


You’re welcome to marry in All Saints’, whether or not you are Christened and whether or not you regularly go to church. But at least one of you needs to live in the Parish of Banstead, or have a connection with the church (please see below).

If one or both of you has been divorced it may still be possible to marry in church. Rev Phil is happy to chat this through with you. We also offer a Service of Blessing after a Civil Marriage, and a Renewal of Vows Services.

Rev Phil is happy to advise, and to help you as you plan this special day and to offer a time of Marriage Prep as part of this.

You may also be married at All Saints’ Church if any one of the following applies:

You have had your usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months.
At least one of your parents has had his or her usual place of residence in the parish for at least 6 months during your lifetime.
You were Baptised at All Saints’ Church.
You were Confirmed at All Saints’ Church.
Your parent or grandparent was married in the parish by a Church of England service.
You have habitually attended public worship at Church of England services in the parish for at least 6 months.
Your parent has habitually attended public worship at Church of England services in the parish for at least 6 months during your lifetime.

For more information contact Rev Phil by email -



In baptism, which is sometimes known as christening, we thank God for his gift of life and recognise his love for all of us. We welcome everyone to explore baptism from babies and young children to adults.

In baptism certain promises are made. For children too young to make these themselves, parents and godparents are asked to make them on behalf of themselves and the child. They promise to do all they can to help the child as he or she grows in the faith of Christ.

Anyone who lives in the Parish of Banstead may be baptised here, and so may people from elsewhere in some circumstances.

Rev Phil is happy to chat this through with you, as would Rosemary Whipp, our Reader.

If you would prefer, we also offer a Service of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child.

There is no charge for either of these services.


Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised as children make a commitment to Christian discipleship by taking on the promises made at baptism for themselves. Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks for the help of the Holy Spirit for the confirmed person as he or she grows in faith and discipleship.

The confirmation service is held as a Deanery event with candidates from across the deanery coming together - the next service is planned for December 2022. As part of this we run a course to help candidates prepare, understand and deepen the faith to which they are committing themselves. We also welcome to these sessions people whose confirmation was many years ago and who now wish to refresh their faith and renew their promises.

Rev Phil is happy to tell you more (email:



Many people go through a difficult and painful time when someone close to them dies. The team at All Saints’ will do all they can to help and support you in this difficult time.

Normal practice is to arrange the funeral through the funeral directors as the first point of contact. They can then contact our team on your behalf.
One of our ministry team will be glad to take the funeral service, whether you wish this to be in the church or at a crematorium. They will also help you to plan the service in the way that helps you and respects the wishes of the person who has died.

If you need any kind of support please do get in touch with us in the usual ways.

As our churchyard is now formally closed, burials can no longer take place except in the existing grave of a family member. However it is possible to bury ashes in a plot where a small memorial plaque may be placed, or into the Garden of Remembrance.

Grieving and coping with loss may take a long time and is never easy. The ministry team will continue to do what they can to support you.
We also hold a Memorial Service later in the calendar year - a chance to remember loved ones again.

Pub: 14 Apr 2022 08:38 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2022 11:22 UTC
Views: 1975