A divider that depicts two gold dragons, one to the east and one to the west


This is a comprehensive list of how I define my alterhumanity. I'm open about being alterhuman, so I figured it was appropriate to make this webpage.

Below, you will find that my experiences are largely rooted in alterfictionality. That said, that isn't all there is to my identity, so feel free to check everything out!

Main Labels
I define my experience with the following labels:

Additonal Labels

Bold: Core identities
Italicized: Constels that are frequently experienced/shifted into
Bold + Italicized: Constel relating to a core identity (ex: African Lion anistel -> Beastman species)

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo

Core Identities

Core Fictotypes
As a fictional character, the contexts in which I am a character varies in many ways. This may come in the form of constantly present identities (core identities), identities stemming from parallel lives, or constels, which come later in this life. I explore and build upon my fictomeres through imagithropy. I exercise this relationship with my fictionhood through my writings and through making tabletop roleplaying materials based around said fictomeres.

I collectively refer to my core fictotypes as my liondrake fictomere. These fictotypes are intrinsically connected through their shared relevancies between humanity, nonhumanity, draconity, and leonine animality— as well as their influence across my alterhumanity.
My liondrake fictomere consists of the following fictotypes:

  • Metallic Dragonne
    • I am a Gold Dragonne, to be specific.
  • The Winged Lion
    • Despite having a complicated relationship with this fictotype, it's still among my more prominent experiences.
  • Nyoka-Damu
    • HTTYD Otherhuman. Canon-divergent.
    • Although my canon is based within Dreamworks's version of HTTYD, it's not interchangeable with the films' canon.
    • Nyoka-Damu, or "serpent bloods" / "serpent-blooded" people, are individuals with a close spiritual, interpersonal or otherwise "unnatural" connection to dragons. We are among the class known as dragon riders, but our cultures are not interchangeable with that of Berkians. In my canon, my dragon-brother (i.e. the dragon I rode) is Morningstar, a blind Stormcutter.
  • Lionblood Mundu-Mugo
    • Otherwise known as Dragon-Sorcerers amongst the Night Fire Herders. Mundu-Mugo are the descendants of Ninka Nanka (Wagadian Dragons) and Night Fire villagers. My source is The Wagadu Chronicles, specifically the TTRPG in its 7th Era.
    • Although I was born a Swala (an antelope human), I made the ritualistic practice as an adult to become a Lionblood. I made this choice because even though I respect the lineages I was born into, this lineage in particular better reflected who I am.
    • Based on my upbringing, I also have mixed Swala-Fire Asiman ancestry. This likely ties into my connection with both antelopes and the element of fire.

Core Species
I'm a transspecies beastman. I'm equally a human and nonhuman animal. Being a beastman is also a general label for my animality. I tend to fluctuate between being humanlike/anthropomorphic versions of my animal constels. The most prominent of which being my constels as an african lion, a lammergeier, an antelope, and a honey badger. Any of my anistels can be experienced in tandem with me as a beastman. That said, they aren't as prominent or intrinsic as the aforementioned animal species.

I'm also a transspecies bestiary. Yes, I am a transobject. I admit it is an obscure experience to have, but it is mine nonetheless. Being a bestiary means being one in a literal sense, as in my existence is psychologically that of an object which collects information on beasts and beings from various places. I also mean this in a metaphorical sense, as in being this object is reflective of how I collectively experience polymorphism and constelic identity. Additionally, this experience is meant in an active sense. I thoroughly document my species and lives with as much detail as I can to support my personal compendium (identity).

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo

General Fictotypes

Identities that I have sourced from fictional media. All of my fictotypes are parallel lives of mine. They may not be as central as my core fictotypes, but they're still relevant to my experiences within this community and are innate to my identity. Any fiction-based identities of mine that don't contain exomemories or noemata are my constels, or ficstels, instead.

