The flower shop and bank across the street hadn’t fared nearly as well, being pulverized by heavy artillery. Even the bank’s vault had been obliterated by a few direct hits.

With all the dust, soot, and dirt, it was hard to tell my daughters’ hair had been blonde; like mine was before all the death, destruction, and filth. Two of the restaurant’s walls and a third of the roof were still intact, and the stainless-steel sinks in the kitchen had collected the last night's rain. At least we'd have water for a few days. When we found the place, all the food had been stolen or destroyed, other than a dozen two-kilo bags of uncooked French fries, which were starting to go bad.

The three of us ate a lot of the fries in the last two days. When we found them, we were thankful for our first food in nearly a week, but I wasn't sure if we should risk eating them anymore. We were also getting very bored with just the uncooked potatoes. I opened a bag and took a sniff. The odor told me they were closer to being vodka than vegetables. I checked three more, with the same results. I reluctantly threw them across the street, to lure any animals away from us. I didn't see anything new as I walked back to our hiding place in the doorless walk-in cooler.

My husband was recalled for Ostnordia Reserve Army duty a month earlier. A week after he left, our apartment building was set on fire by a rocket, and further bombardment destroyed most of the city. We hadn't seen any other people since an enemy tank rolled through after the attack. I worried a lot about what we were going to do. Elsie injured her ankle when she stepped in a hole, and Lena and I were just plain malnourished and tired. I could help Elsie hobble a few blocks, but there was no way we would get far.

My girls were thin, far too thin. I counted in my head and realized we had only eaten five times in the last three weeks, other than the overabundance of fries. I looked at myself and saw I was a skeleton with skin. I weighed maybe 42 kilos, instead of what my husband called my "Fit and foxy 55". I had scouted a five-block radius the day before, and the closest thing I found to food was a decaying dog on the cratered ruins of a street. I started crying in desperation. I tried to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake the girls. I saw the inevitable. We were going to die, by starvation or some other way. I hoped they wouldn't suffer much more.

I felt an urgent pressure in my lower abdomen, and ran to our bathroom spot half a block away. I barely made it there, and slid my pants and panties down, before a gush of disgusting liquid squirted from my butt. I saw what looked like tomato soup. NO! There was lots of blood in it! I double checked and made sure it wasn't a period. It was blood and had definitely come from my bottom! I had cholera, or something like it. I cried intensely. NO! I couldn't die and leave them all alone! My poor kids!

I heard a quiet rumbling noise which quickly got louder. I wiped myself with a sock. The foot the sock belonged to was probably buried in the demolished building somewhere. The rumbling got very loud, as I ran back to my girls. As I turned the corner, I saw what my husband once told me was a troop carrier. It looked a lot like a tank, but the gun on top wasn't as big. I saw it stop and a moment later a ramp dropped down from the rear of the massive vehicle.

Two soldiers walked out the back and two more climbed out the top near the front. I didn't recognize the uniforms. The camouflage pattern was odd, mostly gray and black splotches, with a few small bits of bright green. I didn't think they were with the Ostnordia military, or any of our enemies. They wore helmets with gas masks, heavy duty boots, and black gloves. They almost looked robotic, instead of human. I thought it was odd that only one of the four carried a long gun, and the others had pistols. One had a sword!

I wondered, ‘A sword? Didn't armies stop using those a century ago?’

The one with the sword used it to poke a bag of the rotten fries, then returned to looking around. I peeked around the corner of a wall and saw two of them moving toward the girls! Hopefully they would stay still and remain hidden. I bit a finger, silently praying they wouldn't be found.

A soldier was carrying Elsie over his shoulder as she yelled, "HELP! MOMMA! HELP!"

The other one led Lena by the hand! I lost my mind a moment and ran toward them. "NO! NO! DON'T YOU HURT MY KIDS!"

One near the vehicle pointed a pistol at me, yelling, "STOP! HANDS UP!" I grabbed a piece of wood and ran toward him, planning to club him across the face.

I felt a searing pain in my belly as he shot me! I fell to the ground, crying and expecting to die. The pain quickly faded, and the soldier pulled a dart and thin wire from my stomach, once he bound my hands with plastic ties. They sat us on the ground by one of the vehicle’s tracks.

