You life wasn't particularly good. The best you could say was that it was comfortable. Boring on the frontier shack you call a home but comfortable all the same.
The government money was enough for you to scrape by, but you didn't live in luxury.
You had only a trailer home inherited from your mother’s side so all you really had to do was pay the utilities, buy food and clean up every once in a while and that last part was usually optional since nobody ever comes to visit.
Maybe you forgot that last part sometimes, but you thought you did well enough.
Besides, all you needed were the bed and your computer. You didn't go outside much. All that shitposting didn't do itself.
And since no one came to visit, no one complained about the mess.
But lately your life had started to feel a little empty.
You had a personal farm carved out from the wilderness around you and tending to it come spring would see you working like a dog once more...unless you got some slaves to do it all for you.
Anthro slaves were expensive as fuck. The fact that the practice was technically illegal and that they closely resembled the ideal sexy human body didn't help keep their prices low in the underground markets.
By the looks of it, the whole anthro slavery thing would be legal soon, just not in 5ime for the planting season.
It drove you mad.
You wanted one, no two! As many as you could manage. A harem of anthro slaves to help you around the house and cook.
That is what you told yourself during the day.
But the real reason was that you wanted to fuck them. I mean, come on - who didn't? They were smoking hot!
No way in hell you could ever afford to buy a an anthro? But you did know where to find get up and peek through the window of your trailer home at the snowy treeline just past your home, >You’ll find and tame whatever is out there.

Putting on a heavy coat, you grab your bug out bag and gun before venturing outside your shack into the cold air.
What you were about to do was technically poaching, though the troopers never came up this far, at least not regularly.
It's not illegal as long as you don't get caught.
Snowflakes drifted down lazily from the sky as you observed the treeline, looking for the path you took whenever you needed firewood.
Finding it, you sling your rifle across your back, walking into the trees and leaving your humble abode behind.
You knew you wouldn't find anything for awhile, the "free" anthro tribes were smart enough to stay far away from humans, even your remote shack was about an hour or two by foot before you got to the edges of their territory.
So you walked, enjoying the beautiful frozen landscape around you, serenely quiet save for the crunch of snow under your boots.
You didn't understand how people could bare to live in cities, even the town closest to you of a few hundred people felt stifling whenever you had to drive in for supplies.
Yet you knew people who inversely couldn't stand to be anywhere outside of civilized areas, practically having a panic attack if they couldn't see any paved roads.
Well you suppose that just means there's more nature for you to appreciate, as long as they didn't bulldoze it down to make another parking lot.
Making sure to keep track of the sun, you take a break for lunch as it neared noon, sitting off to the side of the little path.
Chowing down on a nutrient bar and looking at your map, you estimate you were just about where you should start seeing some roaming wildlife.
Thinking on it, you weren't entirely sure what sort of anthro you were looking for, but there were many choices out in these woods.
Obviously if you were looking for some trim (which you were) a little hare would do you just fine.
Weak and easy enough to trap, but quick and not exactly suited for manual labor.
They were pretty sexy though as most bunnies are.
Standing up and continuing on the path, your mind wanders as you consider your potential choices.
A grizzly would be nice to have, would make much of the tougher farm jobs a breeze.
But bagging one would be troublesome, even with them in hibernation they were still plenty fierce, and you know, a fucking bear.
You'd have to play it smart if you decided to poke around a few caves, plus bears weren't exactly the most attracti-


Coming to a stop, both literally and mentally, you look at the large tree to the side of the path, some sort of shrine set up.
Going in for a closer look, you see it was made of bones, a deer skull mounted to the trunk around eye level with the antlers upside down.
Hanging from the horns were various smaller bones painted with red tribal markings of some anthro clan.


This was the first time you had seen something like this, normally the tribes were more subtle when they wanted to leave trail marks for each other.
You weren't sure what it meant, none of the markings you were familiar with present.
Shrugging to yourself, you keep on the thinning path, thinking on the anthros you would encounter.
As evening encroached, you kept on in the same direction, the path long since disappeared behind you.
Moose or caribu would be good on the farm as well, though weren't exactly pushovers either.
You'd need to think about getting back home with them as well, a strong anthro would make things significantly more complicated.
Snapping your head to the side, you see a flicker of movement behind some trees off a ways.
Quickly unslinging your gun, you pull it up to your shoulder and brace against a tree, using the scope to sight where you had seen the movement.
Looking back at you though the sight was a wolf, her eyes without even a flicker of fear.
"Stay your hand."
Whirling around, you come face to chest with another, MUCH bigger wolf.

