Alright I'm gonna start this before heading to bed

You wake up to find yourself bound with rope inside a jail cell
This will the last time you ever listened to Rob's idea of a score
A carriage stick up gone wrong as it was a bait
Law enforcement came too quickly for your liking and all three of you had to high tail it
Last thing you felt was someone lassoing you from your horse and something landing on your face
It all went black after that
"Well well well... Looks like Sleepin' Beauty finally woke up. Thought I might've had to give you a wake up call."
Look your right and find a blonde white mouse leaning on the doorway
Judging by the oversized deputy badge, this must be the sheriff
A very big hipped sheriff
"Didn't think the Jade Hunter'll be struttin' down on my roads like that."

"I have a habit of doing that. Who're you suppose to be?"

The smug mouse walked across the cell, taking care to swing his hips before sitting on your lap
The sheer weight pressing on your crotch was enough to pull an uncomfortable groan from you
"Rupert Adson partner, head sheriff of the county you and your bosses were robbin"
Ah so you were correct- wait bosses?!

"'Scuse me?"

"Now I know this is a lot to take in your purdy little head so I'm gonna offer you a choice."

"Hold the fuck up why do you think I work under those two idiots?!"

Rupert was surprised from your outburst before pointing to wanted poster board across
Anon "Jade Hunter" Moose
Dead or Alive 100$
Rib & Rob "Dynamite Twins"
Dead or Alive 400$
"Yeah those two have been a pain the neck these past few months. Now I heard they took in some poor soul like you under their wing."
You took them under your wing because you rescued them from a pack of wolves
They thought carrying stolen uncontained meat to a town a few miles away was a good idea
The two basically latched on to you and never let go ever since
How in the fuck did they get a higher bounty than you?

"I'm worth more than that! I've robbed more than the robber barons that exploited this county-"

a finger pushes into your lips, silencing you
"Shhhshh... I know. I know what it's like being undervalued. Being forced to live a life as an outlaw because of some two bit miscreants."

"Eh chus thus lfe."

The mouse continues to ignore you and whisper to your ear
"But don't worry about your life anymore Anon. I value you as a person. In fact you could have a new life right here."
The mouse pulls back but starts running his hands all over your chest
"Now I don't usually cut deals with criminals but I can certainly make an exception with you."
The way he said 'exceptionally' while brushing his fingers along your arms are a bit creepy
"I don't expect a cute civilian turned outlaw like you to understand but you are dealing with criminals, and criminals need lairs to plan crimes understand?"

"Correct and?"

The mouse starts gesturing using his hands
"And so, I need you. To tell me. Where these two are hiding?

"Why are you speakin' slowly?"

"To make sure. You understand me. Remember this is complicated stuff."
My fucking god does he think you're retarded?

"Look. I understand. But what's in it for me."

Rupert lets out a sly smile on his face as he unbuttons your shirt
"Let's just I'd be willing to absolve all of your crimes. You'll be a free man Anon."
Huh not a bad deal actually.

"So you're letting me go?"

The mouse turns a way while letting an exaggerated thinking face
"Mmmm. Not quite. You'll be absolved but you'll have to be housed in a location with a registered officer under the same roof."

"That's just prison with a different name."

"Is it really a prison? When you have someone to take care of you? Of all your needs~"
The sheriff is now fully laying on top of your chest, giving you the biggest bedroom eyes.
Ok this is getting too weird for your liking, the two idiots should've been busted you out now

"You sure this is the right buildin' Rob?"
"Sure as gold. This where they was keepin' the boss man."
Rob prepped the explosive against the wall, making sure they stick
"Alright, that's the last dynamite we need to a blow a hole in this sucker!"
Lighting a match with his boot, Rob lit the fuse and ran away with Rib in tow.

The cell was rocked from the explosion pulling the sheriff out of his stupor
"What in tarnation?!"
Rupert wiped drool from his mouth and walked off to investigate
Leaving you tied up on the floor with a bunch of hickies on your neck

"God I hope those two didn't just make it any worse."

"Alright hands up copper! We want our boss back and there ain't nothin' you can do about it!"
Their explosive high was cut short when they noticed the 'office' was full of overturned canned food and vegetables
The pig anthro on the desk was shaking his boots with his hands up on the air
Rib pulled out the town map and turned it upside down, giving the perfect orientation
The mouse gets hit on the back of the head by his partner
"Yeah oops! We just wasted good dynamite on the wrong wall!"
"Well I didn't cause the boss man to get arrested because 'I want to give him a good score so he could plow me like I'm a fertile land' huh!"
"I at least try to scope out new opportunities for us ya dunce!"
The bickering was cut short as the door to the store was kicked open, giving entrance to one pissed off white mouse.
"Well if ain't the dynamite twins."
Rupert spat on the nearby spittoon
"I should've known since there was the distinct stench you two cause that was ruining my good time with Anon."
The two drew their guns on the sheriff, with the latter drawing his own on them
"Where you hidin' Jade Hunter and why are you saying a 'good time'?"
"You heard me. It's time I pulled out that poor sop away from your grubby dirty hands and help live a life of which a gentleman deserves."