From the one carrying a sword, a very distorted but loud voice asked; "Who are you?"

I coughed a little and replied, "Helga, Helga Garrensen. Please don't hurt my kids?"

"Why are you here?"

It sounded like a very stupid question. "We used to live over there." I nodded toward the ruins of the apartment building.

She took off her gas mask and helmet and rested a hand on the sword handle. She looked about 30, ten years younger than I. She had curly red hair and deep brown eyes. I thought her face was pretty, with a small nose and shiny pink lip gloss. I noticed her makeup was done very well. I could never get the corners of my eyes quite right, but hers were perfect. I was surprised, since I thought soldiers weren't allowed to wear makeup. I was curious why she would even want to.

She led me inside the vehicle and closed the doors. In a much more natural voice than before, she offered; "I have a deal for you." She held out two plastic pouches, military meals. "The three of you look like you're hungry, and your daughter hurt her leg. Please don't be shocked when I ask this. Will you lick my pussy for a meal and a trip to a medic?" She set them down and put a hand on her belt buckle.

I'd never been with a woman, and I'd never felt any desire to. But there was a sliver of hope now. We might survive! The idea of touching another woman in a sexual way disgusted me, but I'd do it to save my kids. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, as I nodded. I croaked, "Ok."

She cut the ties on my hands and dropped her pants. "Have a seat and get busy." She slid her panties down, and I saw another female's private parts for the first time since I changed my kids' diapers, all those years ago. Her vulva had a slight aroma like vinegar and fish, similar to mine. With my mouth one hand away from her feminine orifice, I rested my fingers on each of her upper thighs and paused. I wasn't sure what to do, and I really didn't want to. She chuckled and playfully said, "It's not going to bite you. Relax, and have a taste."

I reluctantly stuck my tongue out and licked from the bottom of her slit to the top. I didn't enjoy the flavor, but it wasn't as terrible as I expected. I felt my stomach turn a bit, as I thought about what I was doing. It was a sin and seemed very unnatural. Before the war, I never would have imagined I’d sell my dignity and self-respect, for just some food and a ride. I really had no choice.

She gently lifted my chin and looked in my eyes. "It'll be easier if I show you how good it feels. Stand up and let me undress you." She smiled as I stood, then unbuttoned my shirt. She squeezed my flaccid, saggy breasts through my bra, and said, "Those have seen better days, but some food will help." She passed me a cookie, and I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. SUGAR! CHOCOLATE! YES!

"Hold the rail there, so you can keep your balance."

I closed my eyes and imagined it was my husband sliding my pants down, then my underwear. I felt his ... actually her ... hands on my hips. He'd never been so gentle or patient. Usually, he shoved my legs apart and just stuffed himself in. This was kinder and more relaxed. The soft hands slid up and down the inside of my thighs, caressing them. Fingers tickled the lower part of my belly, then moved down, and tickled around my outer labia.

Gently, two fingers pulled me open, and a tongue slowly licked my inner lips. My husband would have been half-done by now, grunting as he thrust into me, but I was only beginning to get aroused. I felt a tickle in my nipples.

After another minute or two, my body was betraying me by responding to her slippery, light touch. I felt something nice slide into me, as her rough tongue massaged me just below my clit. A second finger slipped in, not quite filling me, but giving a pleasant, rubbing pressure on the inside of my vagina. As her tongue slowly slid up my clit, I moaned involuntarily; "Mmmmm. Yeah."

My husband would have cum about then. He would have rolled off me, leaving me to finish myself if I wanted a climax. He liked watching me masturbate, but I hated that he didn't want to help, and didn't seem to care if I got off or not.

I did miss his dick. It wasn't too impressive, but it was a dick. Somehow, in a strange way, her mouth felt much better. Another finger lightly tickled my asshole, as the pressure of the tongue licking my clit slowly increased. I was close, SO CLOSE! "Oooh! Yeah!".

