You weren't sure what you expected when you moved into the little town. You were low on bells and needed a fresh start, so any place that would give you the time of day was worth looking into. Plus, you heard the place was rather quite and there weren't many neighbors. Sure, they were anthros, but you couldn't exactly turn this chance away, not without at least giving it a shot. And so, as the train slowed to a stop and you were shaken out of your thoughts, you stood up and departed, taking your first steps into your potential new home.
You'd hardly taken a few steps when a voice called out to you, "Excuse me! Hey hey! Hey, you there! Yes, you!" You looked toward the voice, an anthro woman is walking toward you, waving a paw in the air. She's wearing a white button-up shirt with a leaf pattern on it and gray shorts. By her masklike brown fur pattern, you guess she must be a raccoon, or maybe a tanuki? You couldn't say for sure, you aren't an expert. What you are sure of is that she's about a head taller than you, you have to tilt your head slightly to look at her.
"Would your name happen to be Anon?" She asks with a slight tilt of her head. You've barely nodded when she continues, "Good, good! I just now had a phone call about you, hm?" She places her paws on her hips and smiles, "Whew! I'm glad I made it here in time to meet your train." She looked down at herself, "I'm afraid I'm not in the best shape of my life..." As your eyes look her over, you're inclined to agree. She's somewhat chubby beneath that shirt, though certainly not to a point that she looks unappealing, far from it in fact, she has quite appealing curves on her hips and a chest to match beneath that shirt of hers. You quickly avert your eyes as you realize you're staring at her, though she doesn't seem to have noticed as she gives you another warm smile, "But I ramble! My name is Tammy Nook. I, uh, run the store here in town. I'm quite pleased to meet you, yes?" She steps closer, a paw on her chin as she stares at you, you give her a questioning look, not moving as she walks around you, looking you over. "Something strikes me as odd, though, my young friend." She finishes circling you and crosses her arms, "Moving to a town before settling on a place to live..." A smile spreads across her face, "Why, it's the craziest thing I have ever heard of! Madness! Absolute madness, hm? Whoa ho ho ho ho ho ho!" She laughs heartily, much to your embarrassment, "I, uh... I really needed a place... please don't laugh." You mutter, feeling your cheeks burn up as the raccoon woman continues laughing.
"Whoa ho! Ho ho! Ah, ahem." She coughs, sighing as she crosses her arms looking slightly embarrassed, "Pardon me, I beg you! That just struck my funny bone." She steps forward and places a paw on your shoulder, leaning forward and giving you a reassuring smile, "Now, don't you worry! It may be small, but I have a house you can move into right away! It should more than suit your needs, hm?" Before you can respond she's spun around and is walking away, beckoning you to follow, "I can show it to you now, so come along! Let's scuttle!" Shrugging, you walk along the cobbled road, taking in the sight of the town around you. There's lots of trees and even a river running through it, certainly a cozy little place. You really aren't sure how you managed to get considered for this place. Tammy stops in front of a group of small houses with picket fences and a red mailbox beside each one. "Here we are! Not too shabby, hm? I can recommend any of these houses!" The tanuki smiles as she points to the houses, "Take your pick!"
You nod and look at each of the houses, they're each basically identical, though the roofs are different colors. Red, orange, yellow and green. You stop, considering which color you'd prefer. Or maybe you should be more worried about their location? Actually, hold on, you ought to- "Feel free to take a look inside. Really. I don't mind. Not in the least!" Tammy's voice makes you jump and you spin around, "Ah, um, yeah alright!" You sputter, feeling your cheeks flush at your nervousness. Tammy blinks, the slightest hint of a smile on her face as she chuckles. You quickly step up to the nearest house. Again, you hear Tammy call out, "Bear in mind that it's a little... how you say... cozy, hm? Yes, cozy!" You sense she's trying to sugarcoat what you're about to see. Still, beggars can't be choosers. You pull open the door and step inside. Wooden walls and flooring, no carpet to speak of. A box in one corner with a notebook on it, and a radio in the other. Nothing else. You sigh as you realize what she meant by "cozy" no furniture to speak of. No bathroom, no bedroom, just an empty room. At least there were a couple of windows, though you couldn't help but feel that this might not be your best option. As you step back outside, Tammy sees the look on your face and frowns slightly, "Not to your liking? Not to worry, perhaps one of the others?" You nod and step toward the next house. It ends much the same. The other two are nearly identical as well. As you close the door behind you, Tammy looks lost in thought. You shake your head apologetically, "I'm sorry Tammy, I just don't think any of these will work for me..."
