, you turn to his crotch. Hiking up his pants and underwear, you straighten the underside of his cock beneath the fabric. The bulge almost reaches his navel.
"I don't have any lube, so we're gonna do this dry, okay?"
Your partner only nods, eager to start the 'bonding process.'
Without hesitation, you turn back around, this time with your knees spread wide over his.
Lupe also adjusts himself a few inches forward, leaning back to better present his raging erection.
Arching your back, you lower yourself onto him until his dick sits wedged between your cheeks.
He whimpers, grabbing your hips as well as he can with the gloves, and pulling you tighter to him.
You've got no other option but to grind. With his help, you rock up and down, each pulse from the bulge below encouraging you to keep it up.
He begins to slowly pant as the two of you get into a rhythm. It starts off at a walking pace, but gradually increases as the two of you become more fervid.
Three or four minutes pass. Every breath you take is completely dominated by his smell. His constant sweating and panting makes sure that the air is always dense with it. Knowing that you're covered in the scent, dizzy and unable to think of anything else, only makes you harder.
More time elapses, the cell becoming filled with louder moans and whimpers with each passing minute.
A wet spot forms around your asshole, and you pause to investigate. Turning your head, you find that the entire contour of his dick and balls is coated with precum, leaving a dark spot over the front of his pants.
"Why'd you stop?" he pants between ragged breaths. "I was getting close."
You watch as a new droplet squeezes out from the tip of the bulge, before scooping it up with your fingers and holding it under your nose.
The scent of his precum is just as intoxicating as the taste, something you confirm after sticking the coated finger into your mouth. Your erection twitches from the metallic aftertaste, and you moan involuntarily.
Lupe, however, is done wasting time. He pushes you back into position and continues grinding against you at a faster pace than previously.
Another minute passes before Lupe speaks up, although neither of you slow down the pace.
"I'm about to bust, man. Let me take off my pants so I can stick it in you."
"What?" you keep bouncing. "I don't want to deal with that mess. Just cum in your pants dude. That's a part of dry sex."
"Are you... kidding me?" he says between pants, "Fuck that, I'm taking these off."
He tries to snag the mittens under his waistband, but the drawstring is too tight.
"Hold on, dude." he pleads. You bounce faster, and his heartbeat quickens.
He tries to back up, but you press your weight into him, pinning him between you and the wall with constant stimulation.
"Oh, fuck! ...that's it, you son of a bitch." the wolf growls, leaning forward and grabbing hold of you.
In one motion, he wraps a hand around your waist, puts the other over your mouth, and wedges his clothed erection exactly where it was against your ass.
He rests his snout over your shoulder, his breaths hot and heavy as he starts humping you with reckless abandon. In seconds he climaxes, with blobs of thickened semen bubbling from the tip of the contour like a volcano.
Even through the orgasm, he doesn't stop grinding, making sure to ruin your pants as much as possible. His repression causes him to shoot about 20 ropes into the fabric around your asshole, painting your pants white.
During all of this, you're being smothered by a heart mitten. Suddenly you are reminded of your own mortality, aware that the man behind you could easily kill you even without claws or teeth.
The fear that this instills in you is enough to push you over the edge, with the ejaculate accumulating in your pants and underwear.
However, his orgasm lasts far longer than yours, and after spending all your energy cumming your brains out, you find yourself deprived of oxygen.
Your eyelids become heavy in a matter of seconds, and you lose consciousness before Lupe knows better. He calls out to you, possibly afraid, but you're unable to answer him as you drift off.
It smells like wolf in here.
You open your crusty eyelids, and your eyes adjust to the light of a dirty prison cell.
In trying to rub your eyes, you realize that you arms are trapped by a large, fuzzy force behind you.
This guy really stinks, you know? You resolve to ask Doc if he can make an arrangement to give this guy more frequent showers. Perhaps they'll grant it if you also tag along.
The fuzzy force snores quietly into your ear.
Yeah, you'd rather not wake him up. He seems pretty "emotionally supported" right now.
That's the reason you tell yourself, anyway. Maybe you don't want to get up because of how awesome it feels to cuddle the big guy. Could be both reasons.
Perhaps you've got it wrong. The world is quick to mention all of the effects of humans on anthros, but you never hear about the other way around. Lupe certainly has a big effect on you.
It's funny, isn't it? When both of you have a strong effect on each other, people just call that "love."