The fingers moved in and out of me, faster and faster, as the tongue pushed on my button. I exploded, as the tip of a finger went slightly into my anus. "UNGH! YU! YU! AH! EEEEEEE!" I felt liquid burst out, as I climaxed and my pelvis spasmed. I panted, struggling for oxygen. It was the best orgasm of my life, by far. I was terribly ashamed that a woman had given it to me.

As she stood, I wrapped my arms around her, then reflexively kissed her lips. I tasted my juice on her but didn't care. I sucked her upper lip into my mouth, then her tongue. I practically screamed, "THANK YOU! That was amazing!" I glanced and saw her shirt was wet. "Sorry! So sorry!"

She asked, "Sorry about what? You squirted! That's the strongest cum I've seen in a long time."

"Squirted? I heard about that, but thought it was fake. It really felt like peeing."

She chuckled a little and shook her head. "Two kids, but you haven't had any good sex? That's sad."

She touched an earpiece in her ear, saying; "Affirmative. We'll be underway in two minutes."

I was disgusted, but my body felt better than it had in a very long time. I was terribly conflicted. I wanted more but was ashamed that I did.

She handed me my jeans and panties, saying; "Get dressed. Quick!"

As I was sliding them on, I saw the ramp tilt down. The girls were sitting in two of the soldiers' laps, eating cookies as the men felt their bodies! They were molesting my kids!

The woman yelled, "Hostiles en route! Mount up and get us out of here!"

They helped the girls inside, then the big engine roared as the ramp closed. We held on for dear life, as the metal box on tracks rocked and bounced. It ponderously rolled over rubble, trees, and what sounded like a few cars.

It was terribly loud, roaring and clanking, rocking and bouncing, for what seemed like hours. The woman returned from the front and told us, "We'll blow the bridge behind us, then we're safe."

We stopped for several minutes, then started moving again. We heard a tremendous "BANG!". After maybe an hour, we stopped again. The ramp lowered and the redhead told me and the soldiers, "A chopper will bring us fuel in two hours. The sun's setting, and we're concealed in the woods. No hostiles for thirty clicks. Let's get back to what we were doing."

I restrained myself, as the three soldiers carried my girls outside. Instead of screaming obscenities, like I wanted to, I pleaded; "My kids are good girls, virgins! Don’t hurt them! Please?" They were 18 and 19, but ‘kids’ to me.

One of them smiled as he said, "Don't worry. They'll do a better job if they feel good too." He pressed a button and the ramp closed again.

As she stripped the woman told me, "They might get a mouthful of cream, and their little boobs and butts kissed, but my band of merry perverts won't hurt them. Speaking of kissing, you need to finish something."

She licked her lips, then mine. As she unbuttoned my fly, she looked in my eyes, saying; "Just lay down, and do what I do."

My husband was a sergeant. I noticed the double yellow bars on her jacket as she set it on the floor. I asked, "Captain's bars? You're a captain?"

She sounded annoyed as she sighed. "At least until we get back. Now lay down and get licking."

She laid on top of me, kissing my thighs, with her pussy almost touching my mouth. I kissed, licked, and sucked her, in time with her motions. I didn't mind the taste or smell so much, and she was bringing joy to everything between my navel and my knees. I was close to another orgasm, as hers began. Her hips bucked and rocked, and she firmly rubbed her clit on my chin. "AH! AH! YEAH! UUUUUGGGGHHH!"

As soon as she finished, she went back to licking me, and stuffed in two fingers. I quickly climaxed again but didn't spray that time. Again, I felt great, but terribly ashamed. I slid my fingers in and out as I licked and sucked her. Before long, she had another climax. "UUUUR! Yeah!"

I was very hungry and thirsty. She must have read my mind. "Time for a drink and some dinner." She pulled a six pack of beer from under a bench seat and handed me one. We had a few sips, and she passed me her beer too. She picked up a box of meal packs and motioned for me to follow her out the front. She quietly whispered, "Shhhh", as we climbed out.

I saw one of the soldiers kissing Elsie's lips, and another licking her breasts. She was fully nude, and the second man's fingers were between her legs!

The third had Lena's pants down, and she was sitting on his mouth!

Elsie cried out with her first-ever orgasm, "AAAIIIIEEEEE!"

A moment later, the captain loudly said; "Ten-hut!"