To your surprise, Tammy smiles and nods, "Yes, yes. I had a suspicion you might not find these places to your satisfaction, but then, I take it you aren't the kind of human that has many options, am I wrong?" The words sting a little, but you can't deny the truth to them. "...No, I suppose that's why I came, but... I don't have the bells to afford furniture, let alone rent. I don't know what I was thinking." Tammy steps closer, smiling warmly, "Oh, dear me, dear me! These places are dirt cheap, just how many bells do you have?" She asks, her tail flicking behind her at the mention of bells. You reach into your pocket, extracting a hefty bag of 1,000 bells you scrounged up before you left. Before you realize what's happening, Tammy is holding the bag. She bounces it up a couple times, squinting her eyes at it, "1,000 bells? You only have 1,000 bells?!? You're joking with me, yes?" She sighs, handing the bag back to you, "Yes, you can't buy a house with that. But... you still need a place to stay, don't you? Hmm... A thorny situation. Yes, rather thorny."
Tammy places her paw on her chin and closes her eyes, lost in thought. You feel a little bad. She did come right out to meet you, but there's simply no way you could afford even a small place like this. Tammy opens her eyes, staring at you silently for a moment, until she perks up, "Yes, yes! I know what we'll do." She smiles, leaning toward you and holding a paw out, "I can drastically improve your stay if you're willing to accept and repay a small loan of only 1,500,000 bells. What do you say?" You blink at her, she's... not serious is she? one and a half million bells?! "There's no way I could possibly afford that! I mean, the interest alone would ruin me forever!" You reply, incredulous that she would even think to offer something like that. Tammy shakes her head, "Now, now. What do you take me for? I'm no loan shark! No, there would be no interest rates, and you can forget about any repayment dates, my dear boy!" The raccoon chuckles as you stare at her, not knowing what to think. What is she saying? That's basically free money! No interest? No repayment dates? No, there had to be a catch, no one with any financial sense would offer a deal like that, and if she could front bells like that, she had to have quite a bit. "Yes, yes. I know that look quite well, dear boy." Tammy chuckles, leaning toward you and placing a paw on your shoulder, "Of course, there is a small matter I would require from you if you were to accept, hm hm..." She grins wider, "You would simply need to keep me company every spring, that sounds like quite a fair tradeoff, yes yes? And perfect timing as well! Spring starts in only a couple days, in all honesty I was just a bit worried I would be... how you say... preoccupied? And then I would be unable to meet you here today!" You tilt your head, confused. "Keep you company? What, do you mean like a date?" You were unsure if you were right, but you had to admit, Tammy is quite attractive, her thick frame and curves that make it hard not to stare... Tammy blinks at you, "Whoa ho ho ho! Oh, dear me no! I'm much too old for something like that now... no no, I simply need a way to, ah... pass the time? Yes, yes... springs have been unbearable for me as of late. It's so difficult to concentrate on my work, I'm always so very distracted." She sighs, giving you an apologetic smile, "It's certainly not how I would prefer it, but there's simply no stopping it. If you wish to take my generous offer, I will require your assistance very soon. I know you're human, but you understand I hope?"