Sports by anonymous

"Anon, i'm sorry to have to break the news to you this way, but you're off the team."
"WHAT?! But coach, why?! I thought i'd gotten so much better..."
"You have! It's not your performance that's the issue here, it's... your species...."
"Oh come on! Plenty of anthros play in the human leagues, this can't really be about biology, can it?!"
"Well, that's exactly it. It isn't about physical difference, it's more about politics."
"So you're going to kick me off just because a bunch of speciesist higher ups are telling you to?"
"Look, Anon, they've got my ass in a bind here! It's either you or the whole team, and I know you know this is the only choice I can make! Besides, for what little it's worth, it isn't a speciesism issue. Kind of the opposite, actually."
"How is that supposed to make me feel better? What does that even mean?!"
"What I mean is that it's rankling the chains of some of the other coaches, AND players, that we have the only human in the entire league playing for US and not THEM."
"But... i'm not even above average as a player. Why would anybody be upset i'm not playing for them?"
"I... uh... it's complicated. If you haven't figured it out yet I probably shouldn't be the one telling you."
"And what is THAT supposed to mean?!"
"Well, uh, on the bright side, the higher ups have given you the greenlight to become a cheerleader, instead."


too gay, time to throw away those dreams of a sports mansion and become a fry cook

too gay

Anon, you're turning down opportunity for no reason! There's nothing gay about being the only human on an all male cheerleader squad! Now put your uniform on, it's been tailored just for you, you're going to look great in it!

The captain of the cheerleading squad and the captain of your (former?) team start getting territorial and begin competing against each other for you

reject the cheerleader offer
unwilling to give up your sports dream, you apply for teams in the human leagues
to pay the bills in the mean time, you become a fry cook at a local establishment
not long after you start, your former teammates from your anthro team start showing up
they're oblivious here for you, but they order stuff so they can hang around, sometimes sticking around for the entire day
they ask why you left, and after you tell them, they try convincing you that cheerleading isn't so bad
they mention you being in a skirt a lot
the canines among them fail to stop their tails from wagging at the idea
when they see you're set in your refusal, they start offering other positions or new positions
since none of them mean playing the game, you refuse them all
they still come round often, some showing up every day you're working, trying hard to change your mind
not long after that, players and coaches of other anthro teams start showing up at the restaurant too
while some just seem to be curious why your old teammates are coming here so much, a lot of them show up to make you offers of their own
one day a player from your rival team, who you could say was your own personal rival, even offers you a very well paying job as his personal training partner, complete with residence in his mansion
does this in full view of your former teammates who are there at the time
even looks right at them with a smirk as he leaves with his take-out
they look ready to lunge for his neck, but restrain themselves
the constant appearances of all these sports stars brings in publicity and more customers
the owner suddenly give you a huge raise, and promises more if you stay on
and the human teams you've applied for still haven't replied back...
it's been three months now
still no reply from those teams
you're starting to wonder if you're coach blacklisted you for rejecting the cheerleading gig
surely he wouldn't be that petty, right?
there are plenty of humans out there who'd be willing to hop around in a skirt in front of hundreds to thousands of people for that kinda money
not you, however
you've got your dream, and you're gonna see it through
to whatever bitter end
in the mean time, you've got shit to fry
most of your old teammates have given up on swaying you, as have most of the other teams
only the most persistent of both still return, and even they only show up once or twice a week now
the restaurants extra publicity and customers have gone with them - though, if you're coworker's words are anything to go by, it's getting more then it did before you showed up
your bonuses are gone too, unfortunately, and you can feel it in your blood that your boss wishes he could take back the pay raises he gave you
he doesn't have to worry
once you've got a new team, you'll be gone
it'll be any day now, you're sure
that's when your coworker calls to you and motions at the door
oh great: one of the persistent ones
it's your old "rival"
he leisurely struts through the door like he owns the place
and with his amount of money, he easily could
his eyes are dull as they pass, briefly, over your coworker, but when they arrive on you, they warm up instantly, coming to life
he takes a seat at the counter, and leans forward with a smirk on his face
your coworker takes the break he usually does whenever this guy shows up and makes himself scarce
with a sigh, you ask
"What can I get for you today, sir?"
you don't even want to say it, knowing exactly what he's going to say
and of course he says it
there it is
"For the last time, I am not on the menu..."

Anon should just ditch team games and go for individual sports, like Boxing. Use his frustrations over anthros cockblocking his goals of being a football/soccer player to train hard and become a professional boxer in their category, beating the very same species that didn't allow him to participate in their sports until he becomes the champ.

