Honkai Impact 3rd Equipment Farming Guide

By Imy (ww#1234), Memes For Learning#3971 Find Imy on the Solstice armada Discord server Find Memes For Learning on the Honkai Impact's official Discord server


In order to farm stigmata and weapons located in the Foundry, you need to have the requisite material. One type of material that is used to craft stigmata is Crystalyte.

Crystalyte have grades:

  • G1 (phantom) crystalyte
  • G2 (twilit) crystalyte
  • G3 (chasmic) crystalyte
  • G4 (pure) crystalyte

G1 crystalyte is used to craft G1 stigmata, G2 crystalyte is used to craft G2 stigmata, and so on.

Crystalyte also have types:

  • Ice theme (or Glacial Fences) stages drop Blue Crystalyte.
  • Fire theme (or Illuminated Land) stages drop Red Crystalyte.
  • Lightning theme (or Roaring Palace) stages drop Purple Crystalyte.
  • Physical theme (or Blade Grave) stages drop Grey Crystalyte.

Here's what each Crystalyte looks like:

- G1 (phantom) G2 (twilit) G3 (chasmic) G4 (pure)
Blue Blue Phantom Crystalyte Blue Chasmic Crystalyte Blue Twilit Crystalyte Blue Pure Crystalyte
Red Red Phantom Crystalyte Red Twilit Crystalyte Red Chasmic Crystalyte Red Pure Crystalyte
Purple Purple Phantom Crystalyte Purple Twilit Crystalyte Purple Chasmic Crystalyte Purple Pure Crystalyte
Grey Grey Phantom Crystalyte Grey Twilit Crystalyte Grey Chasmic Crystalyte Grey Pure Crystalyte

The other materials needed to craft Foundry weapons and stigmata are listed in the Foundry Costs section.

How Universal Mirage Works

In order to obtain ether fuel and crystalyte, one has to farm them from Universal Mirage. Unlocked at captain level 28, and accessed through the Attack -> Challenge -> Universal Mirage screen, this game mode provides you with a time-gated way to craft Foundry weapons and stigmatas.

Universal Mirage Themes

As mentioned before, Universal Mirage is split into four different themes, each theme providing a certain type of Crystalyte, corresponding to the color of the Crystalyte. Each themes is then split into different stages.

Universal Mirage Stages

Fire theme has six stages, while physical, ice, and lightning themes have seven stages.

You may choose which stage you want to challenge, thereby choosing to farm only the desired type of Crystalyte.
Example: I want to farm G2 and G3 (twilit and chasmic) purple Crystalyte, so I will choose the Roaring Palace theme, and farm either stage F4,F5, or F6.

Each stage can be cleared in solo mode or in coop mode. The coop mode will only be unlocked after completing the solo mode once. Clearing a stage for the first time also grants you first-time clear rewards (the mirage hoard rewards are given to you for free) and unlocks the next stage.

In order to complete a Universal Mirage stage, one needs an Invite of Mirage, or mirage tickets. At most six mirage tickets can be held at one time, and hitting the max amount means no additional tickets will be issued to you the following day. A total of ten invites of mirage is given per week: one on each day of the week, with an additional invite given to you on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each time a stage is cleared, one invite is used up, whether clearing it solo or in coop. However, you can choose to assist a fellow player in coop mode. While you won't use up an invite of mirage, you will gain no rewards.

To do co-op for Universal Mirage, first select the "Join a Team" button:

Joining a team

Hit the "Create Team" button. Make sure to allow auto-matching and turn off the Private team toggle:

Creating a team

You can invite a fellow player or share the co-op team ID, or have them manually search for it when they hit the "Join a Team" and then "Quick Join" buttons. The invited player can then toggle the Assist Mode on or off to choose whether or not they want to use an Invite of Mirage and receive rewards for completing the stage.

Assist Mode Toggling

Foundry Costs

These are the Stigmata forging costs, separated by type and grade. For a more complete list, please refer to your game.

In the game, you can filter what grade of stigmata you want by pressing either the dropdown arrow next to the grade header or clicking the filter icon on the very top of the Foundry screen.