  • Sunfire Elf
    • Canon-divergent. I don't belong to the official canon of The Dragon Prince; my canon exclusively focuses on my kind and Lux Aurea.
    • Very rarily, I recall the other elven societies of my canon and nonhuman communities in Xadia.
  • Zonai
    • Canon-ambiguous. Mammalian draconic shifters, at least in my canon.
    • Zonai Dragon: Draconified form of my Zonai self.
  • Pokémon Trainer
    • Game-based. Canon-divergent.
    • My canon has its own timeline based on the events of mainline games. It's a lot to get into, so I'll leave it at that.
    • I was originally a full-fledged Necrozma, but after my light drifted out into space, I arose one day as a young trainer. My experience is essentially a reverse mystery dungeon scenario.
  • Monster Rider
    • Canon-ambiguous. MH Stories-based.
    • Where I come from, my mount is a Nargacuga. I am a scout for my township, scoping out areas and aiding my companion with my bow and arrow. I also took up a Nargacuga linktype in honor of my companion.
  • The Stranger
    • Canon-ambiguous.
    • Before impersonating Captain Hawthorne, this fictomere went by the name Calvin Cooley in my canon. Half-human, half-megafauna mutant. Constantly in fully covered space suits to hide mutations.
  • The Beyonder
    • I don't belong to any established Marvel comic run, show, or movie.
    • This life is not from the same Earth as my Beast constel. Unlike said constel, I have experiences tied to this identity.
  • Phantomilian Dream Traveler
    • Canon-divergent.
    • Although I have the same species and role as Klonoa, I am not Klonoa himself. In my canon, I am a Phantomile resident who teaches newfound Dream Travelers (like Klonoa) about dream traveling as a practice and how to unlock their potential as they travel through worlds.
  • Ink
    • This fictomere's preferred name is just "Ink", given that I feel completely detached from being Sans and how I'm expected to be (regardless if it's in context to canon or an AU).
  • Halfblood Child of Phoebus Apollo
    • Canon-ambiguous. Roman Heritage. Legionnaire.
    • I am not any canonical, named character from the Riordanverse. I'm a Halfblood otherhuman whose story is not established in this world's canon. That's probably for the best, seeing that my exomemories are on the more graphic side of things.
  • The Watcher in the Wings
    • Canon-ambiguous. I take the form of a tetramorph whose body is shrouded in inky darkness, save the overall shape of my gnarled, black wings. Sometimes, this form can appear humanoid but not always; it tends to fluctuate in appearance if anything.
    • Performance is only a facet of my domain. My domain as a whole, however, is storytelling, mainly the decisions behind it and the execution of it. This is why my critique tends to be heavy on those who invoke me.
    • Contrary to what my source says, I am not a "god". I am a creation meant to fill the void within my creator(s). I'm more self-aware than some beings in my source, so I'm not all that connected with them or the overall narrative surrounding our existence as fictional entities. Even so, I do not renounce my source.

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo


Identities that were incorporated into my life over time. Some are involuntary, some are voluntary, and some have no known manner of origin besides simply becoming a part of me. All of them experienced through polymorphism, consistently fluctuating between them and my other fictotypes.

Although they weren't innate from the start, I am still these constels. I undergo phantom shifts into them. I have constels of varying experiences (fictionality, animality, concepthood, etc). They're still experienced as any identity would be. They just orbit around my core identities and parallel lives.

Constels that are based in fiction. Many of these ficstels, but not all of them, are parallel lives of my dragonne fictotype. Some ficstels also overlap with other categories (such as mythic identity and animality) and be placed there instead of here.