The three men all stood quickly.

She asked, "So, did they live up to whatever deal you made?"

In chorus, they roared; "Yes, Ma'am!"

"And are they still virgins?"

Again, "Yes, Ma'am!"

She glanced at me. "Happy?" I nodded.

"Good. Make dinner but keep the fire small. There's probably nobody around, be we shouldn't take chances."

The girls and I filled our bellies, each eating as much as a soldier was supposed to have for two meals. They put out the fire and we looked at the stars, until we heard a chopper. A helicopter lowered a dozen jerry cans of fuel on a cable, and the redhead told us to get back in the troop carrier.

The girls and I climbed in the bulky vehicle and when refueling was finished we drove off again. We rocked and bounced along the countryside and it was still dark when we stopped again. The woman said, "Everybody got what they wanted from our deals, except the medic visit. I can tell the girl's ankle is only sprained. She'll be fine in a couple weeks. Is there anything else?"

"Can we get some food for tomorrow, please?"

She looked at the men, asking them; "Are blowjobs worth skipping breakfast?"

Again, in chorus; "Yes, Ma'am!"

I felt a rumbling in my intestines. "And… uh… about the medic… I ah…" I whispered my problem in her ear.

She yelled, "You WHAT? Why didn't you TELL ME, before I had my face… Just a minute!"

She looked very angry. I saw her touch her earpiece again as she walked to the front. She came back after a few minutes and dug in a first aid bag. She took several pills from a bottle and put them in her shirt pocket. She handed the rest to me. "Take two right now, then one of these twice a day for five days."

I struggled to find the right words to apologize. She leaned toward me, whispering; "And shut up about it!"

I felt another rumble down below and exclaimed, "Bathroom! I need to go to the bathroom!"

She handed me a folding shovel and a packet of toilet paper. Precious toilet paper! I hadn't seen any in nearly a month! As I ran to a cluster of trees I yelled, "Thank you!" I cleaned up and walked back, after pooping out what felt like a mid-sized pond. As I saw her running in my direction, she held out her hand. "Shovel! I need it!" She ran to the clump of trees and stayed there quite a while.

When I got back to the vehicle my girls and all three men were smiling a lot. I heard the end of Elsie's sentence. "… tastes great! I'd love to, if you want some more?"

As I saw a soldier zipping his pants, I realized what she meant.

I quickly asked, "Did all three of you …" They grinned as they nodded.

Elsie smiled proudly, saying; "Lena doesn't like it, but I LOVE how it tastes! I can't wait for more!"

I held her ear and pulled a little, saying; "Yes, you CAN wait. And you WILL."

I watched the Captain slowly walk back, talking with her earpiece.

She casually asked, "You three are citizens of Ostnordia, right?"

"Yes. And?"

She shouted, "Bind them!" as she rapidly threw plastic ties on me again.

As I saw two men do the same with my girls, I demanded; "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

They dragged us up the ramp. The captain laughed as she said, "As of two hours ago, Ostnordia doesn't exist. Since there's no government to pay us anymore, you three belong to me. Any other civilians we find are property of the company."

A soldier fastened our ankles to a rail under the bench seats as she continued, "I should get a lot. Virgins are in high demand, and you're a pretty good fuck." She stroked my hair and I noticed a menacing tone in her voice as she said, "Enjoy the ride, slaves."

Later she talked to her earpiece, "But why there? That's over twenty clicks and the other one is only five." She pressed a button and yelled "DAMMIT! FUCK! SHIT!" then touched the earpiece again; "Affirmative. We're on the way, ETA thirty minutes. Over and out." She touched the button again. "Motherfucker! He's there! Fucking dammit!"

I wondered out loud, "What's wrong?"

She held her hand up and made a fist. Instead of hitting me, she screamed; "SHUT UP!"

When we finally got to our destination, she climbed out the front and one of the soldiers led each of us down the rear ramp by our bound wrists. The area looked like a severely damaged airport.

Three other soldiers stood by the back of a large truck, only a few steps away. The Captain said, "Get them in the truck. Hurry up! Load everything and go, before he gets here!"