The difference between transmute crafting and direct crafting

As the name implies, directly crafting a stigmata only requires Crystalyte of the corresponding grade, red lens, and ether fuel. Transmuting a stigmata requires a lesser amount of ether fuel, red lens, and G3 Crystalyte (compared to direct crafting, if that option exists), but has the downside of requiring a corresponding stigmata that is one grade lower than the one currently being crafted.

- G1 direct G2 direct G2 transmute G3 direct G3 transmute G4 transmute
New mats cost 190 G1 Crystalyte 200 G2 Crystalyte 125 G2 Crystalyte + G1 Stigma 200 G3 Crystalyte 140 G3 Crystalyte + G2 Stigma 140 G4 Crystalyte + G3 Stigmata
- - - - - - -
Blue Crystalyte Nohime Robert Peary Robert Peary Ana Schariac Ana Schariac Willows (Li Qui)
Red Crystalyte Higokumaru Thales Thales - Leeuwenhoek -
Purple Crystalyte Nagamitsu Monet Monet Ishikawa Goemon Ishikawa Goemon Handel
Grey Crystalyte Ekaterina Michelangelo Michelangelo Dirac Dirac Elysia
- - - - - - -
Fuel 700 900 550 1800 900 1100
Other mats 48/80 Honkai Pieces + 90-180 SS Imaginon OR 400 Ranger Creds + 125 SS Imaginon 160 Purple Lens 110 Purple Lens 150 Red Lens 150 Red Lens 200 Red Lens

These are the Weapon forging costs (only Bounty Weapons included).

- G1 Weapon direct G2 Weapon direct G1 Weapon Spirit
New mats cost No crystalyte needed 250 G2 Crystalyte 190 G1 Crystalyte
- - - -
Example Pledge of Sakura Fenghuang Pinions and Abyss Balmung
- - - -
Fuel 700 1200 300
Other mats 150 AE Imaginon + Corresponding Spirit 200 Purple Lens 150 AE Imaginon

(Some G1 Stigmata cost 48 Honkai Pieces + 120 SS Imaginon or 60 Honkai Pieces + 90 SS Imaginon; the number varies.)

Farming (Universal Mirage)

The rewards of floor clearing are as follows. The left side rewards are the guaranteed clearing rewards. The right side rewards are the mirage hoard rewards and can be redeemed by spending Time Swirl Passes upon completing a floor.

Floor Fuel G1 Crystalyte G2 Crystalyte G3 Crystalyte G4 Crystalyte Time Swirl Passes Needed Fuel G1 Crystalyte G2 Crystalyte G3 Crystalyte G4 Crystalyte Total Fuel, Salvage Everything
1 4 6 0 0 0 50 25 15 0 0 0 40
2 4 8 0 0 0 60 28 22 0 0 0 50
3 4 4 2 0 0 70 32 11 7 0 0 57
4 5 0 4 0 0 80 37 0 14 0 0 65
5 5 0 2 2 0 90 41 0 8 6 0 75
6 6 0 0 3 0 100 46 0 0 12 0 82
7 7 0 0 0 2 100 49 0 0 0 8 81

And here is the calculated difference between rewards obtained with time swirl passes (mirage hoard) and normal rewards. For example, for floor 1, 15 G1 Crystalyte can be obtained with time swirl passes and only 6 G1 Crystalyte without time swirl, thus a difference of 9 G1 Crystalyte is calculated. Since 4 ether fuel is normally obtained through floor 1, and 25 ether fuel is obtained through floor 1 when using time swirl passes, the difference in ether fuel becomes 21. If the difference in G1 Crystalyte is all salvaged, 9 ether fuel is obtained. Adding 9 ehter fuel to the 21 ether fuel gives us the value of 30 in the "Total Fuel, Salvage Everything" column for this table.

Floor TSP Cost Fuel G1 Crystalyte G2 Crystalyte G3 Crystalyte G4 Crystalyte Total Fuel, Salvage Everything
1 50 21 9 0 0 0 30
2 60 24 14 0 0 0 38
3 70 28 7 5 0 0 45
4 80 32 0 10 0 0 52
5 90 36 0 6 4 0 60
6 100 40 0 0 9 0 67
7 100 42 0 0 0 6 66

Here is the normalized Time Swirl Pass (TSP) payoff, i.e. the payoff on 100 Time Swirl Pass. This is calculated as the difference in rewards gained with and without time swirl passes divided by the time swirl pass cost for that floor. So for floor 1, since the difference calculated above is 9 G1 Crystalyte and the cost is 50 TSP for getting the mirage hoard rewards, the normalized TSP payoff for G1 Crystalyte is 9/50 = 0.18.

