
Daikoku: ......

Daikoku: 'The sunlight shines on them. Disgust and jealousy gnaw at my heart. I hear laughter, and I am enveloped in darkness, and I cover my ears.'

Daikoku: 'My shadow grows in their light. Resentment smolders in my heart.'

Daikoku: ......Today's post didn't get very far. I wonder why......

Daikoku: ......Is it because I seem negative......?

Daikoku: ......

Daikoku: (No good, if I'm always worrying about how people are reacting, I'll end up just like Panda. I'll do what I want to do and show her up.)

Daikoku: (But...... I've been losing out to Panda in terms of the number of likes I get these days. Not only my actor account, but also the anonymous one.)

Daikoku: Oh, there's a comment.

SNS Screen: 'It's hard to look at your recent posts.' 'Isn't this just jealousy of people who are cheerful? Isn't that selfish? '

Daikoku: (......What? Acting like you know everything......)

Daikoku: (Oh, a notification.)

Daikoku: (This time it's from my master.)

Daikoku: (She's praising me for showing a confident performance in practice......!)

Daikoku: I should have stayed closer to her. Was I so happy that even that kid could see it?

Daikoku: ......

Daikoku: 'There is someone I can trust. Their voice and presence become a light that dispels my darkness. For me, being near that person is paradise.'

Shigure: humming

Shigure's Mother: What's up? You seem to be having a lot of fun.

Shigure: Hmm? It's nothing.

Shigure: Ah......should Shigure help with the meal preparations?

Shigure's Mother: It's fine. I was able to get home early today, and I usually just make things in advance. Why don't you sit down and wait for me, Shigure?

Shigure: Okay.

Shigure: This is a weakness......‘Raven’s Solo’-san.

Shigure: I wonder if Daikoku-senpai doesn't realize that she’s making her own black history? Well, Shigure thinks it's funny though.

Shigure: ......Wow. This is definitely a message for Hatsumi-san, isn't it? It makes me feel embarrassed just reading it......

Shigure: ......Huh? Is this about Eden......?

Shigure: ......

Shigure: ......You're an idiot. Daikoku-senpai is too dependent on others.

Hatsumi: Ha ha~.

Iruru: What are you laughing about?

Hatsumi: I unexpectedly got the chance to find out what she was really thinking.

Iruru: So you were looking at that account......

Hatsumi: You take a look too. It's interesting.

Iruru: You're so carefree...... Her recent posts have become even more negative. It's true that for Daikoku, feeling resentment towards someone can be a source of strength. But if she shows that emotion openly, I’m afraid she’ll attract criticism.

Hatsumi: You can't break out of your shell if you're afraid of how other people will react. I thought she knew that, but she's probably just as timid as you’d expect at her age.

Hatsumi: What Eden needs are people who can accept their own weaknesses, turn them into strengths, and constantly evolve.

Iruru: That assignment's a bit difficult.

Daikoku: (......I have a short English test tomorrow. I haven't been able to concentrate in class recently, so I'd better study a bit.)

Daikoku: ......

Daikoku: ......There are fewer notifications than before.

Daikoku: (I don't know why, but I'm a little relieved......?)

Pub: 07 Jul 2024 14:38 UTC
Views: 87