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📚 How to download all you stuff from Degoo, a terrible cloud service.

This guide shows you how to save your files from Degoo.

For those wandering why I'm making this guide and thinking: "Just select the files you want a click a download button", it's not that easy. You see, when you try and download files they either end up not downloading at all or if they do download it becomes corrupted. So if you are one of those users who are struggling to get important files / photos / videos then this guide will help you.

This guide contains 3 methods, i recommend using 1 or 2. For more resources about Degoo you can go to the unofficial subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Degoo/.

1. How to recover your stuff using Air Explorer:

  1. Go to https://www.airexplorer.net and download it onto your PC.
  2. While the program is installing create the folders you want to download your files and photos to.
  3. Once you are done installing the program just open it and scroll through the different cloud services until you find Degoo. Once you find Degoo click on it and login.

If you can't log-in to Degoo try again later. Degoo tends to have problems like this frequently.

  1. You will then see all the different folders to download from, right click the folder that you want to download and click "Copy".
  2. Now go to the folder you created for the files and right click your mouse and click "Paste". Now wait as the files are copied there.

2. How to recover your stuff using Jdownloader:

I would recommend you to use the first method as that is easier, however if that method does not work only then use this method.

Note: Sometimes Degoo blocks you from using their service on desktop because you have to pay for it. If you are paying for Degoo don't worry and continue on with the guide below. If you are a free user you must do the following steps to stop that pop-up from happening:

  1. Download a user-agent switcher, I used this one. If you are using Firefox just search for one in the Firefox extensions store.
  2. Select a user-agent that is either Android or iOS, I would recommend you to use an iOS user-agent as that has worked the best for me.
  3. Now you can go to Degoo and avoid that pop-up.
  1. Download Jdownloader from here.
  2. While the program is installing create the folders you want to download your files and photos to.
  3. After go to Degoo, log in and go to "all files" or "gallery" (I recommend you go to "all files" to ensure you download everything)
    • If you decide to go to "gallery", do the following: Select your photos and click on "share" at the top of your screen. After click "copy link" and go to Jdownloader. Once you are in Jdownloader click "add new links" and enter your link that you copied and the download location where you want the files / photos to go to. After right click and click "Start download" or "Start all downloads". Then wait for it to download and enjoy!
    • If you decide to go to "All files" follow the following instructions: There should either be one or multiple folders there, click the one you want to download. After you should see either one or multiple folders, select the ones you want to download and click "Share" and click "Copy link". Once you are in Jdownloader click "add new links" and enter your link that you copied and the download location where you want the files / photos to go to. After right click and click "Start download" or "Start all downloads". Then wait for it to download and enjoy!

3. How to download images from Degoo just using your browser:

This method only supports images!

Only use this method if you want to download a few images, if you want to download lots of images and videos use methods 1 and 2.

Note: Sometimes Degoo blocks you from using their service on desktop because you have to pay for it. If you are paying for Degoo don't worry and continue on with the guide below. If you are a free user you must do the following steps to stop that pop-up from happening:

  1. Download a user-agent switcher, I used this one. If you are using Firefox just search for one in the Firefox extensions store.
  2. Select a user-agent that is either Android or iOS, I would recommend you to use an iOS user-agent as that has worked the best for me.
  3. Now you can go to Degoo and avoid that pop-up.
  1. Go and login to Degoo.
  2. Go to "Gallery" and choose the image you want to download.
  3. Once you have chosen an image, right click it and full screen the image. (If you are on mobile just tap and hold the image)
  4. Right click the image and click "Save" or "Save as"
  5. Then save the image and your done!
Pub: 04 Dec 2023 17:35 UTC
Edit: 14 Sep 2024 13:58 UTC
Views: 659