Original Post: >>46095963

I wish a group of men would break into the konbini and kidnap Alban, dragging him off to an industrial warehouse location where no one could hear him, nor would he know where he was if he escaped. When he was eventually unblindfolded he'd find himself in the middle of a group of men in only their underwear, already touching themselves as they surround him. In front of him is a camera, angled so that it won't show the men's faces but will show his. As a the first of the men steps forward, passing him a glass before starting to jerk off to it, another speaks in a clear but unremarkable voice, stating a number for him and then announcing that they will begin the demonstration of his uses as bidding begins.
Alban tries to calm himself and reminds himself of what he lived through in the future, the situations were often worse than this but it feels different now, more traumatizing due to the years that have passed as he watches cum that he knows he's going to be forced to drink spill into the glass. He still does turn a trick or three on occasion but it's on his own terms, this kind of gang rape situation is like a scene from his early teens and it's hard. It's really hard to take himself back to the time when he could just turn off his mind to the suffering of being raped by groups of men like this but he needs to if he's going to try an formulate an escape plan. It starts to get simultaneously easier and more difficult as a man misses the glass and splatters cum across his lips. The interest his dick shows lets him turn off his mind a little but not in a way that will lead to him figuring out how to get himself out of this situation.
Increasingly turned on by the treatment, Alban continues to curse himself for his body's reactions, desperately trying to get a hold of himself but it's useless. He really has gone back to drawing from his teenage years and in order to cope, his body and mind can only draw arousal from the situation. By the time that the hammer is dropped and the bidding ends, Alban is moaning of his own violation as he begs his captors to let him cum before they leave to show off their next 'item' for their faceless crowd of bidders.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 01:51 UTC
Views: 634