The "Flawed Ratio" is another means of calculating efficiency in clearing mirage floors. The ratio is flawed because it divides total fuel over the amount of time swirl passes needed to claim the mirage hoard rewards for that floor, but the total fuel here includes the base fuel that one would get from clearing a floor normally. One normally gets 10 fuel from the first floor, and 40 fuel if time swirl passes are used. Divide 40 by 50 (where 50 is the number of time swirl passes needed to claim the mirage hoard rewards of floor 1) to get 0.8. Again, this is a flawed ratio since you didn't actually pay for the 10 "base" fuel.

Floor TSP Cost Fuel G1 Crystalyte G2 Crystalyte G3 Crystalyte G4 Crystalyte Normalized TSP Payoff Flawed Ratio
1 50 0.42 0.18 0 0 0 0.6 0.8
2 60 0.40 0.23 0 0 0 0.63 0.833
3 70 0.40 0.10 0.07 0 0 0.64 0.8143
4 80 0.40 0 0.125 0 0 0.65 0.813
5 90 0.40 0 0.067 0.044 0 0.667 0.833
6 100 0.40 0 0 0.09 0 0.67 0.82
7 100 0.42 0 0 0 0.06 0.66 0.81

With the normalized TSP payoff, it becomes easier to see which floors to farm if one is strictly in need for ether fuel. Floor 6 is the best to clear, followed by floor 5, then floor 7, then floor 4, 3, 2, and then floor 1. Using the flawed ratio method, floors 2 and 5 are the most preferable to clear, then floor 6, then floors 4 and 3, then floor 7, and finally floor 1.

Of course, this takes into account that you are primarily focused on farming fuel, as fuel will be a bigger bottleneck than Crystalyte or spatial lens (unless you are a beginner). If you need G1 stigmatas/weapons, then floor 2 is the best choice. If you need G2 stigmatas/weapons, then floor 4 is the best choice. Floor 6 is the best choice for G3 stigmatas. And for G4 stigmatas, you'll need to farm both floors 6 and 7. It would be best to farm floor 7 and grab the mirage hoard rewards to quickly farm G4 Crystalyte for the G4 stigmatas, then repeatedly clear floor 6 and grab the mirage hoard rewards to then farm fuel for the G4 stigmatas.

Except for G4 stigmatas, avoid transmuting when possible.

What to farm and when

What does T,M, and B stand for?

T refers to the stigmata that occupies the the top portion of the stigmata set. Likewise, M and B are for middle and bottom.

G0 (Basic Stigmata)

Roughly in farming order; may vary depending on your account.

Lier B vs Atilla B

Lier B has a requirement for its user to be at 100 percent hp or higher. This means that it has limited usage, only fit for game modes that do not take too long to complete, such as SS bosses in Memorial Arena. Use Atilla B (or Fu Hua Pride B) when facing mobs.

Which Stigmatas To Not Craft

In general, you should not craft stigmatas until you have a need for doing so. Some stigmatas like Roald Amundsen, Wang Zhoujin, and Shigure Kira are common gacha offrates. They have a very high chance of dropping every time you pull on a gacha banner. Crafting common stigmata is usually done with the purpose of directly salvaging them to obtain normal crystal cores. Other stigmata such as Picasso, Elizabeth Bathory, and Marco Polo can be obtained through other avenues such as completing story chapters and redeeming from the starter training shop. By only crafting stigmatas on a need-to-use basis, you remove the risk of forging something you don't need, saving you time, ether fuel, and Crystalyte.

