DOOM Stuff

GZDoom Configs



am_colorset 0
am_linethickness 1
am_showitems 1
am_showtime 0
am_textured 0
bind . "freeze"
bind [ "noclip"
bind ] "give infrared"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind mwheeldown weapprev
bind mwheelup weapnext
bind home "map *"
bind pgdn "nextmap"
//When true, it overrides the inverse colormap of powerups, allowing for the use of a custom colormap of the user's choice.
cl_customizeinvulmap 1
cl_maxdecals 0
cl_rockettrails 0
cl_run 0
classic_scaling_pixelaspect 1
compat_notossdrops 1
crosshair 7
crosshairscale 0.3
//disableautosave 2
//0=Don't show anything(default), 1=Show inventory tags, 2=Show weapon tags, 3=Show both inventory and weapon tags (0 for VKDoom)
displaynametags 0
fov 100
//Banded Software Light (Software and Hardware). (1 for Vanilla)
//gl_bandedswlight 1
gl_enhanced_nightvision 0
//Fog. Chooses how distance fog is generated. 0=No fog, 1=Standard fog, 2=Radial fog
gl_fogmode 1
//Spectre fuzz effect. 0=Shadow (equivalent to RenderStyle Shadow), 1=Pixel fuzz, 2=Smooth fuzz, 3=Swirly fuzz, 4=Translucent fuzz, 6=Noise, 7=Smooth Noise, 8=Software (8 for Vanilla)
gl_fuzztype 8
//0=(Standard): Uses a standard OpenGL formula. Dark sectors appear much lighter than they would in vanilla Doom, 8=(Software): GLSL-based emulation of the ZDoom software renderer's lighting, based on the equations used by Id to generate the original colormaps. Virtually identical to original Doom. (8 for Vanilla)
//gl_lightmode 8
//Enables or disables the entire dynamic light subsystem. (0 for Vanilla)
//gl_lights 0
//Particle style 0=Square, 1=Round, 2=Smooth(default). Selects how particles are rendered. The "smooth" option uses a texture with gradually increasing alpha toward its edges, whereas "square" and "round" use solid primitives and are therefore much faster to render. (0 for Vanilla)
//Shadowmap filter 1=default (0 for Vanilla)
//gl_shadowmap_filter 0
//Shadowmap quality 512=default (128 for Vanilla)
//gl_shadowmap_quality 128
//Adjust sprite clipping (Never/Smart/Always/Smarter). Never: Offsets are not adjusted at all., Smart: Offsets are only adjusted if they meet certain criteria., Always: Offsets are always adjusted if they make the sprite sink in the ground., Smarter: Offsets are adjusted in a wider range of cases than with "smart", including if they sink in the ceiling. The amount by which they are adjusted is scaled according to the overall height of the sprite. Very small sprites (such as POB2A0) are visible, contrarily to "smart", even if they are offset in the ceiling (such as CDRP[ABCD]0); and tall sprites (such as TGRNA0) do not seem to hover above the floor, contrarily to "always".
gl_spriteclip 3
//Texture filter 4=default (0 for Vanilla)
gl_texture_filter 0
//Anisotropic filter 8=default (0 for Vanilla)
//gl_texture_filter_anisotropic 0
hud_althud 1
//hud_althudscale 2
hud_showitems 1
m_sensitivity_x 1
m_sensitivity_y 1
m_simpleoptions 0
m_use_mouse 0
quicksaverotation 1
//Setting this to false will disable all translucency effects in the game.
//r_drawtrans 0
//Dynamic lights (Software) 1=on(default), 0=off(original) (0 for Vanilla)
//r_dynlights 0
r_fuzzscale 1
//Classic transparency 0=Force ZDoom translucency, 1=Force vanilla opaqueness, 2=Prefer ZDoom translucency. Turn translucency off only if a DEHACKED lump is loaded while no ZScript lump is present, 3=Prefer vanilla opaqueness. Turn translucency on only if a DECORATE lump is loaded while no ZScript lump is present (1 or 3 for Vanilla)
r_vanillatrans 3
save_dir saves
screenshot_dir saves
showendoom 2
snd_menuvolume 0.05
//snd_mididevice 0
snd_musicvolume 0
snd_sfxvolume 0.8
//sv_noautoaim 1
telezoom 0
//Lost soul translucency 0.75=25%(default), 1=0%(original) (0 for Vanilla)
//transsouls 0
//uiscale 6
vid_gamma 1.1
vid_maxfps 0
//GPU API 0=SDL+OpenGL, 1=SDL+Vulkan, 2=SDL+OpenGL Direct3D 9, 3=SDL+OpenGL ES
//vid_preferbackend 0
//Render mode 4=Hardware Accelerated(default), 0=Doom Software Renderer(original) (0 for Vanilla)
//vid_rendermode 0
//Linear Scaling (Fullscreen)
vid_scale_linear 0
vid_vsync 1

crosshairon 0
//Tonemap Mode 0=Off/Default, 5=Palette (5 for Vanilla)
gl_tonemap 5
//Old Scale HUD 0=Big like Doom, 1=Small GZDoom default
hud_oldscale 0
nocheats 0
sv_cheats 1
//sv_fastweapons 2
//sv_infiniteammo 1
//sv_infiniteinventory 1
//Crouch, Freelook, Jump: 0=Default, 1=Force disallowing, 2=Force allowing
sv_crouch 1
sv_freelook 1
sv_jump 1
//sv_pistolstart 1

//Screen resolution: 1280x720 is fast and smooth in Software Renderer mode.

//"No vertical trust from explosions = compatflags2=256", "Use original DOOM explosion behavior = compatflags2=512", Both = compatflags2=768
Pub: 03 Apr 2024 02:22 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2024 11:15 UTC
Views: 1541