The anthros still end up holding back because they don't want to hurt the cute human, giving anon a record breaking winning streak
This only frustrates Anon more, throwing himself into more training
To the point he becomes so good even anthros who are fighting seriously to win don't stand a chance
And at the same time he spirals further into violence and resentment, beating them bloody and unconscious every single time whether they're holding back or not
The anthros' unintentional disrespect throughout his life created a monster in the ring
A borderline speciesist wrecking machine who looks down on every anthro that challenges his title with anger and contempt
One fight night almost ended in tragedy as he kept pummeling a title challenger into the corner long after they were knocked out, referee only noticing almost too late
He needs someone to bring him back from this path of self destruction and isolation
Someone who always supported him and his dreams of being an athlete
The childhood best friend who had been away, was never mentioned before, but totally always existed
He's the only one who can help Anon
on one side is anon's childhood friend who finally returned home to discover anon's violent new self. He wants bring anon back to his old self, back to the man he's always loved but lacked the courage to confess
on the other is anon's rival from his sports team days, still infatuated as ever. His love for anon has skyrocketed after seeing that he's become, and he wants to keep him this way - just with him by his side (and in his bed)

Adventures up North by anonymous

Ywn decide it's time to pack things up and move
Up north, to the frontier!
A land where the old magics and legends still hold, a place of danger, and adventure! Where adventurers gather together in taverns, form bands, and set off for treasure and glory!
And you want to be one of them!
Except, well...
You're not really the adventuring type
You aren't very strong, you're not sneaky, and the last time you tried to cast a spell, you burned down your house (actually that's why you need to move, as it happens)
So, adventuring is right out
But that's ok, because you've found something almost as good!
If you can't go on adventures yourself, then you can at least hear stories and boasts about them from the adventurers themselves at the tavern
Where you've picked up a job as a barhuman!
And for once in your life, you're actually really good at it!
The rough and tumble locals and the brawny passing adventurers seem to appreciate your extreme enthusiasm towards both serving and listening to their only-slightly-exaggerated tales of their travels
It helps that you have a habit of making tips grow inexplicably larger (in more than one way)
Though, lately, maybe business has been booming a little too much?
There's now a LINE to get into the dingy old tavern on some nights
A really crazy barfight broke out between two anthros you were serving, though you're not really sure why
And worst of all...
Your boss wants you to start wearing a really revealing uniform
Why?! It's fucking freezing up here, does he want you to catch cold and die?!

It's ok the customers can keep you warm

Wear the human hooters bar outfit
Now customers keep trying to cop a feel or slap you on the ass
Bar fights breaking out daily
A few chaotic evil thieves try to abduct you
You just wanted to grill for god's sake

Cross-Species MMA by anonymous

For years (you) had been a huge, enormous, dare you say gigafan of the ACS-MMA (Anthropomorphic Cross-Species Mixed Martial Arts) scene
Nothing got your blood pumping like watching two completely different species cleverly and powerfully using their maws, jaws and claws and to overwhelm each other in one-on-one combat!
Watching pay-per-view fights at night after school was the whole reason your skinny nerd ass finally got the gumption to get up and hit the gym years ago
And now, after years of honing your physique (and left hook), you're finally ready!
To join the ACS-MMA league yourself, to fight and maybe even take down some of the anthros you used to (and still do!) cheer for!
Except that... well...
"For the last time Mr. Anonymous, the answer is NO. Humans are PROHIBITED from joining our circuit, and that is FINAL!"
The nasally, holier-than-thou voice of the cervid registrar talking down to you like you're an unruly child violently pulls you back into reality
Today was the first day of fighter registration for this season, and you had driven 2 hours into the city so that you could be one of the first in line to put your name in the ring
Only to be unceremoniously made a fool of when your turn at the desk finally came
"But I know the league rules like the back of my hand! It's a CROSS-SPECIES league, the only restrictions are for weight classes!"
The deer let out a deep sigh and took on a gentler, almost apologetic tone as he considered his response
"Look Mr. Anonymous, while I can appreciate your enthusiasm, i'm afraid that just as society has unwritten rules, so does this league. We are ultimately an entertainment business. It would be far too... upsetting to both our viewers AND sponsors to see a human beaten and bloodied on screen, even if you were to win. So much so that I simply cannot allow it. It would be financial suicide!"
Your cheeks burn with a nauseating mixture of anger and embarassment, and you can't bring yourself to make eye contact with him
People would get upset? Do they think you're some kind of delicate, furless FLOWER?!
You can hear mumbling in the crowd behind you from anthros of all different kinds of shapes, sizes and species
Laughing at you? Mocking the human who thought he could get in the ring? With THEM?
You feel indignant anger swelling from your chest
You... you want to put your gloves on right now
Wipe the floor with any of them who would dare say no to you fighting
Show them that you're not some zoo specimen, to be kept on the sidelines, like a porcelain doll...!
Right now! Any of them! ALL OF THEM! You...!
You let the moment pass before your anger causes you to do anything really stupid, and put on your best poker face as you bring yourself to face the registrar. His look is mournful as you mumble out "Alright, I understand. Thank you anyway", and turn to walk away
Your anger fades into heartache and you avoid the gaze everybody else in the gym on your way out
You don't quite have the mental strength to start the 2 hour drive back home in your current state, so instead you just sit on a bench outside the stadium and just let your emotions process and settle
You're not sure how much time has passed when a stranger picks out your bench to sit on
Out of, like 12 other benches, all of which are all unoccupied...
Like that one urinal meme?
And seeing as how you're not exactly in a social mood right now, you turn to castigate your mysterious new friend for daring to even CONSIDER sitting next to you when you're momentarily taken aback by his appearance
He's... well not to sound racist but he's some kind of canine, you have no idea which
And he's HUGE
Completely jacked without an inch of fat on him and a solid 7-and-something feet tall
He's so big that he's actually taking up a lot of room on the bench and is a little uncomfortably close
"Hey! Anonymous, right...? Now I know it aint none of my business but I saw what happened in there. If you've got a moment, we should talk."
Oh, what, is he here to give you a condolence speech? A participation medal? You don't care how big this guy is, he can fuck right off-
"I'll keep it brief. You're looking to fight. I can see the spark in your eyes. I can help you out."
... wait, what?
"Now I don't mean that I can bend the rules in there. Sorry, didn't want to get your hopes up. But as it happens, there's a lot of us who are fed up with how they run things anyway. Fighting isn't supposed to be a TV business, it's a sport. The oldest and rawest. All of their rules, ad-breaks, and fucking pussifying of what this all should be, it's just...!"
You cock an eyebrow at him but remain silent as he catches himself
"Ah... sorry. Basically what i'm trying to say is that there's more than one place where you can bloody your knuckles. I'm gonna warn you, it's underground for a reason. There's less rules. People get seriously hurt. For better or for worse, some of the people in that ring might relish the idea of getting their claws into a human. But, if you're undaunted, then nobody is gonna say no. Take this, and if you're game, then give me a call."
He slips you a business card and then leaves without another word
An underground fighting scene advertised with a clandestine business card?
You're pretty sure you've seen this 1999 film before, but...
Aside from some pride, blood and teeth, what do you have to lose...?