- Why You Should Farm It When to forge How many to forge Cost
Marco Polo TMB M is part of an extremely good starter physical build with Jingwei T and Lier B. TM can also work as a basic dps build for physical damage dealers, such as HoS If you need an extra TM set and you already got the one from the training shop 1-2 Marco Polo TM, depending on your needs 130 SS Imaginon per piece
Fu Hua Musician (FHM) TMB MB can be used as on support valks due to the 2-set piece bonus of the team dealing 10 percent bonus total damage If you need an extra MB set and you already got the one from the training shop 1-2 FHM MB, depending on your needs 120 SS Imaginon + 50 Honkai Pieces per piece
Theresa: Gluttony (Glut) T Used in combination with either FHM MB or Mei: Beach Party and Newton B on support valkryies due to its insane bonus total damage boost ASAP 2-3. If you need more than 3, you probably have bad gacha luck 30 SS Imaginon
Jingwei T Decent starter physical build with Marco Polo M and Lier B. Marco TM Attila B is an alternative Around level 40, for beginners 1 should be fine 90 SS Imaginon
Rasputin B Used in a cheap starter ice dps build with Scott TM Only recommended if you already used your Peary set obtained from the training shop on another ice valk 1 should be fine 130 SS Imaginon for each piece
Fu Hua: Pride B Can be used instead of Atilla B Optional, choose when you need to 0-1 30 SS Imaginon
Yodo Dono A very cheap fire dps build Not really recommended, as Leeuwenhoek + Thales is a better option 0-1 60 Honkai Pieces for each piece

Why getting Darwin Is Bad

Crafting Darwin or redeeming it from the training shop is a terrible idea. Edison is a far cheaper stigmata to craft and invest in for lightning valkyries and is comparable to Darwin. The effects from the Edison set can also be applied more consistently when compared to Darwin.


Roughly in farming order; may vary depending on your account.

Stigmata Why You Should Farm It When to forge Cost
Pledge of Sakura (PoS) While not a good weapon, can be used as tribute for the Salvation of Sakura PRI. Tuning PoS gives you access to a number of lightning and SP boosts in the divine keys screen ASAP 150 AE Imaginon + 300 fuel + Corresponding Spirit
Lier B Decent starter physical build with Marco Polo M and Lier B. Marco TM Attila B is an alternative. A bit too pricy to justify crafting it Around level 40, for beginners 190 Phantom Grey Crystalyte + 60 Honkai Pieces + 90 SS Imaginon + 700 Fuel
Dracula T Good physical stigmata when paired with Shui MB or Dirac MB for Susannah When you have SS Susannah and need something for bleed weather 190 Phantom Blue Crystalyte + 80 Honkai Pieces + 120 SS Imaginon + 700 Fuel
Siegfried Kaslana M When you need it and Origins M doesn't cut it Very low priority 190 Phantom Purple Crystalyte + 80 Honkai Pieces + 90 SS Imaginon + 700 Fuel
Briareus EX Only the PRI version is useful, as it is an impair source and lets your valk stay on field, useful for when you want to proc Snowy Sniper's passive or re-proc Newton B with Drive Kometa's Shield Very low priority 150 AE Imaginon + 300 Fuel + Briareus PRI Sprit to craft Briareus PRI, which is used as tribute for Briareus EX
MAG-Typhoon When you know exactly what you're doing Very low priority 150 AE Imaginon + 300 Fuel + MagStorm Sprit to craft MagStorm, which is used as tribute for MAG-Typhoon
Demonblade - Florid Sakura When you know exactly what you are doing Using SSS FS as a DPS. Still very low priority --
Cleopatra B Huge total damage multiplier against paralyzed enemies When you have SSS Knight Moonbeam (very late endgame). Can also be used on Herrscher of Thunder, though Handel is far better. Very low priority. 190 Phantom Grey Crystalyte + 48 Honkai Pieces + 120 SS Imaginon + 700 Fuel
Shennong T Used in conjunction with Shuijing MB for FT, provides physical damage boost When you have SSS FT and you don't have Elysia TB, which is the superior option 190 Phantom Grey Crystalyte + 80 Honkai Pieces + 90 SS Imaginon + 700 Fuel
Fuxi B When you know exactly what you are doing Very low priority 190 Phantom Blue Crystalyte + 400 Ranger Creds + 125 SS Imaginon + 700 Ether Fuel
Fuxi M YWhen you know exactly what you are doing; mostly Paralyze-based mobbing strats and non-SSS KM Very low priority 190 Phantom Blue Crystalyte + 400 Ranger Creds + 125 SS Imaginon + 700 Ether Fuel
Fuxi T When you know exactly what you're doing (e.g. HT SN strat) Very low priority 190 Phantom Blue Crystalyte + 400 Ranger Creds + 125 SS Imaginon + 700 Ether Fuel

Pledge of Sakura is a high priority. Lier B is low priority, and the rest should not be bothered with. They are remnants of a distant past, when honkai was in its infancy.


