
A night-time ambush

Your name is Mike Schmidt
Almost half a year you moved into an apartment and went on a small adventure involving killer robots, and the power of friendship
You fought and nearly died, and have even dealt with the fact that you came from a different dimension and are the last of your kind in this world
But none of that matters; the bluest thing in the apartment isn't your anxious blue bunny friend
It's your aching balls!
Springtime has come, and with it your roommate Chica's usual outfit of a tank-top, pink thong, and nothing else
Since you were too busy with the aforementioned killer robots and building friendships you hadn't taken time to really notice your friend's choice of dressing
But now that you have time to think, all you can see is that strip of pink disappear into two great globes or orange every single time you look at her walk by
Or feeling it brush against you in the cramped hallway
Or how it flexes so nicely every time she picks something up that requires her to bend over
You'd swear she were doing it on purpose, if she didn't answer the door in nearly that same outfit the first time you ever met her
You just to deal with staring at that glorious orange ass for the time being
You knew that you'd have to relieve the pressure soon or else you might say or do something you'd regret
Or, worse, have to explain some very embarrassing laundry trips
Which is why you found yourself staring at the ceiling late night, waiting for a certain someone to go off for his nightly workout
Like clockwork, the clock hits ten and your bear friend sneaks off to lift and burn off all of his amazing cooking
You strain your ears to listen to his footfalls. He's no Faz, but for a big guy he's surprisingly quiet when he wants to be
The door clicks shut, signaling that Freddy has left towards the gym
You wait a few minutes, in case he had forgotten something, before putting your plan into action
A bit of softcore smut featuring orange chickens given to you by the very source of your current blueballs
A bit of lotion you borrowed from Mangle for "skin care" earlier that week
And, most importantly, some glorious privacy for the first time in what felt like forever
Wasting no time, you slick your hand up with maybe a little too much lotion, the lavender scent filling the air in an instant, and practically tear your pajamas and boxers off of you
You're already so hard, twitching and leaking at the mere thought of finally getting some relief
Normally you would have taken care of yourself in the shower, but with four other people and the chance of Mangle being nearby it was almost worse in every regard
You hold in a satisfied groan with the first touch, just playing with your cockhead and enjoying the sensation of your fingers rubbing under the glans
With your free, clean, hand you flip through the pages of the magazine, getting eyefuls of feathery curves and beaky smiles dripping with suggestion
In hindsight, you think there's no way she did this on accident. A magazine full of tall orange hens in skimpy clothing? Yeah right!
You take a moment to admire the fluffy rear of a particularly thick chicken while your other hand milked you from base to tip slowly
You had about an hour, so you were in no particular hurry
Just you, the ticking of the clock, the soft crinkling of pages, the wet sound of a well-lubed hand, and the dull static in the background
moving downward, you take a moment to massage your balls, soothing their ache a little as well as assuring them that their time will come soon. Real soon, if you're any judge of yourself
As you got further in, the pictures got more and more risque; it's amazing how closely they can skirt the line between cheesecake and smut these da-
Wait, static? Why was there static?
A shiver runns up your spine as you look around
The room was dark, but you swear you didn't hear anyone come in
Didn't sound like the TV in the living room, either
Where was that coming from? It was ahead of you, but...oh
Looking up towards the vent, you lock eyes with Mangle's head poking out of the hole in the ceiling
In one hand is some sort of camera, in the other a bottle of oil similar to the lotion she borrowed you
Time seemed to freeze, with the only change being more of Mangle pouring out of the vent, until only her hips and legs were still obscured
Then all at once, displaying surprising dexterity, she swung out of the vent and directly at you!
You panicked, trying to simultaneously cover up and raise a hand to defend yourself
The result was you flailing uselessly as Mangle covered your mouth in hers with an awkward, forceful kiss
Though it seemed more like a bite, her longer snout's teeth grazing your cheeks as her tongue forced its way into your mouth
meanwhile, as your vision was filled with Mangle's face, you felt her legs graze either side of your hips, your erection pressed against her stomach as she leaned in close
For a slender thing, she was strong! Or rather she was tenacious! It was impossible to really shake her off before she adjusted her grip on your hands and doubled down again
It didn't help that you desperately needed air, and struggling against her wasn't doing you any favors in conserving what you had left
When her lithe form was fully against yours, she released your mouth, only for a paw to cover it a moment later
"I-I'm sorry, Freddy darling, but weren't supposed to be awake so late!" she apologized, though you can tell that there's something more to it
"Please don't be angry! I just noticed that you seemed a little...'backed up'...and wanted to help you find some release. P-purely benevolent."
