Mother's Union


At All Saints’ we have a strong and vibrant MU Branch with 51 members which is run by a committee. Our meetings and activities are open to all, members and non-members. You will receive a warm welcome.

We hold regular afternoon and evening meetings in the Church Institute. These meetings are interesting and varied and we often welcome guest speakers. We also organise an annual outing.
We have much to give us a good basis for our spiritual learning, Bible Study courses, Lent and Advent Services and the preparation of the Garden of Gethsemane on Maundy Thursday. Corporate Communion is attended monthly as part of the midweek service on Wednesdays.

As part of Parish events, the MU takes part in Village Day and helps at the May Fair. We assemble toiletry bags for those being admitted in an emergency to Epsom Hospital, donate items for the Women’s refuges and have collected clothes and make knitted items for child refugees and others. We regularly hold fund raising events to support MU projects.
In the Diocese, we attend the Lady Day Service and Pilgrimage of Prayer at the Cathedral, and the Diocesan Members’ Meeting, now held at St George’s Christian Centre, Ashtead. Within the Deanery of Epsom we visit other branches for meetings, including the Deanery Quiet Day and share in the Deanery Summer Lunch.

To visit the Mother's union Guildford Diocese follow this link: MU Guildford
To visit the Mother's Union UK website follow this link: MU UK


At All Saints, we are proud of our serving tradition which was re-introduced in 1958. One of the original team is still serving with us today! Our role is not only to assist in the smooth running of the service, but also to symbolically highlight some of the important parts throughout the liturgy.

It is often said that we remember more about a talk or service if it is illustrated with visual aids. This is the role of the server with the processions, candles and occasionally incense.

A serving team can be found at the 930am Sunday Communion service and on other special occasions. We usually have a team of three servers; two Acolytes (candle bearers) and a MC/Crucifer (who processes with the cross). The MC also keeps an overview on the smooth flowing of the service to help the priest.

We have recently restarted our team following the time of COVID. New members are always welcome so if you would like to see what’s involved and perhaps join the team, speak to Alan Clarke in Church or contact him through the church office to find out more.

The Choir

The Music Staff

Organist & Director of Music – Jan Pringle

Choral tradition

All Saints has a four-part robed choir comprising of adults and young peoples who sing at the main service each week. It is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). Choristers are trained using this scheme and a large number have gained Deans’ and Bishops’ Awards at Guildford Cathedral.
The PCC encourages this choral tradition and generously fund the work of the choir. Organ Scholarships are also available for promising musicians.

Choral Evensong

This lovely traditional service, using the Book of Common Prayer, is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month except August, December and January, when Carol Services – with choir highlights – take over.
We have also been able to restart our tradition of having a special piece of music on a Sunday in Lent. In 2022, the choir gave us a fantastic rendition of Stainer’s Crucifixion which was appreciated by many.

How to contact the Choir

To find out more about the choir, perhaps to sing at your wedding or to join as a chorister, please contact:


There is a ring of 8 bells (21cwt) at All Saints Church.

The bells ring on:
Sunday 9.00am – 9.30am
Sunday 6.00pm – 6.30pm (December & January 4.30-5.00pm)
Wednesday 8.00pm – 9.15pm (Practice night –visitors and new recruits welcome)
Contacts: Liz Grover through the church office

Exploring the Faith

Not a structured course, just get-togethers in which, over several sessions, we read a book together and discuss whatever ideas it raises for us in a relaxed and friendly way. We meet fortnightly from 10.30am to 12.00 noon on Tuesday mornings. We’re ecumenical – people from other Churches are very welcome.
Contact Rosemary Whipp or Susan Major via Church Office 01737 379289.

Bible study group

The Bible Study Group enjoys meeting to read and discuss various books of the Bible, helped by basic commentaries. We’re friendly and new members are welcome – or you can just drop in for a taster session. We conclude with a brief service of said Compline.
Contact Susan Major at

Pub: 28 Apr 2022 08:48 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2022 11:24 UTC
Views: 2113