Roughly in farming order; may vary depending on your account.

Stigmata Why You Should Farm It When to forge
Jin Shengtan TM Extremely useful support for any elemental team When you can't afford getting the different gear for the elemental SP support valks
Thales M Works as a very good free to play fire dps set in conjunction with Leeuwenhoek TB When you have a fire dps and not their gear or need a filler M piece for a fire valkyrie
Thales TB For transmuting into Leeuwenhoek TB When you have a fire dps and not their gear
Monet T Can be used as a cheap lightning dps build with Ishikawa Goemon MB When you need to
Beethoven MB Cheap set for physical and dps valks. Used in some builds with HoS and SnS (Carole), especially for trying to proc ult faster When you need to
Tesla Band M Used as lightning support When you need to. Good as a filler M piece for lightning support valkyries like Golden DIva
Tesla Band T Used as physical support When you need to
Fenghuang Pinions Everybody should make it eventually When you get Fenghuang Down, as syncing it in the divine keys menu provides plus 10 attack to all Valkyries
Abyss Everybody should make it eventually When you get Abyss Flower, as syncing it in the divine keys menu provides plus 10 attack to all Valkyries
Robert Peary TMB You shouldn't, you can get it for free from the starter event's training shop You can get it for free from the starter event's training shop

Roughly in priority; will vary depending on your account. Many G3 stigmatas listed here are farmed to transmute into their G4 counterpart. So if you have a lightning Valkyrie, you'll probably be farming Ishikawa Goemon to transmute to Handel

Stigmata Why You Should Farm It When to forge
Ishikawa Goemon TMB MB for budget lightning build with Monet T, but more useful as transmute material for Handel When you have a lightning valk
Dirac MB Very good physical dps set When you have a physical dps valk and when Marco Polo TM Atilla/Pride/Lier B doesn't cut it. Used in conjunction with Dracula T for Susannah
Dirac TB Used to transmute to Elysia stigmata When you have a physical dps valk and Marco Polo TM Atilla/Pride/Lier B doesn't cut it
Leeuwenhoek TB Extremely good f2p fire dps set, in conjunction with Thales M When you have a fire dps valk and not their gear
Ana Schariac TMB Used with HoR and AKA, and for transmutation into Willows When you need to for your ice dps valk
Shuijing Can be used on some physical Valkyries such as SA and Susannah. Shui MB can be paired with Dracula T for Susannah Low priority
Fu Hua: Margrave (Marg) TMB An ok support stigmata set used on valkyries that have an ult cost of 125 sp. Jin Shengtan is cheaper, and Life of Bronya is a much better gacha-based option If you need it, and JST TM or FHM MB isn't cutting it
Irene Adler Used on elemental Valkyries that can perform charged attacks such as Fallen Rosemary Low priority
Gustav Klimt Has some rare usage in MA Low priority
Kafka TM When you know exactly what you're doing. Can be used on PE as a cheap option At least level 81+, maybe even later
Wilde T For Stygian Nymph, and when you know exactly what you're doing Only recommended if you love Stygian Nymph and know how to use her
Caravaggio M When you know exactly what you're doing Used in some meme runs
Allan Poe TMB For Stygian Nymph Only recommended if you love Stygian Nymph and don't care if she does no damage
Dickens When you know exactly what you're doing. Overshadowed by Elysia TB Very low priority

Roughly in priority; will vary depending on your account

Stigmata Why You Should Farm It When to forge
Handel TMB Extremely good set for lightning valks As soon as you get a lightning dps valk
Willows TMB Extremely good set for HoR and AKA When you get HoR or AKA
Elysia TB Very good physical dps set for valkryies that have physical charged attack (like FT) Level 81+
Elysia M For SS+ Elysia Level 81+

General Farming Order

Here is a general farming order. Note that a beginner will easily have enough fuel for G4 Stigmatas, but will be constrained by red convectrons:

