RimWorld mod list
Created with RimSort v1.0.10
Mod list was created for game version: 1.5.4243 rev947
Local mods are marked as yellow labels with packageid in brackets.
Mod list length: 601
3. Fishery - Modding Library {packageid: bs.fishery}
4. RimWorld {packageid: ludeon.rimworld}
5. Performance Fish {packageid: bs.performance}
7. RimWorld - Royalty {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}
8. RimWorld - Ideology {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}
9. RimWorld - Biotech {packageid: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}
- Big and Small - Framework
- HugsLib
- A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
- AAAA(Allowed Area Automatic Adapter)
- AFU男士发型_Men's hairstyles
- ATH's Retexture Jacket
- ATH's Styleable Framework
- Adaptive Storage Framework
- Advanced Biomes (Continued)
- All Memories Fade
- Almostthere1.5
- Alpha Memes
- Animal Foods Extended
- Animal Genetics (Continued)
- Animal Hide Walls + Carpets(Continued)
- Animal Medical Bed 1.5
- Animal Resource Label
- Animal Sarcophagus
- Animal Tab
- Animals Forage
- Animals Gender On Caravan
- Animals Logic
- Animals are fun! (Continued)
- Aoba's Various Apparel vol.1
- Apothecary (Continued)
- Area Unlocker
- Argonic Core
- Armor Racks
- Art on Neolithic Weapons
- Auto links
- Backstory Constructor
- Bad Can Be Good (Continued)
- Beat Your Prisoners (Continued)
- Beautiful Bodies
- Beautiful Outdoors
- Bed Rest For Food Poisoning
- Better Beggars (Continued)
- Better Children Skill Learning
- Better Gene Graphics Framework
- Better Gene Inheritance
- Better Transhumanists
- Big Little Mod Patch
- Biomes! Fossils
- Bionic icons
- Biotech Expansion - Core
- Biotech Robust Gene Expansion
- BiotechTerrainOverhaul
- Blood Animations
- Blooming hedges
- Blueprints
- Bo's Milkable Animals
- Brain In a Jar
- Brrr and Phew (Continued)
- Build From Inventory
- Bunk Beds
- Burial Urns
- Camera+
- Camping Tent
- Caravan Activities Framework
- Ceiling Mounted Orbital Trade Beacon
- Character Editor
- Childhood Backstories
- Childrens Drawings
- Chill the F*** Out
- Choose Your Outfit
- Clean Pathfinding 2
- Compact Hediffs
- Component 3D Printers
- Consistent Map Stone (Continued)
- Cooking with Pemmican
- Crop Rotation
- Crowns and Regalia
- Custom Prisoner Interactions
- Custom Ritual Framework
- Custom player icon (Continued)
- Cuter Biotech Cat/Dog Ear Replacer
- DDI - Deep Drill Indicator
- Damage Indicators [1.5]
- Defensive Positions
- Disable Automatically Select Travel Supplies
- Do Your F** Research
- Door Mat
- Dress for the Weather
- Dub's Paint Shop
- Dubs Bad Hygiene
- Dubs Mint Menus
- Dubs Mint Minimap
- Dubs Performance Analyzer
- Dubs Skylights
- Ducks' No Limits - Ideology (Continued)
- Dynamic Trade Interface
- Elite Bionics Framework
- EndlessGrowth
- Enemy Self Preservation
- Engine Industries
- Epic Rivers
- Erin's Final Fantasy Animals
- Erin's Friendly Ferrets
- Erin's Hairstyles - Redux
- Erin's Hairstyles 2
- Erin's Mountain Animals
- Erin's Palamutes
- Erin's Wildlife
- Euglena Framework
114. ExportedXenotypeStorageModFolder {packageid: gege.exportedxenotypestoragemodfolder}
- Faction Customizer
- Farmable Neutroamine
- Fireplace
- Fireworks
- Fix Styled Blueprints
- Floordrawings
- Floors Are (Almost) Worthless
- Food Poisoning Stack Fix (Continued)
- Food Texture Variety Core
- Fortifications - Medieval
- Fortifications - Medieval - Material
- Fortifications - Neolithic
- From Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
- Fulfillment
- Geological Landforms
- Geothermal Coolers
- Get Out Of My Chair!
- Giddy-Up 2 Forked
- Glowing eyes genes
- Go Explore!
