She already had the bed turned down and she stopped when we reached the side of the bed. She turned around and faced me taking off her white robe dropping it to the floor. She sat down on the bed and moved to the left side of the bed allowing me access next to her. I laid down next to her with my mind reeling not quite sure what we were both doing. She knew I was inexperienced, so she was going to have to lead me through whatever was going to happen.

She leaned over me looking down into my eyes with a look I had never seen before. She bent down and softly put her lips on mine. Her lips were soft and moist, and she immediately sent a shiver up my spine. After a few seconds, she pressed her lips a little harder into mine, the tip of her tongue brushing my lower lip. Seconds later, she softly pushed her tongue into my mouth giving me the most spine-tingling sensation I had ever felt.

As we continued to kiss each other her hand traveled down my body and inside of my shorts. She had her small soft hand wrapped around my rigid erection slowly stroking me up and down. She removed her lips from mine and opened her eyes, they were glazed over and full of moisture.

"Does that feel good baby?", she whispered.

By this time, I had absolutely no control over my body, I was completely in my mother’s hands. She began to stroke me off a little faster and after several seconds I knew I was going to lose control.

"Mom, please… I’m going to.", I said softly.

"It’s ok baby, go ahead and cum.", she replied.

That was all it took as spurt after spurt of hot semen jumped from the head of my cock coating my mother’s hand and the inside of my shorts. She completely rubbed my entire load out and was rubbing her thumb over the head to make sure I was done. As I tried to recover from what was the best orgasm of my life my mother leaned in and softly kissed me again for several seconds.

"Go clean up and come back to bed.", she whispered, seductively.


The police sorted everything out and even gave me a ride home for the trouble. My mom freaked out when she saw me get out of a police car and came running out of the house. The police officer explained what had happened and told her I behaved admirably for someone put in the situation I was in.

The following Monday at school, I was the talk of the campus. I had saved Haley and choked out the big bad football player. Haley came over and sat with me during lunch showing me the gash on the back of her head again.

For some reason, I had a bad feeling that what had happened at Haley’s house that night was not over. I could see the looks I was getting from the football players both in and out of the classroom. I guess they were circling the wagons trying to protect one of their own.

I did another cycle of steroids and killed myself in the gym getting to two hundred twenty pounds. Danny then suggested I change my routine to low weight and high repetitions. This would cause me to lose some weight initially but give me much more definition. Since I had been with Danny, he had never steered me wrong, so I started the new routine. I also cut back on the calories I was eating a bit.

Within several weeks, it was easy to see what he was talking about. I was off steroids, and I had dropped close to ten pounds. But the definition in my arms, legs and upper body started to take shape. After two more weeks, I was down twenty pounds but as gym members would say, I was ripped. You could see the veins in my upper arms and my stomach was beginning to get ripples in it.

I turned nineteen years old on a Friday with little fanfare. My mom bought a small cake and some ice cream, and we ate together that night. She bought me several pairs of jeans and two shirts because most of my clothes were too small. I was officially a man now, but I did not feel one bit different.

We were approaching the Christmas holidays, and everyone was looking forward to the extended vacation. We were in our last two weeks of school before vacation when I was approached in the hallway by Haley Mills.

"Hey Chris, are you by any chance going to the Christmas dance?", she asked.

"No, I don’t do dances.", I replied, laughing.

"Want to go with me?", Haley asked.

"Oh geez…. I don’t know Haley. Last time we were together it didn’t end well. I’m still getting looks from the football team.", I answered.

"Please…… ", she asked, smiling at me.

"Ok, I guess we can go together.", I answered.

She quickly hugged me then began to make plans for the dance. She seemed excited and promised to call me at home later tonight. She was surprised to find out I did not have a cell phone. I just thought for my purposes it was not worth the money. I was either at school, home or the gym. It was not hard to find me.

That evening I told my mom about the dance, and she seemed extremely happy that I had accepted Haley’s invitation. My mom told me I could use her car that night and promised to get it cleaned. I had only driven my mom’s vehicle once when I took the driving test many years ago. The gym and market were close to the house and the school bus picked me up at the corner.

As promised Haley called me that night and we spoke for close to an hour on the phone. She did most of the talking and explained her entire relationship with Darren, not that I really wanted to know.