The Eclipse Ritual by anonymous

Today is the day!
You had prepared everything in advance, all according to the instructions left in your great-grandfather's book, the 'Ars Anthroiea'
He had vanished over a hundred years ago on the day of a solar eclipse
Everybody in the family acted like he had just abandoned them, but after reading the grimoire he left behind, you knew better
He had dissappeared after trying to harness the sorcerous energies of the eclipse to perform a summoning ritual to beckon one of the animal-man demons detailed in the ancient book over into our world
To follow in his footsteps was foolish, you knew
But even so, you had to find out what happened to him!
And you came prepared, in addition to your summoning circle, you also prepared a binding ritual, so that whatever creature emerged would not, COULD not lay their claws on you
And now, as the sun's light is swallowed by the moon, it's time!
As soon as totality hits, your circle starts glowing!
The wind picks up and the candles go out as dark magic pours out of the circle, directed by the glyphs of chalk you had painstakingly drew according to his directions
Soon the walls of your attic are obscured by darkness, and you have to cover your eyes and ears as the roar of energy reaches it's zenith, until, finally...
"Oh my god... IT... IT WORKED...?!"
But... did it?
Something's wrong
As the wind and inky blackness of the magical energies settle, you can see that your glyph is just the same as before, but...
This isn't your attic!
The walls are completely different! Cheap drywall and insulation have been replaced with old looking timber and beam
But the change in scenery isn't the only thing wrong
You weren't the one who spoke just now!
Standing across the glyph from you, which remained unchanged despite all that had happened, was someone... someTHING else
It had a pair of horns on its head and jet black fur covering its body
It had a snout instead of a nose, hooves instead of feet
It was carrying an exact copy of the very book you were
And it was looking at you giddily
"By the gods it worked! Everything in here was TRUE! A real human! This is incredible!"
A sudden realization hits you like lightning as you gaze in shock at the animal-man before you
This was supposed to be a ritual to summon one of these... things to YOUR world, right?
But this definitely isn't your home
You had followed your ancestor's instructions to the T, down to every last centimeter
And he had dissappeared abruptly without any trace, never to be seen again...
Oh god!
Did both of you have it backwards this whole time?
Maybe the ritual wasn't supposed to summon them to you... but you to them?!

Imprisoned by anonymous

Be proud Nord
Locked up in Riften
Damn entry tax
"And what are YOU in for?"
Wheel around
Yellow eyes leering at me from the corner of the cell
Step closer
Black as night Khajiit, lounging on one of the bunks, dressed in thief's garb
Go figure

"What's it to you, cat?"

"Merely making conversation, Nord. We will be sharing this cell for some time, after all."
Get jailed for bullshit, then forced to share space with a thieving cat
"This one has a proposal. A mutual arrangement, if you are interested."

"I'm listening."

Cat sits up
"This one knows of a passage leading to a cave that extends outside of Riften, hidden in this very cell. We could escape together."
Maybe Khajiit are useful after all

"What are you waiting for, then?"