- Go the Fork to Sleep
136. Godlike Trait Lite {packageid: phunky.godliketraitlite}
- Graphics Settings+
- Grass Is Still Hay
- Growth Moments Make Sense Now
- Guarding Pawns
- Guards For Me
- Hair Extensions
- Hard Times: Hair and Beards
- Haul to Stack
- Hay doesn't need Cooling!
- Historical Religious Symbols
- Holsters
- Home Sweet Home
- Hoods and Helmets
- Hunt for Me
- Hunters Use Melee! (Continued)
- Hunting Traps
- I Miss My Limbs
- Infestations Spawn in Darkness
- Insect jelly is safe
- Integrated Genes
- Interaction Bubbles
- Just Ignore Me Passing
- Just Put It Over There
- Just a ventolin
- Kidnapped Pawns Die Less
- Kill For Me
- Layered Wall Destruction
- Live With The Pain
- Livestock Traders
- Machines of War
- Mahjong Table
- Malnutrition Reworked
- Map Designer
- Map Mode Framework
- Map Preview
- Mass Lovin'
- Medicines+ 1.5
- Mercer's Backpacks (Continued)
- Metabolic Adjusters (LEGACY)
- Metal Don't Burn (UNOFFICIAL 1.4 PATCH)
- Micro Comms Console
- Military Surplus Ideo Style Clothes
- Mines 2.0
- Mining Priority
- Misc. Training
- Moloy Traits (Continued)
- More Descriptive Words and Names
- More Faction Interaction (Continued)
- More Gene Complexity
- More Genes
- More Harvest Designators!
- More Persona Traits
- More Precepts
- More Religious Origins
- More Ritual Rewards (1.4+)
- More Sculpture
- More Than Capable (1.5)
- More Vanilla Biomes
- More Vanilla Fences
- Morphs Assorted Biotech Retex
- Mud's Tribal Apparel
- Mushroom Beer
- Muzzle Flash
- MyRoom - I want that (Continued)
- Natural Paths
- Neolithic Scavenging (Continued)
- Nightmare Core
- No Hopeless Romance
- No Random Apparel on Ideology Edit
- No Random Relations
- No Version Warning
- Obsidia Expansion - Ideology Icons
- OverflowingFlowers
- P-Music
- Pack Mules Extended
- Parka Retexture
- Party Your F** Ass Off
- Pathfinding Framework
- Peer Pressure
- Performance Optimizer
- Persistent Precepts
- Personal Sofa
- Plate Helmet
- Pocket Sand
- Ponpeco Hair
- Ponpeco Kids' Clothes
- Positive Connections
- Precepts and Memes (Continued)
- Prepare Landing for 1.5
- Primitive Core
- Priority Treatment Ressurected
- Prisoners Dont Have Keys
- Quality Bionics (Continued)
- QualityBuilder
- Quarry
- Questing Meme
- RPG Style Inventory
- RT Fuse
- Raids For Me
- Random Chance
- ReTend
- Real Faction Guest (Continued)
- Realistic Human Sounds (Continued)
- Realistic Ranching
- Realistic Rooms Rewritten
- Red's Performance Fixes (aka. Comp EggLayer Fix)
- Relations Tab
- Remedies (Continued)
- Rename Pawns
- Replimat
- Research Data
- Research Reinvented
- Research Tree (Continued)
- Reunion
- RimSaves
- RimTraits: General Traits
- RimTraits: Vanilla Trait Colors
- Rimsenal - Hair pack
- Roads of the Rim (Continued)
- Room Food
- Roots of Rimworld
- Rows Apparel
- Royalty Tweaks
- RunAndGun
- Sane Skills - Realistic Skill Rarity
- Sanguophage Faction
- Seamless Embrasures
- Set Owner for Prisoner Beds
- Settlement quests
- Shoo!