  1. Attila B (to fulfill the Starter Event mission)
  2. Theresa: Gluttony T
  3. Pledge of Sakura
  4. Marco Polo TM/FHM MB
  5. JST TM
  6. Ishikawa Goemon
  7. Handel
  8. Thales TB
  9. Leeuwenhoek TB/Thales M
  10. Ana Schariac/Dirac
  11. Willows TMB/Elysia TB
  12. Margrave
  13. Irene Adler
  14. Fenghuang Pinions/Abyss
  15. Beethoven MB
  16. Others


  • 40 Time Swirl Pass from Elysian Shop per week. Cost: 64 Rusted Insignia
  • 90 Time Swirl Pass from Mirage Store per week. Cost: 1 Asterite
  • 1000 Time Swirl Pass from Mirage Store per patch. Cost: 1000 time structures
  • 20 Time Swirl Pass from Mirage Store per week. Cost: 160 Ranger Creds
  • 50 Time Swirl Pass from BP Arsenal per patch. Cost: 500 Honor Chips
  • 150 Time Swirl Pass from Starter Event missions per week
  • Some fairly large amount from events

For new players, they can potentially get up to 472 time swirl passes per week (assuming a six week patch), excluding events. Since buying time swirl passes from the mirage store with ranger creds is extremely expensive, this number is more realistically 452 time swirl passes per week, again excluding events. Players who do not have access to the starter material shops will have this number dwindled down to 302, or 294 if they also choose to not get time swirl passes from the BP arsenal.

As of patch 6.6, players have received 200 time swirl passes. Though 6.6 was a 5-week patch, it's realistic to assume about 200 time swirl passes given as rewards for completing time-limited events, so I'll put this as 34 time swirl passes per week.

Time horizon - "How long does it take?"

Keep in mind that beginners will be able to farm stigmata pieces at a much faster rate, as they not only get the extra time swirl passes and ether fuel from the starter material shop, they also receive one-time bonuses from free mirage hoard rewards and from unlocking achievements.

I will assume 6-week patches and that you no longer have access to the starter event and its material shop, that you fully complete evens and redeem the event currency to buy time swirl passes from the corresponding event shop, that you buy swirl passes from the mirage store with ranger creds, and that you not buy them from the BP Arsenal with honor chips. That comes down to 294 + 20 + 34 = 348 time swirl passes per week. I will round this up to 350 to make it easier to perform calculations.

Red and purple lens, SS imaginons, and Honkai Pieces are not included as this would further complicate calculations and time swirl passes, Ether Fuel, and Crystalyte are the more important bottlenecks (for the time it takes to farm one G3 stigmata piece, you can get half of the required red lens just from Elysian Realm alone)

G4 Stigmata

To Farm:

  • 140 G4 Crystalyte
  • 200 G3 Crystalyte
  • 2900 ether fuel (1800+1100)


  1. Clear stage 7 7 times to obtain 14 G4 and 49 ether fuel
  2. Clear stage 6 3 times. Use time swirl passes each time you clear stage 6, to get a total of 36 G3 and 138 ether fuel. You will have 50 time swirl passes left over. Since you can only obtain time swirl passes three times, this is dubbed the "odd" week
  3. For the next week, clear stage 7 6 times to obtain 12 G4 and 42 ether fuel
  4. Clear stage 6 4 times, each time using time swirl passes to claim mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 48 G3 and 184 ether fuel. Since you can only obtain time swirl passes four times, this is dubbed the "even" week. You will have zero time swirl passes left over.
  5. Dubbing one odd week and one even week together as one cycle, each cycle should net us 413 ether fuel, 26 G4 Crystalyte, and 84 G3 Crystalyte
  6. Repeat this cycle 5 times, which will net you 2,065 ether fuel, 130 G4 Crystalyte, and 420 G3 Crystalyte. Recycle 220 G3 Crystalyte to get 660 ether fuel, which gives us 2,725 ether fuel, 130 G4 Crystalyte, and 200 G3 Crystalyte
  7. We only need 175 ether fuel and 10 G4 Crystalyte left. Clear stage 7 one time with time swirl passes one one without to get 10 G4 Crystalyte and 56 ether fuel. 119 ether fuel is left. Clear stage 6 two times and obtain the mirage hoard rewards. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte into ether fuel to get 164 ether fuel. You will have 45 surplus ether fuel

Total time spent: 10 weeks plus 4 invites of mirage (so 10 1/2 weeks)

Assuming you obtain ether fuel from events, tactical training, and from the Logistics Terminal, you can further reduce the time.