"What the-!"

Putting distance between you two, you level your gun at her instead, the grey canine reacting as if you had pointed a stick at her.
She was tall, somewhat thin, and most importantly, dangerous.
Quickly taking stock of your surroundings, you watch as more wolves appear from behind trees, encircling you at a distance.
The fuck? What the hell were wolves doing here?
As if mirroring your thoughts, the wolf speaks again, looking at you with her intense golden eyes.
"What is your business here human."
Licking your cold and chapped lips, your brain goes into overtime thinking on a plan.

"Can't a man go out for a nice stroll in the woods?"

There were at least twelve of them, probably more out of sight.
"This is not your land."
Stepping forward, what must be the alpha of the pack looks down at you with disdain.

"Not yours either, or am I mistaken that this is moose country?"

Growls come from the treeline, the big wolf silencing them with a look.
"Correct, these are not our usual hunting grounds, and we do not plan to stay either."
Circling you, the big wolf looks you over like you were a particularly interesting rock.
"I recommend you go back to whatever metal hovel you crawled out from and remain there the rest of winter."

"That a threat?"

Chuckling at you, the wolf shows off her sharp teeth.
"We do not make threats, if I wanted you dead, we wouldn't have shown ourselves to you until I had your throat in my mouth."
Despite her words, the circle around you had steadily gotten tighter, close enough for you to hear the other wolves' breaths.
Cool sweat runs down the back of your neck, you could probably take the big one and maybe two more at best before the rest tore you to shreds.
Suddenly stopping, the grey wolf's ears flick forward, her head turning to something.
A far away howl is heard, the rest of the wolves hearing it as well.
Barking at her pack, the circle breaks, the alpha turning from you and walking away.
"Think of this as a warning, there are worse things than us in these woods human."
Disappearing into the trees, the wolves silently slink away, leaving you alone once more.
You keep your gun trained on where they had left for a while, the only thing heard being your thudding heartbeat.
Letting out a large breath of air, you quickly go squat behind a tree, taking care of business.
Taking a look over your map, you find your approximate location, well outside the known prowling grounds of wolves.

"What are they doing all the way out here?"

Looking up at the dimming sun, you see that you'd need to make camp soon, night quickly approaching.
Well whatever, you'll just have to be more alert now that you knew there were predators skulking about.
Maybe if you set up a blind, a smaller pack might come up on you, getting a large wolf wouldn't be a bad pick, especially if she was the alpha's size.
Trudging deeper into the woods, you find a spot close to a creek to make camp, setting up your small tent and a fire, roasting some sausage on a stick.
You had not seen a single anthro other than those wolves today, probably because they chased them all off or ate them.
Grumbling to yourself, you check your bag's stock, enough food for a few more days if you were sparing.
This may take longer than expected, though you weren't entirely opposed to a long hunt.
Wrapping up dinner, you extinguish your fire and hop into your sleeping bag, getting comfortable.
Zipping up your tent, you continue going over your options of anthros in your head, planning on an early morning.
Drifting off, you're lulled to sleep by the babbling water and light breeze pushing through the trees.


Jolting awake, you fumble for your gun as your sleep was disturbed by a hellish scream.
Unzipping your tent slightly, you peek outside to complete darkness, your entire body bathed in a cold sweat.
What the absolute FUCK was THAT?
It didn't sound too close, but the noise was something you had never heard before, even an animal getting disemboweled didn't sound quite that horrible.
Not wanting to leave the safety of your tent, you lay there praying whatever it was didn't come this way.
The night was deathly silent, your ears listening for even the slightest noise of an owl or branch falling.
Hours pass, barely a sound to be heard.
Eventually your eyes become too heavy and you fall back asleep, clutching your gun to your chest like a teddy bear.