He holds up a finger, smirking
"Favors for favors, Nord. You must earn your freedom."
He stands up
Starts undoing his belt
By the Nine, he can't be serious
Completely disrobes
Matches me for muscle
See he's a bit taller now that he's standing
Struggle to keep my eyes above the equator
"What is the matter, Nord? Your women suddenly seem inadequate?"
He snickers and turns around, bracing himself on the bunk and lifting his tail
Only the Divines could have sculpted such a perfect ass, muscular yet supple
My breeches tighten
Talos forgive me for what I must do
"You. Kinsman."
Wheel around again
Prison guard
"The Jarl has issued a pardon for you. You're free to go."
He notices the naked Khajiit
"Divines' sake, Zal'dar, are you seducing prisoners AGAIN?"
Cat huffs, sitting on the bunk with his arms folded
"It is not Zal'dar's fault you insist on sending him the most handsome cellmates."
So, this isn't the first time he's done this
Was he even telling the truth about the secret cave?
"Let me guess; he said he'd lead you to a secret cave that leads out of Riften."
That answers that
"Don't feel bad; everyone falls for it. I'm pretty sure he gets himself into trouble just so he can be put in here and have his way with whoever's unfortunate enough to share the cell. Were it up to me, I'd throw him out of Riften altogether, but rules are rules."

"What's his crime?"

"This time? Indecent exposure."
Not a terrible fine, all things considered
Offer the guard a pouch of gold
"...You'll pay the cat's fine, but not the entry tax?"

"You want the randy furball out of Riften or not?"

Guard sighs
"Zal'dar, get dressed. Looks like it's your lucky day."
We both leave Riften unscathed
"Zal'dar appreciates your kindness, Nord."
Smirk at the cat

"You promised me a secret cave, cat. I intend to make use of it."

Give his pert buttocks a squeeze
He gasps, but it quickly turns into a low purr
"This one likes how you think..."

Therapist by anonymous

Your local hospital has start hiring humans as 'physical contact therapists' for anthro patients
You heard something about how some big study came out about how super important physical contact is for anthros and how modern society has cruelly taken this away from them, and that this is why humans petting them for 2 hours a day every day is now covered by medicare, but it all kind of went over your head
Pay is good, job is easy, health insurance literally cannot be beat...
And at first, it really seemed like you were making a big difference
Some of the canines you'd "work" with went from nearly catatonic to leaving the psych ward in only a week
You had no idea just petting them behind their ears (or on the belly, sometimes) could have such an unbelievably positive effect on their psyche
But now that you've been here for a few months, a few cracks in the model are starting to show
For one, you're the only hire, and the program has been so successful that anthro patients from a ton of outside hospitals have transferred in to get their prescription of 2 hours of your hands, too
So many, in fact, that there literally aren't enough hours in the day to treat all of them
Also, you can't help but notice some tension between some of the new transfers and some of the ward's most severe patients, the ones who have been here for a long, looooong time
You're talking canines with really severe treatment resistant depression, anxiety, borderline personality, or bipolar who want you to put the 'man' in their mania
Sometimes all of the above at the same time (also, half of them border collies???)
You've had to prioritize some of the newer patients on direction from your boss, since they "will have a better chance of being treatment responsive and being discharged, you can always catch up on our long term residents later"
To the two of you, it's just the most efficient way to distribute your labor
But to them?
It's a betrayal
And they are NOT taking it well...

you're so successful you quickly run out of available appointments for months ahead
but you don't want to leave your long term patients behind
offer 'overnight companion' service for severe cases
nothing more but sharing a bed with an anthro for the night
strictly non-sexual
you don't have to do more than cuddle them until they fall asleep (which usually doesn't take long in your arms)
downside is you might wake up at night in a vice like grip, unable to move
also the patients you share beds with get very possessive of you
you have to take a long shower before work with a lot of soap before you can face your first daytime patient, or he might smell last night's bed mate on you, eliminating any progress in his personal therapy when his fragile hopes and dreams get washed away by anger and frustration
you carefully have to avoid any of your patients meeting each other between your appointments
while essentially they all know you're a professional, encountering another anthro that smells like you while sporting a big, happy smile might be too much for some irritable, pent up males
the last you want is another medical emergency in your waiting room following a violent fight between your patients
plus, staying in the psychic ward overnight means there's no danger of one of your border collie patients stalking you on your way home to catch you and finally have you all for himself
fucking borderline collies, man

