She was unable to se whom the sender was so it became a long evening wondering who had sent her a package. Her thoughts went on long wild journeys. It could be her boyfriend that had send her something, but as she called him by phone he said no, but in a way that could mean yes too.
She had to go to the post office before she went to work, she was too curious to wait till after work. It was a soft package, and she open it a little, it was some cloth and some smaller extra packages inside and a letter! She did not dare to open the package really at work, she only opened the letter:
It was a very short letter, it only said: I expect you to wear what is inside this package, and only that, and you are ready to be picked up by me at 19.30 Friday night. And then signed with a big heart and Claus.
It was a very long Friday at work, and as it finished she decided to go by taxi home she could hardly wait to see what there was in the package, and to get ready to be picked up.
It was a dark red dress in princess style, with a short bolero jacket in the same cloth, a little shine but in a discrete way. There was an additional package in the package and it contained a pair of stockings and a garnerbelt, in the same colour. She tried it on, it was surely the most decollated dress she had ever worn, OK the little jacket helped a little, - she tried to swing around, and she could feel how wide the skirt really was, and how little it would allow before she would exposed to everybody.
It was with a tender heart she went into the bathroom, to get ready for the night in town.
Standing in her new stockings and new garnerbelt doing her make up, she got aware that there was no panties in the gift. She looked at the little letter once more, and she saw the he had said the gift and nothing else. She shivered, what was on his mind. She was aware, that he sometimes had some daring ideas, but this!
She could not help thinking in "naughty terms" during her shower, but she did not do anything about it, though she could feel, that the whole situation had made her hot inside.
She was surprised that he had been able to give her a dress that fitted that well, then she remembered that once he had played with some paper at her body. It has been a tickling experience.
Before she was aware of the time, he was at her doorbell.
He was dressed in his tuxedo, he really looked as a man of the world.
Looking at his face she could see that he was satisfied by the way the dress fitted to her body. He opened her jacket and gave her a kiss at the right nipple. It was electrifying!
Stepping into the car she got a shock, the way the dress behaved, made her sit with her naked ass at the car seat.
He had reserved a table at one of the better restaurant in town.
As he help her in place at the table, next to the dancefloor, she could fell how the dress opened under her and let her sit with the naked ass direct on the chair.
He did not ask her what to have, he had done that in advance, and as the waiter arrived at the table he brought two glasses of Kirr. That was a nice way to be treated, he had really done a lot of things just to please her, to make her feel like a Quinn, although a quinn of "slaves". She was well aware that things might not be all like it looked, she was sure that he had more than one surprise in the pocket for her.
Not far from where the were sitting was an other couple real nice dressed, having a full dinner like they were, and time to time she felt that they were looking a little more in her direction than one normally would do! " It might be the dress that she wore that made her that interesting", but she was not sure.
When the music started the dance tunes the lady from that couple came over and asked her to dance with her husband. She was a little surprised, but Claus said yes of cause, before she even was able to open her mouth. A thought went through her mind, this must be something that he had arranged ahead. She could not tell from his smile. The man from the other table came over and offered her to dance after he had made a more formal presentation of himself. His name was Frank, and his wife was Susan.
The way Frank danced with her made her feel that he had got some kind of information about her dress, be cause he was not moving around too much, and the way his hands moved on her body made her feel that that Claus had told him something in advance. By the glimpses she time to time got from how Claus was dancing with Susan, she could tell that this might be something that Claus had arranged.
They changed partners, and she got her own Claus back again. He just told her that he had arranged that the party would continue at Frank and Susan’s place.
The way he said it told her that there was no room for arguments. And she got that feeling that it was not only for a friendly drink they were going there. Everything has been in the direction, sex!
As they were driving to Frank’s address, she could not help asking him what, he had in mind, by going home with that couple.
He did not gave her a real answer, but only told her that she looked more than Fantastic and he knew exactly what he was doing.
Frank went as the first thing into the kitchen and cam back with a big bottle of champagne and Susan had taken the glasses. After the first sip Frank went to the stereo and put on some music, and Susan said that she felt like changing to something more relaxed.
When Susan was back, she had to look an extra time, She was wearing a corsage, a very daring one with the nipples fully exposed, and then stockings. She had to admit to herself that it looked real good.
In her hand there were a piece of black cloth, and she went direct to her and blindfolded her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Somebody helped her out of her little jacket, she could not tell whom, then she could feel hands all over her body, and they were not all male hands she could feel that. That intimate touch by the other made her feel red in the chicks, and a growing heat between the legs, as that area was not hot already. Someone lifted her shoulder straps out over the shoulders and she could feel how her dress sledded down her body, She felt how naked and accessible she was.