Total time to farm one G4 set: 31 weeks (aka 5 patches or 7 months)

G3 Stigmata

To Farm:

  • 200 G3 Crystalyte
  • 1800 ether fuel


  1. On the odd week, clear stage 6 3 times and use time swirl passes to obtain the mirage hoard rewards. The clear stage 6 7 times without obtaining the mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 138 ether fuel and 36 G3 Crystalyte from clearing with mirage hoard rewards, and 42 ether fuel and 21 G3 Crystalyte from clearing without mirage hoard rewards
  2. On the even week, clear stage 6 4 times and use time swirl passes to obtain the mirage hoard rewards. The clear stage 6 6 times without obtaining the mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 184 ether fuel and 48 G3 Crystalyte from clearing with mirage hoard rewards, and 36 ether fuel and 18 G3 Crystalyte from clearing without mirage hoard rewards
  3. For one cycle, you should get 322 ether fuel and 84 G3 Crystalyte
  4. Repeat this cycle 4 times to get 1288 ether fuel and 336 G3 Crystalyte. Recycle the 136 G3 Crystalyte to get 408 ether fuel. We now have 1,696 ether fuel and need 104 ether fuel left to complete farming one G3 stigmata piece
  5. On the ninth week, clear stage six one time with mirage hoard rewards and recycle the ether fuel to get 82 ether fuel. With 22 ether fuel left, clear stage 6 twice without claiming mirage hoard rewards. You will have a surplus of 8 ether fuel

Total time spent: 8 weeks plus 3 invites of mirage (I will round this down to 8 weeks)

Assuming you obtain ether fuel from events, tactical training, and from the Logistics Terminal, you can further reduce the time.

Total time to farm one G3 set: ~25 weeks (aka 4 patches or 5 1/2 months)

On using time swirl passes for farming G2 and G1 stigmata/weapons

I don't really recommend using time swirl passes to claim mirage hoard rewards for G2 and G1 stigmata, as according to the efficiency chart above, you end up wasting time swirl passes in order save time. However, it is okay if you want to quickly farm important G2 and G1 stigmata/weapons such as Jin Shengtan TM and divine keys (Pledge of Sakura and Abyss).

G2 Stigmata

To Farm:

  • 200 G2 Crystalyte
  • 900 ether fuel


  1. Since redeeming mirage hoard rewards upon clearing stage 4 costs 80 time swirl passes, clearing stage 4 4 times in a week costs 320 time swirl passes If you clear stage 4 4 times on the even week and 5 times on the odd week, each time claiming mirage hoard rewards, you will have spent 720 time swirl passes for one cycle (one odd week plus one even week). I will assume you can obtain 24 time swirl passes from somewhere (open world, achievement rewards, etc.)
  2. Clear stage 4 4 times and use time swirl passes to obtain the mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 148 ether fuel and 56 G2 Crystalyte. Then clear stage 4 6 times without using time swirl passes to get a total of 30 ether fuel and 24 G2 Crystalyte. For the even week, you get a total of 178 ether fuel and 80 G2 Crystalyte
  3. On the odd week, clear stage 4 5 times and use time swirl passes to obtain the mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 185 ether fuel and 70 G2 Crystalyte. Then clear stage 4 5 times without using time swirl passes to get a total of 25 ether fuel and 20 G2 Crystalyte. For the odd week, you get a total of 210 ether fuel and 90 G2 Crystalyte
  4. One cycle (one even week plus one odd week) will give you a total of 388 ether fuel and 170 G2 Crystalyte
  5. On the third week, you will need 512 ether fuel and 30 G2 Crystalyte left. Clear the fourth stage three times, two times with mirage hard rewards and the third time without. This will take care of the G2 Crystalyte shortage and give us 79 ether fuel. Recycle the two extra G2 Crystalyte into ether fuel to get 83 ether fuel total. You will now be short 429 ether fuel
  6. With approximately 200 time swirl passes left, clear stage 6 two times and use what little time swirl passes you have left to claim the mirage hoard rewards. That gives us 92 ether fuel and 24 G3 Crystalyte. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte to get 164 ether fuel in total, leaving us 265 ether fuel short. With five invites of mirage left for the week, clear stage 6 5 times normally without claiming mirage hoard rewards, giving us 30 ether fuel and 15 G3 Crystalyte. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte to get 75 ether fuel in total, leaving us with 190 ether fuel
  7. For the fourth week, clear stage 6 3 times and use your time swirl passes to claim the mirage hoard rewards. Since you get 350 time swirl passes per week, the 50 time swirl passes should be enough to cover any deficit that these calculations bring. This nets you 138 ether fuel and 36 G3 Crystalyte from clearing with mirage hoard rewards. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte to get 246 ether fuel. You will have 56 ether fuel left over