High Class Restaurant by anonymous

Ywn be scouted as a hire at a prestigious, high class anthro restaurant downtown
"The Squeekeasy"
Despite the groanworthy name, it's an upper class, kind of snobbish place catering particularly to bats
The sort of upper crust place that has chauffeurs (chaufurs?) and employees exclusively dedicated to taking and hanging the patrons' expensive coats
You, on the other hand, they want specifically as a server
The interview was really weird
A really fat bat (heh) wearing a coke bottle sized monocle sized you up from head to toe, taking a particularly long time looking at your neck (???) and then simply said "perfect, hire him"
From there it was a week of training on the etiquette of the nobility, memorizing the menu (lots of exotic simmered fruit dishes for the fruity bats, candied or sauteed insects, and of course, a blood menu instead of a wine menu...), and even being tailored for a uniform with a mantle that sort of made you look like a bat
And finally, here you were on your first day, serving your first customer!
A young but rich and important looking vampire bat, eating alone
He's sort of been eyeing you up while you go through the menu with him?
But you've managed to ignore it and keep your composure
At least, that is, until he asks "and what about today's blood specials?"
You flip it open and begin to list today's offerings to him
A freshly harvested unit of blood from an award winning local equid gymnast for almost a thousand...
An "acquired taste delicacy" of... horseshoe crab blood?! For almost TEN TIMES higher?!
And then, last but not least...
What...? This has to be a joke, right?
Without you even realizing it, the bat has managed to get up behind you to read the last line himself without so much as a sound
His deep voice makes you shiver as he whispers into your ear, in an almost sultry tone, as he towers over you from behind:
"Ahhh... perfect. I must admit I was hoping you'd be on the menu from the moment I laid my eyes on you..."
Your hands to start to shake as he encircles you in his wings and lowers his fangs towards your neck
"Are you nervous? I can tell you know. That you've never been fed on before. Don't worry, I promise i'll be gentle..."
A sudden pinprick is all you feel before the world begins to spin and go dark, and you feel him catch you as you begin to fall backwards into his chest
The final line on the menu is the last thing you see before you pass out
Today's exclusive special, an incredibly rare delicacy: Your human waiter Anonymous (FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, STRICT LIMIT OF ONE FEEDING!)

Clan Copulant by anonymous

An Eshin spy is dragged on his knees by two brutally strong Stormvermin guards into the hall of Suckenfucken, the enigmatic lord of Clan Copulant. He was a secretive rat, even moreso than most skaven of his status, and the council of thirteen suspected him and his clan of... heratical activity.
Skrit knew as much was going on from the moment he infiltrated Copulant territory, and confirmed it when he saw the unthinkable: a man-thing mating with a skaven, made even worse by the apparent willingness of both parties. He almost wretched at the exchange, and that's what got him caught
The guards cast him roughly to the ground and pinned him by the neck with the blades of their halberds as Suckenfucken rose from his throne, walking slowly, sensually towards him
The clanlord knelt down in front of the spy, chuckling and pulling back the rat's cowl-mask to lovingly stroke his fur. He speaks in a soft voice, even except for a slight growl like boiling water on the longer syllables
"Soooo... it has finally come-come, the concil of thirteen grow wary-afraid of our... lifestyle"
Suckenfucken cups the captive's chin and leans closer in
"Care to join us? I hear-heard you've witnessed it firsthand-personally", he asks playfully
Skrit thrashes and squeaks in disgust
"No-no! I'd rather die-die, man-fucker! You, you-you freak!" he spits, unable to articulate a better condemnation
The clanlord's eyes narrow and his smile grows wider. He simply laughs, rocketing to his feet and beginning to wander while monologuing
"Oh, you normal-rats don't get it, you never do. Glorious Clan Copulant has received a new revelation from the Great Horny Rat. Destruction and plague are fine-alright, yes-yes, but we skaven are missing something else, something vital... to all life."
Suckenfucken bends over, a whisker away from kissing the spy's head
"Sex. Hot, kinky sex. Breeding and being bred, reaping rivers of seed from the above-dwellers!"
He falls into a laughing fit, alternately howling and snorting like a madrat. The spy can hardly comprehend what he's hearing, but notices the weak groaning of what appeared to be a mummified man-thing next to the clanlord's throne. He calms down, enough to clap his paws and have very lewdly dressed skavenslaves come from out with pitchers of some iced liquid for the human
"...It is our destiny, you know, no avoiding it. Why not join-join us? Look at me, see what you could have. Beauty, satisfaction, a life beyond the maddening rat-race to claw your way to the top. What do you say?"
Skrit thinks for a moment. The concept is tempting, he could rest for once, enjoy himself, do something other than plot the downfall of every fool-rat in the way of him bringing the skaven to eternal glory over the world. Maybe... this wasn't all there was. Maybe he was right
....Skrit spits at the paws of Lord Suckenfucken, cursing at him for daring to utter such surface-dweller nonsense
Lord Suckenfucken sighs, shaking his head and clicking his tongue,
"He'll need more convincing-persuading. Guards, send him to the prostate milking barn with the others, give him some time to... think-consider. I have a boytoy to attend to."
Skrit screams in terror as he's dragged away again. The clanlord ignores him, going to aid the dehydrated human. He curses the rats who sent him to this deranged land, himself for not fucking off and lying about everything, and Copulant itself as the muffled moaning inside the barn grows clearer and clearer as he imagines whatever horrors he'll meet inside.

