markdown basics

(a lot of this is covered in /how!)

(#) header
(##) header
(###) header
(####) header
(#####) header
(######) header

without parenthesis is!






these can be aligned* by typing (number of hashtags) -/> header </- or (number of hashtags) -/> header -/>

*more on this later!

without slashes is!



basic markdown:

one asterisk on each side is *italics* (italics)
two asterisks on each side is **bold** (bold)
three asterisks on each side is ***both!*** (italic and bold!)

two equal signs on each side is ==highlight== (highlight!!)
two tildes on each side is ~\~strikethrough~\~ (without slashes, strikethrough!!)
an exclamation point and a greater than sigh is !>spoilers (spoiler!)

an exclamation point and a tilde on each side is !~underline~! (underline!!)*

a percentage mark followed by a color, then another percentage; and two percentage signs to close the brace adds % red %color %%
(without spaces, color!!)*

*more on this later!

text alignment:

-/> center </-
-/> right -/>
no alignment for left, it's default

without slashes is!

center right left

&/nbsp; adds an additional space; on rentry you can only add single spaces, but this allows for extra
if this is too difficult for you or adds too much jargon to your base text, you can also color your text white/dark mode gray and make periods to add additional space!

      without slashes is!
........ the text method (view on light!)

-/ bullet point
four spaces + -/ nested bullet point

without slashes is!

  • bullet point
    • nested
      • double nested (8 spaces)?
        • triple nested??
          • quadrouple nested
            • quintouple nested
              ... and so on and so forth

you can also use an asterisk in place of a dash!

1/. numbered list
four spaces + 2/. nested numbered list

without slashes is!

  1. list
    1. list
      1. list
        1. list
          ... and so on!

-/ [ ] checkbox
-/ [x] finished checkbox
four spaces + either of the following = nested checkbox

without slashes is!

  • checkbox
  • finished checkbox
    • nested checkbox
      • nested finished checkbox
        and so on!

actual code stuff:

``` three backticks + lang. shortname
code block
``` three more backticks

code block

(coding languages that are accepted here!)

a backtick on each side for `inline code`
inline code

random stuff?:

>> quotes
> quote number two!


quote number two!

*** three asterisks for a horizontal line

Pub: 14 Apr 2024 02:19 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2024 02:51 UTC
Views: 84