Total time spent: 3 weeks plus 3 invites of mirage (I will round this down to 3 weeks)

Assuming you obtain ether fuel from events, tactical training, and from the Logistics Terminal, you can further reduce the time.

Total time to farm one G2 set: ~10 weeks (aka 1 1/2 patches or 2 1/2 months)

G1 Stigmata

To Farm:

  • 190 G1 Crystalyte
  • 700 ether fuel
  1. Since redeeming mirage hoard rewards upon clearing stage 2 costs 60 time swirl passes, clearing stage 2 6 times in a week costs 360 time swirl passes. Since you only get 350 time swirl passes per week, we will have a deficit of 10 time swirl passes for just the first week.
  2. Clear stage 2 6 times and use time swirl passes to obtain the mirage hoard rewards. This nets you 168 ether fuel and 132 G1 Crystalyte. Then clear stage 6 4 times without using time swirl passes to get a total of 24 ether fuel and 12 G3 Crystalyte. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte, so you end up with 60 ether fuel from clearing stage 6 4 times. For the first week, you get a total of 228 ether fuel and 132 G2 Crystalyte. That leaves us with 472 ether fuel and 58 G1 Crystalyte to farm.
  3. For the second week, clear stage 6 3 times and use your time swirl passes to claim the mirage hoard rewards. Since you get 350 time swirl passes per week, the deficit of 10 time swirl passes subtracted from the extra 50 time swirl passes we have gives us a surplus of 40 time swirl passes. Clearing stage 6 3 times nets us 138 ether fuel and 36 G3 Crystalyte from clearing with mirage hoard rewards. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte to get 246 ether fuel. That leaves us with 226 ether fuel left to farm. Clear stage 4 7 times without claiming mirage hoard rewards for the remainder of the week, to get 35 ether fuel and 28 G1 Crystalyte. We now have 191 ether fuel and 30 G1 Crystalyte left to farm
  4. For the third week, clear the second stage twice, one without claiming the mirage hoard rewards and one with claiming the rewards. This fulfills the G1 Crystalyte quota and 159 ether fuel left to farm. Clear stage 6 2 times, each time claiming the mirage hoard rewards, netting you 92 ether fuel and 24 G3 Crystalyte from clearing with mirage hoard rewards. Recycle the G3 Crystalyte to get 164 ether fuel. We now have a net 5 ether fuel

Total time spent: 3 weeks plus 4 invites of mirage (3 1/2 weeks)

Assuming you obtain ether fuel from events, tactical training, and from the Logistics Terminal, you can further reduce the time.

Total time to farm one G2 set: ~10 weeks (aka 1 1/2 patches or 2 1/2 months)

Reroll Devices

You can get around 4 and 1/4 Reroll Devices per patch if purely farming Reroll Devices.

Questions? Something looks not right?

I hope this helped. :)

Find Imy (ww#1234), on the Solstice armada Discord server.

Find Memes on the official Honkai Impact 3 armada Discord server. Though he'll be dead from exhaustion on updating this guide.

To-Do List:

  1. Fix spelling issues and word things better
  2. Fix preview when pasting this link in places such as Discord

Update History

v1.0: Imy, initial listing
v2.0: Memes, slight overhaul, added G4, updated time swirl pass calculations
v3.0: Memes, major overhaul, removed a lot of the old system calculations (including stuff on bounty marks and united tokens)
v4.0: Memes, added detailed cost calculation for crafting stigmata, removed some memes, fixed some spelling errors, added some extra stigmata that found new usage, added to-do list, and added more reference images

Last updated: 06/12/2023


Edit Report
Pub: 06 Oct 2021 23:53 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2023 18:56 UTC
Views: 13901