A moron's guide to using ytarchive. Important: I'll probably get comments saying "you can just use the GUI" or "you just need to use PowerShell" or "something something config file" but I'm literally too stupid and couldn't make those work, so this is a bare bones way of doing things. Also almost all of this is in the archive guide, but I cut out details and added a couple little things (I don't think the guide mentions ffmpeg in the ytarchive section but what I did below made it work)
Original Archive Guide (really thorough, if you can use that one and make it work, do that instead): https://aysra.github.io/archive/
Rentry backup of the archive guide in case it ever disappears: https://rentry.org/usghv

Basics of setting ytarchive up
  • Download ytarchive.exe, most recent release here: https://github.com/Kethsar/ytarchive/releases/
  • Also download ffmpeg.exe here: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
  • Stick those two .exe files in a folder. Don't make this folder super nested, mine is literally C:\YTARCH
  • Open Cmd console by typing in the search bar "Command Prompt", mine shows this when it opens: C:\Users\Name>
  • Type "cd/" and hit enter and it'll say "C:>"
  • Then (in my case because I made it so dumb simple) type "cd ytarch" and now it says "C:/YTARCH/" - if you made it more nested, you'll have to keep doing "cd [folder name]" until you get to the folder you want that has the ytarchive.exe file in it.

Basic live archiving manually can be done exactly as outlined here: https://aysra.github.io/archive/

Set up a channel monitor:
  • Once you're at the point in the Cmd console where it says: "C:[folder name where you stuck both exe files]" you type this:
  • You have to add that /live bit to the end of the channel URL. Also "best" grabs at highest quality available, but if you're limited on hard drive space you can type something like:
  • That tells it the order of priority, basically that I want to to exercise every possible 720 option first, and I stick "best" at the end as a safeguard.

Hit enter and you should see the message "You have opted to wait for a livestream to be scheduled. Waiting every 60 seconds." Poof, you're done, it'll archive whenever they go live.

If you want to make life even easier, follow the guide for making a batch file like in Aysra's guide, but basically:
Open Notepad and type:

So my Ike monitor looks like:

Save as whatever, example: "yta-monitor-streamername" but the most important part is changing the default ".txt" extension to ".bat" and then save. Now you can double-click that .bat file and it'll do everything: open the Cmd prompt and start monitoring the channel.

There are extra things you can do as seen in the guide but this is basic and will make sure you don't lose any VODs from your oshi.

Pub: 12 Dec 2022 09:43 UTC
Edit: 12 Dec 2022 11:26 UTC
Views: 721