  • Henry "Beast" McCoy
    • I don't belong to any established X-Men comic run, show, or movie, nor do I have any particular exomemories. I simply am Beast.
  • Donatello Hamato
    • I am specifically from the crossover canon within Naruto. Occasionally, I may experience shifts as myself from the Bayverse canon, but I do not identify as that version of myself.
  • Dwemer Elf
    • Started out as a linktype. I am proud to say this is the first of my links that have become so natural to me, that it eventually became a constel. That said, I'm still proud to say that I chose to be a Dwemer.
    • Since I chose to be a dwemer, that also means that I do not have any exomemories or noemata pertaining to this constel.
  • Solar Starliian
    • Started out as a link. This constel was chosen for two reasons. The first reason is because I really like the species concept. I wanted to engage with it beyond 'sonas and OCs. The second reason is because Starliians gave me a bit of species envy, and I figured: "Why envy them when I just be one of them?".
  • Amorphous Oddragon
    • Started out as a link. I chose to be an Oddragon simply because I wanted to be one. I thought the species concept was a fun take on draconity, especially as a draconic being with a cosmic/interdimensional background.
  • Mossflower Badger
    • Started out as a link. I chose to be a Badger of Mossflower Country simply because I wanted to be one. I've adored the badgers of the Redwall books since I was a child and take immense pride in taking the steps to become one of them. Although it's not canon-accurate, I am particularly an anthropomorphized honey badger in this constel.
    • I personally align with the badgers of Salamandastron. I am no lord or lady, though. I just align my badgerness with this specific landmark and its history within Redwall.

Constels that are mythic in nature. Many of my mythostels are fictional (in terms of background), but their mythic quality is what sets them apart from other fictostels.

  • Homebrew Celestial
    • Originates from Planescape in my source (D&D). Godless. Neither angel nor demon. I am my own homebrew race of Celestial: an Apostate.
    • Apostates are beings made from the Planes' energies. All Apostates embody and support a planar Domain, instead of being created by and working under a deity. My domain is Creation, which helps build upon the structure of my canon. My canon thrives off of storytelling in all forms, thus I help support the creative spirit any way I can.
  • Homebrew Sphinx
    • Can change between anthropormorphic and feral forms. Folcinteric.
    • Originates from the Radiant Citadel in my source (D&D). I nickname my species "Treasure Sphinxes" for its appearance and practices, but there is no official name that I know of.
    • My specific species has a leonine body, a sculpted golden face (like a statue's face), black fur with gold accents, gold claws, gold horns (six in total), four feathered wings, feathered legs, a mane that consists of dreadlocks adorned with gold jewelry, and a long, leonine tail. This species mostly eats various metals and gemstones to sustain itself, but can eat just about anything if neither are available.
  • Homebrew Manticore
    • Can change between anthropomorphic and feral forms. Folcinteric.
    • Originates from a canon-divergent Theros in my source (D&D). In this setting, I am the only known manticore, so I am simply referred to as "The Manticore" or "The Man-Beast" by many.
    • My shape as a manticore consists of six, small horns, a pitch black body, a distorted human-esque face, wings that encase searing white light, a metasoma that encases searing white light, and eyes "that burn like the sun" as some say.
  • Draconic Faun
    • I'm essentially a mythological faun with most traditional traits, except I have the traits of a dragon instead of a goat.
    • I maintain my tail, my horns, my breath weapon and some of my scaled features in this form, but I have no whiskers nor wings.
  • Urmahlullu
    • A leonine centaur, in layman's terms.
  • Were-Creature Mythostels
    • Ailuranthrope
      • A werecat, in layman's terms. My appearance as a werecat tends to fluctuate, usually between the appearance of a humanoid lykoi cat or a humanoid lion.
    • Asvanthrope
      • A werebadger, to be specific. I take the form of a humanoid honey badger.

Constels that are based in animality / are species of animals.

Constels that are plant species.

Constels that are objects, whether inanimate or sentient.

Constels that are concepts, rather than a specific person or species. Unlike most of my other constels, I always embody these concepts.

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo

I do not count these identities as constels due to their circumstancial nature. They're only triggered when I interact with their sources, come across something reminiscent of their sources, or discuss them in passing. Whether or not they hold noemata depends on the 'flicker.

  • Country Bear
    • I am not any specific Country Bear Jamboree character or animatronic. That said, this 'flicker does involve me being my own character and animatronic within that franchise; it centers around being the concept of a Country Bear, to put it simply.
  • Architect
    • I am no specific Architect character nor do I have any exomemories for this 'flicker.
  • Desert Yautja
    • This 'flicker belongs to the same subspecies as the Feral Predator, but I'm not the Feral Predator as in the antagonist Prey. I do not have any exomemories associated with this 'flicker either.