You feel like you're missing something crucial here, but you can't pass this up. If all she wants is your company for a while, you can do that. She did say it wouldn't even be a date, right? Maybe business is really slow in spring? Not wanting to chance the tanuki woman changing her mind you quickly nod, "I'll do it. Thank you, this means a lot to me!" You grab her paw, shaking it and giving her a polite smile, "Really, I wasn't sure what I would do if this didn't work out." Tammy chuckles, "It's amusing. I was going to say the exact same thing, hm hm..." Her tail wags slowly behind her as she reaches into her pocket, "Now, let's see... ah!" She extracts a few bags of bells and hands them to you, each one easily ten times as heavy as the one you gave her. "That's a little spending money for you. 50,000 bells to be exact, I'm certain you can furnish your home at my little shop with that, yes?" You nod dumbly. Tammy chuckles, "Oh, and do not worry anon! A portion of your bells will be used to greatly expand your new home, it should only take the night, you have my word any remainder will be sent to you." You nod again, "T-Thank you Tammy, really. You're too kind, I know you didn't have to do any of this." Tammy shakes her, "Nonsense! I can tell when someone's down on their luck, trust me I've been there myself... don't you worry, you're helping me just as much. Yes, yes..." She gives you a strange smile, one that almost looks... hungry. You shake off the feeling, you must've been seeing things. After a few more words, an important call has Tammy leaving you to furnish your new home.
The next day you find your house has greatly expanded and a generous sum of bells, courtesy of Tammy. You're quick to furnish the rest of your home and get settled in. The small town really is quite cozy. You like the chill atmosphere, the calming river and the friendly neighbors! Speaking of, you took the time to meet them. The first one you met was a wolf woman named Audie. She was quick to introduce herself, her tail wagging rapidly as she went on and on about how nice it was to have a human living in the village. After that, word spread quickly that a human was going to live here. You ran into Cherri, a dog woman that made sure you knew she would let you stay with her in spring. You politely declined and moved on, later meeting a cat woman wearing egyptian clothing. She introduce herself as Ankha and kept referring to you as a peasant. It was really strange but she didn't seem outright hostile, so you shrugged it off. There was also the tailoring service ran by Sable and Mable. The two were happy to meet you and were quick to try and get you to try on a bunch of outfits they had ready. You found yourself spending an hour with them and left quite a few bells poorer. All in all, you were quite happy with your situation, and all you had to do was spend time with Tammy, who seemed quite nice. You go to bed that night shocked and thankful for your luck.
The next day, you wake up to insistent knocking on your door. Still groggy, you drag yourself out of bed as the banging continues. You blearily glance at your phone to check the time. 4 AM? Who the hell is banging on your door at 4 AM? You felt your heart beat faster, what if you're getting robbed? Maybe this place isn't as safe as you thought. Still waking up, you cautiously approach your door, taking a look through the peephole. It's Tammy. She looks distressed, her brow furrowed as she paces back and forth in front of your door. Quickly, you open the door and she steps inside immediately, slamming the door closed behind her and locking it. She breathes a sigh of relief before turning to face you, "Very good. Yes... very good, thank you anon. Apologies, but it seems to have struck me at a most... inopportune time. It's taking everything I have just to talk to you like this." Tammy's voice is strained, her eyes laser focused on you as she adjusts her shirt collar. You're confused, oblivious to what she means, "I-I don't understand, what do you mean Tammy? What's wrong? Is there someway I can help?" You ask, concerned for the raccoon woman. Tammy looks confused, her brow furrowed as she fidgets in place, "What is there not to understand? It is just as I said, I... oh dear." Tammy sighs, taking a seat in a nearby chair and fanning herself, "I understand. You misunderstood the terms of our agreement." She frowns at you, rubbing her thighs together, looking as though she's focusing very hard on something. "For your sake I'll explain before we get to it, but understand