Rib visibly gasps before sniffing the air, his nose twitching erratically
"You've been schmoozing with our boss man!"
Rob's ears pulled back as he hissed at Rupert who had a bemused look.
"Ain't no cute nickname for your hostage gonna deter me from taking him off you ya snakes."

Meanwhile, you were currently worm crawling slowly towards the butter knife on the table
Using all your upper body strength, you got on to your knees and leaned on the table top
Your tongue slowly pulling it back and it gets knocked on to the floor
Positing your back to it, your fingers felt the metal silverware and grabbed it
Slowly and carefully, you used a sawing motion with as much your dexterous digits can handle
You think about how Rib and Rob are handling the sheriff right now

Rupert emphasizes his point by squatting and slapping his hips with his guns
"See this?! These hips molds bad boys into good men!"
Rob guffawed and turned around to spread his legs apart
"As if! Our boss man, no matter what he says, always returns to plow us because we are that good!"
"Well Anon hasn't exactly touched you for a week ever since that snake oil incident."
"Not the time Rib!"

Ok you got your arms free
You lay on your side as you lean forward to reach for your tied up legs
Your hands could barely reach to the sides of your ankles with the knife
Just a little closer
Sucking in your gut to make more room to lean in, the tip of the blade was now touching the rope
However, you see the door to the outside open with the mouse sheriff looking mighty pissed
You drop the knife immediately and put your hands in the air

" I can assure you this isn't an escape and I'm innocent of everything."

He locks eyes on you and starts stomping towards your prone form
For once, you felt scared on what he was going to do to you
Until the pear-shaped mouse lands his tush against your face with hesitation
"How about we settle this for real then boys?!"
You could hear Rupert talk to someone but his voice is muffled by the sheer amount of ass
A set of footsteps approached you two
"You're on! I think Boss man Anon will fucking enjoy our bodies more than you pig!"
Was that Rob's voice?
"Yeah! After this, he'll be permanently allergic to a government bootlicker like you!
And Rib's?
Did- did these fuckers sell you out!

The human below Sheriff Rupert continued to throw punches in the air, the mouse delicately removed Anon's pants
As soon as the beast was exposed, all three of the mice's nose twitch in the air
They sniffed about, taking in the musky smell before settling on the twitching cock laid down on Anon's crotch
Their faces squeezed together on one spot to inhale the male scent that was driving them insane
"His cock~"
"So manly~"
Their mouths dove in to different spots to get a taste of the outlaw's sausage

You stopped your struggling as soon as you felt three mouths hungrily devour your exposed head, shaft, and balls respectively
The sheriff's fat ass above you pressed down lending your hot breath to tickle his anus
Fuck the mouse was so heavy you could feel his cheeks melding with your head
You tried grab his waste to pull him off but it was no use
The heat on your face and the sensation below was keeping you from concentrating
You hate to admit it but they were sucking you off good

Back to the trio, Rib was busy suckling on your testicles like a babe, feeling your impending orgasm
Rupert was busy shaft like a tender lover, kissing and sucking on it all over
Rob was on your tip like a possessed beast, weeks on not getting off led to him slobbering on your tip
Despite the three's opposite reputations, they were like a machine trying to get you off
Rupert was the first to stop his ministrations and nuzzled on your stem
"H-Had enough? I could go all day."
Rob could only look down at the sheriff to give him the middle finger
Rib lets go of Anon's coin purse and sniffed on it like an addict
"H-He's close. I could feel him."
That kicked the other two into working Anon's cock harder
Each of their dicks twitched in anticipation as well, one hand over their own guns to fire off like a firing squad

Fuck so close
And to think, the two bastards under your wing sold you off
Now you're probably going to be sex slave to some creep mouse who's too lonely for his own good
The mouth on your tip stopped slobbering and just sucking on your head like a barnacle
That was enough to set you off
With a single thrust, you feel somehow the mouth swallow all of your length and cum inside inside its throat

"Mother of god, Rob!"
Rib could only watch as his brother suddenly took your entire shaft and swallow all of its load
Rupert felt cheated but nonetheless enjoyed the overwhelmed face of his rival
One of Rob's eyes closed as he felt Anon's load deposit into his throat, some leaking on his nostrils
Perseverance pushed into his mind and pulled away. Alongside his orgasm drooling all over the floor
He coughed up the excess semen but realized what had he just did
"Afhh! Hfs cfm!"
The panicked mouse started licking away all the wasted cum on the floor
"Hah! Lightweight."
The white mouse graciously licked all over the fluids that surround the softening member
He sucked on to the tip, wanting drink the rest of the load
Rib pointed at the smug mouse
"Y-You cheated!"
"Oh please, I'm not the one who bit more than he could swallow."