You awoke the next morning to the sunlight filtering through the mesh canopy of you tent.
Sleep didn’t come easy.
'Just what the hell WAS that', you thought to yourself.
There shouldn’t be any humans around for miles. That only leaves the anthros that inhabit the woods nearby.
But still…
Well, there’s no point in mulling it over any further. Daylight was precious, and our pet sex worker wasn’t going to bag and tag itself.
Packing up last night’s camp supplies didn’t take long.
Then I set out on my hunt. It was a slow, quiet day.
I made my way through to a small waterfall I knew of nearby in the hopes that I might find one or two errant creatures grabbing a drink.
There were none, but I did pick up on some tracks, which is a start.
The damnedest thing is…I couldn’t for the life of me place them.
They were big.
Bigger than anything I’d seen around these parts.
Perhaps a mountain lion anthro made it’s way down for hunting of it’s own? >That’d be perfect for a sex pet and worker.
I perched high on a small cliff, overlooking the landscape for any signs of movement, but the air was as cold and still as the trees around me.
'What a drag.' I mused, continuing to trudge through the snow.
It’s at this point I began to considering a fair number of anthros might be hibernating, and that my trip was a bust.
I leaned against a tree to take a sip from my canteen and get my bearings, when I noticed the gashes.
About 4, slicing deep into the trunk of the tree I leaned against.
Wolves don’t do that.
Peering closely, I thought they might be a bear’s. But they were too big.
I continued to survey the area, eyeing more and more marks just like that, when I noticed something in the distance that stood out among the white that blanketed the forest floor.
I made my way over to find blood.
Not much more than a spatter, dry now.
Could have been a owl anthro on a midnight hunt. Those birds are sensual as hell, but hollow bones and field work don’t mesh well.
There was a trail of droplets that lead off into the distance.
Finally, a real lead!
Gathering my energy, I followed them quietly, in the hopes that whatever made them might still be near by.
They continued until they broke through the line of trees and opened up to a small clearing near the base of a cliff.
That’s when I was treated to the sight of a moose, long since dead.
Not an anthro one, but a proper one.
There were two types of animals known to the world, obviously.
Anthromorphs, more evolved animals with a more humanoid appearance and higher intelligence,
and ‘proper’ animals that still conducted themselves as simple base creatures. >This was such an animal, and it had been butchered.
The body was shredded and mangled with it’s lower half having been mostly eviscerated, as if the creature played with it’s food for a time, before discarding it.
This wasn’t the work of the wolf pack I’d seen earlier.
With numbers of that size, there’d be nothing left of this thing.
Truthfully this scene didn’t match the actions of any creature you’d know to live in these woods.
Except supposedly one.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the notion. “There’s no shot, man.”
Absolutely none.
But my curiosity was peaked, nonetheless.
I’d brought some trapping equipment with me to help in my search, and the sun was beginning to set in the sky.
Working outwards from the location of the moose body, I set up a perimeter and found a good vantage point to watch from on the cliff above the clearing.
Then I began laying the traps. I’d have to work quickly if I wanted to finish and get my tent set up before nightfall.
The sun disappeared over the horizon as darkness fell all around me.
The only reason I wasn't completely shrouded in shadow was the full moon covering the landscape with it's white, ethereal glow
I lay on my stomach overlooking the clearing where I’d lay three traps in various locations, my tent set up behind me.
I held my rifle close, the cold air and silence surrounding me, with nothing but the sound of my own steady breathing to keep me company.
I managed to snag a nifty pair of infra-red goggles off the internet for the occasion and would periodically check the traps to see if they’d been triggered, but nothing.
Minutes dragged into hours, and despite my best efforts, I began to doze off.
Fucking hell! I thought, now wide awake.
There it was again.
That haunting cry.
Fumbling for my goggles, I grabbed them and stared into the glowing distance, trying to locate my traps.
Trap one was undisturbed.
Trap two was undisturbed.
Trap three…trap three had been triggered, but it’s been completely destroyed.
It was a simple trap with bait and a suspended net designed to drop after triggering the tripwire.
But the net was torn to shreds.
Hell. The tree I’d set it up on had been completely snapped in two.
I could barely make out indentations in the snow.
Tracks, leading from the trap heading east…
I swallowed tightly.
Towards my location.
Glancing around quickly, I followed them with my goggles until I saw it.
It had to be at least 10 feet tall, hunched over with large, wicked claws.
It’s body a mass of black, twisted fur, with white bone-like protrusions jutting out of it’s back.
And it’s head was adorned with wicked gnarled antlers, while it’s muzzle looked like a cross between a deer and a rabid dog’s, as white as the snow that surrounded it.
They’re just a myth.
They were supposed to just be a myth.
You had heard the idle rumors from people in town.
Old folktales and even schizophrenic ramblings on the internet from supernatural event forums.
Then the words of the alpha wolf rang out in your head amidst the silence.
‘There are worse things than us in these woods, human.’
Like say, a Wendigo
It’s head slowly swiveled around, it’s eyes glowing a unearthly red.
Then suddenly, it stared directly at me.