Clinging Fur by anonymous

Humans can't go out in black clothes because anthro fur clings to it. You'll start looking like you've got a fur coat on by the time you get home.

Plus the leftover fur tells every other Anthro who you belong to

Slowly but surely, all of your clothes have developed a fine patina of anthro fur on them after your friend moved in with you
It can't be helped
His fur is very fine, and even the smallest amount of static from putting them in the dryer makes it stick like glue
Well... perhaps it COULD be helped, a little, if he didn't feel the need to rub up against you every time you come home for the day
This practice of his, which he follows religiously, seemed a little forward at first, but he insisted this is normal behavior for anthros, like giving a platonic hug or a handshake
He's the only anthro you really know, so you've sort of just taken his word on it
And you've also accepted the omnipresence of his fur on your clothes
Today, though, something unexpected happened
You ran into another anthro while out and about, and he commented on your clothes!
"Wow, you're practically half-anthro in those! Borrowing a friend's clothes, or...?"
You let out a sheepish laugh and explained that these were actually yours, his fur just clung to you real easily
"S-seriously...? But it's EVERYWHERE on you! Sorry to pry, but, are you two, like, boyfriends, then...?"
This time you let out a surprised cough before hastily rebuking him that no, you're just friends (and we are ROOMMATES!)
As if compelled by some cosmic force to normalize what you were assuming to be normal behavior from him, you added that his fur just gets stuck to you when he greets you "all physical, like how you anthros do it"
The anthro stranger spends about 10 seconds just staring at you in silence
His expression changes from stunned and almost slightly offended, to thinking so hard you can practically see the gears moving behind his eyes, to almost...
... mischievous?
"... ah, right, of course! Sometimes I forget about how some humans are ok with us being physical and all! I don't like to assume. Still, how nice of you to oblige him with our, cough, CULTURAL differences!"
He then proceeded to do to you what your roommate does to you every day, ending your exchange by rubbing his neck against your chest, and bidding you adieu
You didn't really think much of the interaction until, on arriving back home, he came bounding down to do the exact same thing to you as you were putting the groceries down
His usual ebullient self
Bounding down the stairs with his tail wagging and his tongue lolling out slightly, all the joy in the world in his eyes as he careens towards fully intending a head on collision
"Hey Anon! How was your da-"
But then, he stops
Something immediately shifts in his body language as he stops less than a meter from you, his nose twitching and his ears swiveling as if detecting some threat
Letting his nose lead him, he slowly closes the gap until he stops...
... at a patch of foreign fur, still clinging to your shirt from your encounter with the other anthro earlier
He's not even paying attention to you anymore, his eyes razor focused on the fur with an almost... murderous expression
Over your increased heartbeat you can even almost make out... a soft growling?!
"Anon... whose fur is this...?", he asks you in a calm but slightly threatening tone, plucking a bit of it off of your shirt while glowering at it
What the hell has gotten into him? You've never seen him like this!
Defensively, you explain you ran into another anthro while out shopping, a stranger, and made a little casual conversation
His growling becomes louder, "Casual conversation?! So he's a stranger then, and he just... just... SLOBBERED all over you...?! RRRRRRRRRRR-"
W-what the fuck...!
Now VERY defensively, you reply that YES, he was just a stranger (not like that matters?!), and that he only did it after he asked you about why you were covered in his fur, AND that it was because you told him HE does the same thing to you on a daily basis!
Slowly, as he processes your words, he starts to calm down
He stops hyperventilating and growling, his hackles lower, and his fangs disappear from view
A bit terrified of him, you ask him exactly what's gotten into him, that you've never, EVER seen him like this before, and that you're worried about him
His expression morphing from hostile to guilty, he sheepishly mutters out something about how "it's just a little disorienting smelling another anthro on you, Anon...! B-but for the record, I only do that to you because we're such good friends! He was kind of overstepping by doing that and I guess I just freaked out a little...! H-haha...!"
Overstepping? But when he first started doing it to you, he insisted that it was a totally normal thing that all anthros do to each other!
... right?
You decide to just let it go for now, for good measure quickly changing and throwing the offending clothing into the washing machine
He still seems on edge, but at least he's calmer
Still... where did that come from?
It's like he was... jealous?
Like a guard dog, and you're his... turf...
And what you also don't see is that later that night, after you've gone to bed, he's plucked your clothes from the washing machine, combed it over with a lint roller to remove the stranger's fur, rubbed the clothing somewhere... heavily scented... before putting it back

CIAnthro Agent by anonymous

Catching anthro elite stealth soldiers trying to break into your bedroom

Is he on a mission or does he just do this for fun?