that you agreed. You cannot turn back now, am I clear?" You feel a sense of dread, but you nod. Just what did you agree to? Tammy stands up and begins to pace back and forth, "You are familiar with a heat cycle, yes?" You immediately blush, everything clicking into place. The generous offer, the seemingly simple terms. Spring. How could you be so stupid? Tammy notices your reaction, nodding as she breaths heavily, "Yes, yes. That's right. I see you understand. In that case, let's skip the rest. I need you and I will have you. The others will simply have to make do, because you are mine every spring." Her words make you shiver. Tammy is quite attractive, maybe this still won't be so bad? It's not like having to satisfy a curvy tanuki every spring is such a bad thing, right? As you feel Tammy's paws grab your sides and pull you against her, you decide to just go with it. "My bad Tammy. But now that I know, tell me how I can help. Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?" You suggest with a smile. Tammy's paws move down and scoop you up into her arms. "A wonderful idea. Let's go. Now." She walks briskly toward your bedroom. Using her tail to slam the door shut behind her, she practically tosses you onto the bed, already peeling off her clothes. You stare wide-eyed as the normally calm and collected Tammy practically tears her clothes off, her curvy, brown-furred body revealed in its entirety. As she tosses aside her pajama shirt, you can't help but stare at her impressive tanuki tits. "Take your clothes off. If you aren't fast enough I'll be forced to tear them off myself." Tammy warns as she reaches for her pajama pants. Realizing you're actually starting to feel uncomfortable in your own pajamas, you start to strip yourself bare as well. As Tammy slips off her pants, an intense scent hits you. That must be her heat. She's practically soaked between her thighs, you can only imagine waking up in the middle of the night to that. Unfortunately, your thoughts distracted you too long. Tammy is already leaning over you, her paws gripping your pants tight before ripping them off your body with a single motion. "Ah- c-c'mon!" Tammy silences you with a kiss, running her paws over your body greedily. You shiver as her tongue invades your mouth, feeling yourself squirm slightly under her soft touch. "Mmm..." Tammy sighs, closing her eyes as she leans onto you, her breasts pressing against your chest as she holds you tight, sloppily kissing you with unhinged desire. You can feel the intense heat radiating from between her legs. Tammy pulls away from the kiss, pressing her furry hips down onto your already hard cock, rubbing her wet cunt against it as she shivers above you, "Oh... anon, you have no idea how much this heat is consuming me. This burning sensation... oh, it's unbearable!" You blush and smile at her, "M-Maybe I should attend to that? Waking up so early, I'm a little thirsty. Plus, I did agree to help, didn't I?" Your words cause her tail to twitch, "Oh? Well now, you said it, and it's too late to take it back." Tammy quickly adjusts herself above you, her quivering pussy radiating warmth just above your face, "Take a deep breath, I'm not getting up until I'm satisfied." You shiver, opening wide and preparing to devote yourself to her pussy. Wasting no time, Tammy slams her cunt down onto your face, you find your nose buried in her bushy muff moaning with arousal as she fervently grinds herself against your open mouth and extended tongue. "Oh... oh dear me! Yes, that's it... oohhh~" Tammy's paws come forward to grip your head for leverage as she continues to roughly grind herself against your face, too aroused to hold still and let you lick her. Still, you can't deny how hot this is. Even if the lack of air is making you feel lightheaded, you decide to work quick. You stick your tongue out, licking up and down along her warm slit. The fur tickles your nose as she pants above you, moaning happily as she takes her pleasure from you. You feel yourself getting dizzy, her overwhelming scent and lack of fresh air was making it hard to concentrate, but you tried to keep up, kissing and licking along her clit when you could. This goes on for a while, Tammy's tail resting against your hard cock as she grinded against you. "Mnngh... yes, yes. Wonderful! Oh, Anon! I'm close, ohh... Ooohhh~!" Tammy throws her head back, moaning in ecstasy as she slams her cunt down onto your mouth one more time, her pussy quivering around your tongue as she cums hard, flooding your mouth and chin with her juices.