- Show Me Your Hands
- Show Mod Updates
- Simple Kimono
- Simple Warrants
- Simple sidearms
- Slave Rebellions Improved (Continued)
- SlaveBar
- Smaller radius for Anima Trees, Shrines and Animus Stones
- Smart Speed
- Smarter Construction
- Smarter Deconstruction and Mining (Continued)
- Smarter Visitors
- SpeakUp
- Stabilize
- Standalone Hot Spring
- Stylized Slave Collars and Headgears
- Synergistic Traits
- T's Wild Child Rags
- TDS Bug Fixes
- Tattoos Expanded
- Tech Tattoos
- Textiles+(continued)
- The Tuffalo
- Therapy
- Tilled Soil
- Toddlers
- Toggle Harvest
- Trade UI Revised
- Tradeable Trinkets (Continued)
- Trait Slots Plus
- Trait and Backstory Icons
- Tribal Backstories
- Tribal Crib
- Tribal Tattoos
- Ugh You Got Me
- Ugly Together
- Use Bedrolls
- Utility Columns
- Vanilla Achievements Expanded
- Vanilla Beards Retextured
- Vanilla Books Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
- Vanilla Events Expanded
- Vanilla Fix: Haul After Slaughter
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Vanilla Genes Rebalanced
- Vanilla Hair Expanded
- Vanilla Hair Retextured
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
- Vanilla Skin Tone Genes
- Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
- Vanilla Trading Expanded
- Vanilla Traits Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
- Vehicle Framework
- Verbose
- Virtue Framework
- Visible Cybernetics
- Visit Settlements
- Wall Decorations
- Water is Cold
- We Are United
- What's for sale?
- Won hair_men
- Won hair_women
- World Map Beautification Project (Continued)
- Worthless Junk (Continued)
- XML Extensions
- Xml Patch Helper
- [1.5 Fork] Xenotype And Ideology Buttons TitleScreen
- [CAT] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats
- [CF] Better Looking Plants
- [CP] Prisoner Outfit
- [CZK] Eye Prosthetics (Continued)
- [Dizzy] Flower Equality (Regrowth)
- [FSF] Growable Grass
- [GMT] Trading Spot
- [Kit] Graze up
- [Kit] Just A Flesh Wound
- [LC] Consolidated Traits
- [LTO] Colony Groups
- [NL] Facial Animation - WIP
- [O21] WikiRim (Continued)
- [RH2] BCD: First Aid
- [RH2] CPERS: Arrest Here!
- [RH2] Hand-To-Hand
- [RH2] Rimmu-Nation² - Clothing
- [SR]Realistic Ore Generation (Continued)
- [SYR] Harvest Yield (Continued)
- [T] MoreFloors 1.5
- [WD] Realistic Darkness
- ilyvion's Laboratory
- pphhyy Sanguinary Animals
- pphhyy's Demigryphs
- 1-2-3 Personalities M1
- AFU Cosmetic Gene Expanded
- AFU女士发型_Women's hairstyles
- ATH's style Gothic and Bloody Gothic
- Animal Hide Walls Retextured
- Biome Transitions
- Biomes! Core
- Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
- Biotech Expansion - Mythic
- Boundary Training
- CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
- Colonial Shuttle
- Colony Manager Redux
- Common Sense
- DBH & VFEC/Hot Spring Compatibility
- Euglena Expanded - Euglena Xenotype
- Fishing Boats (Continued)
- Food Texture Variety
- Harvest Everything!
- Hospitality
- Injured Carry
- JecsTools
- Jewelry
- MedPod
- Medicine Crate (with Adaptive Storage Framework)
- Megafauna
- Museums
- Nice Hands Retexture
- Ornithopter
- OverflowingFlowers - English Translation
- Precepts and Memes - Rituals module (Continued)
- Primitive Workbenches
- ReGrowth: Expanded World Generation (Continued)
- Reel's Expanded Storage
- Replace Stuff
- Research Reinvented: Stepping Stones
- RimFlix (Continued)
- Rimsenal Hair Retextured
- Snap Out!