After talking to Haley, I went into the living room and join my mother on the sofa. She was watching a movie on television, so I sat down and started watching it as well. Around nine o’clock, the movie went off and my mother asked if I wanted to watch anything else. I told her no and she turned off the tv.

"Was that Haley on the phone a while ago?", she asked.

"Yes, it was.", I answered, looking over at her.

What I did not notice until now was my mother was wearing an oversized white t-shirt on with just panties underneath. Since my mother had been going to the gym, she had lost SEVERAL pounds and was turning a lot of heads in the gym, including mine. I always felt bad afterwards when I thought about my mother in a sexual way but, here she was exposing most of her legs to me. She was turned slightly sideways on the sofa facing me. She happened to look out the front window for several seconds which gave me an opportunity to look between her legs. She had on a pair of white lace panties with only the crotch visible. As my mom turned her head, I quickly looked away. Several minutes later, I made an excuse about being tired and went to my room.

On that Monday, my mother went out and get two large seafood platters which was my favorite meal. We ate together and talked about the upcoming Christmas dance this coming weekend. Since, I did not have a suit, I decided to wear dress slacks, a white shirt and tie. I had the dress slacks that fit me and several ties but had outgrown my white shirt. I went with my mother and bought one but had to take it to an alteration shop to make it fit properly. They promised to have it ready on Friday afternoon at three o’clock. My mother promised to pick it on her way from work.

I had been really working hard at the gym and staying till almost seven thirty then walking home. I would take a shower, eat some supper and go right to bed. That would eliminate time with my mother keeping things less complicated. She had not brought up anything of a sexual nature lately although we did not spend much idle time together. In a way, I think she knew just by the way she looked at me sometimes. She would have sad eyes sometimes and a look of sadness on her face.

On Wednesday, Haley asked me if I wanted to go to a movie and maybe grab a burger afterward. As she said, it would break the ice between us and let us spend a little time together before the dance. I agreed to pick her up at six thirty in the evening. The movie started at seven twenty at a local theatre only a few miles from the house. My mom let me use her car telling me to be careful.

I drove over to Haley’s house and her mother opened the door and let me in. I followed her into the den area where her father was watching television. He got up immediately and shook my hand.

"Hello Chris, nice to see you again.", he stated.

"Nice to see you too, sir.", I replied.

"Did you have any more trouble with Darren or his buddies?", he asked.

"No sir, not yet. But they hate me…. I can tell by the way they look at me every day.", I answered.

"Well after what you did to Darren if they had any sense, they would avoid you.", he laughed.

"I avoid them sir. I don’t want any trouble.", I replied.

"So where are you two off to?", he asked, sitting back down.

"We are going to the movies and then to the burger joint.", I answered.

Just about that time, Haley came in the room and across the floor. She was wearing sneakers, tight blue jeans, and a pull over long sleeve top. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail which was a standard cheerleader hairstyle.

"Hey Chris, you ready to go?", she asked.

"Sure Haley.", I replied, softly.

"You kids be careful….", Haley’s mom stated.

"Uh mom, look who I’m with. I’m safe.", Haley giggled.

"Point taken….", she laughed.

We went out and got in the car and pulled away heading in the direction of the movie theatre. We pulled up about seven o’clock and got in line to purchase tickets. I bought the tickets, and we went to the concession stand and bought a large popcorn with two large cokes. We went into the room showing the film we had chosen, and Haley chose seats in the back righthand corner. They were only four people in the room as we walked up the steps to the righthand corner.

We sat down and talked quietly as the theatre started filling with people. The movie started on time with several minutes of credits playing. Just before the show was about to start, Jennifer Smith came in with her boyfriend, a football player. She saw us and waved then took a seat about ten rows in front of us.

The lights when down and the movie started the room quieted down. Somewhere in the first ten minutes of the movie, Haley reached over the arm rest and took my hand in hers. Haley’s hand was small and very soft. Several times she moved her fingers in my hands slowly which I had to admit felt good. Perhaps ten minutes later, she leaned her head in my direction and rested it on my shoulder. Being very naïve with women, I did not expect Haley to show this kind of affection on a first date. The movie ended and everyone started filing out we were almost the last to leave. When we got into the lobby Jennifer Smith and her boyfriend were waiting to see Haley.

"Hey girl, what’s up.", Jennifer said hugging Haley.