Somebody took a firm grip in her and made her dance, and from the way it smelled and how the hands were acting, she figured it was Frank she was dancing with. His hands were exploring her all over, and he did not forget to get acquainted with her pussy and its surroundings. She simply had to get the clothes of Frank, She needed cock now!
It was not an easy task to undress him, blindfolded as she was, and all the time disturbed by his hands playing with her nipples, pussy and ass.
When he was naked she had to go down on her knees and suck his hard cock and balls, the bare feeling of it made her almost come, and she could feel that he would not be able to take much, then he would explode, - but he stopped her, and made her get on the feet’s again. He led her to what she believed was the dinner table, and made her bend over face down and the he almost violent force his dick into her pussy, not that it did not wanted to have a cock inside, it was burning hot and as juice as it have ever been.
He started out hard and fast, and before she really knew what happened, her own glowing pussy made her come in an orgasm that just went on and on.
As she got back on earth she could feel that his cock not was that hard any more, though it was still inside her, and she could feel the weight of his body on top of her. "He must have come too"!
Now she could her the sound of her husband and Susan, and it was the sound of the last part of fucking, She had not even been aware of that during her own fucking with Frank. If somebody would have said that to her just an hour ago, she would have said no that would not be possible.
She felt a little awkward, sitting in the sofa sipping champagne and not blindfolded any more, with her hot pussy, satisfied and though wanting more.
Claus whispered something into Frank’s ear, and he agreed immediately.
After finishing another glass of champagne, Claus took her hand and let her into a room that had to be the quest chamber.
He ordered her to stand on her knees in the bed and then the face down into the pillow. He then tied her left hand to her left knee and the right hand to the right knee. He left her laying like that with the words:
" You are not surposed to say no, - to anything!"
She would have said something to him, but he was gone.
She could hear a low conversation between Frank and Claus from the livingroom, but she could not hear what they were talking about, and all kind of ideas went through her head, some more risky than others.
"What a beautiful sight", was Frank’s words, as he entered the room alone.
He took something from a drawer, and she felt that he was smearing her pussy and ass with some cream. The short glimpses she got of his body, she could see that he was ready for combat. It made her tremble inside, especially not knowing what to expect this time, she had a hunch, but who could be sure?
He caressed her bottom, and the he gave her a light spank with the hand, she was surprised, then once more he spanked her and a little harder this time, and out of nowhere she could feel how she was not only starting glowing outside but something happened inside too, as he reached the tenth strike he could do whatever he wanted to, if he would have asked her, but he did not, he just went behind her on his knees and started to press his stiff cock into her asshole. She was not ready yet, to take it, so he tried with a finger instead. She simply had to let it in, and as he started moving in and out, she could feel how she opened up more and more. He could feel it too, be cause he changed to use his cock to the penetration, and she just had to take all of it.
Well inside her and with his hands on her hips, he was in total control, she could feel that. He was moving gentle almost out and then all the way in again so she could feel his balls against her pussy-lips. It sended small electric like chocks through her body.
She enjoyed the treatment, an could not resist working with her inside mussels and his reaction was almost immediate, he became moving faster and harder, and she felt his dick to be twice the size now as when it penetrated her at the start.
She could not feel anything but her ass, pussy and herself as one big juice pussy, fucking harder and harder as the climax neared. It was an explosion.
As she went back to more normal breathing she could not help wondering why it has been this remarkable good, and the only solution she could come up with was, that the hole situation, her Claus tying her up to be used by an other man without limits, and down in her subconscious knowing that Claus still was somewhere near, for security, made fucking, just raw fucking a possibility that one could enjoy, without restrictions.
Frank untied her and led her to the bathroom, and Claus and Susan came there at almost the same time. Susan joined her under the shower and could not keep her hands to herself. So they ended up washing each other very carefully, specially the more intimate places, and that was too much for the gentlemen, they had to interrupt and then they all were under the shower caressing each other.
They all went to the bedroom and Claus made her spread her legs and he started to fuck her the old fashion way. Frank and Susan did the same and then she felt Susan’s hand on her breast, and to show that she liked it she let her own hand find Susan’s breast.
She had stopped thinking, she enjoyed only and she felt it as the most natural thing when she had come just to fall asleep with her husband behind her back and Susan holding her breast.

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Pub: 25 Feb 2024 08:52 UTC
Views: 858