Children and Young People at All Saints, Banstead

Sofia Welsby

Our Children’s Worker Sofia Welsby is always happy to chat.
Contact Sofia on

T@3 (Together at 3)

Together@3 is an intergenerational service which is on every last Sunday of the month at 3pm. It is an inclusive service for everyone.
We want to create a church community where the different generations work together in everything that “being church” means; in worship, in liturgy, in making a difference, in fun and T@3 is part of this.
Creating a church where all generations contribute; a place where adults teach children and children teach adults; a space to learn and to listen, playing and praying together, and sharing together God’s love and activity in the community and world around us…
Together@3 uses some liturgy through worship, prayer, Bible readings and a shared blessing.
There will also be spaces to explore – sensory areas, craft activities, fellowship, discussion and exploring the outside are all activities that anyone can join in with at any point in the hour together. We have different ways of learning. We want to celebrate them whether they be visual, kinaesthetic, auditory, or other.
Together@3 is a space where all are welcome, whoever they are, whatever they bring – a place to explore our faith together.
Come along and share in the adventure!! This is a service that will not be livestreamed.

ASK (All Saints Kids)


ASK is for children up to age 10 every Sunday from 9.30am to 10.45am meeting in Church as part of our morning service. The children enjoy Bible based projects, crafts and stories. During the Service, ASK shares the morning’s topic and learning with rest of the congregation. Refreshments are available too.

Teddies 10 minutes


Every Wednesday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm in Church.
This provides an opportunity for babies and pre-schoolers with their Mums, Dads, Grandparents and other carers to get together and meet for story-telling, prayer and music followed by tea and a chat.

Teddies on Fridays

Every Friday from 930am to 11am - our new morning group aimed at babies and pre-schoolers with their parents and carers

ASY (All Saints Youth

ASY (All Saints Youth) is our church youth group for young people between 11 and 18. It meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.
We are an inclusive youth group where young people will feel welcome, secure and comfortable, and know that they can celebrate their identity, especially those aspects of their identity that make them different from others, such as their culture or ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, gender, health (including mental health), education, parental status, involvement in juvenile justice, faith, being a young carer, etc.
We play lots of games – hide and seek seems to be really popular at the moment even amongst our older members! Young people are very aware of the world around them. They are enthusiastic for social justice and the issues that are having an impact on their communities.
As this is a church youth group, we have short discussions on spirituality, life, world events, God & prayer and give the young people the chance to reflect & ask questions about how spirituality and faith is relevant in today’s world and the issues that they think are important. In the last year we have looked at climate change, mental health issues for teenagers and body image, to name just three. We also regularly have trips out such as Crazy Golf, Bowling and Laser Quest.
Most importantly, all our sessions include food whether it be a few sandwiches or making our own pizzas. Eating together is the place that we really get to know each other and grow as a community.
You don’t have to attend All Saints, be a Christian or even believe in God to join us – just a willingness to have fun, make new friends, explore how you can have a voice in your local community and also how you can help out in that community, and of course EAT!
Get in touch with Rev Phil if you would like to know more.

Church Choir


Children from age 7 are welcome to join our Choir, where they can learn about choral music with our RSCM program, as well as age appropriate chats about the music and Jesus. They learn about being part of a team, and even have the chance to earn some pocket money by singing at special events such as weddings!!

Pub: 14 Apr 2022 07:57 UTC
Edit: 19 Apr 2023 14:19 UTC
Views: 1788