"Not much.", Haley giggled.

"Hey Chris, how are you?", Jennifer asked.

"I’m doing ok, Jennifer. Thank you.", I replied.

"Where are you guys going from here?", Jennifer asked.

"We are going over to Dan’s Diner to get a burger.", Haley replied.

"Oh, alright. We are headed to Bretchel Park.", Jennifer giggled.

"Have fun.", Haley laughed, grabbing my hand, and pulling me behind her.

We walked to the car and got in and buckled up. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way over to Dan’s Diner which was a local hang out for young kids. We parked and went inside and grabbed a booth close to the front window. It took a while but eventually the waitress came over and took our orders. Just as she left the table, I notice Darren and several of the crew walk in. It took them less than ten seconds to notice us. I told Haley they had walked in, but she asked me to just ignore them. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. They walked right up to our table.

"Darren, this is the motherfucker who jumped you from behind?", one of the bigger guys said.

"Yea, that’s him.", Darren replied.

"Hey muscle boy, you want to try that with me?", he sneered.

I stood up and walked forward one step closing the gap between us. There were four of them and if this got physical, I was going to come out on the short end of this encounter.

"Darren pushed Haley down and split open her head. I simply pulled him off her.", I replied, softly.

"That’s not what I heard, boy.", he answered.

Haley jumped up and turned around getting in Darren’s face immediately. I could tell she had not forgotten what he had done to her.

"So now you must get three other guys to back you up? You’re only good one on one when you’re beating up girls, right?", she said, loudly.

By that time, the manager came around the counter and walked over to us. I could tell he had overheard most of what was said.

"Hey, you four, find a table on the other side of the diner. Darren, I know what you did…. word gets around fast in a small town. Now git." he ordered.

They grumbled something about now being over but walked over to the other side of the diner. I sat back down just as the waitress brought our drinks. I could see Haley was very upset her hands were shaking.

"Haley, it’s alright. Don’t let them get to you.", I urged.

"That asshole split the back of my head open, and his buddies are going to blame you. I don’t think so.", she answered, very angry.

"Hey, in the end he was the one on his back on the concrete, not you.", I laughed.

"That’s true.", she giggled.

The waitress brought our food, and we began to eat. As we were eating the big guy who I had words with came walking down the aisle passing us and going to the bathroom. He stared me down as he passed then took a left and went into the restroom. As I looked behind the counter, I saw that the manager had noticed him walk in our direction. Several minutes later, he came out and began to walk in our direction again. When he passed me, he slapped me in the back of my head hard. I did not care if it was four to one, I was not going to play that shit. I jumped out took two steps and grabbed his arm spinning him around.

"Obviously, you have a problem. So, lets you and I go outside and take care of it. Just me and you, no one else. I can handle you but not the entire football team. So, how about it?", I asked.

"Sorry, but you don’t get the choose the odds. You mess with one of us then you deal with all of us.", he laughed.

"Boy some football team.", I replied.

Just about that time, two police cars showed up in the parking lot. The two officers came running in and right up to us.

"What’s going on here?", one of the officers asked.

The manager stepped forward and began to explain what had happened and all that he had saw. He admitted that he had called them not wanting a fight inside his diner. One of the officers kept looking at me strangely and he finally spoke up.

"Didn’t I just deal with you a few weeks ago?", he asked.

"You came to a party at my house after my boyfriend pushed me down and I split my head open. Chris was the one that helped me. We went to the movies tonight and came in here to eat and Josh with his buddies over there, including my ex-boyfriend started messing with us.", Haley quickly responded.

"You guys don’t learn really well, do you?", the police officer asked Josh.

"We weren’t doing anything.", Josh responded.

"I saw you hit this boy in the back of his head.", the manager stated.

"Go tell your numb nut buddies to meet me in the parking lot.", the officer ordered Josh.

"You two go back to your food.", he suggested to Haley and me.

We sat back down as he followed the four out into the parking lot. Haley and I made a point not to stare and completely ignored what was going on. About fifteen minutes later, the four of them left and did not return. We finished up and went back to the car and got in. It was quarter after ten when I pulled out of the diner’s parking lot. As soon as I pulled on the main road, Haley spoke up.

"You want to go to the park for a while?", she asked, softly.

"What time do you have to be home by?", I asked.

"Between twelve thirty and one o’clock.", she replied.