The men helped me and my girls into the back, then carried boxes and bags of items from the troop carrier to the back of the truck, two men to a box or bag. From their grunting and groaning, I could tell a lot of it was very heavy, but the packages weren't large.

In the distance, we saw a white limousine approaching. She screamed, "NO! MOTH! ER! FUCK! ER!" She kicked the carrier's track repeatedly and hurt her foot. "AAAGGHH! OWWW! FUCK! FUCK!"

Two men were carrying another heavy box as the limousine pulled up. She shouted, "Ten-hut!" The soldiers dropped the box and I saw gold coins scatter as it hit the ground!

A white-haired man wearing a nice suit climbed out of the limo. He looked remarkably fit, for around 70. Since she was so upset about seeing him, I thought he must be very dangerous.

He quickly walked over to her, with a big smile on his face. "Sweetie! I'm so very happy to see you! I can't wait to hug my little Lambykins again! I love you so much! Give Gramps a kiss!" He held out his arms.

As we heard the extremely childish nickname "Lambykins", all six soldiers snorted, obviously trying to stifle their laughter.

Her face was five shades of red, as she kissed him on the cheek and gently refused the hug.

His expression changed from happy to disappointed. He asked, "Aren't you going to introduce me, Lambykins?

"Prisoners, this is VP of Operations, and my grandfather, Klaus Von Feldenheimer."

"And what are their names, Vireena?"

I wondered why I had never asked her name. I mused, "The scary mercenary Captain Vireena Von Feldenheimer, AKA Lambykins." I tried but couldn't fully stop a chuckle.

She grabbed my hair roughly. "Well, tell him!"

"Helga Garrensen, and my daughters are Elsie and Lena."

Klaus pointed to the gold on the ground. "I see you made it to the banks before they got there! Excellent! Excellent, indeed!" He kissed her cheek, making her blush again.

She took a slow step away from him as she replied, "Three of the four, one was destroyed."

He smiled and walked forward to pat her shoulder. "Still, very well done. I have news about the position you wanted. They denied promoting you Major, but I see your great potential. I'm transferring you to the business side of the company, effective tomorrow morning. You'll be our new Director of Slave Marketing. I'll be your boss!"

She grimaced and looked like she had just swallowed a bug.

"Your office is beautiful! It's right across the hall from my assistant. I even got you an apartment next to mine! We can see each other all the time, Lambykins!"

She pulled her hair with both hands, looked at the ground, and screamed again; "AAAAGGGHHHH!"

The old man looked at her. "Is everything all right?"

She gritted her teeth a moment. "I think I have a rock in my boot. I'll be ok."

When he climbed back into the huge car, Vireena kicked the metal track again, very hard.


At their headquarters we had a great meal. There was freshly made bread, roast beef and potatoes, chicken and vegetable soup, sausage and sauerkraut, ice cream! We hadn't eaten so well in a month!

After stuffing ourselves for the second time of the day, Vireena and two soldiers led us to the 9th floor and Klaus' office.

‘Lambykins’ asked ‘Gramps’, "So what should I do with the prisoners?"

"That's your job now. Any you caught before 6am are yours, any after that go on the company’s inventory. Figure something out, until you can sell them."

As he was about to walk out, he asked; "How much for the two young ones, they're kind of cute."

I seethed with rage. He wanted to BUY MY CHILDREN!

Vireena suggested, "A quarter of the gold?"

He laughed loudly. "How about two percent? That's probably half a million."

"Eight percent?"

"Four, final offer."

"Deal!" They shook hands.

"Be a sweet Lambykins for me and drop them off at my place on your way home." He handed her two keyrings. "Yours is 1805, and I'm in 1803."

She bit her tongue for several seconds. "Ok. See you tomorrow."

"See you then, sweetie!"

One of the men chuckled as we walked to the elevator. She slapped the back of his head. "Is there something funny, Anders?"

He fearfully declared, "No, Ma'am! Never, Ma'am!"

I suppressed a chuckle of my own. As we walked in Klaus' apartment, Vireena tossed a pack of cigarettes on the table. She picked up the TV remote and flipped through the channels, stopping on some gay porn.