You were still doing you damnedest to buck her off, but trying to do so was like trying to shake off oil, or free yourself of a web
But she moved with you, panting as she turned your movements to thrust against her exposed fur
You weren't proud of yourself when you found the texture of her fur more than a little pleasant
In fact it felt better than it had any right to, and your last few attempts to get her off might have also been excuses to feel that sensation again
She seemed to notice this, trying and failing to hide a smirk as she shifted gears
"But it seems you have decided to 'take things into your own hands', hmm? And with the lotion you borrowed from with with such innocent words." She cooed, drawing closer to you, to whisper into your ear "Didn't I say that if you ever needed my services, to just ask?"
She moved your other wrist to one hand, holding them both easier than should be possible. The free hand moved under the sheets that she had covered you both with at some point
You tensed up, caught between emotions when you felt her touching you. Gently at first, but soon with more urgency as her own needs made themselves present
"Don't get me wrong, Foxy, I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed in you. We've shared so much together with our time together; we even share a plate during meals..."
The whole time she spoke, her busy fingers crept further and further south, playing your member and your senses like and instrument she had spent years practicing
You didn't say anything, trying to keep the pleasure off of your face
"Why would it be strange to share pleasures as well?"
The hand left your crotch for a moment, leaving the covers to show how sticky it had become in even the dull light that came in through the window
Even if you hadn't seen it, she made it clear whens he ran the fingers she had been touching you with stroke down slowly from your chin, to your chest, past your stomach to again rest against your manhood
"What do you say? I'll remove this hand if you promise not to make a fuss. Trust me, Sweetie, my paws can do all sorts of things~"
You felt a claw run up the underside of your member, and the electric thrill it that ran up your spine must have been all over your face, as she added with a wide, toothy grin, "Wonderfully TERRIBLE things, and terribly WONDERFUL things."
The raw lust dripping from every word she spoke made it hard to remember that she had just lunged at you from the ceiling after being busted in the act of doing...something that needed a camera and lotion
But the look she gave you, that cocky leer from your right as she rested her head on your shoulder
The feeling of those fingers making you feel things you didn't think fingers could do
The fuzz in your brain as fear and arousal mixed together into something heady and potent
You couldn't for anything resembling a response, instead finding yourself unable to focus on anything but the sensations she inflicted on you
It seemed, in your moment of 'consideration', she had grown impatient
The paw covering your mouth was removed, but again was taken by hers. Possessively, claiming it as hers as a too-long tongue wrestled against yours
She made sure that you understood that you, for tonight at least, were hers and hers alone
And in spite of yourself, that felt right
Your place was as prey to this stalking thing that watched you with hungry eyes
That took in every movement with consideration
That had waited to ambush you, and caught you in kind
As she pulled away, she caught your lip in her teeth for a second, chuckling as you winced a little from the sting
The hand that covered your mouth curled around your shoulder, and a second one joined the first on your other side, pushing herself up to straddle your lap
You could see she was wearing a long silk gown, her petite breasts outlined in the sheer fabric
Somewhere under there, you felt her guide your member to line you up against her sex, before sighing and lowering herself down onto you
She gave you no time to enjoy the sensation, rolling her hips in lazy circles, pressing you into your own bed and she took her time milking you
Playing over your skin with teeth and claws, while just barely raising her hips off of you
Keeping you planted deep in her while she primed your body
By the time you felt yourself reaching your finish, your torso was covered in scratches and nips,
smeared with lipstick, and bathed in her scent
You were so close, and from the near manic look in her eye, she was too
Her her chest rose and fell as you watched her expression change
Somewhere between crazed and lovestruck as she hunched over you
Watching your face as she used your shoulders like handles
She started to gain speed, bed creaking under your weight as her thrusting against you went from lazy riding to near-feral pounding
Her eyes weren't focused on you, but staring through you as she focused purely on her own pleasure now
Her movements where heavy and forceful, rough as they were purely sexual, trying to press as much of you into her as she could
There was no pretense of seduction or playfulness in this, just the pursuit of that climax she had teased around for so long
You were going to come with her, but whether you did or not didn't matter
All at once she went rigid, and you felt her wringing your member as hit her peak
By the expression on her face, a very un-ladylike face you weren't aware she could make, it was a big one
You came right along with her, thrusting your hips up to meet hers, to dump your seed as deep as you could
It just wouldn't stop, and Mangle rolling her hips against yours only kept it going longer
By the time she had stopped, you could feel it leaking out to run down your already Mangle-wet testes
She collapsed against you, chest heaving as she alternated between kissing and biting your neck
You tiredly put your arm around her waist
Can it be considered rape if you came like a freight train?