Identities that connect with a pre-established experience of mine. They are not present without said experience(s).

  • Dragonborns and Draconians
    • Paratypes to my gold dragonne fictotype.
    • Gold dragonborns and Aurak Draconians, to be specific. These two species also reflect what my dragonne fictotype may look like in an anthropomorphic form.
  • Nargacuga
    • Paratype to my Monster Rider constel.
    • Started out as a link but I dropped it since my connection solely existed as an attached to this ficstel and its noema surrounding my brother-mount, a Nargacuga.
  • Animatronic
    • Paratype to my Country Bear 'flicker.
  • Urzuk
    • Paratype to my Owa'stryrus constel.
  • Golden Lion Tamarin
    • Paratype to my golden-headed lion tamarin constel.
  • European Badger
    • Paratype to my Redwall Badger constel. Developed due to the prominence of european badgers in Redwall itself, in contrast to me being both a honey badger and a Badger of Salamandastron.
  • African Leopard
    • Paratype of my lion constel. Started as a link but I dropped it since my connection to this species is solely attached to my leonine identity. This is due to our shared habitat and positions as predatory animals.
  • Mule
    • Paratype to my draft horse constel(s) and my donkey constel.

These are species that I chose, but haven't fully incorporated into my identity yet. Reasons vary from link to link.

  • Quinn Navidson
    • Copinglink. I will not disclose what I'm specifically coping with, but I will say that Quinn/"Yarnaby" does help me in finding peace with my troubled adolescent years. This is the only link I have that'll permanently stay as a link, rather than be dropped or become a constel.

Identities that are rooted in delusions. My endels come about as a result of my schizophrenia.

  • D-16 / Megatron
    • When triggered, this endel fluctuates between a Humanformers perspective and a perspective that's canon-compliant to Transformers One.
  • Dark Beast
    • When triggered, I remain no exomemories nor sense of self. This endel feels more like a force of nature than a tangible person, while also connected to my Beast ficstel.
  • The Listener
    • When triggered, I am not akin to the Listener as seen in Elder Scrolls canon. This endel feels more like a force of nature than a tangible person, bringing ruin wherever it goes.

Species that I used to be in a past context, but no longer am nor identify as. Nonetheless, they hold relevance to my current species.

  • Fire-Breathing Tamrielic Dragon
    • The only lingering aspect of my Tamrielic draconity is 1. my name and 2. the fact that I still speak Dovahzuul out of muscle memory.
    • Very integral to my draconity, although the circumstances of my fall are hazy. The most I remember is the involvement of the Blades. This experience is also partially responsible for my draconic namesake ("Sivaasonikaan", which is "beast of wisdom" or "beastly wisdom" in Dovahzuul).
  • Necrozma
    • Specifically, a Necrozma in my species' original state (Psychic/Dragon). Fused with a Solgaleo. Similar to my Tamrielic Dragon kardiatype, it is significant to my draconity.
    • In my Pokémon fictomere, this was a previous form of mine before I became a trainer. My transition from a Necrozma to a trainer is a Mystery Dungeon type of scenario but put in reverse: I was once an ancient beast, then I emerged as a human under unknown circumstances.
    • This also ties into a mirrortype of the same species. I do not identify as a Necrozma, but this past experience still reflects major aspects of my draconity in terms of both appearance and ability.
  • Crimson Goregutter
    • Occured in the past of my Nyoka-Damu/HTTYD Otherhuman fictotype. Not much is remembered of this experience besides the feeling of being this species and a very deep, intrinsic connection with draconity that I couldn't quite explain in this fictomere's current form but I can explain here on Earth. This is yet another identity that is essential to how I assess my draconity now, despite no longer being nor identifying as that species.

Species and/or characters that reflect my ideal self. I do not identify as them, but they harbor traits that relate to my self-image.