She handed Elsie a bottle of red wine from a shelf, saying; "There's a corkscrew in the kitchen. If you have glasses of wine and smoke cigarettes as he comes in, he'll love you forever. Leave the TV alone, until he sees it."

She pointed out the door lock to the girls. "If you want to leave and he's not with you, good luck. There's a ten-digit code before you can open it. If there's a real emergency, put in 999 a bunch of times, and a guard will come open it. But if it's a false alarm, you can bet he won't be happy."

As we left the girls waved. "Bye, mama! We love you!"

I had a tear at the corner of my eye, as I called to them from down the hall; "I love you too! Momma loves you!"

Vireena rolled her eyes and sat on the couch in her new living room. "They're ten steps away. It's not like it's Mars, or anything."

She offered me a cigarette as she put one between her lips. I hadn't smoked since I got pregnant the first time, but I thought it might calm my nerves. I coughed with the first puff, then remembered why I used to like cigarettes.

I was curious. "So, does he really like gay porn and smoking?"

She laughed loudly, "He hates them! He'll go nuts!"

"Does he hate drinking too?"

"Nope. He loves wine. That's why he paid five thousand for that bottle." She smiled as I laughed.

We relaxed awhile, finishing our cigarettes. I began to think about the future. "Are you going to throw me in jail or something, then sell me?"

Vireena answered, "The stingy bastard would never let me have a dog or cat when I was a kid, so you're my pet now. I’ll treat you well if you keep using that wonderful mouth on me."

I swallowed hard and reluctantly said, "Thank you."

"So you know, I always sleep nude."

"Sometimes I do too."

"And I want my pet to sleep with her face between my legs until I forget about her LITERALLY, ACTUALLY, giving me POTTY MOUTH!"

I worked hard to suppress major laughter.

"CHOLERA! How could you? Get your mouth down there and pay for your mistake, pet!"

I was quite confused; feeling disgusted, aroused, afraid, and angry all at the same time. I was glad I could make her as happy as she made me earlier, but I hated that I was touching a woman as I did it. I was giving oral sex to the one who enslaved me and my children! The best sex I'd had with a man wasn't half as good, but touching her pussy made my stomach turn. I loved and despised her at the same time. My mind was a mess.

I woke up in the middle of the night and she was snoring heavily. I saw her pistol sitting on the desk only three steps away, and the keys were next to it. I could kill her, take the keys, and rescue my girls. I debated in my head. Elsie had a bad ankle, and all three of us were still weak from malnourishment. I made my decision. I'd try it the next week.

In the morning, she 69'd with me until we came at nearly the same time. She made me feel so great that I forgot I hated her for a little while. She took me to work with her and had me sit under her desk and lick her as she ate her lunch. I admitted to myself that I was starting to like it.

On the way out of the office, she gave Klaus his spare keys. We stopped at the armory on the way home and she turned in her gun. The fearsome mercenary became an office worker, and I'd missed my chance to escape.


Klaus sold my daughter Elsie to the company after a month, and she became the official office sex slave. She sucked off or screwed any of the men who worked on the 9th floor, and did oral for some of the women, too. Instead of her sleeping on a cot in the storage room as usual, on the weekends one of the managers would bring her home and share her with his wife and sons. Once I told her I was very sorry about what had happened to her. She said her life was great. Instead of being frustrated half the time while dating a boyfriend she was lucky enough to have twenty, and six girlfriends, too. I was ashamed to realize I had raised a wanton slut.

Lena did whatever "Gramps" wanted. She kept reassuring me that he was good to her, but seeing her with a man over triple her age disgusted me every time. They were happy enough to have a baby girl the month she turned 20, and two boys later.

I was Vireena's pet until I learned to mostly love her. For our six-month anniversary together, she bought us a handsome eighteen-year-old boy. We treated Sven like our son, other than letting him join in when we had sex. I’d had my tubes tied long before, but Vireena and our ‘son’ had a daughter. Our baby was two months old when Vireena tore up my slave papers, cancelled my slave registration, and married me. I was a citizen again instead of a slave, but I didn’t want to leave anymore.

My girls and I endured and became parts of twisted but mostly happy families.


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Pub: 19 Jun 2024 05:12 UTC
Views: 240