So there she was standing there lantern in hand, off-white jaw dropped and staring right back at me as I stare at her. She tenses up with a ruffle dropping the rag of cloak on her back. She was an emancipated corpse, pelt and bones and precious little else under those rags. I had no idea what I was supposed to do to diffuse the situation. but I wasn’t going to let this rotting corpse get anywhere near me. The wendigo is a demon, created from antler-bearing anthros who have been corrupted with a hunger for flesh.

I waited, rife raised. and she charged, slapping at my hands as i blast a hole clean through her to no effect. I tried to grab a hand, but she ran into me and drove me back into an embankment. Her boney hands gripped the side of my head by my hair and twisted my head against the snow. She was leaning hard against me, I was lucky she didn’t weigh what her vast volume would have implied lest I have been crushed on the spot. She must have been a grand specimen to behold in life. She bangs her body against mine and tries to get a knee up into my crotch, to smash it in an altogether very unsexual sense of the term. She was heavy and she knocked some air out of me with her big hammer swipes and belly. I grabbed her lift antler and jerked her head back. She moaned a howling reverb through the woods and I twisted her head back and away, no longer in range to bite my face off. I cursed her back and then stunned her with my hard knee right into her pelvic bones cracking something. She moaned and pulled away.

I had her antlers though and dragged her head down to her own waist level with a heave. She grabbed my wrists and dug her nails into them drawing blood. Now I groaned and jerked her head down further, putting all my weight into it. I forced her skull face to the ground on her knees with me on my knees above her pushing her face into the snow. She bleats and reached up and grabbed my ass from below with both hands.
She drove forward on her knees and I felt myself being rolled backwards despite my position. Suddenly the zombie bitch was on top of me, between my legs. I locked my ankles around the neck of her and stopped her moving any higher by capturing the Wendigo in a grappling sleeper hold. She pushed and grunted, but couldn’t move up any higher. I ventured to look back so I could look in her eyes. Those burning red pits were still active all the same and the steady pressure of the animated body parts give no rest no mater how deep i’m able to lock in a sleeper.

The beast roars constantly, in anger. The two of us remained locked like that for minutes on end. My fingers went cold, and then turned numb, and then warm again…bad signs. I grimaced and start to contemplate that this was how i’m going to die. Freezing to death while wrestling an undead moose.

Suddenly pouncing out from the shadows a huskie come running, they are fearful of the terrible supernatural monster, barking away at the unnatural presence until their handler comes running. A reindeer girl tribal with shamanic markings to her. She looks more surprised to see you than the monster but rolls with it. The wendigo is set upon by the she-warrior now beating it over the head with a club. “Keep holding her steady my fellow hunter of the night!”" she cries. The blow spreads cracks across the wendigo's bone head. Making the beast quiver and thrash in place nearly escaping my hold outright, I'm slipping...the monster escapes as the warrior shaman pulls back for another crack at that skull. The windigo defensively raises a claw out, catching the deer's club on the downswing and tossing it aside. She immediately and savagely sprang forwards straddling the girl aiming for the jugular. The girl's canine companion and I both come running to her aid, the Dog clamping it's jaws around the taters the the windigo's ribcage as I come in from behind with the club retrieved from the snow.
I get on the monster's back and struck the bone club against her all-bone head. This time the she-monster wobbles in place where stunned in place but still her paranormal eye lights flicker. It then continued trying to get her jaws around the reindeer girl who was now in the throes of a panic tack scream in terror her regrets about deciding to be a monster hunter. I swing again "My gosh, I think it’s almost knocked out!"

My observation was verified on the fourth smashing of the undead beast’s head causing the monster to fall forwards on top of the deer chest to chest with her having no more kickback. The animated corpse was limp and offering no resistance! She seemed out of it. Those fiery eye pits were faint smolders as though she were sleeping. Two more quick hits to the body and I relaxed, Sprawling on my back and burying my hands into my armpits and leaning against the large corpse.

Still, the raindeer raindeer girl still pinned enieth the windigo and myself was struggling to get out from under the body and then started kicking the windigo as an act of petty spite against undead moose woman. Her cloven foot slams repeatedly against the hard hollow rib cage. “Fucking stay down you flesh mad mega-bitch.”she scowls.

Pub: 05 Nov 2022 21:11 UTC
Edit: 05 Nov 2022 21:15 UTC
Views: 2918