"I guess we can if that’s ok with you.", I replied.

When we arrived at the entrance to the park it was packed. Two dozen cars were in the parking lot most with their headlights on with people mulling around everywhere. The park consisted of a very large pond with a walking track around it. It had a play area for kids and several sandboxes. The parking lot was laid out well and teenagers would flock there on Friday and Saturday nights to make out. The police would drive by around eleven forty-five and run everyone out. It had been a tradition for years and years.

"They’re all here.", Haley sighed as we pulled in.

"I see that and I’m really tired of dealing with them.", I replied.

"I agree, we can just go home.", Haley suggested.

I dropped Haley off about eleven o’clock and went straight home. I went right to bed and wonder would the dance be any better tomorrow night. But honestly, I knew better.

The dance was a disaster from the moment we walked in. Haley and I picked a table near the front stage and within ten minutes we were surrounded by the football team. We moved to the back of the gym where once again they followed us. Haley and I danced two slow songs together all the while being ridiculed by the crew. Several times, the teachers who acted as chaperones came over and asked them to quiet down. But they were the football team, and they were undefeated and looking like a regional title was possible. No one was really going to do anything at least not until after the season was over.

We had no sooner sat down when Darren came over and asked Haley to dance. Of course, Haley refused but he persisted and would not leave her alone. He finally reached down and grabbed her upper arm which caused one of the football coaches to head in our direction along with a female teacher. I did not care at that point, I had enough.

I stood and walked over to Darren getting in his face. He released Haley and turned to face me. Just about that time the coach and teacher arrived.

"I’m done, Darren…… It’s time me and you settle this once and for all.", I stated.

"Williams, back off….", the coach instructed.

By that time the rest of the team had surrounded us as they normally did. Several more teachers came running over.

"I’m tired of backing off coach. Everywhere I go these assholes are all over me. I’m going to end this if I must take one on a time until I’m done. Just so you know coach, you’re going to be short a few players.", I shouted.

"Williams, get the fuck out of here and go home now.", Coach Curtis yelled.

"Haley, you want me to bring you home?", I asked.

"I’ll bring her home Chris.", Chrissy replied.

Haley did not pick up her purse and made no attempt to leave so I turned and walked off. I drove straight home and pulled in my driveway right after ten o’clock that night. My mom was still watching television and she knew something was wrong. I had to explain what had happened and why I was home so early. She promised to call the principal after the holidays and have a discussion with him about what was going on. I asked her not to do that and I could handle this myself.

I went straight to bed that night promising to separate myself from the entire group including Haley Mills. Several hours later my mother came into my room and told me Haley’s father was on the phone. I got up and went into the kitchen and answered the phone.

"Chris, where is Haley?", he asked, very upset.

I explained to him what had happened leading up to tonight and what had happened at the dance. I told him that Darren had grabbed Haley by the arm and that I confronted him. I told him that Coach Curtis asked me to leave and that I offered to give Haley a ride home. I explained that Chrissy told me that she would bring Haley home. I told him, I once again asked Haley and she gave me no indication she wanted to leave so I left alone.

"Ok, thank you Chris. I am sorry you got caught up in all of this. I’m sure she is ok.", he said, hanging up.

I went back to bed and slept until around ten o’clock the following morning. I got up and cut the grass in the front and back yard of our yard. Then I took care of Mrs. Gardener’s yard and made a run to the market for her. I was back inside for around three o’clock watching television on the sofa.

I took a long shower around six thirty that afternoon and I was just getting out as my mother returned home from the grocery store. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and brought in the bags of groceries as my mother put them away. She had also bought two hamburgers and fries from the burger joint, so we sat down and ate after. I cleaned up the kitchen while she went and took her shower. It was close to eight o’clock when she game back into the living room. At least this time she had a short robe over her t-shirt, but it barely covered her underwear. She walked into the kitchen and got a coke and then returned to the sofa. Since I was not watching anything of importance, I handed her the remote. She simply reached out and turned the volume down and set it on the sofa between us.

"Chris, I am sorry that you and Haley didn’t work out.", she stated.

"It’s no big deal mom.", I replied, still watching the movie.

"It is a big deal baby. You never know when you’re going to meet the love of your life.", she answered.

"Mom, I barely knew her.", I answered, looking over at her.