God, that felt good
Too good
Whatever's on the other end of what happened, at least some of your frustration is gone now
The weight on your face is lifted and light floods your vision
You see Rib looking angrily at the sheriff, said sheriff is standing tall mocking the two mice
Rob is... what ever the hell he is doing
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be claiming my prize~"
The sheriff walked over you and positioned his butt on your lap
You on the other hand, were focused on the two traitors

"Rib... Rob... You rats!"

You coughed up from the sudden intake of air and Rib was suddenly at your side
"Boss! Boss! Please, just focus on me! Whatever you do, don't turn to the light of the law!"

"What in the sam hill are you talkin' about?!"

The feeling of warmth enveloping your sensitive cock cuts your mind off

Rupert could only smile in ecstasy as at last the handsome outlaw's cock was inside him
He bit his lip as his ass pulled away from just Anon's tip before descending again with a loud clap
Each bounce earned him a firm tug on his prostate and a groan from his soon mister

He feels way too tight and hotter than these two idiots
Now that offer from earlier was starting to get tempting
"Boss! Remember the light! Turn away!"
Goddammit Rib shut up for once! You're tired and horny and you want all of this to end right now!
You grab the sheriffs ass and pulled up to meet his big cheeks
He practically sings as he wasn't expecting you to fight back
"No! Rob what do I do? He's starting to fall for the sheriff!"
Said mouse currently on the floor recovering from getting choked by the excess cum
"R-Remind him the good times we urf had!"
"Hey boss! Remember the snake oil incident?"
Such a reminder just made you angrier, specifically at Rob, and started thrusting up harder
"Not that one! Another memory!"
"R-Remember that time you and me with the dress-"
Actually you did and you are tired of whatever these two were doing right now
You grab Rib by the back of his head and mash your lips against his to shut him up
The mouse's hand went on to jerk himself off as he made out with you

Once again, Rob felt he was excluded in another sex session out of spite

"Ah~ Y-Ya gettin' close handsome? Don't think I'm gonna be a dead fish compared to these two!"
Rupert's ass continued to jackhammer on your waist while his erect penis was starting to shake
His mind was starting to get mushy on what else this stud's gonna do when he brings him home
Anon's cock continue to rib through his cavern and bring out more sensations he couldn't possibly know
He could practically feel him starting to twitch again
His ass planted himself on his crotch and started gyrating
Anon chocked on Rib's mouth and pulled away as he shook with another orgasm

You shot your first load deep within Rupert's ass, your tip rearranging his guts and spreading its seed all over
Even you felt his orgasm as well as he straightened up while he came hands free
Rib finally was able to get his release as he shot his load on to the floor as well, panting from the lack of air
Rupert hiccuped from the excess cum on his stomach as fell backwards and landed on your chest
His hand reached for your chin and tickled it with a smile on his face
"'See? I told you I could handle ya?"
Rib sidled up towards your face and nuzzled next to you
While Rob just hobbled next to you and took his brother's opposite side
All of you lied down there for a few minutes just savoring each other's company
You cut off the silence with a question

"All of you had fun?"

All three of them nodded with smiles on their faces


You grab Rib's ear and Rupert's hair with your left, and Rob's ear with your right
All of them had a sudden emotion of fear in their face
"Uh oh."

The townsfolk could only watch with curiosity as they heard slapping sounds outside of the sheriff's office
All of them thought it was some dastardly criminal getting punished for their crimes

You give another hard slap on Rib's ass with a paddle
The three horny mice were strung up like skinned pigs with their asses exposed in front of you
"A-Ah thought we had something special Anon?! Don't you want to get away from these two hooligans?"
Wood hits Rupert's bottom instantly

"Tell them Rib."

"He- He's our boss! He was the one who planned our robberies, thefts, cons WACK everything!"
Even though the red sore on his ass was growing, his cock continued to leak out precum
Bastards were starting to enjoy this
"H-How!? I thought an upstanding human like you- WACK Neugh!"
That one made him spurt out a few strings

"Next time, don't assume some 'weak' human to be following orders from these two idiots."

"Guh... Can you at least hit me harder boss~?"
Rob had a thick puddle of semen building up below him

"No. You enjoy this too much"

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Jun 2023 23:15 UTC
Edit: 30 Jul 2023 05:54 UTC
Views: 3775