- Soil Relocation Framework (Continued)
- TasteOfVanilla-ish Hotspring Retexture Alt
- Tribals Have Guns
- Un-Limited Reborn
- Van's Retexture : Misc. Training
- Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Waste Bin (with Adaptive Storage Framework)
- Yayo's Animation (Continued)
- [CF] Bionic Icons HD
- [CF] Dubs Bad Hygiene Upscaled
- [CF] Temp Better Looking Farmable Neutroamine
- [JGH] Quarry retexture
- [NL] Facial Animation - Experimentals
- [RF] Tribal Pawn Names (Continued)
- 1-2-3 Personalities M2
- Alpha Mythology
- Colored deep resources
- Det's Xenotypes - Stoneborn
- Dinosauria
- Dubs Break Mod
- EBSG Framework
- Erin's Decorations
- Erin's Shisune
- Exosuit Framework
- Faction Control (1.4/1.5)
- Harvest Organs Post Mortem
- LWM's Deep Storage
- Personalities: 16 Personalities
- Primitive Workbenches Retexture
- ReSplice: Charmweavers
- Salted Meat
- Vanilla Animals Expanded
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Royal Animals
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Waste Animals
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Vanilla Backstories Expanded
- Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids 2
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Vanilla Food Variety Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Vanilla Helixien Gas Expanded
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Sophian Style
- Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded
- Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Android
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Custom Icons
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Fungoid
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Highmate
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Pigskin
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster
- Vanilla Recycling Expanded
- Vanilla Skills Expanded
- Vanilla Temperature Expanded
- Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
- WVC - Xenotypes and Genes
- ↁ Elves (Continued)
- ATH's Style Female Dresses
- Adaptive Trash Storage
- Better Insect Jelly
- Big and Small - Genes & More
- Biomes! Caverns
- Combat Psycasts
- De-generalize Work
- Fish Traps
- Graying Hair
- Mad Skills
- More Linkables
- More Planning [1.5]
- One bed to sleep with all - Polycule Edition
- Oracle's Skill Icon Retextures
- Progression: Warrants
- ReGrowth: Core
- VE Outpost Addiction Fix
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
- Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Deserters
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Hemosage
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - Puppeteer
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Archon
- Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
- Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Tier 3
- Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Upgrades
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- [JDS] Simple Storage
- [JPT] Soft Warm Beds (Continued)
- [SYR] Processor Framework
- Allow Tool
- Alpha Mechs
- Appliances Expanded
- Big and Small - Weapons
- Pick Up And Haul
- ReBuild: Doors and Corners
- ReGrowth: Arid
- ReGrowth: Aspen
- ReGrowth: Boiling
- ReGrowth: Boreal
- ReGrowth: Swamp
- ReGrowth: Temperate
- ReGrowth: Tropical
- ReGrowth: Tundra
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Power Grid
- Vanilla Textures Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
- [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
- Animal Variety Coats
- Ask Before Enter
- Expanded Materials - Metals
- More Vanilla Textures
- ReGrowth: ReTextures
- Some Things Float
- Trash Mod
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Delivery Logistics
- Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Insector
- WarCasket Expanded
- [CF] Misc Upscaled Textures
- Alpha Animals
- Dryads & Gauranlen Trees Reworked
- Erin's Cat Overhaul
- VFME - Caravan Packs!
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms
- ↁ Dryad Retexture
- Biomes! Prehistoric
- Clean Textures
- Combat Extended
- RG Bigger Trees
- Realistic Plant Cycles 2.0
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded Pack
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Alpha Genes
- Amplified Mobility Platform
- Ancient mining industry
- Ancient urban ruins
- Apex: Rimworld Legends (Continued)
- Better Pawn Control
- Fortifications - Industrial
- God Emperor Patch for Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Hats Display Selection
- Mechanization - MobileWorker
- ModularWeapons
- Reel's Insector Faction
- Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded
- What's That Mod
- [1.5-1.4] CAI 5000 - Advanced AI + Fog Of War
- [XND] Tiny Tweaks (Continued)
- Achtung!
- Even More Linkables
- Fortification Industrial - Citadel
- Hooded Capes and Armor
- Melee Animation
- [FSF] Complex Jobs
589. RimJobWorld {packageid: rim.job.world}
590. C0ffeeRIA {packageid: c0ffee.rjw.ideologyaddons}
591. RJW Menstruation Cycle {packageid: rjw.menstruation}
592. RJW Sexperience Ideology {packageid: rjw.sexperience.ideology}
593. RJW-Events {packageid: c0ffee.rjw.events}
594. RimJobWorld - Cum {packageid: rjw.cum}
595. RimJobWorld - FB {packageid: rjw.fb}
596. RimJobWorld - FH {packageid: rjw.fh}
597. RimJobWorld - Interaction Addon {packageid: ed86.rjwia}
598. RimJobWorld - STD {packageid: rjw.std}
599. RimJobWorld - Whoring {packageid: rjw.whoring}
601. RJW VE Highmate and Ideology patches Modified by Nil {packageid: rjw.ve_patches}