You gasped as Tammy raised her hips, smiling down at you as she observes her handiwork. "Ho ho... that's a good look for you, coated in my juices like that~" Tammy teases, chuckling as you catch your breath, overwhelmed from the intense sensations she brought you. "Now..." Tammy adjusts herself again, angling your cock toward her pussy, "Enough foreplay. Let's get to the main event!" Not wasting time waiting for a response, Tammy slides down, letting your cock slip smoothly inside her, inch after inch disappearing into the raccoon woman until she's sitting on your hips, shuddering with pleasure. "That's it... that's scratching that deep itch..." Tammy starts grinding against your cock, smiling down at you, "Oh yes... what a perfect cock... and it's all mine, yes yes~" Tammy leans forward, planting her arms on either side of your head as she begins to move her hips, lifting them up and slamming them down with a lewd 'plap.' You gasp at the intense pleasure, you'd never been with an anthro before. Her intense heat was incredible around your cock, it was like her insides were a furnace. You could barely stand it, you hugged Tammy close, stuffing your face between her tits. Tammy chuckled as you did, continuing her assault on your cock. "Enjoying yourself? Be careful, this doesn't stop until I'm satisfied you understand?" Tammy warns, the lewd plaps of her thick hips pounding your poor cock mixing with your muffled moans and Tammy's lusty pants. It doesn't take long for you to reach your limit. This was simply too much, you pulled away and stared at the raccoon urgently, "Tammy... I'm gonna cum..." She smiles down at you, responding by kissing you, slipping her tongue into your mouth as you shiver and quake, your cock tensing and shooting your load deep inside her tanuki pussy. Tammy moans in response, not letting up her movements for a moment. Even as your cock begins to feel sensitive, her pounding hips never stop. When she pulls away from the kiss you whimper, "A-Ahh! Tammy, w-wait, It's sensitive- oh!" But your protests meet deaf ears. Still burning inside, Tammy keeps bouncing herself on top of you, "Come now. I warned you." She says with a 'tsk tsk' as you gasp and struggle beneath her. But it's no use. Tammy is far stronger than you. Her inviting curves hiding impressive strength. "Oh dear. Don't struggle, you're really going to set me off if you keep that up." Tammy warns, a hungry look in her eye as she watches you writhing underneath her relentless hips. "T-Tammy- ah! Oh fuck, please! Any more and I'm going to cum again!" All that does is make Tammy breath in sharply, quickly leaning down, she bites your shoulder, not enough to draw blood, but you feel each of her sharp teeth digging painfully into your flesh as she licks your skin. The unexpected pain and overwhelming sensations of being pounded by raccoon pussy right after cumming is too much for your overstimulated dick. In moments your cock throbs, painfully cumming a second time in a row, each rope sending electricity through your lower body. "Aaaahhh!" You yelp, squirming even more as the overstimulation starts to get painful. Tammy lets go of your shoulder, leaning back to stare at you with a terrifying smile, "Ohh, yes yes... I like that look! Goodness me, you were meant for this weren't you!" Tammy's hips continue to pound your poor cock, your struggles fruitless as she licks your neck. "Mmmmm~ such a perfect toy for me. Keep squirming like that, it feels so good!" Tammy says with a smile, squeezing her tits as she ruts herself on your defenseless dick. For the rest of the night, you gasp and beg as Tammy gets increasingly ferocious, not letting up until the crack of dawn.
By the time you wake up later that afternoon, Tammy is talking to someone on the phone, still naked. You painfully sit up, feeling a horrible soreness in your hips. Your cock twitches painfully as you recall what happened. "Yes, yes. You understand how spring is, I will let you know when I find the time. Now I must be going." Tammy hangs up, turning to smile at you, "Ah, Anon! I'm very sorry about last night, did I leave a mark?" You blink at her as she looks at your shoulder with concern, then breathes a sigh of relief. "Good, good. It was my heat, you understand, I didn't mean to try to mark you as mine, this is just to help me get through the spring, nothing more." She explains with a cheery smile. Wait, that's what she was worried about? "U-Um, no problem." You mutter, "I just- last night was really intense! At least you should be ok now, right?" You ask hopefully. Tammy bursts out laughing, her chest jiggling from the action, "Whoa ho ho ho! Oh dear me, not at all! It's faded now, yes, but it'll return in another hour or so. I do hope you're ready! This'll be a spring to remember~"

Pub: 07 Jul 2022 18:54 UTC
Views: 2558