You didn't have time to finish that thought, as the two of you froze
The sound of a door closing...Freddy had come back from his workout!
You look to Mangle, urging her to leave
But the expression she gave you, her tiny pupils and grin that was nearly more teeth than face...
Her hips started moving again
"Mangle what are yo-"
Her hands covered your mouth again
Beneath you, you could hear the door to your room open, and Freddy walk in
As you tried to make a sound, you realized just how sensitive you still were
She must have known, because her movements changed so that each time she'd tighten up to wring you again
A small groan in your throat as she seemed to focus entirely on you, moving in subtle ways to give you as much stimulation as possible
Too much, in fact
Every movement was like a shock through your core, and every pull back she'd pause just enough for you to notice when she pushed you back in to the hilt
"Michael?" You heard Freddy quietly call from below ""Je ne t'ai pas réveillé, j'espère ..."
A particularly slow pull off of you made you breathing catch a bit, you could hear him continue pick up something and flip through the pages before something was thrown into the trash
"Je ne vais pas vous juger, mais je pense que vous devriez dire à Chiclet à propos de vos sentiments envers les poules une de ces jours. Il n'est pas bon de boucher ces choses trop longtemps. Bonne nuit, et ne reste plus longtemps ...".
And with that, you hear him climb into bed without so much as a word
All the while Mangle slowly rode you, keeping you hard through sheer attention, before you felt her clench up on you again
This time when she took your mouth, you could feel her moaning into you, before her thighs clenched around your hips and she climaxed again
Again you were brought to the edge, and again you emptied your submission into her
The sensitivity only got worse, with your nails digging into her as she continued to ride you through your orgasm
You weren't even sure HOW you were staying hard, but under her you didn't seem on losing your erection any time soon
For the next hour you drifted in and out of consciousness, sometimes the image of Mangle filled your vision
The feeling of delirious bliss on her face as your tired hips rose to meet hers again
Sometimes her face as she kissed you through one of her own shuddering climaxes
Sometimes her head resting on your chest as something stayed lodged in your anus
Sometimes the only indication that she was there being the lump under the sheets rising and falling, trying to coax you to readiness again
Until finally blackness took you properly
You woke up with every part of your body aching, and sprawled halfway on the floor
it feels like you had fallen out of your bed
The events of last night were a blur to you, but looking around you managed to piece them together
The smut in the trash, along with the dozen or so tissues painted a pretty clear picture, but with how sore your crotch was you couldn't really deny it
For some reason you felt like there was more to it than that
You could smell the remnants of breakfast, and lament that you had overslept again
You really shouldn't stay up so late, even if you needed to burn off some stress
Wincing, you take an inventory of the various cuts you have, and consider yourself lucky you didn't crack your head on the side of the desk or something on your way down
Carefully, you pull on some clothes and make your way to the living room
Everyone is sitting on the couch, watching TV and having a conversation
Mangle is the first to notice you, "Well good morning, Foxy, dear. With the way you were snoring I thought I would have to go in there and rouse you awake myself."
For some reason that makes your skin crawl more than it should, recalling the impromptu massage she had given you way back when
Chica chimes in, "Em we've been over this: Mike's got some space issues and probably wouldn't appreciate you being the first thing he sees waking up."
Mangle throws a paw against her forehead in mock horror, "Bonnie! I would never be so uncouth!"
"Il était en train de lutter contre un serpent terrifiant pour sauver une grande fille de ses rêves. Je ne vais pas faire ses feuilles cette fois-ci." Freddy chimed in, and your cheeks burn when you realize who must have cleaned up the mess you left behind
"Sorry, Freddy." you say, "I'm going to go hit the shower, and uh..."
"Yeah yeah. Your plate's in the fridge." Chicha chides, "Mangle you mind heating that up for him?"
"Of course, Bonnie. I'll have that up in a moment."
As you enter the shower, you can't help but feel like you are missing something big, but for the life of you can't remember what.
As the soap washes away the sweat and grime, you will never notice the bits of pink that drain with it
Or the lipstick around your dick's base
or the claw-like marks on your back, chalking them up to more fall damage
Or the pair of orange eyes watching you hungrily from the vents

Pub: 20 Jul 2022 03:03 UTC
Views: 823