My mom’s thirty fourth birthday was several months away but she looked much younger. She was a beautiful woman who for some reason in the last few months started to become a more sexual being. I do not know if she was flirting at work, but I had to believe that this was not normal behavior for a mother. Once again, she slightly turned giving me the perception I could look between her legs which I avoided at all costs.

"Why don’t you call her and ask her out again?", she urged.

"Mom, I don’t want to deal with Darren and his crew anymore. It’s not worth it. Besides school is almost over for me.", I replied.

While my mom glanced quickly at the television my gaze traveled down and got a glimpse of her white lace panties. I looked up quickly but was sure she noticed my eyes between her legs.

"Do you like that?", she asked.

"Like what mom?", I replied, acting confused.

"My white panties……", she purred softly.

"Uh…I don’t know….", I started.

"Baby look at me.", she commanded.

I turned my head at looked directly at my mother sitting at the other end of the sofa. She slowly opened her legs until I have an excellent view of her long legs and white lace panties. She slowly lowered her hand until one finger was touching the crotch area of her panties. She slowly began to move her finger up and down her crotch staring directly into my eyes. As much as I wanted to jump up and run to my bedroom, I was compelled to watch her finger touch herself. My dick was already hard, and I had not even touched myself.

"Come over here baby.", she asked.

I simply nodded and got up moved down a few feet sitting back down extremely close to her. She reached out slowly and took my hand and placed it between her legs so that my fingers were touching her panties. I began to slide one finger up and down as she had been doing only seconds before. I saw my mother swallow hard and close her eyes for a few seconds before looking back in my eyes.

"That feels so good….", she whispered.

At this point, I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing. I was sitting next to my mother with my hand between her legs rubbing her pussy. This was wrong on so many levels, yet my mother felt totally at ease. She reached across with her right hand and softly began to rub my erection. I had never felt anything before in my life that felt that good. She continued to softly use her fingertips to run the length of my shaft creating an incredible sensation.

"Put your hand inside my panties, baby.", she whispered in my ear.

I reached up from between her legs and slowly eased my hand inside the waist band of her panties. Further and further until I felt her wet hot crease. My middle finger parted her lips and eased inside of her.

"Oh god that’s good….", she moaned.

She leaned over and pushed her right hand into my shorts and wrapping her hand around my dick softly. She leaned back and looked me dead in the eye with a surprised look on her face.

"Damn baby, you got a big dick.", she giggled.

"I do?", I replied.

"Uh huh…", she nodded.

She pulled away from me and stood up then reached down for my hand. I put my hand in hers and she pulled me off the sofa. She led me down the hall and into her bedroom which was always off limits to me. She already had the bed turned down and she stopped when we reached the side of the bed. She turned around and faced me taking off her white robe dropping it to the floor. She sat down on the bed and moved to the left side of the bed allowing me access next to her. I laid down next to her with my mind reeling not quite sure what we were both doing. She knew I was inexperienced, so she was going to have to lead me through whatever was going to happen.

She leaned over me looking down into my eyes with a look I had never seen before. She bent down and softly put her lips on mine. Her lips were soft and moist, and she immediately sent a shiver up my spine. After a few seconds, she pressed her lips a little harder into mine, the tip of her tongue brushing my lower lip. Seconds later, she softly pushed her tongue into my mouth giving me the most spine-tingling sensation I had ever felt.

As we continued to kiss each other her hand traveled down my body and inside of my shorts. She had her small soft hand wrapped around my rigid erection slowly stroking me up and down. She removed her lips from mine and opened her eyes, they were glazed over and full of moisture.

"Does that feel good baby?", she whispered.

By this time, I had absolutely no control over my body, I was completely in my mother’s hands. She began to stroke me off a little faster and after several seconds I knew I was going to lose control.

"Mom, please… I’m going to.", I said softly.

"It’s ok baby, go ahead and cum.", she replied.

That was all it took as spurt after spurt of hot semen jumped from the head of my cock coating my mother’s hand and the inside of my shorts. She completely rubbed my entire load out and was rubbing her thumb over the head to make sure I was done. As I tried to recover from what was the best orgasm of my life my mother leaned in and softly kissed me again for several seconds.

"Go clean up and come back to bed.", she whispered, seductively.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 11 Aug 2024 09:28 UTC
Views: 301