Technically he IS on a mission
But only because they've been falsifying information about your activities online to put you on a watch list so that they can get assigned to you

The anthro government has a hard time understanding the concept of shitposting so everything you post is taken at face value.

Plot twist, they do understand and that's why let all the anthro shitposters get away with dumb threads, and instead focus on the humans even if any man posts something innocuous as

"Hey guys, i'm curious, does anyone had X happen to you?"

and immediately put him on the watchlist

"Target sighted, awaiting confirmation to strike from central command, over."
"Well done Rover-1. You may now take out the target."
"Roger. Proceeding to take out target on a dinner date to Red Lobster. Over."
"What? Agent? Was that supposed to a joke?! Answer us...! ROVER-1...!"

be you
live in at the end of the village in a house overlooking the neighboring hills and fields
lately during dawn you noticed a suspicious red dot following you around your livingroom
but as soon as you step up to the large panoramic window to find out who's messing with you, it vanishes
make plan to catch the little mischief
set camera in window, film yourself doing usual evening tasks and leisure in your living room
next evening, put your big ass tv right in front of the window and replay the video
it works flawlessly, that red dot keeps dancing across the screen, circling your virtual head
time to investigate.jpg
head out for a hike to the neighboring hill
sneak up from behind
see >>72931244
an anthro sniper targeting your house!
and he's butt naked!
a-and he's got an angrily throbbing cock between his legs!
and big, full balls
and some very shapely ass and legs...
with his tail draped to the side, granting you a great view of his inviting looking little tailhole...

now how do you proceed?

talk to him? remind he's been aiming a rifle at you, he might be hostile and attack
assert dominance by jumping on his back, practically immobilizing him?
press a toy gun to the back of his head, demand answers without him giving away anything to his superiors?
surprise him by sneaking up and licking his cock, balls and/or ass?

Jump on his back to immobilize him before making fun of him for falling for such a simple trick. Tease him for being naked and ask him what he was planning on doing once he got me in the

option 2,3 and 4 in that order

Love Hurts by anonymous

recently, you started going to a local MMA gym
usual crowd is fairly varied compared to the other places you've been before, insomuch as you're not the only human attending
you are, however, the most dedicated to genuine improvement among your peers
most of the anthros don't take you super seriously, often going easy on you in sparring
this drives you to fight more aggressively, to the point where your coach threatens to ban you from the gym unless you cool it off.
afterwards, you're approached by one of your regular sparring partners
he's a tiger about a head taller that you and one of the few anthros that doesn't massively hold back during your bouts
you learn more from your fights against him than just about anyone else, even if you lose most of them
despite the rest being concerned with his aggression towards you, you have a mutual respect for each other, driven by your dedication to combat and improvement
the way he looks at you at the end of your matches inspires a much more confusion emotion in you, but you mostly try to suppress that and not think about it
as such, when he invites you to his home gym so you can spar "without limits", you accept with minimal hesitation

arriving the next day, you realize a few things about him
first, he's much richer than he let on. His home gym is better stocked and maintained than the gym you both visit, making you wonder why he even bothered going in the first place.
second, when he said "no limits" he really meant it. Biting, scratching, and headbutts are all allowed.
not that he uses any of it when you go to spar. You realize very quickly that while he was holding back less than the other anthros, he was still saving his strength in most of your previous fights.
he's got you pinned in no time flat. But instead of letting go, he holds onto you even tighter
It's when you feel his dick pressed against your back that you realize just how far his definition of "no limits" goes

you walk home that night with wobbly legs, torn shorts, and no underwear
at the very least he had the decency to use lube, otherwise you'd probably have to be hospitalized
after he had his way with you, he let you go with two pieces of advice
one: any attempt to bring this to the authorities would be swiftly crushed by his family's army of lawyers, so it'd be best not to bother
two: you were welcome to come back and train in his gym any time (he even gave you a set of keys)
however, if you were to ever challenge him to a sparring match, you would have to abide by one simple rule: winner tops the loser
you mull over your options, considering whether or not you should consider moving to a different gym or even moving out of the area all together
worse, you're forced to consider the option of going back, letting him have his way with you again and again in hopes that you might beat him and turn the tables
you don't want to dwell on how that idea of being used by him makes you feel
nor do you want to acknowledge the strange heat that builds inside you when you imagine knocking him prone and spreading his legs wide to give him a taste of his own medicine
but by the time you make it home and into bed, your choice is clear in your mind
really, it was never really a choice at all

a few days later, you show up unannounced at his home with a water bottle, two bottles of lube, and a backpack full of handwraps, boxing gloves, and backup underwear
when you issue your next challenge to him, he drags you into a long, passionate kiss before grabbing you by the collar and throwing you into the ring
there are no more limits to your relationship

Edit Report
Pub: 05 Sep 2023 08:05 UTC
Edit: 09 Feb 2025 18:40 UTC
Views: 7286