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📚 How to bypass Apples 3 sideloaded app install limit.

This guide shows you how you can bypass Apples 3 sideloaded apps / games limit

1. Using WDBRemoveThreeAppLimit


  • I am going to be using Sideloadly in this guide.
  • This method only works for iOS 16.1.2 or lower.
  1. Plug your iPhone or iPad into your computer and install Sideloadly
  2. Download and install the following .ipa file using Sideloadly:


If you don't know how to install a .ipa file then you can learn how to do that using this guide that I made: https://rentry.org/how-to-install-ipa-files/

  1. Open the installed app and be ready to press go.
  2. Now unplug your device from your computer and plug it back in (this is to fix an issue with the app not working)
  3. Now go into Sideloadly and sideload any app / game of your choice, as soon as you click start to sideload the app, you must also press go on the app.
  4. A popup will appear asking for permission and you msut accept that.
  5. Finally, it will display "Success." and the app will be sideloaded on your device!

Do this for every app / game you sideload to bypass the limit.

2. Using Trollstore


  • Trollstore allows more than 3 apps at a time and also allows you to perma-sign apps, meaning you won't have to refresh them.
  • Here is a list of iOS versions supported.
  • The official Github of TrollStore is here.

Here is a guide for installing TrollStore, made by cfw iOS Guide. It guides you with the installation of TrollStore in detail, on every iOS version that is supported by Trollstore. The creators of TrollStore endorse this guide and recommend you follow it, thus making a guide from MediaSavvy unnecessary.

Pub: 15 Dec 2023 09:39 UTC
Edit: 30 Nov 2024 22:19 UTC
Views: 485