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo

Characters, species, stories and locations that I feel deeply connected with, even though I am not one of them nor from them.


  • Horace Cross
    • I resonate with Horace deeply as a black queer person in the U.S. South and on account of our alterhumanity. Although Horace's desire to become a red-tailed hawk isn't explicitly stated or meant to reflect nonhuman identity, he chooses himself as a form of escapism, similar to some forms of copinglinking— a practice that I've only done once but relate to nonetheless.
  • Kovu
    • I resonate with Kovu as a character for a lot of personal reasons. Even though I don't talk about these connections a lot, I can say that my resonance with him has been here since my childhood.
  • Sunstripe
    • Of all canon Redwall Badgers, I deeply identify with and see myself in Sunstripe and his journeys. That said, much like Kovu, it's not to the point of identifying as Sunstripe. I simply see a kindred spirit in him.
  • Link
    • Particularly towards the Hero of Time (OoT/MM) and the Hero of the Wild (BotW/TotK), both of which are the heroes of my respective timelines.


  • Drow-hearted
    • My heartedness towards drow elves is based on my own position as a marginalized person and also a result of sympathizing with their position for being branded as a typical "evil race" in fantasy media.
  • Kobold-hearted
    • D&D-specific. Rather than Dragonborns or other Draconians, much of my kinship goes towards the kobolds in my source. Their resourcefulness and sense of community invole something that I can't quite describe outside of "pride". In short, I'm very fond of this group as a D&D fictionfolk.
  • Orc-hearted
    • Includes half-orcs. I'm Orc-hearted regardless of the source, but I am quite biased towards D&D Orcs and Orsimers.
    • Hard-working, strong and proud, there's very little to dislike about orcs. Most of my heartedness towards then is based on my own sympathies as a racially marginalized person. I know the feeling of witnessing your community be constantly demonized; while orcs aren't the only fantasy race to be depicted as such, they are the most prominent of them.
  • Werewolf-hearted
    • Originally, I thought myself to be a lycanthrope but as I understood myself more in a feline context, I realized that I'm an ailuranthrope rather than a lycanthrope. Regardless, the kinship I feel towards werewolves never left me.
  • Inkfish-hearted
    • I lean more towards Octolings with this hearttype, as I relate to Inkadian Octolings and Octarians as a marginalized person.


  • The Lion King
    • Specifically towards the first three entries of the franchise (the '97 film, Simba's Pride and TLK 1/2).
  • The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann
    • The entire series, not just the first book.
  • Redwall by Brian Jacques
    • The entire series, not just the first book.
  • The Hobbit, Or There And Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien (the book, not the film)
  • Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
    • Exclusively referring to the original 2002 film, not the recent franchise based on said film.


  • Faerûn (The Forgotten Realms)
    • Particularly towards Candlekeep, both as a setting-specific area and as a theorhetical home.
  • Lux Aurea, Xadia
  • Thunderra (2011)
  • Salamandastron
  • The Serengeti
  • Sun Haven
  • Hyrule
  • Artimé
    • This is a result of my tale-heartedness towards Lisa McMann's "The Unwanteds" book series.
  • Splatsville and the Splatlands in general
    • Ties into my Inkfish-heartedness.

Tropes and roles that I reflect me as an individual. I strive to incorporate these archetypes into my lifestyle(s).

A gold divider that depicts the draconic Dungeons and Dragons logo

Additional Information
My Dreamwidth: https://herebedraconity.dreamwidth.org/?s2id=4431742

Here, I journal a lot of my thoughts and experiences pertaining to my alterhumanity. These writings are more on the personal side of things.

My Neocities: https://herebedraconity.neocities.org/

Please note that my neocities is still a WIP.

This is my personal website where I archive my alterhuman usings, essays and poetry. I also aim to provide a wide array of activities and information on this web page as well; that way, it can be a fun, educational experience for all!

A divider that depicts two gold dragons, one to the east and one to the west

Pub: 04 Jul 2024 16:35 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2025 14:57 UTC
Views: 3991