・┈┈┈・♥・┈┈┈・ txti.es url hoard ! dm me here or meenoi#9990 bold = fav・link = capital i for l, 153 urls
im more willing to give away these bc i
most likely wont use them so feel free
to ask for multiple if youd like
・┈┈┈・♥・┈┈┈・ kpop
weeekly chaeyoungs jeongyeons TWICE girlsgeneration kookies wonyung soyeons gidle lzone bloomiz keplers kep1ians girlsplanet999 leserafim yuqii jiyeons hyewons jiyoons hitomie seolas dayoungs yoojungs yeonjae yeonje hyos sareom 2nings chaejeong takaras yukyungs pristinv wannabes ye-seo bvndits wooahs rayeon fanatics pinkfantasy tripleS girls2000 shuhuas wekimekis mmld itzys clc blackpinks bravegirls icsm kpoop flip-that luvcherrymotion hyunas pentagons nxdes chuue chuuki eunices donggun
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maidsama peachgirls gokurakugai almas myanimelist komatsus nana-osaki misakiayuzawa usuitakumi usuis
・┈┈┈・♥・┈┈┈・ games polyshows belphegor belphie beelzebub beel obey-me bandoris kaoruu ・┈┈┈・♥・┈┈┈・ misc
users resc rescs coralines spidermans fujiikaze fujiikazes viet vietnamese saving andys sthu marvel irony ironic
return to rentry hoard

Pub: 20 Nov 2022 23:14 UTC
Edit: 23 Mar 2023 15:33 UTC
Views: 1408